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awesome work, love it!

stark mountain encounter 2 clicking surf gives an error

Of course it does, I'll get that fixed and do a shadow update

(1 edit)


But i gotta do it in tomorrow cuz i stay up rn

It’s here

It's here!

chainsaw check


I'll have some news for you soon... in about 15 minutes... as long as nothing goes wrong

Let’s fucking go

I don't want to sound rude or anything but, in the next update, you can do less 4th wall breaking, please? 

I get it if some of them are in quizzes, made you test your pokemon knowledge, but some of them really break the 4th wall. For example in Jirachi's questions about sleep turns in Gen 1, she could ask "In Kanto, when it was the only region, even before Johto"; or in the Lake Trio question about how many people are in the Twinleaf town. They can just say they found the number on a "mysterious site"; or the whole Cresselia story.

Imagine being a pokemon trainer/researcher and a legendary pokemon tells you that nothing was real from the start and you are in a game. That will make you have a mental breakdown and question reality all by itself if you think about it. At least Celebi has an excuse, she can travel in time at her will and if you can understand it then it won't be THAT much of a headache.

I ask you again, please, make the less characters break the 4th wall. It ruins all the fun in the game when you found out you are in a game. Except in some quizzes about the region(s) and/or Pokemon(s).

I agree with you 50/50 that’s how much I agree and kinda know

I kinda disagree, mostly on the basis that it fits the silly tone that most of the writing goes for.


To give you the shortest answer, No

To give a slightly longer answer, I write what I find hot and I write what I find funny, the irreverent self-aware doesn't-take-itself-too-seriously kind of style is just what I enjoy writing.
As I've said before, the main reason I work on my projects is because I have fun doing it, so I'm going to end up writing what I like, I know it's not going to suit everyone but that's just the nature of content creation.

fair enough

I think with melloetta  she could be constantly be trying to preform a song for the mc

That could be a good running gag, she keeps trying to start her performance but keeps getting interrupted, or she's too horny to sing it right then afterwards she's too full of cum to sing it right.

I can work with that

I have a side scene for the kalos region 

the idea was the mc got a message by the mapel and she asking the mc go to the lab in kalos because they need to breeding  the dinosaur pokemon wthat they just revier and need to make more and you know it you know it after that if you click on it again will show like the mc watching the news and got news that the dinosaur are just laid a bunch of eggs 

I did have someone ask earlier about Fossil Pokemon and I think we came up with more or less this exact idea!

Basically having a Tyrantrum break out of a Jurassic Park style enclosure and the MC breeds her to calm her down again

So is the anniversary food side event be put in this update?

The idea ended up split into two seperate events.
The Kanto Birds are part of one event, but that's not for the anniversary.
The Mews are part of another, which is about the anniversary!

I about to cook ok so the monster humper story is pro half of tge actaully version so it would take 1 and a half month and ik sinnoh second update is about to coming so i will guess next region is unova so unova have almost the same amount of legendary as sinnoh so it would take 6 month (plus the human side scene + ship scene)

Then that would make 7 month and a half to update BOTH game

Are you positive you actually right?

As i said i just guess it plus monster humper chainsaw already said it was a demo not a actaully done yet and if you asking about unova then i just guess around 5-6 month

Unova will be broken into two halves like Sinnoh was, updates seem to take me around three months each so six/seven months total sounds about right

Monster Humper is my weekend project, I'm not aiming to time the updates together, so that'll be updated whenever it's ready

Guess i was right then

dang, I guess you was right 

hey chainsaw real fast check up. How’s the game going? By the way, just wanna say that I’m gonna not do the rant for the monster homer game yet because it’s not the full one.

On playtesting right now, had a few things to fix up but I think I'm nearly there!

So most likely after this week,


As long as all keeps going well, it might even be this week!



Anyone her who was waiting to try out my new game, Monster Humper Story, your wait is over!
The Demo just released a few moments ago!

Praise God

(1 edit)

Finally, some good fucking food.

While we're busy feasting on this, are you gonna be working more on pokebreeder?

so he’s basically calling us a pack of hungry creatures.

I’ve never been called something so accurate in my entire life.

Yep, I've been working on Monster Humper during the weekends,  so the next few days will all be PokeBreeder, as long as my playtesting goes well, the update will be coming out soon!

I can see Lickitung giving the best tongue jobs to  the MC with its massive tongue.

I might be able to work in a side scene for Lickitung, depends on if the AI will behave in making it, that huge tongue might be tricky


I think it would be good if you interact with the people you fuck after they stop sending messages 

He probably has a plan for it


You mean the Human characters?
I'm going to bring some of them back, but not all of them, I want to the focus to remain on the Pokemon

Any idea of when the update's finished? Just askin'

i think they are just about done i think they now are in the testing phase. which i believe they will be done sometime this coming week.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it drops in a day or two

i’m thinking maybe tomorrow 


Afraid not, still got playtesting to do and that's going to take a while


I'd say it's closer to another week, but I'm getting there!

I'm done with the writing (I think)
Now it's on to play testing, it's going to take a while though, I want to go through the WHOLE game to make sure nothing else got messed with in the Twine update

so probably another week and maybe half a week

As long as nothing else needs fixing, I'd say that sounds about right

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OK, rent time

OK so I should begin this rent with why the MC would be doing this besides the obvious you know getting to fuck some more girls. I believe that Professor Maple would ask him to breed some pseudo-legendarys for the simple reason to get their numbers up a little higher. Even though they're not as rare as actual legendarys, they're still not a lot of them in nature they're not as high of risk of becoming extinct, but compared to other species their numbers are a little to low for Maples comfort. So she asked the MC to breed any pseudo-legendarys that is stumble apart.

Dragonite - So one day the MC wants to go to a beach to just chill out but every beach around the area is packed and crowded. The only beach that doesn't have anyone on it is a nudist beach. The MC decides fuck it. He doesn't mind walking naked with what he got packing and he may pick up some girls to have fun with. But unfortunately, no one's around but He doesn't care so he just lays down and enjoys the rays of sun. But then out of nowhere a shadow blocks the sun from him. As he opens his eyes, he sees a Dragonite looking down at him, more pacifically, looking down at his crotch so he looks at hers as well and realizes that she is quite wet that turns him realizing that she's in heat, so he decides to help her with that so they had some fun in the sun. After their fun in the sun, the Dragonite lays down with the MC in the sun absolutely glowing with her massive pregnant belly. They stay like that for a while until the MC has to leave as he's leaving the beach he turns around and waves towards the Dragonite as she waves back at him.

Tyranitar - one day when the MC was walking through some rocky path on a mountain then out of nowhere a construction worker stops him and tell him to probably go another way. When the MC asked why not the construction worker says it's because there is a female Tyranitar on a rampage. The MC asked why is this girl on a rampage? The construction worker tells him that it just evolved from a Pupitar Because of that it's really, really horny. He says it's quite a common occurrence with insect Pokémon with a chrysalis second stage. Since it can take up a couple years for them to fully evolve they can go through multiple heat cycles, and when they evolve, they become extremely horny because they were so pent up. But this also happens to Tyranitar when they evolve and considering how stronger they are it is a bigger deal. As the MC hears this, he tells the construction worker that he can handle it. He goes forward and encounters the Tyranitar that's facing away from him and showing their ass. The MC changes his member to the most sturdy thing he has and goes right in to calm down this girl. After they had their fun the Tyranitar got back up and poured her massive belly and look towards the MC and gave him a little smile as she wanders out back into the mountains. The MC went back to the construction worker and said that the Tyranitar would be causing them any problems in the near future.

Salamence - The MC was stopping at a food Stan to get a quick snack and a drink. After getting what he ordered, he sat down on a bench and started eating. But then he overheard some people talking about a very sad Pokémon. As the MC started listening a little closer, he heard that this sad Pokémon was a Shelgon. It turns out that this Shelgon has been around for quite a while and it still hasn't evolved yet. The MC feeling sad for this Shelgon he decided to help it. he started looking around for a place where they could be an in a couple of minutes he found it. It was just sitting on a smallish hill looking up into the sky. As the MC got closer towards her there a little wary at first, but the MC just says he's here to help. He believes the only reason why she has an evolved yet is that she's not high enough. So by using all the strength he has. He was able to pick her up and toss her in the air. As she's higher than she's ever been, she begins to evolve into a Salamence. After it happened, she's extremely thankful from the help the MC gave her and she decided to gav him a little reward. After they had their fun the Salamence rob her bloated belly and gave the MC a kiss on the Fore head. After that, the MC saw her takeoff into the sky, even though it's definitely harder, with how big her belly is.

Metagross - In the middle of the day, the MC decided to just have a nice old little time at a restaurant just having some food. After the waiter, brought his food, the MC has a question four the waiter he asked if he has heard about any rare Pokémon nearby. The waiter things for a second but then he says there's a rumor that there is a shiny Metagross that lives in a rocky gorge nearby. After the MC is done eating and giving a decent tip to the waiter for the information he decides to head there to see if these rumors are true. When the MC got there, he started looking for this Metagross. After a while of searching, he found the Metagross sleeping. As he was getting closer to get a good look at her, she awakened. Before she could attack, the MC tries to talk her down. Just saying that he wanted to see if the rumors that she was around was true. But then he realizes she was not really listening to him. She was looking at his shorts. That's when the MC realize that he gotten pretty hard from looking at her, shiny naked body. Considering how intelligent Metagross usually are she realize what this means so she spread her legs a little more. The MC accepted her offering he always likes pounding some shiny pussy. After they have their fun. The Metagross laid-back down, rubbing her swollen belly. As the MC was leaving, he turned back to see the sun shining on her shiny skin in particular her belly. It's quite a beautiful sight.

Garchomp - After the MC started having quite regular sex sessions with Cynthia they were having a good time not realizing that someone in particular was getting quite jealous. Today in particular was another sex meet up. Cynthia Wanted something more natural for their sex so they went into a Forrest. Before they could get started, something grabbed the MC and started gunning it through the Forrest. As the MC was being carried away over the shoulder of the kidnapper the only thing he really saw was that they had a tail and they had a nice round ass. After a while being carried away, the MC finds himself in a cave as he sees his kidnappers face for the first time. And it is Cynthia Garchomp The MC is confused for a second until he realize that she is rubbing her claws against his pants. The MC realizes what she wants and decides to give it to her. After a couple minutes of them having some sex after they were done Cynthia finally caught up to them. Cynthia realize what happened and told Garchomp if she wanted around with the MC she would understand and she would let her. And after that day, the MC when he has a sex meet up with Cynthia he has to fuck both of them and he's fine with that.

Hydreigon - One day the MC was just chilling in the forest having a nice little picnic. Then out of nowhere he heard a roar. He saw trees getting uprooted and prone into the air, crashing down and blown up and set on fire. As he looked closer at the destruction, he saw what was causing it a angry Hydreigon. After he realized what it was, she saw him. She rode and started charging at him, the MC being a smart man decides to hit the dash. After running for a bit, the MC needs to get her office ass then he saw a small opening into a cave he believes he can squeeze through it. But he has to hurry because he can hear that the Hydreigon is right on his tail. he goes through and he squeezes food the opening in the cave as he catches his breath he hears growling and rustling behind him. As he turns around, he sees that the Hydreigon try to follow him through the opening, but got stuck. As she tries to squeeze through the MC decides to go through the mouth of the cave as he's about to leave he turns around to wear the Hydreigon is stuck at and mostly look at that ass. That's when he realizes she wasn't rampage for no reason she's just in heat. And well, the MC can't just see a pussy that needs a pounding and not pounded and you know so he decides to calm her down a little. After they had fun, the MC helped free her from her compromising position. After she was free, she was really chilled and decided to give the MC a little smooch and flew away. 

Goodra - It was a peaceful day. The MC was just walking through the city it was a peaceful day. But then out of nowhere he's attacked. Something is clinging to his face. After a fierce battle, the MC was able to come out victorious over his grade rival. Then he realizes it was just a regular newspaper that blew into his face because of the wind. Before throwing it away, he saw a article on the newspaper that he got intrigued by. It was a new massage parlor that was offering a new service with Goodras. It is similar to a oil massage, but instead of oil it's the slime of a Goodra. But that isn't fully woke up the MC attention there is the premium massage package. Will you get massage by a fully naked adult female Goodra and you can have fun with her if she lets you. This is a win-win situation for the MC. He gets a good massage to relax his muscles and he has a chance to fuck another girl. After going to the massage parlor and getting the premium massage he enters the room and sees the girl waiting fully naked. As the MC lays down on the massage table the Goodra gets to work after a while. She turns the MC to be on his back when that happens. The MC changes his member into something that he thinks she would like and God he's good at guessing what girls like. The Goodra seeing how big he is gets all hard and bothered and decides to have some fun with the MC. After the MC has fun with her and patting her belly bloated belly he gives her a smile and she gives him one back after that it goes out of the room dry off a little bit put his clothes back on and walk out of the building give them five stars.

Kommo-o - One day when he was in Alolan He decided to catch a concert. The concert has alolan Marowak dancing alongside with all four forms of Odoridori. But the main style of the show making the music is a Kommo-o clacking her scales together and dancing. It's a great show in the MC does not hold any regrets of seeing it. After it was over when the MC was about to leave Eastside stand with a wooden lottery wheel. Now the MC has never been a gambling man, but he thinks he's pretty lucky because let's be honest. His life is pretty good. So you decided to take a chance after a couple of seconds a ball fell out and he got the number one prize. A private sexual dance from the Kommo-o kinda like a lap dance fully naked. After the MC was brought to the private room the Kommo-o got in as well. As she gets in front of the MC, she begins moving quite sexy, slow movement. Her scales gently clack together, actually moves her hands across her move body turning around and showing the MC her round firm ass. as she's facing away from the MC he takes off his shorts and pick a member because he realizes that she was quite wet and decides that both of them should have some fun. After she turns to face him she licks her lips and gets on. After they have their fun she gets off continues to dance a little but now she is dancing around with her beautiful belly. After the time was up the MC left the room raving her goodbye like he thought before he has no regrets of coming to this concert.

Dragapult - As the MC was walking through some ancient ruins just looking around he heard a sound of something in distress. As he got closer to see what was happening, what he saw was quite weird. What he saw was a female Dragapult Looking around furiously for something. Then he realizes the two Dreepy that usually follows around a Dragapult was nowhere in sight. The MC decided to get closer to her when she realized she was new. She got into a defensive position, but the MC was able to talk her down and see if she wanted his help to find her Dreepy. She did accept itself and they saw it looking through the ruins trying to find them. It took a couple hours to find both of them, but they did eventually but it took so long they fell asleep. As the MC was quite exhausted from so many hours looking for them he looked up into the sky to see that it was quite late, but he felt something press against his crotch. As he looked down, he saw the Dragapult pressing her ass against his crotch. It seems like she wants to give him a reward from helping her find her Dreepy. The MC never being one to refuse a fucking reward, beautiful girl takes off his shorts pixel member that she would like and they have some fun but making sure to be quiet so they don't wake up the two little ones. After they had their fun, she laid down on her back, rubbing her bloated belly before he leaves the MC picks up the two Dreepy and pleases them on her belly to make sure those two don't get lost again.

Hisuian Goodra - Today is quite a strange day the MC got a call from Professor Maple about a associate that needed his help with something. And that is why he's been sitting inside the science lab for his appointment with this associate and to help them with their problem. Lucky enough there's a lot of nice magazines with some nice pictures of some girls and some nice poses. After a while is a professor comes out and tell him to follow. As they are walking, the professor explains as research that is in the pursuit of helping Pokémon reach their ancient Hisuian forms. How he's been able to do this is DNA treaters of these ancient forms. Bring them back to life and then having them meet with the standard forms to help bring their DNA back into the species. But he has one problem pacifically a problem to deal with Hisuian Goodra his original plan was to get a male Goodra to breed or her, but the closest one he can get would take a couple months. And that's a problem because Hisuian Goodra only in a breeding mood for a month. So if he waits for the mail Goodra the meeting season would be over. So that's why he called the MC to help him breed her. The MC didn't really catch all that, but he did understand one thing he wants him to breed her and he's fine with that. As he went into the man-made habitat for the Hisuian Goodra he saw her just kind of sitting, looking kind of sad Addish in the way probably because she's not getting fucked lucky for her that's gonna change real soon. As the MC is approaching her, he begins to Undress and changing his member into something else. As he's done as he looks back up, she's right in front of them, looking quite intently at his crotch. After that, they start having their little fun. After they're done the MC waves goodbye to her as she kisses her belly. And the professor thinks the MC for helping him and tells him that if there's any more Hisuian Pokémon that needs to be fucked he would call him. 

Baxcalibur - As the MC was walking through a force just looking for stuff. He started hearing growling, rustling and scraping nearby. So being the man with no cares for his safety decides to go and see what's the racket about. What you saw after you got there it's quite hilarious and kind of humiliating for the girl. What he saw was a Baxcalibur with their back spike stuck in our rock. The MC remembers a old legend about a something stuck in a stone, but he really doesn't pay attention to that thought. As he approaches, she notices him and starts wiggling even more trying to get out. The MC tells her not to worry that he's here to actually help her. And oh boy he tries he's trying pulling her out, pushing her from different angles. But one attempt he was pushing against her legs. as he placed one of his arms kind of around her crotch area to try to get a better leverage he accidentally slipped one of his fingers inside of her click. And then he realized she was absolutely soaked. The MC thinks maybe she has a humiliating kink in this position is really turning her on or maybe she's just in the heat. But then the MC has a great idea. You may not be physically strong, but he's quite strong and frosting. Maybe if he fucked her hard enough, she will become unstuck from that rock. As he's picking what member to use, she realized what he's gonna try to do and she seems too be quite happy that this is gonna happen. As the MC starts to have fun with her as she still stuck in the rock. After he reaches his climax and her belly begins to swell up his last frost is strong enough to get her out of the rock. After that the humiliating gives him a quick kiss on the forehead and kick the rock. Ashley leaves. 

good job 👍 why does it feel when I’m reading  it feels like I’m him MC is it just me 

Chainsaw should add it in gen 6 because of goodra and less legendary and other in gen 9 because of also less legendary (plus would think it take 6 month)

I agree with you

Yeah that's my plan for Gen 6, add a bunch of extra side content to make up for the lack of Legends


Okay, short answer to your long rant!

You've got some really good ideas here, I've saved your whole comment for future reference and I'm definetly coming back to it when I get around to writing the Psuedos!
Whether I'll use your ideas in full or just take inspiration from them, I don't know yet, but your hard work won't go to waste!

The only idea I had so far for psuedos was to have Dragonite deliver Pizza to the MC in a skimpy uniform, there was that one in the Anime who delivered mail, so it seemed like it could work


Deleted 168 days ago

this game doesn’t really need that because you can quickly get back to where you were quite fast

There is literally a save option already. It's just a native part of Twine

(1 edit)

my pseudo-legendary rant is about done. I will be able to post it today.

Nice, I'm looking forward to reading it!

hey chainsaw quick question about your monster Hunter game like what’s its primis


I guess I can give away a little bit.

The story is about a region undergoing an ecological collapse due to overhunting and poaching, fortunately the Admiral, leader of the Hunters, has a plan!

There was one degenerate Hunter who she found balls deep in her pet Asstonoth, she'll send him to breed the remaining Monsters and restore the population, if he succeeds then she'll look like a genius, if he fails then he's trapped in a region with no Monsters to be horny over.

I think that's enough of a hint for now

😁 they sound interesting and fun I can’t wait

I keep hearing about this monster Hunter game but I find it on

It sounds super fun and i want to play it. does anyone know where it is?

not available yet

it will be available when the new update comes out. He will release that and the monster hunter game at the same time.

And that should be soon. Last progress report a couple days ago said he only had 2 characters left to do

It's my current side project, I'm still working on it to make a releasable demo, but it's not ready yet

Another instance of someone using ai art to create a H-game

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is there a problem with that? Because yes he does use AI to make the art but if you look at the rest of the game, that’s all him.


Hey man at least they're not trying to charge you anything like some other games using ai assets. 

any plans for mega evolutions

This has already been answered. They'll be side scenes.

A thought it just came into my head when I was doing the idea for Hydreigon part in me rant. 

So we all know that psychic types like be fuck in the ass because it’s like a dark type move. Would that mean dark types like being slapped on the ass because it’s like a fighting type move.

hold on that kind of does make sense you are right🤔 economic basis sense 

Why stop there? Go full BDSM. Not my thing personally, but it fits the logic.

Anything butt related counts as "attacks from behind" which would be Dark Type Moves, since Dark Types resist those, they aren't a fan of having their butts messed with in any way, same goes for Fighting Types.

Ok fair enough

how’s the update?

Someone else asked that just yesterday, scroll down a little

Deleted 173 days ago

just go a little further down, my dude

Idk if paradox pokemon also count because of the beast and the sword of justice paradox got me thinking about it

I think they would. Or at least the legendary ones would because Koraidon and Miraidon are technically paradox Pokémon

Kora and Mira will be main legends, the other Paradoxes will be in a side chapter

Most of the Paradoxes will be in a side chapter of their own.

The two Bikes will be counted as Main Legends though.

how is the update coming along 

also, how’s that monster Hunter game?

I want to put in 2 more Monsters and then it'll be ready for a demo release

Will be keeping an eye out for it. Pls put out a note here when its ready if you don't mind.


There will be a post for anyone who's following me, but I can leave a message here as well

i bet they're at least at 95% done with the update by now and will maybe release it maybe in the next week (or weekend)? but that is just my hypothesis of how it might play out

It'll probably be longer than that, I want to do a complete playthrough to make sure nothing got broken when Twine updated, there's a few changes they made so I need to test EVERYTHING

Darkmon. I enjoy reading your comments on the updates cause unlike the others who just simply ask "When is the next update?" You try and pose a hypothesis as to how far along Chainsaw has come on it. It makes it seem more like guess work of someone who's been following progress both by the link updates and comments.

(2 edits)

i based it off another commenter's guesswork where they broke down how they thought chainsaw's game formula works by saying "it takes them 2-3 days to do the artwork for a character, a week to write their segment a 2-3 months to finish a update" or something like that. then i sort of do my own guesswork from there.

I'm onto the ship scenes now, there's so many Legends from Gen 4 that I've got quite a few to work through, but I'm getting there!

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I’m about to do another one of my famous rants, but this time is side scene idea's for pseudo legendarys

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I could use some ideas for them, go right ahead!
I've got half an idea for Dragonite, but that's it so far

Dunno why this came to mind, but for Garchomp, I was thinking a surprisingly geeky gal. She lives high in Mt. Coronet, and barely talks to anybody. She absolutely LOVES anything Fantasy, and her cave walls are coated in fanart for her favorite shows, and she's currently writing her own original story. But, she feels like she's missing something, until the Player comes along and gives her some inspiration. Out of both gratitude and crippling loneliness, that's when she offers the frisky stuff.

(3 edits)

That’s not a bad idea for a legendary but with how change our rights no Pokémon they can’t really speak, but it is a good idea

That would be cute but it doesn't really fit with how I'm writing the non-legendary Pokemon, maybe I can fit some of these ideas into Garchomp's side scene, but I'll need to plan that out first

I'm back and I kind of have an idea for a kind of "rival" for Maples Pikachu. I know that eventually we will return to wherever you have Malpe's base in, and I'm sure her Pikachu would refuse to evolve so what if she got a female Eevee who becomes a rival for Pikachu when you get back, but you wind up in a three-some with the two needy horny Pokémon? Also, the Eevee would refuse to evolve just like the Pikachu. I'm kind of basing it off another person's comment about more Eevelution scenes, but it's 100% up to you Chainsaw. Also, what all did I miss?

Oh that's a good idea!

I do plan on writing Maple and her Chu back into the story at some point, I can work on and Eevee rival once that's been set up properly!

I still need to work on some more Eeveelution scenes too, I'll probably fit one in per chapter to spread them out a little

(1 edit)

Awesome Chainsaw! Can't wait to see it! Also please make sure Eevee is Maples and not some random professor. I like the idea of the two Pokémon icons being rivals for one trainer

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by the way, I just need to say that Giratina picture is goddamn perfect in multiple ways

Getting her redesign right was tricky, but I like how it turned out in the end!

Last update was 80 days ago /mytimezone/ and now i calling all pokebreeder player to about celebrate when the update came out

whenever he’s done

what happened? Not sure if it's a thing, but I feel like this is the second or third game where I am suddenly missing my savestates. I might have missed one or two updates at least.


the updates wiped the saves

(1 edit) (+1)

But at least this is a type of game that you can quickly get everything back

okay Thank you both I forgot about that.


Any time I update, it basically wipes the saves, I have no idea if there's a way to make it not do that, but the SKIP pages should help you get back on track

Just curious.  Have you or will add an interaction between Celebi and Dialga giving Celebi's time travel powers and Dialga being the god of time.

Ah i think i must do a family tree with the legendary

Yep, got one planned out for the very next update!

Cool.  Just thought given the similar spheres of influence you would of already thought of it but couldn't help myself but ask just in case.

He did the same with Lugia and Kyoger. Lugia being the Guardian of the Seas and Kyoger being the Goddess of the Seas. Low key saw him doing something similar with Celebi and Dialga once he got up to that point.

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I think Reshiram and Zekrom could say they made the truth or dare game since Reshiram represents truth zekrom is ideals so could be dares to get others to build the ideal world.


I think I can fit that into my plans for those two

I'm basically making it that Reshiram is a hardcore realist and Zekrom is a fanicful dreamer, Kyurem will be more of a Doomy Nihilist

sounds interessting

It is time to do the chainsaw check

Making wy way through Arceus and Cynthia still, but I'm also getting started on some of the ship scenes too, so it's going well!

so do you believe you’re gonna be able to put the new part out in the next week?

Probably not, there's still a lot of work to be done

I guess the last part is ship now


most likely and then after that, he’s gonna have to go through the parts and make sure there’s no bugs


Still finishing Arceus and Cynthia, but yep, it's the ship after that!

Then comes the bug testing, I was thinking about starting on a minigame or two but I might save those for Gen 6 where I won't have as much Legends to work with

Great idea👍

hey bro, is your PC fixed?

Yep, all better now! I can get back to writing, Cynthia is probably getting impatient by this point

good thinking you can’t edge a woman like her for too long

Since Diancie and Fezandipiti are all about beauty they would want to be covered in the MC cum since I had heard somewhere that it acts as revitalizer for skin and they would eventually want to take a cum bath. Diancie would ask the MC beauty questions and wont work with people who dont understand beauty perfectly and wont give a second chance.

Those two are going to have the pettiest arguments ever, I can probably tie Diancie's beauty obsession to the Contest Halls since moves there could be BEAUTY themed

I feel like diance would be so focused on beauty that she is a little stupid

I agree

You say that like anyone is my game has more that 2 braincells!

But yeah, she's going to be pretty damn vain


(1 edit) (+1)

Could Cresselia allow the MC to enter the dreams of the other legends or at least the main legends. Lugia could dream of founding a religion or shrine about anal and the MC would be the deliverer that showed the way to pleasurer paradise. Mewtwo dream of being a housewife in a naked apron.

Fuck, now I need it.


Oh I can do some funny stuff with an idea like that!

For the rock paper scissors sex idea could start with groudon and kyoger fighting but getting bored of either one winning due to raqueza so they somehow come up with this so she wont interfere and one can actually win or tie.

At the minute I'm thinking of using it as a way to get all the shorty mythical together, someone already suggested that it sounds like a game Mew would invent

Sounds even better.

How many dollar did you get after making this game dude?

he doesn’t get money out of this game. It’s a free game.

Well youtuber get money while having views on video which make money which his game also have around 800k visits should have make him some mlney

Youtubers get money through advertising and sponsorship, my game is completely free, it costs you guys nothing and it earns me nothing (other than the fun of making it)

And besides, I wouldn't feel right charging for something this reliant on AI art, it is kind of stealing after all

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