Had a fun idea for Pecharunt where Eunuch could appear. Since Pecharunt really wants attention by any means and Eunuch was giving to much attention to Meloetta and Suicune that both can have a kind of funny encounter. Pecharunt is not up to the standards of Eunuch to pursue so she somehow gets him to eat her muchi and shift his obsession to her but she does not realize how strong his obsession is once it finds a target. For the first time in her existence she feels she did the wrong thing once she saw the look in his eyes once she is the target and tries to cancel her mind control BUT his obsession is so strong that he does not want to stop. So Pecharunt runs away and tries to control others to deal with Eunuch but he is to strong. She eventually finds the MC looking for her and gives chase while trying to get the MC under her control make him deal with Eunuch and she gets cornered they battle and the MC knows how to deal with Eunuch easy enough.
Yep, I have an idea in place, my plan for alt forms in general is that they'll be used after the Mon has layed her eggs. They'll change forms for when the MC knocks them up the second time
A minigame would make sense, my plans right now is for them to all be a side chapter. The MC will find an Ultra Wormhole after leaving Alola and head inside for some UB pussy!
just something about my zinnia comment, why not have her unlock post-game if you have every dragon type legendary and the draco plate for arceus and the dragon memory for sylvally. Another thing is after necrozma you can get ultra necrozma to upgrd necrozma, thus making another dragon to help the mc seduce zinnia
Btw since rayquaza developed the organ that lead to x and y forms rayquaza is the ancestor of charizard, and mewtwo probably got dna from her, so maybe there could be an event after she gives birth on the boat to (or away from) kalos where she reveals that mewtwo is not just "Twosie" but also a clone of the sky dragoness herself. i saw the post about rayquaza giving mewtwo her mega stone (presumably after doing some offscreen mining in the thermosphere) and i think that was a great idea!
How are you going to do the genies since they are male? are you going to do it like latios since she is male and have a penis and vagina? or do something else entirely. also an idea for zinnia would be to catch every dragon type legendary
I think they’re gonna be all female because how chainsaw figures out which legendary should be a futa is either they have a 50-50 gender split or in the actual game they’re are 100% male
yeah, that reminds me Zygarde would be a one person orgy at any time because she can split up into more parts like the MC can fuck the two 50 percent or he can fuck 10 of the 10% forms or if he’s feeling really daring and he thinks he has a lot of energy he can fuck all of the 1% forms
If I didn't hallucinate the Zygarde Cell comment I'll bet it was you who posted it, lol. Personally, I'd find the One Mon Orgy amazing. It's why I brought it up.
to be honest, I don’t remember who posted the original Zygarde but I’ve been thinking of this orgy idea for like a while. I just had no reason to bring it up until I saw your comment about the eggs.
Had a couple of ideas that are sort of related to Gen 6.
First something I have a feeling you already thought of. I think it'd be funny if, whenever Groudon and Kyogre go Primal, Rayquaza shows that she's been able to go Mega this whole time. Little reference to how Rayquaza doesn't need a stone for it.
Second, something based on someone else's Zygarde suggestion long ago. Something like a Ship Scene orgy where Zygarde splits into 5 to 10 10% Zygardes who are each less pregnant than the normal 50%. Original suggestion suggested something about sex with the individual cells but I can't find it so I'm not sure if I hallucinated that comment or not.
The Rayquaza thing I already had sort of planned. Basically when Mewtwo does her Mega scenes, she reveals that Rayquaza gave her the Mega Stones. I think in canon, didn't Rayquaza EAT its mega stone?
Zygarde breaking into the smaller parts sounds like something she'd do. Maybe she'll do it too when she lays her eggs, that way each one only has to lay a couple of eggs each!
hey chainsaw, we all know that you’re gonna do a really small updates mainly focusing on the dragons and when that update comes out and you see if you can keep working on this game are you gonna go to the genies next or are you gonna move onto the next chapter
Had a weird idea for the milk tasting of the three Regi's rock, ice and steel. Since they are robots Rock would taste like liquid concreate with a high mineral content and the MC can be told to drink lots of water to avoid kidney stones. Ice would be liquid nitrogen and Steel would be liquid metal that has a high metal content and taste.
I love your work here, is very sexy seeing pokemon with big round bellies and large tits. One idea I think would be cool to implement (if it isn't too much to ask for) would be a gallery allowing you to look back on all the old pictures of the pokemon and people being filled and having big or huge pregnant bellies. you could even theme it as a sort of pokedex. Just a thought since it's a little tedious to go back through and remember what choices you have to pick so you can see them again.
yeah, that could work and you can call it something like the sexedex instead of the pokedex and maybe you can just like have it open and just like replay the scenes like the first time you fuck Mewtwo. And maybe a special feature of the sexedex is that it could also include the side scene Pokémon, and the human girls
There’s two things you can do with her. The first thing is probably what you could most likely do. It’s just to add her as a side scene in chapter 3 or she could show up later in another chapter. Maybe after you capture another dragon legendary that doesn’t have a human to go with them. You can use her.
Maybe my idea for Magearna could be her dream just she dreams she is a ghost in a haunted house and wants to be friends with people. Also her favorite food could be "food that feeds the soul".
Also the accessories idea for Meloetta can also be used for Diancie but she will want better one's than he gives to any other legend.
I played for a bit when I caught the ice legendary pokemon, to be honest, it's not that fun. The idea is good, but it lacks a bit of creativity as it's mainly "choose the right tool for the right job" or "choose the right question".
There's not many dialogue choices and the Art is made by A.I. which is something I don't have a problem with if it's good. But I'd say the art is pretty much just... alright, they're not bad, but not great either.
I'd say this game has potential, if it adds a bit more flare to it, along with Pokemon fights you could do to get the equipment you need to find the legendary Pokemon
I can maybe agree with the choice system lacking some flair, but I cannot agree with the rest of it. Yes, it is just picked the right tool but a lot of the times the tools you do pick make it interesting so I don’t agree with you.
Your second point with the AI the AI art is good. It’s real good. And I can accept that a lot of the models look different from how they actually look in the games because the legendary Pokémon have always had such complicated designs and just feature that AI just can’t work with.
And second off by the way you wrote this comment it means you haven’t played all the way through the game. If you wanna give criticism at least play through the first couple chapters the first two at least.
You’re allowed to have your own opinions, and you’re allowed to give criticism like how I’m giving criticism about your comment and refusing them and maybe you just need to play more of the game to like it because chainsaw puts a lot of love and attention into this baby
I would have, but these kinds of games aren't really my cup of tea unless they're out of the norm, besides, I've played some that have more options than this, and was really good, however I don't intend to sit around and waste my time with a game I already know isn't going to be that great.
I also know that, while you know that I played the game a bit, that you intended to be negative. I would also like to say that a lot of people don't like A.I. Art, and that's just a thing, not many really like it all to much. I just don't enjoy it much because it's got no style, just trying to make 3d characters in a 2d image, it just kinda messes with my brain too much.
I thank you for your criticism and hope you have a good day
P.S. don't show off your gmail account, that's how you get spam.
I think you’ll misunderstand first off. I was trying to rebuke your comments. I was not saying you were wrong. I know that AI art is not for everyone, but the way you said, and the way you were your message was really more talkative to chainsaws hard work I didn’t mean to come off. I’m rude. I’m just defending someone that I genuinely have high hopes for this is a really good game, but I know for a fact it’s not once a cup of tea i’m just saying that this game is really good. The writing is nice. The characters are fun and yeah, the choices can be a little simple but that’s the point it takes long enough to do a chapter of this game so cause the things have to be simple, but there’s so much more to this game than just the choice systems. The character is the story is good, but I know for a fact that you most likely won’t like it like you said it’s not your cup of tea so I respect your opinion and I do wish you have a nice day and maybe one day if your cup of tea changes that you can give this game another shot
PS thank you for helping me figure that out. It did not realize how to my username was and until it was almost too late.
Had an idea for Magearna that could be scary good. I dont know if there are already plans for her already but since she was made for royalty she could be in a abandoned castle with dark clouds over it. When the MC gets in he immediately finds her stone cold lifeless and missing her soul core in the middle. He hears a voice direct him to the dungeons below to find her. The ghost pokemon would try and stop him and if he fails at all they will move the core again while kicking the MC out for good. Once he has the core he could either battle the ghosts that possesses her body and need to tire it out to put her in or answer questions from her. She could explain that the ghost pokemon here are very friendly but when they get board like to do pranks on others. So the ghosts took her soul core out when she was in a stasis sleep and put her body in the main hall for others to find and laugh at the reactions and have fun with those that want to put her core back and have no intention of harming her or others.
Once she is back in her body unit she cant really move since it will take a few days to be able to move normally BUT there is a quicker way by making lots of stimulus in her body and is just able to open her legs for the MC to do what he does best! She would see that he has an extreme amount of pure love and good radiating from his soul that she can see that she wants to go with him.
It would be funny for a side scene if Meloetta asks the MC to take her clothes shopping and lets him help her choose the new clothes but they end up making a big mess in the changing room for obvious reasons.
Another version of this could be that Meloetta does not have any pregnant clothing for her later so she asks the MC to come with her to see the tailors that have been making her dresses while she was an idol. The problem is the tailors only know of regular pregnant size and not the MC's dozen of kids at once size so the MC has fun with her to give the tailors a good example to go off of. Plus the tailors are fans of Meloetta.
Had an idea for the fanatical legend that LogFelt suggesting Ogrepon would work as the fanatical legend. It could go that after her partner was killed and she took revenge on the three she had heard later that the three came back to life and thought her partner did as well but he did not. After a bit of time she heard of the MC collecting legends to breed and was reminded of her partner and thought of a small possibility. As the MC collected more legends and she heard about it she wanted to believe it was her partner that came back so she wanted to learn EVERYTHING about the MC and he is so similar to her past partner where they both want to get to know the legend and not use them for the power that she became fanatical about him to be ready when he arrives. She has taken items from towns that interest her without being seen so her getting the MC's shorts from his house or the ship would fit with her and she could have learned human language from her first partner and now figures out how to use a computer on her own to get more info on the MC.
When the MC does get to her region she start to have small self doubts from the lose of her partner long ago so she sets up the test that only the MC can get through. Even after the MC passes the tests she still hesitates a little before the MC makes love to her for first time so he can say something without warning "I did tell you I would come back to you" at that one sentence she remembers what her partner had said before dying that he will come back to her. Its now she no longer has doubts or hesitates any more and takes the MC pants off and shoves his dick into her before he even transforms it and she loves it and has the highest levels of pleasure regardless of what kind of dick he uses or which hole he is in as long as its him in her. She would shed tears of happiness and no longer shed tears of sadness as long as she can be with him even in the harem. Also her favorite food could be any kind that the MC made himself or likes.
That could work, I was already planning to have her think the MC was her companion reincarnated (I forget who originally suggested that.) Having her be obsessed with the MC like that could work, maybe she never actually laid eyes on him until now despite the stalking and that's why she does the quiz, to make sure she's found the right person.
I was the one who came up with the reincarnated companion after reading her bulbapedia entry a while ago. You had said my idea at that time for her was "Adorably Tragic".
Have Venusaur and Blastoise be region 2 and 3, but you get called back to the Oak Ranch to deal with them since they're also Red's. Then after region 4, you get called back again for a scene with all three.
I remember the pokemon canon time [in the show not the game] that ash, misty, brock meet a island full of squirtle, wartortle and that one alpha pack blastoise I think you can make that
I had a crazy idea and am just putting this here before I forget it. There could be a legend (I don't know who) in the later gens like 8,9 or 10 that would be a fanatical fan of the MC similar to the human fans of Meloetta. It would start with that the MC needs to have collected at least half of the total number of legends up to that region (or all of them) so that his fame would be great enough to catch her attention otherwise any less and Maple would no be able to find any trace of the legend since she would not want to be found. She would be such a fanatical fan that she learned human language and some of the tech to search for info like how the human fans of Meloetta learned her language. Don't underestimate a fanatical fan, give them enough time they can adapt to be able to know more about the MC than the MC knows about themselves.
So when the MC arrives at the region she is at she absolutely wants to join him but got it in her head that there can be fake MC's around so made a test that only the real MC can pass with the journey and battle or quiz. A question could be "who was the first "legendary" the MC caught of the first region" a little trick question since not asking about subs or mythical legends so Mewtwo. In the journey part the MC could find some shorts on the ground but has a familiar feeling that he has seen them some where before but keeps going. Once he reaches and beats the legend he sees a lot of shorts almost made into a blanket and realizes they are HIS shorts that he left in his house when his journey first began. The legend had somehow traveled all the way to his house and collected them so she can smell him at any time. She would be ecstatic to finally call him master and could literally jump into the masterball out of excitement. She would already know about all the legends he has caught so far and even know the layout of the ship before being on it. She would also secretly love watching the MC making love to the other girls but most of all loves it when he makes love to her. She would be just that kind of a fan that being closer to him and having his kids and seeing him work make her happy and maybe she could keep track of how many kids the MC has with the legends and humans similar to the list someone had made with the min and max number.
That does sound like a fun idea, especially the Quiz being about things that happened earlier in the game. But the question is which Legend would fit this idea?
We can wait and see what gen 10 has otherwise what about Silvally since she would have technology in her and be human made legend that would understand human tech and legends.
CHAINSAWWWW drop transmasc N and my life, is yours (yes it’s me again, btw good luck with the rest of the game, you’ve got all of our undying support<3)
Had a possible idea for the egg laying at the end of the chapter with Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. It could be Kyogre is on left, Groudon on right and Rayquaza in the middle between the two since if the two were side by side they would fight. The two would be arguing who gives birth first so the MC decides to do both at same time (maybe with some help from Palkia space bending to reach both at same time) while he is inside them his face can be right in front of Rayquaza pussy so he decides to make her feel good for keeping the two under control even now with his tounge and face. Rayquaza has a few orgasms and the MC feels something hard in front of his face and its her eggs but still need him to reach in to pull out. Both Kyogre and Groudon both accept that Rayquaza got first (since always been beaten by her) but now argue who is second. The MC would find both their eggs at same time and pull them out at same time and even after the eggs come out on their own would be at same time. The two would be tied for second but then argue whos eggs will hatch first.
You know I won't stop playing until every legendary is saved and impregnated to escape Extinction so I'll be waiting patiently for the next update so we can get more chapters until the end.
It's not a bug, ever since Sinnoh the chapters have been divided into two halves. Main Legends get put in the second half because writing them means being able to get on the boat for next chapter.
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hey chainsaw, how’s things been going with writing
Had a fun idea for Pecharunt where Eunuch could appear. Since Pecharunt really wants attention by any means and Eunuch was giving to much attention to Meloetta and Suicune that both can have a kind of funny encounter. Pecharunt is not up to the standards of Eunuch to pursue so she somehow gets him to eat her muchi and shift his obsession to her but she does not realize how strong his obsession is once it finds a target. For the first time in her existence she feels she did the wrong thing once she saw the look in his eyes once she is the target and tries to cancel her mind control BUT his obsession is so strong that he does not want to stop. So Pecharunt runs away and tries to control others to deal with Eunuch but he is to strong. She eventually finds the MC looking for her and gives chase while trying to get the MC under her control make him deal with Eunuch and she gets cornered they battle and the MC knows how to deal with Eunuch easy enough.
sounds funny
By any chance are you going to do something with Deoxys' other forms?
Yep, I have an idea in place, my plan for alt forms in general is that they'll be used after the Mon has layed her eggs.
They'll change forms for when the MC knocks them up the second time
That's neat.
I'm very interested in how you will handle the UB'S
Maybe Make it some kind of mini game like that Magikarp mini game you made where your performance will determine what Ultra Wormhole you go through?
that's actually smart
A minigame would make sense, my plans right now is for them to all be a side chapter.
The MC will find an Ultra Wormhole after leaving Alola and head inside for some UB pussy!
Maybe they could be linked to solgaleo, lunala or necrozma
just something about my zinnia comment, why not have her unlock post-game if you have every dragon type legendary and the draco plate for arceus and the dragon memory for sylvally. Another thing is after necrozma you can get ultra necrozma to upgrd necrozma, thus making another dragon to help the mc seduce zinnia
Btw since rayquaza developed the organ that lead to x and y forms rayquaza is the ancestor of charizard, and mewtwo probably got dna from her, so maybe there could be an event after she gives birth on the boat to (or away from) kalos where she reveals that mewtwo is not just "Twosie" but also a clone of the sky dragoness herself. i saw the post about rayquaza giving mewtwo her mega stone (presumably after doing some offscreen mining in the thermosphere) and i think that was a great idea!
Zinnia is a tricky one since she really should go in Hoenn
Maybe if once the MC gets Rayquaza AND Deoxys, she can show up
Any luck?
With what?
With the next update for this game.
Ah, that makes sense.
Getting there slowly, but real life is getting in the way right now
Amen to that.
How are you going to do the genies since they are male? are you going to do it like latios since she is male and have a penis and vagina? or do something else entirely. also an idea for zinnia would be to catch every dragon type legendary
I think they’re gonna be all female because how chainsaw figures out which legendary should be a futa is either they have a 50-50 gender split or in the actual game they’re are 100% male
You mean they a gonna be all futa because yes thats what chainsaw had been saying
If the mighty Lord chainsaw says it so it is
The genies along with latios are the only male legendaries, never female in game. except for enamourus of course
The Genies will be futas (except Enamorus)
yeah, that reminds me Zygarde would be a one person orgy at any time because she can split up into more parts like the MC can fuck the two 50 percent or he can fuck 10 of the 10% forms or if he’s feeling really daring and he thinks he has a lot of energy he can fuck all of the 1% forms
Zygarde = one person orgy
If I didn't hallucinate the Zygarde Cell comment I'll bet it was you who posted it, lol. Personally, I'd find the One Mon Orgy amazing. It's why I brought it up.
to be honest, I don’t remember who posted the original Zygarde but I’ve been thinking of this orgy idea for like a while. I just had no reason to bring it up until I saw your comment about the eggs.
I believe it was me a while ago and was she split into three for a foursome with MC.
I like that idea
Had a couple of ideas that are sort of related to Gen 6.
First something I have a feeling you already thought of. I think it'd be funny if, whenever Groudon and Kyogre go Primal, Rayquaza shows that she's been able to go Mega this whole time. Little reference to how Rayquaza doesn't need a stone for it.
Second, something based on someone else's Zygarde suggestion long ago. Something like a Ship Scene orgy where Zygarde splits into 5 to 10 10% Zygardes who are each less pregnant than the normal 50%. Original suggestion suggested something about sex with the individual cells but I can't find it so I'm not sure if I hallucinated that comment or not.
The Rayquaza thing I already had sort of planned.
Basically when Mewtwo does her Mega scenes, she reveals that Rayquaza gave her the Mega Stones.
I think in canon, didn't Rayquaza EAT its mega stone?
Zygarde breaking into the smaller parts sounds like something she'd do.
Maybe she'll do it too when she lays her eggs, that way each one only has to lay a couple of eggs each!
Also, are my comments getting broken up weirdly by Itch?
Does that happen to anyone else?
It's not just you, it's happening to me as well and I have no clue why.
I think it is just the number of characters that can fit on one line
I googled the Rayquaza part, and apparently she has an organ that makes the energy for mega evolution when she eats (certain?) rocks up in space. TIL.
How’s the script writing going chainsaw and now that changing in your life is becoming more natural
Yeah, I'd say I'm about used to the changes now.
In terms of writing, I've got both Resh and Zek bred and caught,
now working on their downtime scenes and their humans.
hey chainsaw, we all know that you’re gonna do a really small updates mainly focusing on the dragons and when that update comes out and you see if you can keep working on this game are you gonna go to the genies next or are you gonna move onto the next chapter
And ps can you change me name in the opening
It'll be the genies next, and don't worry, I already changed your name in the WIP version!
Obviously your name won't get updated until the game is
Good to no
how are you going to do enamourus and the extra regis
Enamorus is getting a section after gathering the other 3 genies Palkia and Dialga will send the MC back to Hisui so he can find her.
Drago and Eleki will be in Chapter 8
Had a weird idea for the milk tasting of the three Regi's rock, ice and steel. Since they are robots Rock would taste like liquid concreate with a high mineral content and the MC can be told to drink lots of water to avoid kidney stones. Ice would be liquid nitrogen and Steel would be liquid metal that has a high metal content and taste.
My original plan for that was that they'd basically lactate engine oil!
But the Ai wouldn't make their milk black like I'd hoped.
Your idea is more or less what I had planned
I love your work here, is very sexy seeing pokemon with big round bellies and large tits. One idea I think would be cool to implement (if it isn't too much to ask for) would be a gallery allowing you to look back on all the old pictures of the pokemon and people being filled and having big or huge pregnant bellies. you could even theme it as a sort of pokedex. Just a thought since it's a little tedious to go back through and remember what choices you have to pick so you can see them again.
yeah, that could work and you can call it something like the sexedex instead of the pokedex and maybe you can just like have it open and just like replay the scenes like the first time you fuck Mewtwo. And maybe a special feature of the sexedex is that it could also include the side scene Pokémon, and the human girls
A gallery could work, maybe at the very end of the game?
Or if I can make passwords work, I could make it an unlockable in the main menu
Sounds like a good idea
it’s honest I just realize that zinnia hasn’t shown up in this game yet that’s kind of surprising
I forgot all about her, maybe I can go back and add her in some time
There’s two things you can do with her. The first thing is probably what you could most likely do. It’s just to add her as a side scene in chapter 3 or she could show up later in another chapter. Maybe after you capture another dragon legendary that doesn’t have a human to go with them. You can use her.
Use her in Rayquaza'a Mega side scene
I've got plans already for Megas and other alternate forms
not sure I can fit Zinnia into those
oh right, I forgot sorry things happened. How are you doing? Chainsaw
Doing fine still, working my way through Zekrom and Reshiram
I have to do them at the same time for their section to work
good to hear and that makes sense
Maybe my idea for Magearna could be her dream just she dreams she is a ghost in a haunted house and wants to be friends with people. Also her favorite food could be "food that feeds the soul".
Also the accessories idea for Meloetta can also be used for Diancie but she will want better one's than he gives to any other legend.
That could work, it would kind of fit the plan I have for her too
Chainsaw, who is your favorite Pokemon in this game?
Mewtwo, she was the first one I wrote so I've had the most time to get attached to her
that is interesting
It shows, considering her ass gets bigger every time you render her
Pregnancy does things to a woman's body, wonderful curvy things!
I played for a bit when I caught the ice legendary pokemon, to be honest, it's not that fun. The idea is good, but it lacks a bit of creativity as it's mainly "choose the right tool for the right job" or "choose the right question".
There's not many dialogue choices and the Art is made by A.I. which is something I don't have a problem with if it's good. But I'd say the art is pretty much just... alright, they're not bad, but not great either.
I'd say this game has potential, if it adds a bit more flare to it, along with Pokemon fights you could do to get the equipment you need to find the legendary Pokemon
I can maybe agree with the choice system lacking some flair, but I cannot agree with the rest of it. Yes, it is just picked the right tool but a lot of the times the tools you do pick make it interesting so I don’t agree with you.
Your second point with the AI the AI art is good. It’s real good. And I can accept that a lot of the models look different from how they actually look in the games because the legendary Pokémon have always had such complicated designs and just feature that AI just can’t work with.
And second off by the way you wrote this comment it means you haven’t played all the way through the game. If you wanna give criticism at least play through the first couple chapters the first two at least.
You’re allowed to have your own opinions, and you’re allowed to give criticism like how I’m giving criticism about your comment and refusing them and maybe you just need to play more of the game to like it because chainsaw puts a lot of love and attention into this baby
I would have, but these kinds of games aren't really my cup of tea unless they're out of the norm, besides, I've played some that have more options than this, and was really good, however I don't intend to sit around and waste my time with a game I already know isn't going to be that great.
I also know that, while you know that I played the game a bit, that you intended to be negative. I would also like to say that a lot of people don't like A.I. Art, and that's just a thing, not many really like it all to much. I just don't enjoy it much because it's got no style, just trying to make 3d characters in a 2d image, it just kinda messes with my brain too much.
I thank you for your criticism and hope you have a good day
P.S. don't show off your gmail account, that's how you get spam.
I think you’ll misunderstand first off. I was trying to rebuke your comments. I was not saying you were wrong. I know that AI art is not for everyone, but the way you said, and the way you were your message was really more talkative to chainsaws hard work I didn’t mean to come off. I’m rude. I’m just defending someone that I genuinely have high hopes for this is a really good game, but I know for a fact it’s not once a cup of tea i’m just saying that this game is really good. The writing is nice. The characters are fun and yeah, the choices can be a little simple but that’s the point it takes long enough to do a chapter of this game so cause the things have to be simple, but there’s so much more to this game than just the choice systems. The character is the story is good, but I know for a fact that you most likely won’t like it like you said it’s not your cup of tea so I respect your opinion and I do wish you have a nice day and maybe one day if your cup of tea changes that you can give this game another shot
PS thank you for helping me figure that out. It did not realize how to my username was and until it was almost too late.
I think I might've misread that then, mb on that part
It’s fine dude. Everyone miss reads once in a while. Just have a good rest of your day.
Omg my lapras idea in the game oh yes baby thank chainsaw dude[ps i haven't play in the whole 6 month nor online sorry]
Had an idea for Magearna that could be scary good. I dont know if there are already plans for her already but since she was made for royalty she could be in a abandoned castle with dark clouds over it. When the MC gets in he immediately finds her stone cold lifeless and missing her soul core in the middle. He hears a voice direct him to the dungeons below to find her. The ghost pokemon would try and stop him and if he fails at all they will move the core again while kicking the MC out for good. Once he has the core he could either battle the ghosts that possesses her body and need to tire it out to put her in or answer questions from her. She could explain that the ghost pokemon here are very friendly but when they get board like to do pranks on others. So the ghosts took her soul core out when she was in a stasis sleep and put her body in the main hall for others to find and laugh at the reactions and have fun with those that want to put her core back and have no intention of harming her or others.
Once she is back in her body unit she cant really move since it will take a few days to be able to move normally BUT there is a quicker way by making lots of stimulus in her body and is just able to open her legs for the MC to do what he does best! She would see that he has an extreme amount of pure love and good radiating from his soul that she can see that she wants to go with him.
That is a fun idea, unfortunately I've already got Magearna all planned out.
I won't spoil what I've got set up for her obviously, but it's a pretty neat idea I think
looking forward to it magearna is my favourite mythical and legendary
Made a mod for the prologue and chapter 1 that replaces the images with new ones using Novel AI's new image generator.
if anyone else wants to use it here's a link:
simply put the images into the poke pics folder.
I do plan on doing the same for the rest.
I hope you're not offended; I just couldn't stand the old ones. :(
I know my images aren't always the best, but the website I use is free, fast, and doesn't need me to log in or anything.
I've got no problem with anyone making mod packs like these, plus it's interesting to see how a different AI and takes on the characters!
i dont understand how to decode deoxys dialogs with the web side.. could you or someone explain me?
Copy and past her dialogue into the box at the top.
Put the number at the start of her sentence into the box that says Type Key here.
Click Decode, the solved text appears in the box below
It would be funny for a side scene if Meloetta asks the MC to take her clothes shopping and lets him help her choose the new clothes but they end up making a big mess in the changing room for obvious reasons.
Another version of this could be that Meloetta does not have any pregnant clothing for her later so she asks the MC to come with her to see the tailors that have been making her dresses while she was an idol. The problem is the tailors only know of regular pregnant size and not the MC's dozen of kids at once size so the MC has fun with her to give the tailors a good example to go off of. Plus the tailors are fans of Meloetta.
Meloetta's clothes are basically a part of her body
I think she'd like some accessories though!
Maybe once they get to the clothes shops in kalos
hey man how have you been doing recently?
hope you’ve been well just wanted to check up on you
Doing fine thanks, getting used to things and finding time to write again
excellent to hear
it’s great to hear your doing better
Hey chainsaw, when do you think you’ll finish chapter 5
No clue, I'm not writing as much as I used to
But future updates will come in smaller parts to make up for it
Had an idea for the fanatical legend that LogFelt suggesting Ogrepon would work as the fanatical legend. It could go that after her partner was killed and she took revenge on the three she had heard later that the three came back to life and thought her partner did as well but he did not. After a bit of time she heard of the MC collecting legends to breed and was reminded of her partner and thought of a small possibility. As the MC collected more legends and she heard about it she wanted to believe it was her partner that came back so she wanted to learn EVERYTHING about the MC and he is so similar to her past partner where they both want to get to know the legend and not use them for the power that she became fanatical about him to be ready when he arrives. She has taken items from towns that interest her without being seen so her getting the MC's shorts from his house or the ship would fit with her and she could have learned human language from her first partner and now figures out how to use a computer on her own to get more info on the MC.
When the MC does get to her region she start to have small self doubts from the lose of her partner long ago so she sets up the test that only the MC can get through. Even after the MC passes the tests she still hesitates a little before the MC makes love to her for first time so he can say something without warning "I did tell you I would come back to you" at that one sentence she remembers what her partner had said before dying that he will come back to her. Its now she no longer has doubts or hesitates any more and takes the MC pants off and shoves his dick into her before he even transforms it and she loves it and has the highest levels of pleasure regardless of what kind of dick he uses or which hole he is in as long as its him in her. She would shed tears of happiness and no longer shed tears of sadness as long as she can be with him even in the harem. Also her favorite food could be any kind that the MC made himself or likes.
That could work, I was already planning to have her think the MC was her companion reincarnated (I forget who originally suggested that.)
Having her be obsessed with the MC like that could work, maybe she never actually laid eyes on him until now despite the stalking and that's why she does the quiz, to make sure she's found the right person.
I was the one who came up with the reincarnated companion after reading her bulbapedia entry a while ago. You had said my idea at that time for her was "Adorably Tragic".
That sounds about right! I'm sure I saved the idea somewhere so I'd remember...
I need to write reminders of where I put my reminders
I have done a lot of ideas and have many more brewing!
looking forward to hearing them
Y’all today is my birthday i’ll be 18 age🥳
Happy birthday.
hey chainsaw, it seems in your comments you’re doing better. I hope that is true.
Yeah, the stress of all the changes is starting to fade and I'm getting the hang of things a bit better
that’s great to hear
Hopefully one day, you can get back to Monster Humpe
Is there any chance we’ll get the original three? Like Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur?
charizard is already in there
oh actually? I’ve just never noticed yet I guess, lol
After you knock up Daisy Oak, the Charizard side scene unlocks
If I can figure out how to fit the other two starters in, then sure.
Erika can probably own the Venusaur, don't know who to give the Blastoise too though since Misty already has Vaporeon
Have Venusaur and Blastoise be region 2 and 3, but you get called back to the Oak Ranch to deal with them since they're also Red's. Then after region 4, you get called back again for a scene with all three.
I'd rather keep the Gen 1 starters to Chapter 1 if I can
I remember the pokemon canon time [in the show not the game] that ash, misty, brock meet a island full of squirtle, wartortle and that one alpha pack blastoise I think you can make that
I still need a Legend or Human to connect them to, I guess I could double up on Misty since adding Venusaur will mean that Erika will have 2
I had a crazy idea and am just putting this here before I forget it. There could be a legend (I don't know who) in the later gens like 8,9 or 10 that would be a fanatical fan of the MC similar to the human fans of Meloetta. It would start with that the MC needs to have collected at least half of the total number of legends up to that region (or all of them) so that his fame would be great enough to catch her attention otherwise any less and Maple would no be able to find any trace of the legend since she would not want to be found. She would be such a fanatical fan that she learned human language and some of the tech to search for info like how the human fans of Meloetta learned her language. Don't underestimate a fanatical fan, give them enough time they can adapt to be able to know more about the MC than the MC knows about themselves.
So when the MC arrives at the region she is at she absolutely wants to join him but got it in her head that there can be fake MC's around so made a test that only the real MC can pass with the journey and battle or quiz. A question could be "who was the first "legendary" the MC caught of the first region" a little trick question since not asking about subs or mythical legends so Mewtwo. In the journey part the MC could find some shorts on the ground but has a familiar feeling that he has seen them some where before but keeps going. Once he reaches and beats the legend he sees a lot of shorts almost made into a blanket and realizes they are HIS shorts that he left in his house when his journey first began. The legend had somehow traveled all the way to his house and collected them so she can smell him at any time. She would be ecstatic to finally call him master and could literally jump into the masterball out of excitement. She would already know about all the legends he has caught so far and even know the layout of the ship before being on it. She would also secretly love watching the MC making love to the other girls but most of all loves it when he makes love to her. She would be just that kind of a fan that being closer to him and having his kids and seeing him work make her happy and maybe she could keep track of how many kids the MC has with the legends and humans similar to the list someone had made with the min and max number.
That does sound like a fun idea, especially the Quiz being about things that happened earlier in the game.
But the question is which Legend would fit this idea?
Maybe Ogrepon? This seems more like a Mythical encounter though
We can wait and see what gen 10 has otherwise what about Silvally since she would have technology in her and be human made legend that would understand human tech and legends.
Maybe Silvally and she starts with the helmet on and only the one she wants to be with can take it off.
Already got plans for Silvally
Take you time do not rush. Rest your mind and body. If you need too.
I'm getting my rest, I need to get writing too though!
just take care
Chainsaw hope your doing good
Busy with life, but doing okay, hoping to write some more today
CHAINSAWWWW drop transmasc N and my life, is yours (yes it’s me again, btw good luck with the rest of the game, you’ve got all of our undying support<3)
Nice God of war reference, my boy and if you believe in the theory that N is a zoroark then he can probably be a chick
Trans N? Not sure... femboy N? Well... I shall say no more
hey chainsaw, how are you doing?
Making steady progress on my writing as I get used to things
that’s good to hear
Had a possible idea for the egg laying at the end of the chapter with Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. It could be Kyogre is on left, Groudon on right and Rayquaza in the middle between the two since if the two were side by side they would fight. The two would be arguing who gives birth first so the MC decides to do both at same time (maybe with some help from Palkia space bending to reach both at same time) while he is inside them his face can be right in front of Rayquaza pussy so he decides to make her feel good for keeping the two under control even now with his tounge and face. Rayquaza has a few orgasms and the MC feels something hard in front of his face and its her eggs but still need him to reach in to pull out. Both Kyogre and Groudon both accept that Rayquaza got first (since always been beaten by her) but now argue who is second. The MC would find both their eggs at same time and pull them out at same time and even after the eggs come out on their own would be at same time. The two would be tied for second but then argue whos eggs will hatch first.
That's pretty much what I had in mind already
Happy Pokemon day :)
Happy Pokémon day to everyone as well especially to you chainsaw
Damn that ZA teaser looked good!
agreed if any new legendary Pokémon appear in ZA what will you with them
I'll have to decide that when/if we see them
sounds good
You know I won't stop playing until every legendary is saved and impregnated to escape Extinction so I'll be waiting patiently for the next update so we can get more chapters until the end.
One must wonder if the MC walks up to male Pokemon and says "Nice cock bro" before mimicking their species dick for the first time.
soul chainsaw since this is the final day of your three week long break how are you feeling?
I think I'll be able to start writing again soon, only a little bit a day, but it will at least be something
that’s a good attitude one step at a time
I hope things get better
I agree
Chainsaw... My game in the chapter five arent working correctly because i cant acess some pokémons, can you Tell me How to make This work?
It's not a bug, ever since Sinnoh the chapters have been divided into two halves. Main Legends get put in the second half because writing them means being able to get on the boat for next chapter.