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Pokemon generations ranking

1st sinnoh 2nd paldea 3rd kalos 4th unova 5th Johto 6th hoenn 7th kanto 8th galar 9th Alola

my personal is list is 3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 7, 9, 8


Sinnoh legendary include: Arceus palkia dialgia giratina shaymin Darkrai creselia etc it's so many to type it but this region id the best 

1st sinnoh 2paldea 3kalos  4unova 5kanto 6hoenn 7galar 8alola

Alola doesn't have the best legendary only ultra beast is like a sub legendary

I forgot johto

And for the Sinnoh ones when it comes to pokemons, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus are some dragon legendary pokemons i like, but after Hoenn is done i wonder what other characters in Sinnoh other than the ones i mention will also be added for it some day, you can take your time with this since the game is great.


Sinnoh is going to be the longest region because it has the most legendaries

It will take a while for that to be done but Brpdchainsaw can take as long as they want for each regions for the pokemons and stuffs, it is going great with the first 2 regions and the others will eventually be ready when they are done with the pokemons and stuffs for each of them.



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maybe he should get some people to help make it to get some stress off his shoulders

He could try that but it depends on if any other users that try to help him with the game does not make it worse along the way, so he probably only go for whichever ones he trust the most and have the most programming stuffs for making that game, it is up to him whenever he wants to try and see if anyone else wants to help him with this or not.

The Johto parts are great for the pokemon and i think that was Rayquaza on the teaser for Hoenn form that last picture i see out of the 3, i wonder what other characters and pokemons will be added in the update for it when it is ready?


100% Rayquaza

I though that green one was emerald's legendary pokemon, i wonder what scenes and stuff she will have since dragon pokemons are my favorite ones, there are other pokemons i like as well from those video games.

hey, I noticed that you started watching me, which of my games have you played?


the game (and these juicy, big assed images) is all looking great.
Absolutely approve of what I assume are AI generated poke gals. Fantastic work. Love every part of the game.


Yep all the art is AI, mostly because it's quicker than maiking it myself and a lot less stressful

And yes, I do love me some big juicy booties!


loving the game so far man! can't wait to see the hoenn legends, Kyogres my favorite mon! also love that you're doing this for free, you're an absolute legend


Kyogre, nice!

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i had an idea that might be neat, for each of the main 3 Hoenn legendaries you can go collect their reversion orb/mega stone, and after you collect it you can use it to primal revert them. This would give them even bigger “assets” and make them sexier. For Kyogre and Groundons you’d have to go back through the caves you found them in, and for Rayquazas mega stone you’d have to fuck Zinnia to get the mega rayquaza stone. Maybe deoxys could also use it’s for changing ability to change between bigger belly, breasts, or butt.  If you don’t do any of these that’s completely fine, just thought it’d be a neat idea and a good way to mix the originals and ORAS. 


I hadn't thought about the Alpha/Omega thing at all tbh, could be an idea for a Downtime Event

You've more or less figured out what I've got planned for Deoxys though!

he is a legend. Imma make a quick joke, he should add himself as a legendary since it would be accurate

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Uhhh what type was the last update? I think yesterday happened one and since I use the app, the save should have stayed, it's gone.

I do have to work for those end of chapter 2 scenes haven't I?  

The once before the ship?


Sorry about that, had to do one quick stealth update to fix the skip feature
That should be the last one for now so your saves should stay this time


Sinnoh going to be the best update to me because my favorite Pokemon are there


Sinnoh does have some good Legends, some... less good

Which ones are you specifically looking forward to?

I think palkia or Arceus or giratIna or dialga

All the main Legends then, hopefully they'll be worth the wait because it's going to be a while before I get to them

(2 edits)

Yo. This update was pretty nice. New legends to bang and knock up, and more content. Went on the "Fuck Anything That Moves" route (if you're planning on game paths) where no one is safe from the protag's Ditto Dick, at least, the ones who are toggleable with my mouse aren't safe, and I like the extra content you put in for the "left Johto" section if you decided to snag all them legends for making one go that route.

One small critique I'll make is the pool of human girls to bang in Johto being slightly smaller than in Kanto, hell due to there being 5, nobody wanted to see Celebi. But I'll put in a suggestion if you decide to expand the seduceable Johto humans a bit by adding Kris (female player character in Pokemon Crystal who got replaced by Lyra in HGSS) and/or Janine (only new Kanto Gym Leader besides Blue, probably do an in-universe excuse for her being in Johto like visiting her now-Elite 4 Member dad Koga or something), just so we can get someone who'd like to see a Celebi. This game is a fun experience ngl, would love to see more, can't wait for Hoenn.

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I forgot all about Janine! I might go back and see if I can tie her to Celebi in some way

There's not really going to be alternate paths, this game will be big enough as it is
Glad you're enjoying it so far though

You're welcome. For the Janine Celebi thing, it could be like, idk, while traveling to Indigo Plateau or something on her way to visit her dad, she saw a green celery creature (Celebi doing time traveling shenanigans be like) pop up in front of her and disappear in an instant for no reason. Just a suggestion.

Also, something I found funny is that the game was misnaming Eusine, the guy in purple with a cape that chases after Suicune, probably on accident on your part, but still it was rather hilarious, but not as hilarious as he dies from getting "cucked" (the way he dies especially, bro blows up inexplicably after watching the protag and Sui having sex).


I think I've got an idea of how to work Celebi and Janine together already

Oh and my misnaming of Eusine was most certainly NOT an accident

Hey Brpdchainsaw, I just wanted to say I love this game. The writing especially, is there any way to support you?  


Nah, I do this for the fun of it
The best way to support me is playing the game and leaving comments like this

Around 1-3 years to finish I think 🤔

Who can say? Updates may take longer if there's more Pokemon

And of course real life loves to get in the way


Pokemon generations


This is all of the Pokemon generations 

That's right, I do have plans for all of them already

Even if I find I won't be able to finish this game, I'll be happy if I get as far as Unova

Sinnoh will probably be the biggest hurdle. That one's absolutely packed with mythicals and legends

You're not wrong there... how am I gonna make Heatran sexy?!

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That was a lot of fun, i really enjoyed impregnating all the new girls and seeing how the previous evolved, i think Karen was my favorite, i'll love seeing her future messages for the next updates. Thank you very much.

Brpdchainsaw our save have been reset

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I think that will probably happen whenever I update the game

I do have a plan for the next update where you can choose what you did if you skip ahead through the chapters

Like you'll be able to click and say you caught Moltres and impregnated Agatha even if you skip to chapter 2

So even if you lose your save, you can still effectively rebuild it

EDIT - Quickly updated the game to do this already

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Not sure why I remembered it differently and i hope the rest is the same, but to be honest, like with Pikatchu I hope you have enough of the "in the moment" scenes instead of before and after

While text can be good and enough, the mix might make it weird.

I think some scenes had them and I liked the game enough before, I just thought I mention it friendly.

I wouldn't mind if it's just something you add after being finished, honestly I would understand it, just hoping for a little more here after that sudden thought. Now I work myself forward to the new scenes.

Brpdchainsaw is chapter 2 Johto region done know I want more

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Don't pressure brpdchainsaw the more pressure you put on the longer its going to take



I'm not going to give out ETAs anymore because I'm not reliable enough to meet them
I've got 2 more downtime scenes to write but they're fairly simple
Then I want to playtest for a day or two and then I can release the update


i like the designs

That me

Brpdchainsaw is Johto nearly done

you think or it’s true?

It was a question ^^

I did say below that it's almost done, I had a slight delay due to some real world stuff getting in the way

Ah reality, the biggest roadblock for creativity since forever.

I Hope it’s going to be out the weekend 




Johto and hoen and sinnoh region have the best legendary tho I think in the old day palkia and giratina Lugia oh-ho dialga Arceus Rayquaza groudon Kyogre

can you give a  date to wen the update is coming?

Soon, I've got one more Pokemon to finish writing and then the extra Downtime/Ship Scenes

cool tanks 


Just out of curiosity, are there gonna be any non-Legendary Pokemon we're able to fuck (there was the Pikachu in the intro, but still) you gonna add? 


Maybe as simple scenes but nothing detailed

For example, I'll probably add a Gardevoir in the Gen 3 update but it'll be like the Downtime Scenes or the Human Scenes once you've completed their missions.
As in, three sex scenes but that'll be it for the Gardevoir or any others

Can you make the final evolution of the starters pokémons we can breed ? Like, if it's a reward for impregnating everyone aivable in a region we have them offered :3

Again, maybe as one offs

I wish you update this to sinnoh or unova or kalos region

I'm writing Johto right now, the Hoenn, then Sinnoh and so on

The later regions have more characters, both Pokemon and Human, so they'll take longer to write

I loved this game <3 I hope to see them all big and bigger :3

Glad you're enjoying it, hopefully they'll get big enough for you!

what AI o you use

The Yiffymix model on

Do you by chance know when the next update will be?

It depends on how much time I have for writing, but it shouldn't be more than a couple of weeks

Ok thanks

Any possibility of a android download for this

I don't offer any download yet (I think)

Maybe in the future


I kinda find it funny that the protagonist is fucking and impregnating the Pokemon world equivalent of gods because a family friend requested and told him to. Like, man's just casually taking in all of Prof. Maple's plans to "conserve Legendaries as species" and the guy responds with "aight bet".


I've been meaning to rewrite the intro a little bit, one thing I want to add is that the protag accepts basically because he has nothing better to do

What did you put in the ai to get the pokemon

Usually start with the name and then just some basic physical descriptions if they're needed

It doesn't work every time, in the coming update Raikou and Celebi don't look much like the originals

So how's the progress on chapter 2? How close is it for updating?


It's about half done, it would be more but the real world keeps getting in the way

Articuno can tell me easily if the answer to the question is right or wrong but Moltres does not have any clues if i pick the correct answers or not so what words am i looking for on the 3 question if i got them correct?

The enegry number changing from 3 to 2 might be a clue if i got the correct answer or not i am going to test this now if that is the onlt way to figue this out, 

The enegry go down a number if i got the correct answer from the fire bird's questions so i need to watch that to see if i got the correct one or not since that is my only clue for this.

The clue is that she attacks you if you get it wrong

Energy and Health also go down after you make your choice

I could probably change her responses to make it clearer though

It is fine, sometime the words is not clear but the enegry for her does go down by one if i get the question right during her quiz, so that is the way for me to know if i get one of the 5 questions right or not, the game is great, looking forward to Lugia, Suicune, and whatever other pokemons and stuffs that chapter 2 will add in the future.

How am i supposed to catch Mew?

dont make a misake

Thanks, Captain Obvious....

Once the game has been converted to Sugarcube, the answer will literally be "Save Scum"

But for now I can just tell you, I assume you're struggling to get through the forest so you can battle her

Pick answers





The battle works the same as usual, read the text and pick the right defence

Hope that helped



when next update


my slow brain looked at the images first i smelt the AI, i thought i was being schizo but no it is AI.. fuck yeah

Hi. Completely unrelated to the game, but where can I find the lost media of Cambian... tired of searching for the single reddit post that held the link to it, not entirely sure said post exists anymore.

Here's a link for you, just a heads up that there won't be any more updates, I don't even have the source files anymore

A shame. Thanks for the link! Maybe a second game is in the cards?



Can there be a rainbow Charizard?


I'd rather stick to just Legendarys, maybe I can fit a reference in somewhere, like I did with Nurse Joy and Jessie

rainbow Charizard is a legendary

In the trading card game which I have no experience with



Uhm... I cant see the restart button, and other buttons when i play on mobile. Can it be... fixed? I think its resolution problem or something.


I'm not sure what I can do about that, I tried on my phone and had the same issue though


damn this was actualy good didnt thougt it would but i am surprised. so now that Kanto is done are the other reagions also going to be explored ? or was this a single thing ?


it said there will be more so yes


Yep, I'm hoping to go as far as Unova at least, after that I'll keep going as long as I still have passion for the project


i wonder if someone is saving images to a gallery?

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I cant figure out how to save or restart. I'm playing on my phone


It looks like the game gets squished on phone screens, I don't know what to do about it though


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