About your Suggestions

So I've been getting a lot of suggestions for my game recently, people sharing their ideas or what they'd like to see, don't get me wrong, I love seeing how involved everyone is getting in my game, you guys must be enjoying it if you're putting this much thought into it after all!

That said, I do want to remind everyone that PokeBreeder is meant to be a pretty SIMPLE game at it's core, I write my scenes and idea around a basic template and try not to deviate from it too much if I can help it. The reason I'm saying this is because I see all of your great ideas and I'm starting to worry that I'll end up disappointing you when I don't write something as good as what you suggested.

Please don't stop coming up with ideas though, seeing what you've come up with is always fun and even if it's something I can't use, I can still usually take inspiration and find some way to put your ideas into my game!

Just... try to keep things a little simpler if you can, thanks everyone!


Get The Legendary Pokemon Breeder


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It's a great game. I'm bad at coming up with ideas, but I'm wondering if goodra will be in future versions of the game.


there is plans to have the pseudo-legendarys as side scenes so goodra will likely make an appearance




Don't worry man you're doing great! One of the best Twine H-games I've played, honestly.  The fervor and frequency of suggestions is just an indication that people love the game and want to see it grow <3

Take it in stride; if a suggestion is outside the scope you're going for, it's not your fault and you shouldn't feel like you're falling short of expectations. There will always be people who don't have a good understanding of what is reasonable or realistic. They're usually called "project managers"! haha


You're doing a great job regardless, honestly I hope that once you've completed the legendaries and mythicals, maybe we'll get a new entirely different game all about.... I don't know, anything! Regardless, keep up the good work and keep on with your idea.


Yes I guess knowing what you originally wanted to do for this project, probably helps to imagine less complicated things. Not sure if I was one of them, but I guess it will start with a little bit dissapointment, but they will probably accept it quickly, thank you.