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hey, chainsaw would it be too much of a stretch to say that the second part of the update is gonna be coming out in the next two weeks?

I dont know right now, im still having PC trouble and i just dont have it in me to sit down and write until its fully fixed

ok go head we will wait

Any plans for alternate forms? (Megas, Primals, Gigantamax, ect).


Theyll be added as side scenes at some point, probably during chapter 6 for the megastar since I need extra content for Kalos, and that is when megas where introduced anyway

what exactly are you gonna do for the galarian birds  because if you don’t have any ideas, I have idea for the personalities and a possible side scene you could get from capturing all three of them


No real plan for them yet, they'll basically be treated like cousins to the Kanto Birds and have the same personalities just WAY more extreme.
For example, K Moltres is a troll but G Moltres is a total asshole

It's still going to be a long time before I get to them though so I'd like to hear your ideas anyway

(2 edits) (+1)

Well, that’s basically my idea for them that their personalities are extreme versions of the originals but I do have a idea when you capture the three of them and you do their downtime event. It unlocks the new side scene.

The MC can’t exactly fall asleep, so he decides that he’s gonna walk around the area to try to tire  himself out as he’s walking. He sees a figure in the moonlight covered in shadows at first the shape looks like Lugia the MC gets closer to have a chat and maybe a fuck but when he gets closer, it’s head turns to him, and he sees the red piercing eyes before he could think he gets tackled down to the ground and his short ripped off as he realizes that this is shadowLugia they fuck them. The MC falls asleep when he wakes up he has his shorts back on, and he is outside. 

The main idea for this plan is simple I just like the idea that. shadowLugia is the boss of the galarian birds and also a lot of people have wanted her into the game and you haven’t really had any ideas how to put her so having her be in a side scene just makes sense.

As good as that idea is, I've already got a plan in place for Shadow Lugia I'm afraid

I'm not sure I'll be able to work it so she appears in both scenes, I've got plenty of time to figure it out though

No problem, big man


An idea for a mini game could be a rendition of Rock Paper Scissor but could be played as Oral, Anal, Pussie. Oral beat pussie, Anal beat oral, and pussie beats anal.

Should be easy enough to program something like that
Now how do I use it?

I guess you can do it with some of the legendarys to play with them while on the ship like

Everyone is bored and mew think of a game to make everyone entertaine and the winner got breed by the MC ig

I was looking for an idea to get all the shorty mythicals together, I think this might be it!

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Hello dude it time to check propgess of the update:D


Well it's funny you ask that, because I ALMOST just lost everything!

My PC glitched the fuck out and I had to factory reset it to get it fixed!
Luckily this happened the day AFTER I backed up all my work so I was able to get it all back again!
I lost maybe 1 or 2 pages of writing but it's all stuff I can redo pretty quickly.

Anyway, in terms of actual progress, Arceus has been bred and caught, so now it's onto Cynthia and Arceus's downtime scenes

Yikes that's always scary. 

A quote I heard that's relevant is the following:

If data doesn't exist in 3 different places at once it doesn't exist at all.

God bless your pc bro 🙏🙏🙏🙏

I almost had a heart attack

Oh, a little "body" idea about Yveltal. Like she consume life's essence of others, maybe that end up making her fat ? Obese, even :3


that makes sense in a weird way, but she would have to be skinny enough to fly and I don’t think just consuming life energy can actually make you gain weight


She won't necessarily have to be skinny, Lugia is a chonker even in the original games and she can get airborne!

What I said was not her being a blob, but an obese person :3

I feel like a certain fluid may contain a LOT of life energy!

She'll probably be slim for her first encounter and soon find that she's getting a bit more padding the longer she spends with the MC

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Ooooh, I love the idea ! ^^ Will she enjoy her gains ? :3

Possibly not at first but I think she'll warm up to the idea

It could be nice to have a boat even between Kalos and Alola where she start to think that her gains would make her less attractive toward the MC and so she speak with the fatties in the boat (Groudon for exemple, Kyurem f you made her fat etc) who cheer her up and make her proud of her gains :3

Im sure they all be supportive of her, i can definitely put this in

I was a little disappointed Tate didn't end up pregnant, but overall this seems very fun and well made.

M Preg isn't really my thing, since he's a side scene you wouldn't have seen anything even if he did somehow get knocked up.

But if you want it to happen as your head-canon then go right ahead

Ok makes sense.

Bout the bit with swift... it's actually possible

really how

I know it could miss in Red and Green thanks to a bug, but I'd love to hear how else it can miss!

in Gen 1 Swift could never miss, even with Fly/Dig active. Nowadays it misses on foes using Fly/Dig/Dive/Bounce/etc. 

don't forget the user having -6 accrecy and the foe having +6 evasion

I don't understand what you're getting at? Swift, alongside Faint Attack (Dark, Physical), Shadow Punch (Ghost, Physical), Aerial Ace (Flying, Physical), Magnet Bomb (Steel Physical), Smart Strike (Steel, Physical), Magical Leaf (Grass, Special) and Shock Wave (Electric, Special) bypass accuracy checks, which means user's accuracy and target's evasion are not factored in when determining if it hits.

These checks are also only considered for targets in the semi-invulnerable state from moves like Fly, Dive, Dig, Bounce, Sky Drop, etc. if they are targetted by a move that can hit them (Thunder, Twister, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut for Fly/Sky Drop/Bounce. Surf for Dive, Earthquake/Magnitude/Fissure for Dig) None of those moves are among the Swift varients.

Oh Forgot the Grimmsnarl-line's signature move False Surrender, that's also among the Swift varients.

(For some clarity I have been playing the games since gen 1.)

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This is me thinking out loud here but wouldn't zoura n zourark be technic be almost legendary, cause their species are rarely seen? If so could we be able to get them as a special Pokemon to introduce us the region of unove by any chance? 

Personally i think when the MC just catch darkrai and went outside to buy some food then a zoroak n zoura appear to chasing the MC then.we playimg a runinng minigames if we win we get to breed them

But if we lose we just got stole food ig

I might be able to work a kind of mini game in for the Zoroark scene, I have been meaning to try and make a few!

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I do plan to have a zoroark scene in chapter 5, it will only be a side scene though

Zoroark was never a Legend, but they made it stupidly hard to get in Black and White for basically no reason

I agree with that I two have that game and still have issues with it 

At this rate i think a week and you done the sinnoh part2 update

I wouldn't be surprised if it took longer, still got a lot of work to do!


I had a crazy idea. Ancient people believed the ground contained a gigantic Torterra. So the MC is travelling to an dried up waterfall just to look around and finds a cave where the water used to come from and enters it but the entrance closes. It is humid and there is a smell that he has smelled and tasted before but cant think of what like its at the tip of his Tung but goes further in and gets more wet and squishy  like flesh inside the body.  He then sees a hole that gets him arroused. It dawns on him he is inside a pussy of a gigantic Torterra and need to bring her to orgasm to ride the wave out of there. When the "Waterfall" comes back a new legend about the area forms of the Turtwig water fall where turtwigs are seen on occasion swimming out of the water as if they had just hatched and would be one of the mysteries of the region.

That's a reference to the Detective Pikachu movie, right?

I never actually watched that but I'm sure it had a Giant Torterra.
I'll put this idea under "Maybe" for now

Its is the Giant Torterra Garden Scene from detective Pikachu movie and is four minuets long if you want to look it up to see just how massive they were.

hello my beans on toast enjoy your friend. I have a request feel free to deny it. You are the god of this world, but can you show us a picture of one of the monster from your Monster Humper Story game?


I've never been called Beans on Toast before...

How about 2 images!

First, a location image that shows at the start of a Quest, in this case the one for the Grasslands, featuring the Hunter's "Catpanion" Hofield

As for the Monsters I've made so far, most of them are undergoing redesigns and I'm giving them new names to make sure everyone understands that these are completely original and unique creatures that are entirely distinct from any other creative property...

So anyway, here's a Velociwhore

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This looks really good and by the way Velociwhore it’s a great original monster figure out what you took your inspiration from to make it just so unique

Any plans for Genesect due to her being a modified revived pokemon and possibly one of the reasons for the legend breeding project.

I do have some plans ready for Genesect, but I'm going to use Enamorous as the reason the project started.
I think Genesect wasn't a Legend until AFTER it was revived and Team Plasma messed around with it

so finally finished the first half of Sinnoh took me some time.

now is the question how far are you right now with the other half ?

will it still take some time  ?

and one thing that i would have liked to see is a fight in dreams between those 2 dream mons. and just then a Musharna appears out of nowhere.

I'm working through Arceus right now, so we're nearing the final stretch!
It will still be a while before it's ready though.

I think I can put a Musharna scene together in Chapter 5!

I don’t know why, but I just have this mental image of a seviper throwing a zangoose into the MC out of nowhere like he’s just walking down a Woodland Trail and then on nowhere this bright white ass slams into his face 

That sounds like the lead up to a VERY competative threesome!

yeah, that’s what I thought, but I do also have another question. How long does it usually take for you to do a side scene.

Depends a little on how well developed my plan for it is and how easily I can make the AI images, but it's not normally more than an hour

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I think kalos/gen 6 would be 2 month because it only have 6 legendary and alola/gen 7 would be 4 -5 month because have 25 legendary/ultra beasts

the ultra beasts is it gonna be its own chapter

Actaully i thought like he also gotta do the side chapter pretty long too because of that i also count

Gen 7 will probably be broken into a few parts, 1 for subs/mythicals, 1 for the main legends, 1 for Ultras in their own side chapter

I said recommed each month each 5 pokemon legendary/ultra beast


I've seen some people proposing things about Yveltal and Xerneas, and that gave me some ideas :3
 About Xerneas, her having a huge pregnancy fetish is of course a wonderful idea ! But about Yveltal... What if she is even more addicted to that than Xerneas ? Xerneas is used to be pregnant, she just want to be hyperpreg and be surrounded by hyperpreg people and when she met the MC that'll happen, but Yveltal never was pregnant. I propose that she crave to be extremly pregnant to the point of not being even mobile, but with her powers the only ones who didn't fear her are people looking to use her powers. So that may be a duality between two huge lover of hyper pregnancy with Xerneas used to making love and be impregnated, even if she never was as pregnant that when the MC impregnate her, and Yveltal being a virgin who only can dream of that. Maybe making so that Yveltal and Xerneas are very close, that they love each others but because Zygarde force them to respect their roles and that the godess of death must not bring life in Zygarde's mind, Xerneas cannot help her and when the MC impregnate Yveltal Xerneas is very glad he did so ^^ I really see them as close friends / lovers who live an impossible relation, that would be so cool in my sens ! And Zygarde, maybe her too love hyperpreg but she didn't realised it, she discover it when she discover the MC, that she feel herself impregnated and imaginate herself with a humongous belly ? And that after accepted that Yveltal can get pregnant she feel guilty and want to make the two legendaries the happiest because of this feeling, but now the two have no hard feelings against her because she's their friends and was just doing her job.

 I would see this relation of trio as opposite as the Groudon - Kyogre - Rayquaza, where Groudon and Kyogre hate each other's and Rayquaza is kinda annoyed by them and make them learn their place. In the Yveltal - Xerneas - Zygarde trio I would see it as Yveltal and Xearneas cheer up Zygarde and they love each other's ^^

Yveltal discovering that bringing life is WAY better than bringing death was kind of what I had planned already

Oki ^^ And, what do you think about making this three in a loving relationship, as an opposite of the Groudon - Kyogre - Rayquaza trio ?

It might gake them a little time, but they can certainly grow into a more loving trio as the story continues

Wonderful <3

(2 edits) (+1)

An idea for Xerneas is that she has a massive pregnancy fetish since she does make more life and once she sees how much the MC filled her up and just imagines the number of eggs and how big she will get she could drool at the thought and look forward to seeing Yveltal massively pregnant and unable to fly. Once the MC brings her to the ship she can comment that she has come to her dream paradise of being surrounded by massive pregnant belly's all the time now. Zygarde would sense that Xereas is making less life energy since she is pregnant. With her around the number of eggs each legend can make could increase from a dozen to a dozen and half or two dozen and just be mentioned in the egg laying scene otherwise everything else would be the same unless chainsaw wants to put in a image of a legend with a extremely large belly where it is more than twice the size of their body and would support them entirely in the air.  When the MC finds both Xerneas and Yveltal they would be just coming out of their tree and cocoon forms so don't need to worry about them changing mid journey later and both would warn the MC "You don't need to worry about finding Zygarde. What you need to worry about is her finding you instead."

I had thought of a name of a group the dragon types make for their weakness, DPC (Dragon Pleasure Club) they would get together to find how to maximize their pleasure. They would think they have the superior pussy for pleasure since usually dragons look down on other types and having a dragons pride would have them in competition with the AWC.

That can lead to a side scene on the boat involving Latias and Latios to decide which type is better for pleasure for the MC. They would decide that neither is better but they themselves are better than both groups since they can feel intense pleasure from front and back at same time and send them to levels of pleasure that the others cant reach and make both groups jealous of them even though they are the smallest dragon type and not the strongest psychic type.


Xerneus being a major breeding slut was always my plan for her, what better joy for a Being of Life than making MORE LIFE!

The Dragon Club I'm planning on mixing with the massage idea from a while back, the MC will find their weak-spots when giving them a good rub down, it will be Rayquaza running the event but I can see her getting a little competative with Lugia over who's club is better.

The Latis not knowing which club to side with is pretty funny!

any plans for the treasures of ruin

A few basic plans, but they're still a long way away before I get to writing them.

Mostly they're all going to be very overly dramatic and gloomy, speaking more like they're in some epic poem and talking about doom and ruin, I feel that fits their backstory well enough


some of options in like the fourth area don’t work and do nothing when clicked. I’m guessing the game isn’t finished. It’s great so far. Love it. Except for (I think it was) Jerichi who just kinda looked like a kid 

(2 edits)

Section four was so big it had to be split into two parts. Whats available is the first part.

As for Jirachi I vaguely recall  reading it was rather difficult to generate art for them.

Chapter 4 is only half done, it should say that right about where you pick which Legend to go after.

Jirachi had to be redesigned to make the images and that was the best I could do, I didn't think she looked anything like a child beyond being short

would you make a list of legendary you catch that you can choose fuck them again ?


I'll be trying to fit in more scenes as development continues, but a complete list won't be a thing until the very end of the game.


Is there any chance we could get a shiny version Pokemon like a paradox Pokemon?

Even if there are it will take him aot of time to do cuz about the a.i the code and test and the change system

Ohhhh right sorry 😞 

There's already one shiny in the game as a side scene (after the lake trio)
Any more shinys will be side scenes too, none of the Legends will be shiny


Each charater would take you a whole day or 2 days and the codes ,the test, would make that 2 -3 month for an region update

That sounds about right, sometimes a character can take longer if I get writer's block or if my ideas for them turned out to be more complex that I thought they'd be (see Deoxys)

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do you have any plans for Shamyins  second form

No concrete plans yet, I'll fit it in somewhere at some point, which is basically my plan for all the alt-forms right now

Just a suggestion, but how about having one Shaymin in one form and another Shaymin in the other and have them as siblings? Like with Latias and Latios.

That would be cute, but I think I'll stick to the main Shaymin just showing off her other form.

The whole idea of this story is that the Legends are super rare, so I'm writing it as if there's only one of each, having others around kind of defeats the point

I got a side scene for a Kecleon

Let's hear it!

So one day when the MC was visiting Lavaridge Town probably to have another fuck sash with flannery he decides since this town is well known for the Hot Springs to go into one and just chill but as he's going in, he overhear some people talking about a Kecleon that's been sighted around the area. He doesn't pay attention to that he goes in and he sits down and just chills. He's completely nude because he got a private hot spring thanks to flannery. As he's chilling in it, he feels something on his crotch as he opens his eyes and looks down. He doesn't see anything but the water seems to be displaced around a figure. Then the Kecleon stop being invisible. She has been following and watching the MC for a bit and pacifically him fucking flannery and she finally decides that she wants some.

Yeah, that could work.

I could even make it so it's the Kecleon that blocked the MC when he was searching for Registeel, you need to do that to fuck Flannery so it would make sense for it to be the same one!

That’s neat coincidence I didn’t remember there was a Kecleon in the Registeel part

(1 edit) (+1)

So for Yveltal her personality could be that she does not like the way she is. She has no real intent to cause destruction or kill its just the powers she was born with that don't really leave another way to exist without causing destruction. She may be a dark type but it does not mean she likes what she does to be a counter balance to Xerneas. She is jealous of Xerneas for being loved by many and she can only be feared or seen as a weapon and attacks xerneas. She could secretly wish to find someone that can love her for who she is and not what her powers do and to feel life being made inside her instead of taking life from around her. The MC cum can have the energy of life so she would not need draw life energy around her and can keep her from forming the cocoon or at least shorten it to need a few hours and comes out again. This disruption would lead to Zygarde going to the outside of the MC ship to face him. This can show that not all legends like the powers they were born with and don't really need to have a personality that matches their type. She can treat what she does as a job she does not want but as something to prevent worse from happening and will do the job. Plus she can do a lot more destruction if she actually wanted to but does not unless pushed towards it.

Also I can see Diancie being a beauty queen personality and having the MC to have a Dimond tip dick just to get into her.

I have an idea for Yveltal, it's not a million miles away from your suggestion but I think I can work some of your ideas into it.
Zygarde sensing the mix up between life and death once Yveltal gets impregnated is pretty clever!

Diancie being a diva, sure, makes sense to me!

oh, would you look at the clock? It’s check up time.

Almost done with Fantina, so work on Arceus will be starting soon!

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For Ogerpon I feel she would like to do some role play sex with one for each of her masks. Ex her hearthflame mask she can role play as like a barbarian and the MC as the captive for fun. Since the loyal three heavily injured her original partner He could have died protecting the mask she can be wearing the wellspring mask since she is still grieving and once the MC beats her she would think its her original partner come back to her since the loyal three also came back to life will then want to stay with him again.

There's good potential in this idea, I feel like shes adopt the different personalities when she puts the masks on, but she's not as convincing an actor as she thinks she is. Like she keeps stopping and checking to make sure the MC is buying into her act.

Her thinking the MC is her revived partner (or maybe his reincarnation) is so adorably tragic, its going in!

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I did have an idea where ogerpon's original partner did want to start a family with her but she wanted to take a walk to think about it and when she got back it was to late and was not able to give her answer to him. So after she killed the loyal three out of rage/sadness she kept pecharunt in its sleep shell form and used it as a golf ball and her cudgel as a golf club to make sure it could not sleep soundly to get some payback. She eventually hit swung to hard and lost it. So when the MC first beats her he could decide to lick the horns on her face (unmasked) and that was something her original partner did so she would think he reincarnated back for her and then gives the answer she was unable to give in time and will follow the MC even without the poke ball.

I'll see if I can work some of this in, I've got a long time to plan Ogerpon out so I should be able to use it

Would you do undertale i would love to play an undertale version of this

Like you can choose fight or love idk but i think it be great

I don't think that would too hard to program, I don't have the time for it myself though

Do you ever plan to do a scene with the Rotoms? If the ship is to be upgraded and expanded for the amount of legends on board, they would need more Rotoms for all the electronics. There's already been a scene that shows that at least one of the Rotoms are interested, hence the vacuum sucking cum out of Mewtwo's ass. The MC could easily breed a few Rotoms to make more for the ship.

I have a goofy smile on my face thinking about the MC seeing the lawnmower rotom or fan rotom and going "I shouldn't put my dick in that". I think the rotom scene should be a lil'joke, especially due to a specific form. Have like Regigigas or Jirachi do the "Oh no, Im stuck in the washing machine" porn bit.

First, the original idea is a very funny excuse to breed the Rotom.

Second, that would have to be one massive washing machine for Regigigas to be in. Guess that's why she's stuck though.

A giant washing machine would be funny, especially considering only one person on the whole ship wears clothes

MC wondering which of his transformed dicks will surive if he sticks it in the oven

Slugma dick?

I hope you intended that pun!

or maybe  he*at (it and) *ran (his) dick.

I do need to add more Rotom stuff, I think I might have an idea for part of the ship upgrade scene that will get the MC involved with them, but that's going to have to wait

Take your time.

Even though it's a fair but away, I do have a request for a side scene in gen 7. A mimikyu, it's a pokemon that very much deserves love. It could be an extension from Acerola, like that girl with her brother's Charizard. It could be her shiny mimikyu, the totem mimikyu or even a regular one for size difference. 

Mimikyu is such an icon, I was already sure she needed a scene, making her Accerolas Totem Mimikyu is a good idea though!

Plus her and pikachu could totally fight over the MC's dick.

Deleted 199 days ago

This has absolutely nothing to do with my game, don't start random conversations in my comment section

Big man drop the hammer

(2 edits)

When it is completed will we have to  pay to get it

No it free

Thank you


Nope, I wouldn't feel right charging for something that relies so heavily on AI art, it is basically stealing after all

And besides, I'm making this because I have fun doing it!

hey chainsaw, do you know what time it is? It’s checkup time let’s hear that progress my friend.


Finished writing Giratina's fight scene, so now it's onto the lose/win scenes
After that will be the downtime for Dial/Palk/Gira as well as Fantina's section

So arceus is last?

Yeah, Arceus and Cynthia are both going to be a little more complicated to write, I saved them for last 

Obviously the ship section comes after that and then the playtesting, so the update isn't exactly close to done yet

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so would you say it is 60% done/ 40% left to go or a 50/50 split with the next update?

Maybe around 70% to 75%, depends on how playtesting goes

how do you plan on getting enamorus into the story

The plan is simple. He’s gonna put them in the fifth GEN with the other genies

Like i thinking that celebi accident sent the MC to the past to meet her

She'll be findable one the other genies have been caught, the idea is that she already went extinct in the past which is what prompted Maple to start this whole adventure in the first place.

Fortunatly, the MC will already have a certain Goddess of Time on his side by that point!

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An idea solution for the new ship topic if chainsaw does not want to put in a new ship would to slightly modify the text at the beginning of the game where Maple is giving the MC the ship to include "this ship is the most advanced ship on the planet for breeding and will adapt itself to ensure the legends that you collect and no matter how big and bigger they get (wink) they will have the facilities needed to be comfortable. The changes will happen as if they were always their and the rotom will ensure the upkeep and repair of the ship. How this happens I will simply say Legendary Poke Science. Now get out there and fuck em all." can be added to Maples dialoged.

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that is almost exactly like what i suggested earlier this summer. where i suggested the ship had some kind of like ditto-inspired technology. where it adapts to the legendaries needs (or desires lol).

I've got a few ideas for a Ship upgrade scene, the fact the whole thing is full of Rotoms will play a big part in it but there's a few other things I have planned, I'll leave it at that for now

hey chainsaw, how’s that monster hunter game that you’re making? And I do have a question. Is hunger run is it gone for good like it’s never gonna be finished or is it gonna be a situation? Where if you finished poke breeder or that monster Hunter game you pick it back up and finish it

My work on Monster Humper Story (yes, I am great at names) us going well, I've been working on it over my weekends and Pokebreeder on week-days

I think Hunger Run is probably done, the amount of work it takes to make that game (mostly the art assets) just isn't really worth it when I can have as much fun making something else that takes WAY less effort.

Maybe I'll pick it up again when Pokebreeder is done, but that's a small maybe for something that's a long way away


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A possible side scene for victini on the ship could be pregnant belly contest were the legends with their second pregnancy would argue who has the most babies inside since they can have more eggs inside the second time around. So victini would act as a judge and would keep it fair since she likes a real victory and not a hollow one where relations would effect it. 

If the legends do get even more pregnant since now their bodies have now adapted to getting pregnant they would need to widen the doors of the ship or possibly get a new ship entirely since maple in her second pregnancy now is having even more kids in her belly growing and suspects the same will happen to the legends which can lead to a bigger ship being custom made for this reason so none get stuck in a door or room as the keep getting bigger.


I think I can make this happen, she'd probably want to judge the Heavily pregnant girls and the slightly pregnant girls seperatly
So that would be Gen 1 and Gen 4 (heavy) Gen 2 and Gen 5 (light)

Upgrading the ship is still something that I'm 50/50 on the idea, if I do it then it'll be one big scene, one and done kind of thing

Sounds reasonable just to be mentioned once.

Will the ultra beasts be divided into gen 7 and 8 since they are in both gens

They'll all be in a side chapter after Gen 7

what has your favourite legendary been so far

I asked this question like a while ago maybe people answers have changed my favorite legendary in this game is Regigigas

Mewtwo, she was the first one I wrote and basically led to this whole game being possible

Articuno tbh i likes her

Shaymin likes pancakes look it up

I can make a scene out of that!

Zoroark she is disguised as a (insert pokemon of your choice) but the disguised fails during sex.

I like, I'll need to think of who she can be disguised as, maybe one of the elemental monkeys since they're so forgettable!

Could do something with the vaporion meme as well

Theres already a Vaporeon scene in the game

Chapter 1, unlocked after Misty

ah, must have missed it

Maybe as a lucario ? This two are only a generation different and are very known. Maybe too she have humongous boobs but in her lucario form she reduced a bit of her boobs size because she thinked that would freaken out people and when the illusion fail and that the Mc love her huge boobs she will be even more happy ?

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