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for magearna I think the mc could have to bid for her at an auction since she is a robot 

Or she would be somewhere in a royal castle since she was originally created to be a gift to royalty.

didn’t think of that your idea is better 

Is that her lore? I can work that into my idea i think

I might put in an auction minigame somewhere, but not for Magearna, I've already got her section fully planned out

I have always thought of magearna as being naive

(4 edits)

More dream ideas! 

Palkia dream she would be a hippie and say peace and love with peace symbol talking to MC who can fill the space in her.

Celebi would dream of a prank war on herself since she could only dream of doing it and still be a surprise to herself and not shatter all of time doing it.

Articuno would dream of being Elsa from the movie FROZEN and look for someone to get through her icy exterior and warm her insides. She could even say a little beginning of the song Let It Go. Or she could dream of being a librarian.

Entei dream could be Scooby Doo and the MC being Shaggy trying to solve a mystery about the unknown that were in the temple she was found in. Don't forget to bring Entei snacks.

The Regis could dream of being robotic maids to the MC.

Heatran would dream of being in a roman colosseum in a gladiator match. The crowd cheering for battle and blood.

Another optional event could be professor Maple giving an update on the kids that were sent to her and the challenges faced.

Example: Celebi children would have a band on each of them with the current date and time with a number so the past, present and future children don't get mixed up. Can say the highest number one so far gets into the triple digits!

Kyoger and Groudon would need new weather and seismic stations put around so they can locate the one having a tantrum. This would show new tech is being developed to help manage them and would be beneficial to the world and more investors would put money to Maple. Most of it goes to taking care of children. Any experimental tech would in no way put in danger any of the children. But really the children are putting everyone else in danger being the children of gods.

The Mothers of the children would see their children through the screen and the picture at end would be the mother wanting more children. Especially Mewtwo who would be especially happy seeing her children playing without fear.

Another event could be that a legend is trying to change themselves thinking the MC would love them more but he would say "I love you just as you are even every one of your flaws. If their was one less flaw you would not be the one I fell in love with in our first meeting and I will always love you all for who you are flaws and all." 

For the possible dance Moltres would do a fiery samba dance.

The some pokemon have they look in original like pikachu, charizad, mewtwo and, lugia ,and more ig

I explained that in the FAQs

Why does this Legendary look like that?

The AI I use is a free one so it's not always the best quality, also some Legendarys just aren't iconic enough for it to recognize, so I have to instead make something that's just "Close Enough"

Raikou dream could be similar to Kyogres dream but she would have a hamster wheel to help burn off her excess energy.

Suicune dream would be her as a princess and the MC is her white night that saves her from a crazy cultist and if he cums on her the cum becomes like a white wedding dress or holy armor that makes her happy and the sight of it makes the cultist melt or explode.

Arceus dream could be her playing a top down city builder game on a tablet or computer and getting it just right.

Dialga dream could be a rendition of Doctor Who the time lord and the MC is the companion.

I need to note down all these dream ideas!

Anyone know how get the final downtime event?

Anyone know how to get the final downtime event?

What do you mean by "the final"
I think I left a gap in the list when I was organizing them, is that what you mean?

Yeah I though there was something there

What final

(2 edits)

I had an idea for Melloetta since she has Pirouette Forme she would know how to dance that can start the event of the other legends doing a sexy dance for the MC  without touching him and them getting covered in cum and showing off like a badge of honor. Once meloetta is on ship the other legends would try to create their own dances with a little practice help from meloetta. Victine would judge over the competition to ensure all are following the no touch rule. 

The dream for regiice, registeel and regirock could be as one where as they sleep they network together to share info so they would be in same dream at same time.

A dance contest to win a sticky prize?
Yeah I can work with that, I think Meloetta would be the judge but I can add Victini as a guest judge too.
Mostly I'd do it that way in case the player caught Melo and not Vic.

The Regis sharing a dream sounds pretty good too!

(6 edits)

I do have a few more ideas for dreams if chainsaw wants to continue this kind of event for some of the Mythic legends. Mew dream would have her getting inflated and stretched so big she would be the size of a pink moon in the sky and can say "that's no moon, that's a Mewn".

 For Deoxys she can dream she is on a talk show but speaks regular language but she is a scientist and explains scientific equation for space travel that no one understands like "by using clefary string theory in conjecture to the requaza anti gravity loophole minus palkias spatial equation, teleportation through the cosmos is likely to happen, now don't get me started with the psyduck inverse algorithm included, now that is a real headache" she can be understood and not understood at same time. 

Darkrai would be different where her dream is like a Childs cartoon where everything is bright, happy and nothing can go wrong everyone hugging, with the sun having a smiling face. Darkrai would be a cute little fairy and she would absolutely HATE everything about this no dark corner to hide in, cant hurt anything even if she tried or herself. She would be in a fetal position. This would be her ABSOLUTE WORST NIGHTMARE.

Maybe Melmetal could be like the liquid terminator from the movie always able to change its shape so can change size of breasts.

I did notice a typo in the registeel end section where at the bottom in blue where its supposed to say "Registeel CAUGHT!" it says "Regice CAUGHT" in blue. It still works just the wrong name is there.

I had an idea for Genesect where she would be in a hidden team plasma base or an abandoned one and the MC would find it using legendary pussy sense he developed after going for so many legends. The original researcher who created the program to make her wanted to create his perfect girfreind/ lover but had to work with plasma to get the funds. He left in the machine a horniness code that if stimulated would get her to imprint that he was her lover/master but something happened and was left in a hidden section of the base that even plasma did not know about. If the base is still operational then this can be a infiltration mission to get her out where plasma will send her away if an alarm is raised to keep the one chance rule of mythic.

An idea for Volcanion can be the fight against her is not to tire her out but make her run out of her stored water. Once she runs out she heats up a lot and will look for the closest water or liquid nearby which is when the MC goes in to refill her. Afterword's she can learn a new move called "CUM CANNON" and could paint a town white if she was not so attached to the new liquid and its source.

Moon Mew, I like, I like!

Deoxys obsessing over talking properly makes sense, I think starting with Gen 5 I'll have her slowly learning to talk, but the dream would still fit.

Darkrai, YES! She'll hate it!

Melmetal having termina-titties, can do.

I'll get that link fixed.

Genesect I kind of have a plan for, but I can work some of this in I think.

Volcanion needing cum to cool down... actually I just realized I have no idea what Volcanion's lore is, I should look that up!

I would like kyurem and zygraud [ì i spell right] have 3 stage fight for kyurem fight normal form first absord reshiram to turn white kyurem second stage reshiram got free and she absord zekrom turn to black kyurem and breed her at her normal form

For zygraud i would like there be 2 DIFFENT because in canon there are like idk 5 core cell but only 2 appear as for the red core zyguard to fight first but not in 100% form well 10% and 50% onlywell next to blue core   got capture and turn to berseker zyguard and you take out zyguard and fight her you defeated her and you guess it 

This maybe quacky but it just my opion

Kyurem coming at you with both of her forms sounds pretty fun, maybe Zek and Reshi could be resisting her control from the inside, making it harder for her to fight the MC.

Zygard's forms I still need to think about, there was already a request for her to attack the ship during her event, but I think I can make that work with her different forms.

hey chainsaw, quick question what are some of your kinks?

Basically all the stuff I use in my writing, basically anything that gives a girl a big ol' belly!

Deleted 156 days ago
Deleted 156 days ago
Deleted 156 days ago

Don't start random conversations in my comments please


an idea for meltan is that she could use her body as a cock sleeve for the mc since her body is Liquid Metal 

Maybe all the cum the MC pumps into her gives her the extra mass to evolve into Melmetal before capture?

(1 edit)

I like her giratina I like that fire and how always angry. Hope you’re funny. was in top five ranking. Amazing work. I can’t wait for the next update. I had a lot of fun thank you.😁☺️👍✌️👌 it was that good 

Ayyy! Top Five!

what do you wanna see for Tillis the top five on my favorites is that what you wanna see?

Not sure I understand your question here.
Are you asking if I want to see your top five?

yes, I was wondering do you wanna see my top five of my favorites for right now?

Hey there chainsaw, haven't gone Sinnoh yet, just experiencing what the entire update has to offer tbh, tho a suggestion for an extra Pokemon where once you done everything Kanto has to offer (minus Legendary downtime events) you get to experience MissingNO., something about sightings and rumors of everything being jumbled, weird, and oddly glitchy up near Cinnabar, MC going there thinking it'd be another Legendary, just weirder, only to bump into something that isn't even intended to exist, they still fuck tho because the Missing Number duplication glitch is going on a minor rampage and MC manages to romance and knock up an eldritch abomination, this will totally not affect anything in the near future.

Pretty sure there's a PokeGear message when going from Kanto to Johto about it.

There's one mention of Missingno afterJohto, I do have plans to bring her back though, that's all I'm saying for now

Could there be a side event where after a terrible storm the combee population is down a lot or for some other reason and Shaymin would notice it since they pollinate the flowers and plants to make seeds and she helps grow more flowers and would want the MC to help their population to recover before the regions flowers are effected. Shaymin would ask some combee to lead to Vespiquen (Queen) that remain. While making love to Vespiquen with each orgasm she has her breasts seem to get a little bigger till some golden yellow leaks out and this is how honey is made in the Pokémon world. After inflating Vespiquen her breasts are now massive and honey is coming out of her breasts like a fully open faucet and she lets him try some right from the source for the good time and his hard work. The reminder of the event can be he finds a jar of combee honey and remembers how honey really is made by them.

I was toying with using Vespi for one of the random messages at the end of the chapter, but Lopunny turned out to be way easier to use in the end.

I like this idea though, I'm sure I can add it in sometime, as long as the AI plays along with the honey tits

How do you get past the psyduck in Verity? I've tried all of the options but it either keeps me in the same spot or sends me back to the floatzel, it doesn't let me move forward

Sends you BACK?
The Psyduck are the FIRST choice, the Floatzel is the SECOND.

it showed me the floatzel first when i opened it- im a little stupid ima just skip it and come back to them later lol

I double checked my code, that shouldn't be possible, if it happened then I have no idea how

(1 edit)

Another quick fix, next time I get ready to do a big update, someone hit me with a stick and tell me to playtest better

chainsaw really getting alot of question 

It usually goes a bit nuts right after an update

flash and surfboard give  error mesigis the new pregnancy check eggs lad part has a is before has on all the girls

I'll get those fixed some time today, thanks for the report!


She deserved it... bitch

100% dude like i wanted my fucking gengar only to have a haunter with an everstone.....the cunt

I've been hyperfixating on Necrozma recently. Maybe I should save the discussion for when we're closer to Alola, but I had a ton of ideas relating to it based on its lore that I certainly wouldn't mind sharing with you. Firstly, though, I have some questions... oh, and "I don't know yet" is a valid answer.

1. Are you making Necrozma a sub or a proper legendary?

2. What form will be Necrozma's main one on the ship and for events?

Necrozma is a full Legend, shell be in her default form, the black jagged one

Ah, I was kinda hoping for Ultra... dragons are cool. But at the same time, understandable. Will she at least show up in Ultra form if the dragon massages becomes a recurring event?

Alternate forms will get their own side scenes at some point, that includes Ultra Necrozma

Yeah, sorry my phrasing was unclear, would she be included in that event if it becomes recurring?

(1 edit)

OH! I get you now!
The massage event will be recurring, I'm sure I can fit Ultra Necro in there somewhere!

Hey, quick but random question? (Chainsaw please do not delete my comment, I am genuinely curious about everyone's answers) Is it just me who does this but does any of you take a piss in the shower the second you step into the shower?

I dont normally allow completely unrelated questions, but I'll let this one slide because you were polite.

My answer is sometimes, not every time

English is not my native language, but I still want to give you some feedback:

1. In some adventures, "flashlight" will cause pop-ups, and if it is a client game, it will cause soft locks.

2. It seems that there are problems with the AI drawing instructions of some characters. For example, Arceus's AI keyword is alpaca, not goat...

3. I'm glad you can stick with it for five chapters. My game can't even draw basic pictures (0-AI)

(1 edit)

1. I'll look into those, shouldn't be hard to fix, if anyone can give me a listof where those are I'd appreciate it, if not I can just trawl through and find them

2. I tried Arceus as a few animals, Goat ended up looking the best

3. What do you mean "your game can't draw pictures?" exactly?

For my own games, I don't want to use AI, and I always draw pixel images myself, which increases the amount of game engineering work.

(1 edit)

Ah i get you, doing art by hand isn't easy, but I've got mad respect for anyone who can do it!

a idea with victini is that she would constantly be starting fights just so she can win more

Victini is pretty much planned out already, shes more or less going to be obsessed with any kind of victory, hers or someone elses, but your idea still kind of fits that

Hey chainsaw i downloaded the game and i can't save, i click save but nothing the screen just flashes.

The save function is built in to Twine, if its not working, I dont think I can fix that.

I played the game from the download and it worked just fine, it might be an issue with your browser, I can't be sure though

hey chainsaw, just to make sure we can still give you ideas for Site scenes and for the future legendary right

Yep, always hapoy to get those, I'm just not writing for a while



In my mind rn i have alot of question after done all 4 chapter but i gotta list 3 of them

1. How did the MASTER ball create or who made them

2.why did lapras almost go extint at the first place

3.will you add theirs pokemon theme 

1. Maple's team made them, regular Master Balls were too expensive so they needed an alternative, making them so they only really work when the pokemon is in love was necessary to cut down costs.

2. That's lore from the original games, I guess they were hunted for meat , not sure without looking it up.

3. I don't know what you mean by this, do you mean the theme songs I did for the first few chapters? If so then I won't be doing more, I only wanted to do a few for the songs I know

hey chainsaw, how long are you gonna stay on your break? 

Two weeks, same as usual

for the battle with arceus it says quiz and not battle

I'll get that fixed, but I won't update unless there's another bug report
If there's no more bugs then that typo will just have to stay there for now

Deleted 139 days ago

Did you just play pokemon dungeon?

Did another quick fix, sorry to everyone who keeps on losing their progress, hopefully that will be the last time

(1 edit)

Oh don't worry i can just speedrun to my save

When i checking pregnant legend i see heatran being replace by alzelf

Oops, will have that fixed as quick as I can

There's a lot that's worth saying about this update being finished since I played through all of the content, but I will only mention the most important and a small bug I found that wasn't fixed. You have somehow exceeded my expectations for just how much content there could be this update. The Ship scenes alone are a lot, and all of the content and jokes there landed extremely well for me. I have no idea how you managed to keep this much variety between all of the different Legends through this full thing, but somehow you did.

As for the bug, if you pick Flashlight in the final branch before Giratina there is an error message about <</replace>>. Doesn't seem to cause any problems, but I checked and it wasn't fixed in the update.

Looks like I put <</replace>> twice by mistake, I'll clear it out and update

Glad you're enjoying the update though!

you still need to add a skip to gen five 5 to get to the boat scene

Not until the next update when Gen 5 actually starts

all right then 

Just dropped a quick fix for a few reported bugs, hopefully that's all of them

snowpoint hown get in

The temple you mean?
I'll give you a hint, Regigigas created the other Regis, maybe they'll help you?

Arceus also look like toriel lol

The AI had no idea what an Arceus is, so she needed a redesign.
I tried a few different animals to base her on but the goat looked the best, probably because of all the Toriel art actually!

(1 edit)

You type wrong palkia god of space to god of time

Alfter i beat palka part

Already been reported but thanks anyway!
Getting it fixed now

(1 edit)

Looking good as always. One note I wanted to mention Is that I think you forgot to do the pregnancy update/checkup to check on the status on all the girls you've collected after you finish in Sinnoh.

So we mentioned that actually if you just scroll down a little little, you can see who mentioned it

Ah, I see, sorry about that. But still good work on the update!

😁 Lasco update can they get any better? thank you. and thank you God.

(1 edit)

Palkia and Dialga have their descriptors as 'God of Space/Time' occasionally mixed up in their quests.

Lugia is listed as 'Ho-Oh' in the 'cuties' side scene

I don't know if this was intentional, but there's no 'Pregnancy Check' on the ship.

Did I really miss the god damn PREGNANCY CHECK?!

I'll get that fixed tomorrow... how the hell did I miss THAT?!
I'll fix the other stuff too

yeah, that’s kind of like the main point of this game, for the girls to be pregnant

Bro needs some beta testers, lol

Or I just need to pay more attention

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