Plans for Manaphy - CLOSED - THANKS FOR THE HELP
Hey everyone, I've talked about this in the comments already but now I'm actually going to ask you guys for some input
For the most part, I'm happy to just write whatever I feel like writing but the idea I've come up with for Manaphy is one where...
Well I'm worried that it won't be well received and I want to have the time to change it if it isn't.
Let me explain what I have planned.
In the actual games, Pokemon Breeding has a few notable quirks, like how it's entirely possible to make your Mons commit acts of incest (something I referenced with Latias and Latios), I want to reference these quirks when I'm writing Manaphy.
Particularly the fact that a Level 1 Mon, fresh out of the egg, is still perfectly capable of breeding.
Also that a single stage Mon (like Manaphy) will hatch out fully grown.
My plan at the moment is that the MC of Pokebreeder will have to guard a Manaphy egg and get it to a safe place where it can hatch, the Manaphy that hatches will imprint onto the MC and immediately join the Harem.
So as you can see, my plan IS supported by the in game mechanics BUT I'm also fully aware that this idea might not sit right in some people's minds, so if you have any sort of input about the idea, if you like it or if you don't, please leave a comment below.
I won't start writing Manaphy's section for some time, so if you guys aren't a fan of the plan, I've got time to change it
Thanks, Chainsaw
Get The Legendary Pokemon Breeder
The Legendary Pokemon Breeder
Explore the world of Pokemon and save the Legendary Pokemon from extinction... By impregnating them!
Status | In development |
Author | Brpdchainsaw |
Tags | Adult, Erotic, futa, harem, hyperpregnant, inflation, Parody, pokemon, pregnancy, pregnant |
Languages | English |
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i feel like once you breed arceus you beat the game by being able to breed all Pokemon with the Pokemon gods powers
Might be a bit unnecessary.. But would it be possible to have an interaction where Manaphy (as an egg or not) cause an heartswap between the MC and one of the legendaries? Just a simple thought that I think could be fun.
I was planning to make reference to the heartswap but I forgot if I did or not...
It'll get used at some point though
As regards Manaphy, why not make it where the egg is like a cacoon that it returns to after a set amount of time? It could be aware of all the happenings around it and when it comes out of the egg, it is already aware of who you are and what you are doing.
Manaphy has already been written, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.
I know I'm late but maybe a side scene after the region is beat that you will walk in on the pokemon born from the egg fully grown and the explanation will be that pokemon mature very quickly
I've actually already written Manaphys section now, but I appreciate the input anyway
I've laid in on pretty heavy that she's fully grown as soon as she hatches, I tried to make it as clear as I could
Thanks for your input everyone!
It looks like most of you are willing to trust me with this plan and you've given me some good ideas to make it work too.
I might actually start writing her section next while all these suggestions are fresh in my head
probably a good idea
i like the idea
I like this concept, my thoughts are that with mewtwo being so attached to the Mc, there's a psychic link, so if she tries to "read" the egg, the link may impact the manaphy inside, taking aspects of their personality or maybe just having them jump from maturity. Shit, they could just be talking to the MC from the egg at the start of the chapter, whi would then hatch once all the pokemon in the chapter are obtained, so there's a rapid progression in maturity.
With the link, she can use the mc's senses to perceive the world while in the egg, maybe occasionally take control of limbs for comedic effect, like making the intrusive thoughts win.
Regardless of what you choose to do, I'll support you all the way homie.
Good ideas but might be a little convoluted from a writing point of view, I think I'll definitely make it so there's thoughts coming out of the egg, but probably not full words until she's hatched
You could make it so the manaphy is just injured and in a special portable healing station type backpack. That way you could still do the protection bit, and get some bonding done.
If I suddenly get a lot of pushback against the egg plan, I might use this as a back-up idea
If you have Manaphy be affectionate, coy and playful in the beginning having essentially gone through childhood while in the egg it could work.
For example she can learn to talk from hearing your voice from within the egg and then have the hatching be more like an evolution. You could have her go through her first heat and let her natural breeding instinct make her obviously mature.
Instinct could be used to show maturity and dehumanise Manaphy enough to not have it be uncomfortable.
This is pretty much the idea that a couple of other people suggested, I think I'll try to show Manaphy maturing in the egg somehow, showing that she's an adult even BEFORE she hatches.
As far as instinct goes, I'm going to mention that she Imprints on whoever she sees first after hatching, which is why it's important that the MC holds onto the egg
The Idea of beeing able to sleep with your own (The MCs) children from Manaphy/younger Manaphies, is an interesting one that I could See you making into an interesting Mini-Game and a new interesting way to play the game and get some new images.
In total I don't really care about the fact that the new Manaphies are related to MC and OG-Manaphy, but this will make a good amount of people pissed of, but this can easily be prevented by making these scenes optional/adding a setting to disable them.
I have no plans to have the MC pair with his own kids, mostly because that would be a LOT of work to get those kinds of mechanics in the game
Also I mentioned in the Lati section that he finds incest somewhat offputting, I had a bit of backstory set up for him to explain that but I haven't added it in yet
If that is the case, I am sorry for my misunderstanding, it would probably be ok to add it to the game, but as I've mentioned add an option to disable it or a content warning before the specific choices that lead to the incestuous scenes.
Like I said, I'm mostly avoid the idea just becauseI don't want the extra work
I appreciate the suggestion all the same though
Well it really depens which context you give it I guess.
The idea itself is okay in my eyes and if explained well enough no problem on my side.
That might add to the problem, but I would still argue to not make her super intelligent and while not baby, maybe at least a little child like in mind.
That should not create that you and the child kinda content, just....I guess if she just hatched, everything should be new to her or most things. Sorry if that somehow came out weird.
Maybe every scene gives her a jump in her intelligent, quickly absorbing information or something like that.
Long story short, depending on what you are planning, for me it's mostly about how it's written or explained, I remember some really .....weird incest based scenes in fanfictions that suprised me when they appeared.
So far I would trust you with it.
I guess with what was that wish pokemon named again? If they are a bit to human looking it doesn't look like a pokemon to me anymore, I guess that was my problem last time if my memory is right.
I wasn't planning on making Manaphy overly childish in her personality, like I said, she be a full grown adult from minute 1
She probably would be quite curious about the world since it would all be new to her though
Jirachi was the wish pokemon, I don't think that Manaphy will look very human but sometimes that will have to happen thanks to the AI not always recognizing the Mons by their names
i guess what your describing is probably what I meant more or less, I don't always make that clear from the get go. I guess I was just going with several possible scenarios. Yes the curious part I mean, she should probably not .....ahhhh i do it again, this is not an overly complicated fanfiction as I keep imagining.
I wrote my predictions before seeing this lol.
I'm not sure I'm on board mainly because it makes Manaphy FEEL like a kid (I know the fully grown thing but the feeling of her being a kid would be hard to ignore) and I'm not sure about that being the best move. I guess there is also the other issue of the fact a Manaphy egg is supposed to be theoretically impossible in the mechanics of Pokémon. You mentioned before the Phione detail and how you ran on the idea that maybe the MC can make Manaphy lay eggs other then Phione.
For alternatives, I do think the idea of forming a mental bond with it during the process as other commenters are saying would go along way to get rid of the kid feeling that is my more pressing concern.
I also am onboard with the idea of replacing Manaphy with the Sea Guardians and to bring in Phione to do a mom-daughter scene the potential is right there. (this alt would work better if my prediction was right also)
I will admit an issue with bringing in Phione is that they will potentially look too similar to Manaphy and possibly mess with the generator. But it will also prevent the potential comments of people going "Where is Phione?" after the chaptor is released.
Perhaps a later Pokémon could be used to attempt the single stage egg hatch idea though I will admit there doesn't seem to be many candidates as good as Manaphy for this.
Overall, I get your idea but I feel there are wrinkles to iron out with this being a breeding porn game. There is a line and while this doesn't necessarily cross it, it does get a tad close for comfort.
The Manaphy egg will be given to the MC by a Pokemon Ranger, the same way you obtained it in Diamond and Pearl, Phione will be mentioned but only as a "We don't really want any more of these" kind of thing
My main plan for getting past the Manaphy being a kid thing is to outright ignore it and just have her act like an adult from the moment she hatches, again, the games let you hatch out fully grown Mons so there's no reason it can't work like that here too
Glad to hear I'm not crossing the line yet, but you can see why I was concerned about this idea
understandable, I guess in reality the main factor for if this goes well or not is how you end up writing it
Mental bonding sounds like a good middle ground, perhaps fascilitated by one of the psychics in the harem, maybe Mew?
I'll probably use Swortsi's idea for mental bonding before manaphy hatches, but thanks for the suggestion anyway
i can see a mother daughter scene
Good idea but... it won't fit with my plans I'm afraid... maybe as a side scene?
Perhaps you can show them bonding mentally while still in the egg so when it hatches it shows mental maturity
If I can work an idea like that in, then I will
I think there should be a little more bonding where Manaphy expresses their love before they join the Harem.
Oh don't worry, the fight I have planned for this section will cover their bonding
I had a good idea for that part that I can use even if I have to change the egg part