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Been awhile since I've commented, but I just had a thought. Couldn't Victini charge Jirachi to have the energy she needs to make really big wishes? Unless Jirachi requires a different type of energy, such as cosmic energy.

Jirachi needs to be awake to do big wishes, that only happens when she's been asleep long enough, if Jirachi charged her up she'd just sleep run around the ship granting small wishes all over the place!

I do think that could be a funny scene though, they charge her to see if it would work and then they got a hyper Jirachi who's somehow still asleep doing random wishes and giving into intrusive thoughts.

She'd be granting her own wishes for everyone else, regardless of if they want them granted or not.

Like she'd wish that Lugia's ass would always be bouncing and then sprint off again, leaving Lugia complaining that she can hardly walk due to all that jiggle going on behind her.

I've got a good idea how to end the scene too, but that'll stay secret until it's written

(4 edits)

Had an idea for both Regieleki and Regidrago. To even access them the MC would need all the other regi's since they would be both in Regigigas main or biggest workshop complex in disrepair and need them all to even open the door like for Regigigas but meet stairs that go up and down for the two. For Regieleki would be up stairs toward Regigigas quarters or living area and eventualy find her still pluged into a electric massage chair that she is powering. Pretty much regigigas created her to be a mobile power source to power her appliances so she does not need to create power sources all the time. Regieleki is over charged and need to be drained of the excess energy with the help of the other regis in the battle. The way she talks could be different since parts of her system would have short circuited to still talk like a machine but have some personality since she was left on for so long and it developed. The reason why she was left there and on ties into regidrago not having enough material to finish so regigigas left and forgot to come back for some reason.

For regidrago would be a little complex, would be down the stairs to the workshop forge and be just the head that is extremely large. Once the MC sees the head the regis come out and the idea is that since regigigas never finished her she unconsciously remembers to modify her so she would need to go to sleep and she would sleep forge modify her to be same size as other units and look like a dragon girl. So the three regis would then be busy trying to wake regigigas again while MC battle regidrago and wins. Once won drago would fly to gigas and punch once to wake up her then make love to MC. She was made to be the best alarm clock for gigas.

The dream of Regigigas could be in the center of a volcano forge or sun forge and she would be creating her master piece and greatest creation. Using all her strength knowledge and will to make the perfect bed that will give the best sleep ever and never need another bed. Once done she gets in it and sleep for the rest of eternity.

Okay, let me go over this and make sure I've got the idea.

Eleki and Drago are stored away in Gigas's main workshop which is hidden away in the Crown Tundra.

Eleki is hooked up to all the tech Gigas made as a power source and she needs to be powered down before the MC can breed her, maybe she was left on full power to keep everything running and goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE when everything is unplugged from her body.

Drago was meant to be part of a much bigger creation that was never finished, Gigas doesn't have the materials to finish the project but rebuilds Drago's head into a full body, Gigas then falls asleep as Drago activates, the battle lasts until Drago accidentally wakes Gigas up again, Gigas grabs Drago and changes her orders from ALARM CLOCK to LOVE MASTER.

I think I can make that happen


Alola gotta be a pain in the ass because of the ultra beast side scene

The Ultra Beasts are unique enough that I think their scenes should actually be fairly easy to write, since they won't get caught I won't have to worry about continuity either.

how much longer until the next update im getting impatient?!?!


It takes me at least 3 months to write an update, the last one came out only 1 month ago, it'll be another 2 months AT LEAST before the next one is ready

dang... i got a long wait time then

looking forward to it

I had a set of ideas related to the Gen 8 Legends based on someone's old suggestion. It was something where you'd need help from Zacian and Zamazenta to beat Eternatus before having the MC Dynamax his dick to fuck her.

My idea is that it would be fun if you had to fight Eternatus before catching the wolves. This would match the order of events in Sword and Shield, and give Zacian and Zamazenta funny potential since they would see the insane sight of you fucking Eternatus before you get them in the harem.

From there, my specific idea is that one of the two wants to get the same Dynamaxed pleasure from the MC. It would be a reference to the post-game where they get hit with Galar Particles by Sordward and Shielbert. The difference would be that Zacian or Zamazenta would want it to happen to them. Just like in the originals they aren't able to Dynamax and the particles would just enrage them... possibly since they can't have colossal dick like the cannon dragon. Then it'd be a normal fight and breeding scene.


Slight tweak to your idea but I can still work it I think.

MC catches ONE of the dogs but Eternatus reveals herself before he can go get the other, the caught Dog and the uncaught one team up with the MC to help take down Eternatus, the uncaught one leaves before the breeding scene and doesn't see it happen.

When the MC goes to get the remaining dog, Sordward and Shieldbert are chasing after her like Eusine was chasing Suicune, thinking that owning her will legitimize their claim as being Galar royalty, they then of course use the particles, the Doggo doesn't Dyna and is enraged instead like you said!

Makes a certain kind of sense since Eternatus doesn't show up on its own in the games, and it makes things a bit more of a direct story than other parts of the game. Sounds like you have some ideas that that'd be fun to see.

I honestly imagine the only bigger size queen than mew is eternatus, and i think it would be cool if she did a thing similar to arceus and granted the Mc an Eternamax dick.

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I feel being a size queen would be mandatory for Eternatus, even a Wailord dick would feel small to her!
I do plan to have the MC be able to Dynamax his dick as long as she's nearby, I don't think she could give him a unique Eternamax dick though...
(unless Arceus decides to lend a hand)

love the idea i want to see it happen XD

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Everyone, please stand back. I’m about to go fishing


Oh, I caught something I’ll look. It’s a chainsaw Fish listen here a little buddy. I will only let you go if you give me a check.

Well, this fish has finished Genesect and Lenora and has finally gotten started on Victini and Bianca.

He has also written up the favorite meals section, the Delibird poem, and started on another side scene that will be kept secret for the moment.

He's ALSO finally figured out what to do with alternate forms, the first will be Mega Mewtwo X and Y, they'll show up on the Ship after Chapter 3... in their "kind of redesigned because the AI doesn't know that Megas are" glory!

Deleted 15 days ago

There like only 2 for now but he will add more in future and the futa is heatran and latios just catch them both

Deleted 15 days ago

I think there could be a side science with Deoxys and Eternatus since they are both from space

I can add Jirachi into that mix too, and Palkia!

(1 edit)

 I had an idea for Calyrex is this could be when the MC gets kidnapped by all the remnants of the past criminal organizations like Team magma, Aqua, Plasma, and the rest to get the legends he has. Since Calyrex can see into the past, present and future when at full power she would see herself with him eventually so comes up with a plan to round up the remnants of the criminal groups by possessing some of them to come together with their best and WORST who have no morals that if they were to die no one would see that as wrong for what they have done. So Calyrex would not see that part of the future of her getting captured by the group because she gets distracted by her screams of pleasure the MC gives her when they meet. She is highly intelligent that she would solve a problem before it starts by taking care of them all at once especially before they can cause trouble while she is with the MC.

The MC would not be kidnapped till after Eternatus has been dealt with where the MC is going to the poke mart that has been able to reopen and does not have the legends with him to make extra room for things he will buy. He gets knocked out by some sleeping gas and wakes up in a underground base hears Calyrex via telepathy to come to her and free her. Travel can be to open the door by finding a dito that turns into his gear to pry it open, climb down an elevator shaft cables and eventually reach Calrex. The battle would be against all the members but his legends get to him and help him battle which would be a lot of members.

This might be too complicated for me to pull off, It's a great idea but I don't think I can fit it into my writing formula.
My basic plan for Calyrex at the minute is that she'll send the MC off to find her Steeds (Glastrier and Spectrier) and will be holding Peony hostage until they're returned.
(I might also make the horses into Futas and show Calyrex rides them in more ways that one)

(3 edits)

sounds reasonable. Thank you

I read that Calyrex had ruled as a merciful ruler so her holding a hostage seems odd to her backstory in Bulbapedia.

Maybe hostage was the wrong word there, I don't mean it like she's got a gun to Peony's head and saying "Bring me my horses or the idiot dies!"

More that she thinks she needs to posses him like she did in the games so she can communicate with the MC and get him to help, the MC goes along with it since he needs to find the horses anyway

(4 edits)

That sounds like her, plus it can be the way she gets to full strength is how full of cum she is or she is horny all the time and can concentrate on work when she has a horse size dick in her. She will still be attached to Glastrier and Spectrier but say she found a real stallion with the MC in her.

The best word to describe her possessing Peonys body would be a "willing vessel".

I’m doing it again to all the people in this community, which one of the girls is your favorite concerning that we got some new girls I want to see which ones are the most favorites to be for any reason the design their battle, the questions or the sex 

I think as far as Sinnoh is concerned, I'm really happy how Regigigas turned out, it's such a nothing Legendary in the games but I had a lot of fun with her even so!

As for the update I'm working on, I'm looking forward to Meloetta, I've got some fun ideas ready for her!

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That’s nice to hear because she is also my favorite legendary now I just really like her. She has always been my favorite legendary. Regigigas and you did her justice better than our own goddamn writers have.

It's hard to choose, but I really liked Cressalia. The use of dream logic and her ship scenes are funny, and I kind of liked how she was interested in the MC in advance.

(2 edits)

Had an idea for the paradox Pokémon Iron Valiant as a paradox in a paradox. Iron Valiant attack's any she sees but she is scanning people to see if any can satisfy her. If she deems their dick cant satisfy her she attacks but she deems the MC dick as passible to try and satisfy her not knowing his special ability. After the sex and inflation she gets over satisfyed and says she was programed to stay away from people that over satisfys her and attack those that cant but stay with those that can just satisfy her. The person who created her built her to be his perfect sex bot who wont go with people with better sex skills but overestimated his dick so when he tried he failed and was attacked because of his programing. The paradox is since her way further decedent get sent back to start the loop all over again was the person who made her ever exist but its info that just keeps getting sent back to ensure it exists without anyone really creating it in first place.

Valiant is a sex doll that went nuts because the creator thought he had a bigger dick than he really did, sounds good to me!

I think all the Future Paradox's are going to be implied to somehow be their own descendents after being knocked up by the MC.
Similarly, the Past Paradox's will likely be the ancestor of all/most of the modern day versions, like 90% of Donphan are descended from that one Great Tusk!

Sounds good and the MC would be considered part of the start of the Donphane, magnitone and Jigglypuff species and in some way be decedents of his but not really considered that.


I did want to ask if you have any plans on adding the fossils?

I did get a request for that earlier, Chapter 6 will have a scene (maybe a few) of the Fossil Mons breaking out of a Jurassic Park style enclosure and the MC uses his skills to help get them back

Tyrantrum will be the main one for that since boning a T-Rex would be AWESOME, but some of the others might get a scene too

True, personally I'm most excited for the scene with Aurorus since it always seemed liked the only feminine fossil Pokemon.

I'd say Lileep/Cradilly are a bit on the feminine side too, but I get what you mean

Had an idea for Gardevoir. She would have no emotional connection to anyone and have instead used rare candy to evolve but ended up being dependent on it since their strength of their psychic power depends on their emotions for others so she is fully evolved but extremely weak powers. She could shyly ask the MC what it feels like to be loved and he ends up having sex with her which is the very best feeling she has ever felt and tasted in her life and better than the candy. She goes from weak to ungodly strong psychic power from her very first orgasm plus her biggest. She senses she is going to be pregnant and will use her power to protect the children/gift he leaves her to remember him by. She can start making new rare candy that the MC sees in a shop that makes him remember her.

Drug addict Gardevoir might be a little too dark for me.
It's not a BAD idea, just not sure if I can work with it

The reason why the rare candy is rare is because of her eating so much of it to make it hard to find and its really a placebo effect for the sugar in it makes her believe herself stronger when really its just the sugar rush effect that she seriously craves but finds the MC cum better and finally makes a emotional connection to others and she realizes the candy never did anything to her but some cavity's. Once she stops looking for the candy it just regular candy with ALOT of sugar not called rare candy anymore.

Okay, so it's just regular candy she's stuffing herself with?

Maybe I'll tie this in to Wally somehow, since he had a Gardevoir.
Plus if she's a candy addict, I can make her CHUBBY!

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is the unova update taking place in black and white or black 2 and white 2

(also are going to do b2w2 are you going add one of if not the only character in the entire franchisee  you can go out on a date with)

Both, kind of, youll see in the second half of the update

Which character is the date one? If it's one of the ferris wheel ones, i kind of have a plan for the wheel already

I was wondering if you were going to add side content with gardevoir in hoenn?

As soon as I figure out what to do with her, she's an obvious choice but I need a good idea for her

a random idea for a side scene is that victini tries to get jirachi to make it so she can never lose

(1 edit)

I think technically in the lore of the Pokémon universe victini always wins because there are the victory Pokémon 

And if I remember correctly, I think the idea for victini is that she will fight the MC on the ship she wins leaves. They have a second go at it, but the MC tries his best to make her horny so she being fucked by him is her victory. 

Well, that’s the original plan for her I don’t know how it changed over time, but I think that’s it 

Yeah, I'm still going with that plan

I think I've got an idea to make this work, short version is Victini wishing for a bigger butt so hers will be "proportionally the biggest", whether or not Jirachi grants that wish is another matter

(1 edit) (+1)

Had a idea for when the dragon type legends want to thank the MC for the wonderful massages they would come together to give him a full body massage in the dark with their entire body's. The MC falls asleep and as he is being swaddled by them they also sleep cuddling him but another legend comes in to see if he is done to be with her. She would see him but one of dragons raises her head and put a finger to her mouth in a SHHHH gesture without making a sound. The other dragons stare at the arrived legend in the dark to give the silent message "were not done yet". The legend backs away silently and closes the door and the dragons continue to cuddle him till awake. Its a rough idea but shows when the dragons want to snuggle with him together no one interferes till done. Could be just after Eternatus joins and she would be on the bottom and they are between her breasts and belly.

I might keep that idea until the very end, like a finish to the massage scenes!

So it wouldnt be until post gen 9 before i use it

in my last check, you said you were doing some set up for some of the side scenes sighting are you thinking of putting in?

(1 edit)

A femboy scene for chapters 1 and 2
The favorite food scenes
The Delibird sugestion made down below
And I'm setting up for the first couple of Pseudo Legend scenes

There will probably be more as I keep working through Chapter 5, but that's what I've got planned out for now

I've also been reworking Deoxy's dialogue to make her code easier
Basically only the first number will matter now, ignore the rest!

Old version - 1N9z cvu26v ku h2w2nn7 qh e7w8o, Ocu1ufs!
New version - 1N9z cvu26u jt g2v2mm7 pg d7v8n, Nbt1ufs!
Looks the same but it should be easier to translate now

(1 edit)

hey i got a question will thou be doing the ultra beasts and paradox pokemon? if not then i understand can't wait for the next update!

they will be separated into their own chapter

thanks for letting me know can't wait for it

how is the update coming along 

I got asked that about 2 days ago, just scroll down a little

Idk if my idea to victini is good or bad because idk but anyways

Start of my idea was when the MC meet victini the MC must show how lose is better then wining just becuase that tthe battle victini need you suppord to lose if you win you just gotta redo battle her

That just my idea

That would be a good idea, but someone else made a suggestion for Victini quite a while ago, so I'll be doing that one

Personally I think she cheats at board games, because she's used to always winning

I mean she is the victory pokemon so i can't agrue with your idea

She would get furious if she saw someone else cheating, even in a game she's not involved in.
But always tries to cheat when she's playing!

At first its because she wants to win, but later it's because the MC spanks her if she's caught

Had another idea it involves Pumpkaboo or Gourgeist. A fall festival is going on with a pumpkin weighing contest and the MC attends and is targeted by a tiny Gourgeist (since small ones target adults) and as long as the MC can satisfy her he wont be taken to the afterlife. Once he cums she gets MASSIVE in size and plump that she no longer wants to take souls anymore but pleasure as compensation. The MC takes her in pumpkin form to be weighed and she gets first place. When remembering the event he hears of a haunted pumpkin patch that moves around with a massive pumpkin. It is said that if a male finds the pumpkin patch he will mysteriously return tired, no memory of what happened and missing his pants.

I'd have to see how well the AI can make a Gourgeist, but I could probably make this work


Everyone, please put on your robes like the candles we must do the summoning

All praise he gives us big boobs, big ass, wet pussies and big bellies May he be someone to this plane of existence to tell us his progress on the great plan may the Lord chainsaw give us the check

How do I keep ending up the figurehead of a Cult?

Oh well, progress is going good, I've been working on a mix of set-up for various side scenes (like the meals idea) AND continuing Genesct/Lenora

I think I'll start Victini/Bianca after that.

(1 edit)

Thank you, are mighty Lord

(2 edits)

Had an idea for a side event for Delibird. Starts off on the winter holiday of gift giving at night. All are asleep with big belly's full of eggs and smiles but the MC still is awake and good for one last giving. He hears a noise in the main room and is coming from the fireplace that he is oddly noticing now and Delibird comes out looking worn down and tired. She gives gifts to all the good people but has not gotten any help or a break. So the MC helps her "Stuff her stocking/sack full of white cheer" and relax with a big belly of cum. After words she somehow gets back up and out through the chimney and the MC sees a big red balloon fly through the sky before morning comes and she will have helpers next year. Would fit in the Sinnoh region or any other.

Not only am I going to do this, I'm going to do it IN RHYME!

I got what is it true Pikachu or the first the MC fuck I just thought about this randomly

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Had a little idea for the Darkrai food she would not only like black coffee but also black cherries and black licorice pretty much anything black and have it blended together into a nightmarish concoction while eating it in front of others also trying to eat but losing apatite or there lunch at the sight of it and be nightmare fuel for her and them.

So a whole bunch of "Black" foods, blended into a oily smootie that only she could possibly enjoy

(2 edits)

Yep with a skull and crossed bones on her favorite cup she uses. No one else would even try to get near it.

tomorrow is my birthday

Happy Birthday my dude!

I should say the whole "No random conversation in my comments" thing, but you're pretty much my top commenter so I'll let this slide!

I've even got a present for you, have some Victini ass!

(1 edit)

Thank you and also that a nice ass thank you for the gift


Food rant


Moltres - she likes curry she flip-flops to what type of curry she likes best.

Raikou - omelette and how she likes it prepared is with all the stuffing bacon cheese, mushrooms, and more. 

Entei - ribs with barbecue sauce if the ribs are not drowning in a barbecue sauce Pool, she doesn't want them.

Heatran - Steaks, always wants a bigger one than Groudon. But how she likes it done is a blue rare steak.

Lugia - salmon she always like the taste of fish, but she also found out recently that it helped make your ass bigger.

Kyogre - tuna but none of that can tuna she wants fresh tuna from the sea.

Groudon - Steaks, so well done they're almost burned to a crisp.

Giratina - spaghetti in particular spaghetti with squid ink pasta she has an aesthetic to keep up.

Celebi - Mesopotamian Stew it was one of the first stew the humans ever made, and she's been enjoying it ever since.

Deoxys - Robin she tries to explain why it's her favorite, but no one can understand.


Suicune - Jello The way she likes it is with fruit mixed in it with some whip cream on top.

Regirock - rock candy she likes crushing them between her teeth.

Regice - ice cream she likes it in a Flat Bottom Cake Cone. No one knows why she just likes it that way. 

Regigigas - jawbreakers sometimes she just sucks on them for hours and other time she just crushes it with her teeth

Cresselia - she likes cotton candy. The reason why is because it looks like a cloud and it reminds her of dreams.

Rayquaza - star shaped hard candies she enjoys them because it reminds her of eating asteroid.

Mew - mochi in her own words it's sweet It's soft and it chewy.

Manaphy - she likes jelly drops they're 95% made out of water. And they are great for keeping you hydrated.

Shaymin - Pancakes with lots of syrup or honey from her own flowers


Articuno - she enjoys slushys her favorite flavor is Rawst Berry 

Registeel - she enjoyed lemonade, but the way she likes it. It's basically just lemon juice.

Mewtwo - tea when she has her tea, she has a lot of sweetener to it and mixes it with a spoon and it helps her keep calm.

Dialga - wine since she doesn't need to do paperwork anymore, she's gone into the hobby of wine collecting. 

Palkia - smoothie she doesn't really know why she likes them so much she just does.

Jirachi - milk you know that old saying one glass of warm milk will help you go to sleep

Darkrai - black coffee she doesn't even do anything with it She just drinks it. 

Arceus - Ambrosia no one knows where she gets it from but two things about she loves it and she doesn't let anyone else have it.


Zapdos - apples she enjoys their sweetness, and sometimes she has peanut butter with it

Latias - she enjoys dragon fruit in particular the white dragon fruit.

Latios - she enjoys dragon fruit in particular the red dragon fruit.

Uxie - Nanab Berry is her favorite food because it's food for the brain.

Mesprit - Pecha Berry is her favorite food because it's food for the heart.

Azelf - Oran Berry is her favorite food because it's food for the spirit.

Ho-Oh - she likes something called the egusi soup it has grown nuts, leafy greens, and it has a helping of spice to it. 

I tried my best to match any type of food to their personalities the lore or what would fit best and if I can be honest, I think I did a pretty good job. Yeah I do feel like some of them could be better, but I think I did well enough. I have another idea for this section. Maybe you can have two or three sentences with the MC and the girl that he gives the food to for example like. 

MC - he still doesn't know why she likes her steak that way. It's basically charcoal at that point of how well done it is. Groudon - I ate volcanic rocks for most of my life this is a delicacy compared to those. At least I'm not eating it with ketchup I'm not a heathen.

Got your rant copied and saved, I'll make sure to refer to it when I start the food scenes, I've got a bit more of an idea how I want to do those, but these suggestions will definitely be helpful!

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Could there be a side event on the ship where the MC wonders how his kids that were sent to maple are doing and how she is taking care of them. An example would be for Celeby where maple puts a band on each one as they arrive that shows the present date & time with a number to help keep track of future, past and present ones and she found one with a triple digit.

Groudon and Kyoger children would need new experimental seismic and weather stations to track when one has a tantrum. It can tell some more good is coming from her project to help pay for taking care of all the legendary children.

I do have something like that planned, I just haven't gotten around to writing it yet

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I recommed when you done a page you should do a check if you got mispell anything 


I think you might not know how twine works but it doesn't have a built in spell check so checking for mistakes can be quite hard. Maybe an idea to pitch is potentially copying what was put in twine and pasting it in a word or google doc and see what those spell checkers think,

I do my best to spell check as I'm writing, but I am just one guy and I will miss things, even with a spellchecker.

Let me know if you see any typos, that way I can fix them up

we all know that Shaymin loves her pancakes, but I got me thinking what are the other legendarys favorite foods? Maybe they could be a Sidescene of the MC Making food for the legendary because let’s be honest he’s gonna be the househusband of this relationship and all his girls. Or not it’s just a fun idea that I have been thinking about what is the favorite food of all the girls and I’m not gonna be picky at what counts as food desserts, salads, main courses, drinks, and candy.

This will be one of my legendary rants

I look forward to what you come up with.

(1 edit)

I think I can make this work, I've planned it out a little but I'd still like to hear your rant.
I'd probably group them by what kind of food they like and give them all a few sentences going into the details.

Something like...

Groudon - Steaks, so well done they're almost burned to a crisp.
Heatran - Steaks, always wants a bigger one than Groudon.

Mewtwo - Likes anything with artificial flavors or sweetener
Shaymin - Pancakes with lots of syrup or honey from her own flowers

I probably wouldn't make a new image for each Mon since the AI struggles with putting food and characters together sometimes, but each grouping would have an image of the food, like some BBQ for the MEAT section

When you did Deoxese dialogue did you use a special program if that so can you show it pls

I came up with the code and wrote it all out manually.
I do plan on redoing her dialogue to make the code easier to solve, that will probably happen in the next update

(2 edits) (+1)

Had an idea for Urshifu where it starts off as Kubfu, since the personality is determined by how she trained then,  who cant decide which path to take, Dark or water, so the MC gives the option to learn SEX FU style by having her train by the other legends and use Dialga's time ability's to make her go through a training montage while the MC travels up to a peak for the showdown battle. This part is a little complex where Kubfu has not evolved yet but Dialga would allow her to change temporarily into the evolved form for the fight. The MC would use the strategy of making her horny to win and show the way it can be used. She returns to being a Kubfu but is ready to take this path knowing she will get pregnant but she likes this path that blends the dark and water (mostly water) fighting style together to be flexible (to be able to get a massive belly) and use some darker style attacks, one can be called (BALL CRUSHER) hence the dark evil type of the move used on those she hates. Once she sees the MC as the grand master of SEX FU and then have sex which is the first time she has experienced this and just before her orgasm the MC pulls on her ribbons to make it an explosive experience that make her understand the potential and thus she then evolves into Urshifu while he is still in her to continue training with the MC and build up this new fighting style for her kind and kids. 

Also With the idea of MC Having sex with Nebby to evolve into Solgaleo/Lunala while in them would effect his dito DNA to change in his dick to start making the energy Necrozma wants but at double the production since he was in both of them when evolving and Necrozma would not be able to take him over like the two thus he could have some defense against her for final battle and overpowers her. A latter boat scene can be Necrozma fuses with one of them willingly to have a sort of threesome with the MC.

Also had an idea for Darkrai where the MC asks Manaphy to allow her to experience the pleasure of anal from Lugia by sharing the emotions and let Lugia know what darkrai feels when having anal. 

Okay, I think I've got this, let me just make sure!

Kubfu learns a different fighting style instead of the water/dark ones based around sex, when she's learned enough SEX FU from the MC, she evolves into Urshifu.
I might tweak the end part a little where the fight is against two traditionally trained Urshifu owned by the Dojo, Kubfu can use her new sex skills to beat their raw power, she then evolves during the sex like you said.

I think the MC getting protection from Necrozma after banging Nebby/Alt-Universe Nebby had already been suggested, the three of them fusing back into Ultra Necrozma for some fun is good though!

I can make the Darkrai/Manaphy scene work, I doubt it will make her and Lugia will agree afterwards, but it could still be fun!

Yes one from each path (dark & water) wanting to show them sex fu is nothing but lose from its weird and unorthodox style that they have not trained to handle.

Yeah okay, I like this idea, it's going in!


Well i have an idea for our necrozma how we do it after capture solgaleo or lunala necrozma will appear like in canon game and fight with solgaleo /lunala to turn into dusk mane necrozma or dawn wing necrozma and escape in which you need to find the other cosmo to evovle which to solgaleo or lunala and chase necrozma in her dimesion which he relase and turn to other fight to fight you which it last stage is ultra necrozma which í the form you will breed necrozma

Let me make sure I've got this right.

MC gets Nebby to evolve into Solga/Luna.
Necrozma steals them away and turns into the mixed form.
MC gets the other Legend from the other universe and uses it to hunt down Necro.
Necro takes that one too and becomes Ultra Necro.
She splits apart back again after she's been beaten/bred.

Is that about right?

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I think I can work with this

I like the game so far and I also have a question.

And the question is?

when do you plan on continuing this game?

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What do you mean? I release updates as soon as they're done, each one takes about 3 months to write

ok sorry I didn’t know 


Had an idea for Sunflora where the MC is in a really sunny hot area with no water around. He finds a dehydrated Sunflora so desperate for liquids almost feral and she just jumps on him seemingly knowing where a large amount of liquid is and goes right for his dick and sucks it till he cums and the extra liquid would be stored in her breasts for later. But she does not stop there instead continues to try and drink all the liquid in him till he is bone dry. Thankfully the sun sets and forces her to go to sleep till the sun comes back. The MC sees a small pond of cum around her when he leaves and she looks a lot bigger and her breasts look good enough to jump on. Got this idea from the game Conquers Bad Fur Day where she looks like a sunflora and breasts used as a trampoline.

Had another idea where the MC is having sex with a Pokémon and it then evolves while he is still inside her and describes the evolution as if that part of her is evolving to perfectly service his dick and continue to have sex. Don't know which Pokémon could be used for this.


I might tweak the Sunflora idea a little but I do like it!
It's not just her boobs that grow (Though they will swell the most) but her whole body chubs up, leaving her as a fat little shortstack!

The evolving idea can probably work somewhere later on when I get to some of the evolving Legends, like the MC could bang Nebby in her Cosmoem form to get her to evolve into a Solgaleo or a Lunala!
Either that or evolving Kubfu into Urshifu!

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Could work for all three. For Solgaleo and Lunala it could anchor them to him since they had his dick in them and can be the reason they evolve to the form since they just need a little bit more mass to start the evolution in their respective areas. MC could be sent two Cosmoem or two Nebby from diff dimensions but the same personality and just take each to a location with the proper energy just need an orgasm to start the evolution. The two would be needed to end the eclipse in the region and get the last legend. Plus it could be the reason why the MC's dick starts making the energy that Necrozma needs to calm down.

For Urshifu it could lead to a way that allows the MC to manage the dark trait she gains after evolving.

This may also be used for Poipole that becomes Naganadel of the Ultra beasts if wanted.

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I feel like fully evolved Nebby can take the MC to the other dimension where he can catch the version she didn't evolve into.
There was that mechanic where you could change day and night around if I remember correctly.

Having energy from Nebby and alternate universe Nebby to charge the MC's dick so he can take on Necrozma sounds good!

The mechanic where you could change day/night was by entering the mirror world, yeah. Since the original Sun and Moon dex said Solgaleo and Lunala were male and female counterparts, it's been my head canon that in the OG games Nebby had a child with the Legend in that world.

On that note, if you have to lock this world's Nebby to one of the two Evos, I think Lunala would make sense. That way, the otherwise male Solgaleo from another world could be under the same R63 rules as Team Rainbow Rocket.

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I didn't know about them being Male and Female, probably because they're genderless as far as mechanics are concerned.

Using the R63 Rainbow universe is a good idea though

Hi chainsaw i like that a capture legendary can talk to you when you are about to enter a dungeon, but depending on the order you capture them you get a diferrent dialogue and im curious of all the dialogue you can get plus i dont whant to reset the game every time

Didn't you ask this before? Or did someone else ask for it?

Either way, I don't really have the time to put a list together I'm afraid

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Take your time or do it when you finish the game

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I'll answer both of your comments together here.
Short answer, no to both of them

Getting actual sex scenes to work with the AI is a pain, especially trying to get proper belly bulges like the ones I write about, I'll do it for my Monster Humper project because the MC in that has a regular dick and the AI works better with that.

Making two versions of every scene involving a futa would be a lot of work, remember that I mostly write this adventure because I have fun doing it, having to make copies of scenes like that would make it boring for me

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