Sugarcube Progress

The conversion to Sugarcube is going well, so well in fact that all of the content in the initial release has been converted!

The main reason for this conversion is to add a save function that comes built into Sugarcube and was missing in Harlowe

This update doesn't have anything new in it except for some Chapter 2 teasers at the end screen

For now, I'm taking this game off of "On hold" and putting it back to "In progress" since I'm now resuming work on Chapter 2

I still have to convert what's already in Chapter 2 but that's not accessable in the released version (if it is, I've screwed up somewhere)

Hopefully the next update won't be too far away!


PokeBreeder SC 8 MB
Oct 09, 2023

Get The Legendary Pokemon Breeder


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Hi how does it work with I'm using the app if it's safe to mention and well do I keep the save? It's not difficult to replay but that would be good to know.

(1 edit)

I've never used the app, so no clue I'm afraid

Hhhmm okay, i was told it's better for updates and to be honest not sure how you update data without having the app. 

Do you always just download it again or how would you do it? I guess I'm asking for an example to learn here, but don't expect it to soon.

I don't think I quite get your question, do you mean "How do I update the game?"
Just upload it again, sorry if that wasn't the answer you were looking for

Yes I guess this time I just tried to ask how I would update the game, if I don't have the app  (English is not my main language.)

I started getting curious about how you would go and update the game when you don't have the app. 

Some comment a few years ago or something, must be at fault for me thinking you have to swap some data around or something like that.

I think the app makes updating easier since you can only upload the NEW data instead of doing the whole thing
A game like mine has a fairly small file size so I can just upload it through the website

nice the game is good


so i've tried some generation on FrostingAI with yiffymix. and it seems to have more problems generating mon the further into the generations you get. especially grass types. you had any luck with Celebi yet?

Honestly, I've been encountering the same problem, Celebi in particular seemed to be a tricky one

My plan going forward is to get my images to be "Close Enough"

I've already had to use a generic Yellow Tiger for Raikou because I couldn't get decent images for her, I'll probably try again in the future

from what i learned. Yiffymix seems to take from E621's tags in terms of it's prompts. i think the way it works is that the more a specific prompt is present as a tag on e621. the more likely it is to get the right result. and plant OC's seem to be REALLY common... so that might be why Celebi seems to be tricky.