Meh deoxus language thingy aint to good and is a bit dumb to do ngl how are we to learn a language the game maker made up????? Just sayin it's a bunch of time and effort put into a useless thing I mean we could just re-do things just pushing a button, so not like we get somthing wrong it's gunna matter. Good game though
The first thing is that he does tell us how to translate the language. I do agree it takes a while and to be honest I haven’t even tried to do it yet, but I use context clues to figure out what she’s saying, but I do agree. The languishing is a little complicated. And the second thing is the game kind of has a redo button near the top of the screen. There’s these two arrows. If you press the left arrow you will be sent back to the scene before it includes questions so if you got a question wrong, you can go back and pick the right answer.
I like the game I'll get five stars but trying to read the office for I think I'm getting a lot out some help I think I'm just going to figure it out but thanks for the help but still the game I'll still give it 5 stars I love the game
what? I barely understood what that meant but I’m gonna guess that you like the game but you’re a little confused about something and you’re asking for help am I right?
he’s taking a little break from this game to work on his side project and he also doesn’t like giving out dates because he doesn’t like giving people false Hope if anything goes wrong.
For the poison type legends when they get to the milk tasting part their milk could have said to taste like alcohol since when you go to a bar and could be asked "pick your poison" so the legend could say "Want a glass, bottle or drink directly from the TAP". Also since poison types are highly resistant to poison they could drink as much alcohol and really never get drunk fast enough to affect them and same is said for their children so it would be fine on them to drink it. Could even be said to bottle it and let it age to a higher quality if the ship was to have a mini bar for fun. There is a wine called "Milk Wine"
You could even have it that fire types are weak to water so when they get covered in the MC cum could be a critical hit to them and heighten there orgasm.
You forgot the loyal three and Pecharunt are also poison types, even though it doesn’t matter because it’s gonna take even longer to get to them just kinda wanted to say
Mesprit is misspelled. I don't know if it's just in the sex scene, but you have it spelled as Mespirit when it's spelled "Mesprit," there is only one "i."
I'm actually having fun messing about with twine and I've actually got the building blocks for a game woo. Only issue is I haven't gotten to the parts that need javascript and that will be the actual challenge.
Just wanted to share because your motivated me to try this :)
I haven't actually used Javascript at all, I think it's mostly to make your game look different, instead of being the usual white text black background.
Still, glad to see I've inspired a new writer!
Oh, and this is what PokeBreeder looks like behind the scenes, I can't fit it all on my screen and it's not even close to being done yet!
I was reading the Darkrai scene (Sweet Nightmares. Anal path) when something occurred to me. If type combos affect the experience, for lore sake, does that mean using a dark type "Transformation" affect it as well because of how "stab moves" work in the Pokémon games?
Would a Dark Type dick get STAB when used for Anal?
I don't see why it wouldn't, if I'm going to write that in, I'll have to check through previous scenes and see where I've used dark type dicks before, but that is a good point!
I had a idea for a questions part of a legendary as long as there is one that could shape shift or create illusions. The MC would be asked to identify a Pokémon they change into or conjure up but they could not use their eyes or hearing but feel, smell, and maybe taste to get clues of which pokemon from the options available is correct. If it seems good enough then the legendary could have the MC not use there hands to feel but their face to feel, taste, smell if it seem like that could work. Some of the hints could be hot temp, icy, furry, scaly, heavy etcetera. The legendary could have a little bit of a S&M personality where each time the MC gets it wrong she kicks him in the balls (ouch) thus a decrease in health but if correct then he becomes the master. This just reminds me of the "Who's That Pokemon" that would appear in the early cartoon seasons as it was going to commercials. If no legendries meet this well just wanted to put this idea out before I forget it.
Off the top of my head... I don't think there's any Legends I could use this with, I'm not saying no, but I'll need to check and see before I can say yes
Thank for considering it! It could work if a legend could control other pokemon or looks like royalty ,you know, is used to being in control of others and having things done for them. Closest one that looks like royalty or at least a beauty queen is Pheromosa. She is a fight type so her getting other pokemon to do her bidding is plausible and she almost looks like she wears a crown on her head for the royalty vibe.
I can agree with the bellies because let’s be honest we all kind of like them to be a little plump. And I never said you couldn’t pick both. It wasn’t in the rules that you couldn’t
Actually, we had a conversation about enamourous about 20 days ago I brought this up about how chainsaw could work enamourous into the game the idea that we came up with that I don’t know if chainsaw is going with. But you have to capture the three original genies then you have to do their downtime scene and at the end of that they will mention that they had a sister that went missing a long time ago then the MC will have Dialga sent him back in time to collect her and bring her to the present. Well, that’s just the idea that we had. We don’t know what chainsaw was gonna exactly do with this, but he agrees that time travel is probably the best way to deal with enamourous and if you can’t tell with the three original genies since they are involved enamourous will be in unova.
Quick question during the Manaphy part of the chapter you had the team aqua people attack the MC are you gonna do the same thing with team magma and Heatran because let's be honest Heatran is the closest thing you can get to another Groudon. So I can see them totally trying to capture her to use her make volcanoes erupt to try to increase the land mass and when the MC gets there Heatran she asked the MC and Groudon that came out of her ball for help and if they help her, she will do anything like fucking. But if you don't do the whole team magma thing, I do have a idea of the breeding scene between her and the MC if you wanna hear it.
so we all know that heatran it’s gonna be a futa so darling, the breeding thing with her in the MC at the MC trying to pick a member to use she asked for a request because she had dreams about something. She asked the MC to turn his dick into heatran dick put it in simple words the MC would be breeding her with her own dick and she always kind of want to be Bread or fucked with her own dick
When you get to the Gen 7 that has about 27 legendries will that be broken into two parts. It being part A: MC collects say 15 and no more in area so go back to boat and sail to other side of region, part B then collect the rest if the story allows since seeing so many to catch at the same time would seem to be alot for a single boat stop.
Will there be a part put in about Jasmines Ampharos being breed in the lighthouse?
Excellent work with the other legendries being part of the battle for manaphy and regigigas. I really likes those!
Im not the creator of the game lmao, I recommend reading other comments because the answer may have already been provided to someone asking a similar question
I'm taking a break like I do after every update, but I'll probably start with Heatran when I get back into it, no clue how long it will take, that depends on several different things
Okay idk how to tag exactly on here, I don't think you can, but shout out to all my fellow players out there who help those of us who need it when Chainsaw is busy or can't get to all the comments right away! Every one of you are awesome and super cool for helping!
The AI just couldn't make anything good when I tried to get them to look like themselves, considering the lore behind the Regis, they're basically robots anyway so I decided to go all in
So this may be news to you but porngameshub uploaded the game themselves without asking chainsaw. Chainsaw doesn't care because this a fully free passion project but the onus for updating the game is on the site not chainsaw.
I'm hoping to keep adding scenes like that where the legends hang out at various spots in the regions, I might put them in the Nimbasa Dance Hall for the Unova update!
There's actually another scene like that for Sinnoh already in the game, it's just not accessible yet and won't be until 4.2, but I wrote the whole thing g because I liked the idea
I can't wait for 4.2! That will be an interesting update. Also, if I'm counting right, we now have five birds. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-Oh and now Cressila. Also, I love the Cat Girl idea for the Lake Trio and am glad to see them all go in one ball. Darkrai was definitely a fun time. Maybe take some of her idea for Eternias when you reach Gen 8? Regigigas being more human than her creations make sense and yet again another BBW. From your teaser photos for the update, I'm thinking we can at least expect Palkia to be a BBW. Idk about Dialga and Giritina. Also, I've ran into both male and female Heatrans in Plantium so I can see her being a BBW Futa if you haven't done her yet. Where abouts are you on 4.2 by chance? No one has asked yet so :P
Heatran is planned to be a futa, BBW is pending tho seems to be chainsaws proclivity's and the already round design can speak towards that
Giritina seems to be leaning BBW with the other forme being thinner. I feel that Dialga and Arceus would not be BBW because they are generally more slender in design, especially Arceus.
After each update chainsaw takes a week or two break to work on their other side project (the vore runner one you see on their page) to avoid burnout so basically all chainsaw has rn is ideas for 4.2 and that's about it. idk how long the next update will take but hopefully less then last time due to there technically being less mons to work on rn. That is to be seen tho
Thx for the info. I'm not into vore/unbirth, but I'm glad they are working on their other project as well. It's a good way to avoid burn out on this project. I can't wait to see the other legendries because they should be interesting.
I think that's it for birds for a while, one of the Gen 5 genies has a bird form, Yveltal is more of a dragon, so yeah, no more birds for now.
The Lake Trio are all basically Diet-Mew, so making them cats made sense, I do wonder what they get up to in that ball together *wink-wink*
I'll definitely be trying to capture the nightmare vibes for Eternatus, especially when she goes into Enternamax form.
Regigigas was always going to be bulky and yes, Palkia will be too, Giritina I'm thinking chubby and bottom heavy but not exactly fat, Dialga will likely be slimmer still, Heatran is exactly what you guessed!
4.2 is exactly as far as 4.1 is... technically, there is a scene in 4.1 that can't be accessed yet, so that could be considered part of 4.2... But I won't be working on PokeBreeder for a couple of weeks, so that's as far as it goes for the moment
First I’d like to comment on the fact that the lake trio sort of look like cat girls, and second this update was a whole lot of fun and I loved what you did with darkrai
yeah, chainsaw said previously the trio were hard to generate properly, the software they use is free and the trio aren't the most famous legends so problems were likely to come up
after a full day of work at and s trip to the auto shop to get a new car battery I come home open my laptop and I cheek this page only to see that one of my favorite text based gamed has had an update. it is a good day (p.s) it's also the start to a weekend ... yay
Read the message above all that, this update is being split in half. I even told them to add that message for people like you who aren't in the comments all the time (not trying to be mean saying that).
Just got through the update, twas a fun time with the new side scenes and new mons and pairings. Also was nice for you to add that thank you message I'm touched. And I will live up to that thank you message by pointing out the few mistakes I found from my light playthrough (it wasn't super thorough so may go back to find more)
Chapter 1: some of Mews text is the wrong kind of pink when you first open up her area (I think I pointed this out before but seems to have been missed, minor issue overall tho)
Chapter 2: HTML error when clicking 40 on Suicune's quiz question 1 (It still works but an error popping up will likely spook some people so I would count that as major)
Chapter 3: error with jirachi text color span (repeatable anal scene if memory serves me right and pretty obvious so would count as major)
span style="color:moccasin">Definitely asleep... not awake at all...
Just keep fucking my sleepy ass.</span>
Chapter 4: Intro has span error that leads to white text being blue (maple) (probably counts as major fix it is the intro to the new chapter)
Typo in Darkrai breed scene: Darkrai's laughter is cut off oas your dicks grow inside her (minor because its a typo thats still obvious in what it meant)
Anyway, enjoy the work on your side project (I assume thats what your doing now)
I doubt that will happen, its one person with all that text to translate it to other languages would be ALOT of work. Not to mention because google translate or ChatGPT is not the best way to translate languages, they would need someone who knows both to get a proper translation and this isn't exactly a game with a budget, its passion project made from mainly free tools (They could be paying for the ai but to be real I saw the prices for the improved versions of, that shit is way to much imo.)
I could see Eternatus later being in a non hostile freindship with rayquaza and zygarde. Reason: eternatus can absorb energy which would make them initialy hate her but they could find out that her ability can help lessen there burden of mitigating the fight between kyogre/ groudon and xerneas/yveltal. Her ability would be able to dreasticaly reduce the effects of the battles to the surounding area thus there is less mess to clean up.
If zygarde does showdown in the town near the boat to get the MC this could be good to do officer Jenny since the MC would have protected the town and quelling the disruption thus she could be thankful for reducing the amount of paperwork when the legendries protected the surroundings if no other girl is available.
Could there be an option where the pokemon who are heavely pregnant get cravings EX: Moltres hot-pot, articuno ice cream.
So I’m here that you’re basically done with the first part of the chapter 4 so it’s gonna be done and I’m gonna be able to play it soon but question a lot of your comments have said that you have added new content to the previous chapters. Is that true or not?
I know your probably waiting for chainsaws own words but yes. Side scenes have been added to previous chapters just like with the last update. So that scene with Charizard in chapter 1 or Miltank in chapter 2, there is going to be more of those. You're free to pitch your own ideas for those as well side scenes are the thing I personally enjoy suggesting the most.
Hows progress going? Hope Cresselia ain't causing any problems. Whats the plan with her anyway? I remember the whole motherly caretaker angle that I thought would make her work well with Cheryl so curious if you took it that way or a different direction.
I've got both Cresselia AND Cheryl done as far as their repeatable scenes, so they're nearly done which means that the update is nearly done!
I didn't make Cresselia particularly motherly in the end, she mostly tries to give everyone good dreams instead, she's also a bit of a lighthearted troll when she feels like it, but not an outright jerk like Darkrai
You know what I kind of like that. Having the duo be opposites for the most part but also a little bit of crossover personality wise, like a ying yang thing.
I finally finished the cute scenes of the future legendarys and here they are. These cute scenes are gonna be a little bit more simple because we don't know their personality yet. I'm also not adding any of the alternate forms of the legendarys because we don't know how chainsaw our gonna do them like the Galarian birds, and all the paradox Form or if he has, I just forgot.
Uxie: the MC and her like doing puzzles together to stimulate the brain and it's quite calming for her, but the NC doesn't understand most of the puzzles there quite complicated you see
Mesprit: she likes watching cheesy love stories with the MC because she does like love stories, but she also likes making fun of them with the MC
Azelf: she likes playing competitive games with the MC games like sandbag toss and the MC has lost most of their games
Heatran: The MC likes laying on her after his missions he always has some muscle cramps because of how much he has been working getting more legendarys. Heatran Helps with that with her producing a comfort amount of heat laying on her just feels like laying on a heat pad and it doesn't hurt that she's quite soft
Regigigas: she likes making art with the MC. She's quite talented in many type of art forms like painting, drawing, and sculpting so her and the MC like sitting down, drawing painting stuff sometime portraits of the other girls or about the scenery. She picked up this hobby after making the Regis
Cresselia: she likes telling the MC about dreams that she has seen about some of the weirdest, cutest and downright bizarre dreams she has witness, but the weirdest one she has ever seen was this one where a man's dream was just to become a bidoof
Phione And Manaphy: playing in the water with the MC when the other two are not in the pool, she likes being in the pool with AMC just splashing around and just having a jolly old time
Darkrai: she likes tailing the MC about nightmares that she has seen about some of the scariest horrific or intense nightmare but there was this one nightmare that still confuses her it was about a man that was being hunted down by a band of bidoof
Shaymin: the MC helps her take care of the plants on the ship. There's a few flowerpots and window gardens with some plants and flowers and she has asked MC to buy some more flowerpots to get some more flowers and greenery on the ship she has been taking care of the plants with the MC help. Cute little fact the MC has found her sleeping in a flower pot before.
Dialga: she goes on time adventures with the MC with her time powers and being the god of time she likes taking the MC to different time periods Either into the future or past seeing monuments build from the ground up or seeing what the future holds A lot of time it flies over MC's head, but he enjoys it because he spending time with her
Palkia: the MC likes watching her use her powers because they're quite a thing to see as she bends clouds mountains. The sky itself. It's hard to describe without seeing it yourself. You know. ( Palkia it's so hard to think of anything I spent hours doing this one)
Giratina: she and the MC spy on people using the Distortion World because in that world, you can look through reflective objects, like water and mirrors and other things they like spying on the other girls seeing what they're doing
Arceus: she doats on the MC a lot because she is mega gilf but she does really care about the MC. Make sure he's eating well. Make sure he gets enough sleep and rest. The MC is kind of amazed by her because you know he's getting doating on by the true God of the Pokémon world, but he doesn't mind
Cobalion: she likes going around the ship making sure everyone safe Everything is good that there's no dangers the MC goes on these little walks around the ship as well talking to her making sure she's doing well that she's getting rest that she's not overworking herself
Terrakion: the MC and her like doing contest of strength, even though the MC has a snowball en chance of winning, but the real reason why he likes being in these contest is just to see her glisten with her sweat on her body he finds it kind of hot
Virizion: she has nice calming chats with the MC. She talks about the adventures of the swords of Justice about their great deeds of defending the Pokémon and all their great adventures.
Tornadus: she helps the MC go hang light on the ship she command the wins to carry him gently up and around, and when he wants to get down command wins to slowly bring him down
Thundurus: she helps the MC deals with some more of the rowdy, water types she also makes the seas quite calm so they don't need to worry about storms or massive waves
Landorus: she helps the MC keep his abilities sharpen because if his abilities is an up to snuff, he could get seriously injured she helps make sure he's prepared
Enamorus: the MC teachers are about technology that she is confused about because she came from the past. She doesn't understand everything that is new around her, but she's getting a hold of it.
Victini: she plays a lot of games with the MC card games, board games, video games, and all sorts of games but she has one every single game they've played a part of, but the MC is too stubborn to admit defeat so he keeps challenging her again and again
Keldeo: the MC gives her praise since she can undermine her accomplishments and be a little self-destructive in a way but the MC make sure she realize how great she's doing and what she has done is great as well
Meloetta: the MC likes listening to her songs and he gives praise and suggestions about her songs and on a few occasions they even dance together where as she sings one of her songs
Genesect: the MC calms her down and make her feel safe because sometimes but it's quite rare. She can forget that she is the machine now that she's no longer made of flesh, and it does make her going in something like a panic attack but not quite the NC helps calm her down and ground her to reality. She's getting better though so in the future, she may not have this problem.
Reshiram: the MC and her have long and deep conversations about what they know mostly it's the MC listening to her Talk about things that she knows a lot about.
Zekrom: she and the MC have very introspective, talks about peoples ideals, and how they work and what they can accomplish if they truly work on it
Kyurem: the MC interact with her when she's alone she likes being alone from the other girls but the MC mixers to interact with her when she's by yourself quite frequently just to make sure she's just OK
Diancie: she likes being showered with compliments by the MC. She is the type of girl that basically adore being complimented because of how pretty she and the MC and the other girls has to admit, she is gorgeous
Hoopa: the MC and her go around traveling kind of mostly they go to stores buying food for the ship and games, movies, art supplies and other things they need but they also do go and see around the continents the great structures and landmarks But she enjoys the time they spent together anywhere they go
Volcanion: her and the MC like being in the steam room together she likes it because it just what she naturally custom too and the MC likes it simply because the steam makes her body quite glossy
Xerneas: the MC and her tend to the other girls to make sure they're in good health they do monthly check ups on the girls to see how they're pregnancies and how they're doing healthwise, but let's be honest the MC, is the nurse in these checkups (fun fact about Xerneas it's believe that their mute)
Yveltal: the MC tales her about what the world looks like because she is blind She doesn't move around the ship when she does she she moves quite slowly to make sure she doesn't bump into anything when this happens the MC helps her go where she wants to go
Zygarde: she constantly stays in the area round the MC because even though she knows he's not gonna try anything. She still is a little wary about about him the MC for his part has seen her once twice fallen him he believes that she's deeply deeply in love with him
Type: Null And Silvally: she's quite a self-conscious person She doesn't fully like how she looks, but the MC helps serve through that giving her compliments complimenting her body making her feel positive about herself (TBH I have some more ideas for Silvally)
Tapu Koko: she is quite energetic and moves around the ship quite frequently, making sure every thing is safe fine and everything's doing good She does ask the MC lot of questions about things outside of her region
Tapu Lele: she and the MC make sure the eggs are good even though the eggs are in safe containment, making sure they're they're probably warm their cared for and then nothing can get to them both of them. Make sure that they're fine.
Tapu Bulu: the both of them just kind of sit around and chill, not really speaking, not really looking at each other just sitting and Vibin, but some of the girls swear they have a psychic connection because it's like they have full conversations the two of them, but they don't They are just on the same wavelength
Tapu Fini: she likes going into the pool around night time when the MC learned about the he, decided to spend some time with her once in a while he doesn't stay in the pool for long or even around for a while but she does enjoy his company
Magearna: the MC does maintenance on her, making sure she works that she's functioning correctly that there's no parts out of sink He also cleans her quite frequently She does enjoy him, checking her out as she says
Marshadow: the MC make sure she doesn't get into any fights with the other girls she's quite rowdy and temperamental, but the MC can easily calm her down and make her passive
Zeraora: she has a race that she does on the ship. It's to start at the back of the ship run towards the front, then run down to the bottom floor run to the top floor again she's been getting faster even though she's getting more pregnant the MC times her
Meltan and Melmetal: The MC like cuddling them since how malleable she is and how she most likely is quite cool to the touch It's hard not to hug her because she feels so comfortable
Solgaleo: she likes being in the sun playing around with the MC playing volleyball and sandbag fro another summer like games
Lunala: she likes being at the end of the day when the moons up having nice long chats with the MC about this
Necrozma: she usually wakes up around the beginning of noon and then she falls back asleep by the end of noon at that doesn't leave a lot of time for the MC to interact with her but the times they do interact they enjoy each other's company
Urshifu: the MC likes watching her train. He appreciates how hard she works to continuing to master her skills. Also, she looks extremely hot when she sweats.
Regieleki: she help by charging the ship, making sure that Shit has enough electricity to keep running but the MC does make her take multiple breaks through the day making sure she doesn't burn herself out
Regidrago: she doesn't do much just what the MC tells her to do but one thing the MC likes doing is shining a light on her she made a draconic crystals when you shine light on her, makes her quite shiny
Picture and Spectrier: The MC doesn't fully know how to interact with these to, but he tries to get them involved to try to make the more sociable to the other girls. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but he can tell that both of them are happy that tries.
Zarude: I believe that she acts like a mom to a lot of the other legendary, specially the smaller and younger ones and the eggs, of course, and when they hatched the MC finds it quite adorable her whole motherly vibe (my reasoning for this one is because they were the adopted parent of a child in their movie)
Zacian: Unlike her sister, she's quite calm and Tank she has nice walks chats and read books with the MC and he likes them because it's quite calming
Zamazenta: unlike her sister, she's quite hotheaded she has quite an energetic games, training and sparring with the MC and he likes it because it the blood pumping a little
Eternatus: the MC finds it quite hard to pin down her personality sometimes she's the nicest thing to ever exist and other she can make death threats like it's nothing. She never follows up on them, but she does save them. But he can agree on one thing when she gets massive quite fun bouncing around sleeping on her even having sex with some of the other girls on her she doesn't mind any of it actually she finds it kind of hot.
Calyrex: she likes telling the MC about her ancient kingdom about the people about the rules the good times and the bad the MC is quite interest in that after catching two girls neck and manipulate time he started appreciating ancient history
Wo-Chien: VMC likes, listening to the mischievous and downright malicious thing she did in the past normal people would hate her for what she did in the past, but the MC is open minded so he's fine with it as long as she doesn't do it again
Chien-Pao: to all the other girls she is quite icy She doesn't talk to them except for her group She doesn't interact with them in our opinions Most of the girls say she's quite unpleasant to be around but with the MC she's quite warm nice, friendly, and cuddly it night, and Dey with her.
Ting-Lu: she doesn't talk much and the MC knows that so when they have their conversations, it's quite short and brief, but she likes that she likes when people leave her alone and doesn't try to make her talk to anyone
Chi-Yu: she doesn't interact with a lot of the girls she act with some of them, but not all of them time she interacts for a group is the other legendary of ruin but she does love spending the time with the MC for his part, he doesn't try to force them to interact, with the other girls. He just hangs out with them when they want to and make them a little bit more kind and sociable if they want to talk to any of the other girls, that's what they want to do. He's not gonna force it.
Okidogi: she likes having strength base games with the MC like tug-of-war catch the ball or frisbee
Munkidori: they like doing mine puzzles together like words scramble, memorizing games and find the word
Fezandipiti: she likes to dress up and make herself look pretty and the MC rate her dress and make up on her his usual rating is is 7 through 10 but if you ask the MC her rating without any of the dresses or makeup it's a 10
Ogerpon: she's usually a very shy and timid girl, but she's extremely protective of the MC the reason for that is because of our last human companion when she wasn't with him to protect him, he died so she doesn't want that to happen to the MC he knows about the story and trying to have for that pain
Pecharunt: she is deeply sad about what she has done too Ogerpon and that her friends died because for her even though they're back now, it still hurts so usually she stays in her room by yourself being kind of depressed, but the MC helps her through it making sure she feels good about herself that what she did wasn't her fault that she Didn't know those masks were owned by someone it's slowly helping her and she is quite appreciated of it
Koraidon: the MC thought she was from the past, but when he realized that she was from a alternate, timeline where Pokémon evolved differently that raises more questions than answers, but he does ask her about what her dimension was like about the Pokémon that looks different the people of her world she enjoys telling him
Miraidon: the MC asked her if she was in the same boat as Koraidon and when she said, yes, he started of asking about her world about the differences of the Pokémon there and the people if you ask the MC her world is a little more dark with the idea of that these robots replace natural Pokémon because they die out hasn't said that, but by how she talks about it, he is guessing that's what is happening
Terapagos: everyone agrees the other girls and the MC that she is strictly beautiful with crystals the different elements. She is magnificent and she loves getting all that positive energy from everyone
Dang these are some good ideas! I can't use all of them since a few clash with plans I've already got, but there's going to be plenty of these ending up in my game!
That reminds me, I need to start actually copying these comments and storing them somewhere so I don't forget them
So, about the upcoming update: Are you planning on releasing two separate ones? I'm only asking because I have seen a lot of comments mention you doing so, but I haven't seen an official confirmation from you.
Okay so an idea that is super far in the future, especially since it's Gen 9, but as Koraidon and Miraidon spawn in the same spot in Area Zero what if you made them best friends and did a test thing like with the Latis being sisters. They always hang out and have lesbian sex a lot, but both have always wanted a cock and you have the MC give them a Dragon dick like with the Latis, but instead of Salamance maybe Baxcalubir as a point out to it being the Gen 9 Dragon or maybe a Cyclizar as it is their decedent/ancestor. Also, another reason for them being best friends/yuri fuck couple is because Koraidon is a past form of Cyclizar and Miraidon a future version so they could kind of have a best friend bond over their current day decadents/ancestors. Also maybe make them go into the same ball as they can't stand to be without each other. Oh, but as Koridon is a fierce warrior type you would have to fight her if you got her questions of Midiron wrong, but if you get them all right you fuck them both without a fight. Also, their downtime before the ship takes off could be them having the MC choose the "Better Paradox Lizard" like how the birds asked him who had the better tits and the Mews the cuter Mew
I don't have much of a plan for the Bikes yet, they're so far away after all
I probably won't put them together since they're Box Legends and I'd rather keep those separate, though I think I can use some of your plans here for AFTER they've been caught, we'll see
Like my "Best Paradox Lizard" downtime? Cause they are both Paradox forms of Cyclizar and also maybe my idea of them bonding over it and becoming besties?
Yeah that would probably work, maybe they'd be arguing about if past or future is better and try to get the MC to settle it for them, they'd use their bodies as examples of what makes their time periods so good to try and tempt him into picking the "right" answer
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Meh deoxus language thingy aint to good and is a bit dumb to do ngl how are we to learn a language the game maker made up????? Just sayin it's a bunch of time and effort put into a useless thing I mean we could just re-do things just pushing a button, so not like we get somthing wrong it's gunna matter. Good game though
The first thing is that he does tell us how to translate the language. I do agree it takes a while and to be honest I haven’t even tried to do it yet, but I use context clues to figure out what she’s saying, but I do agree. The languishing is a little complicated. And the second thing is the game kind of has a redo button near the top of the screen. There’s these two arrows. If you press the left arrow you will be sent back to the scene before it includes questions so if you got a question wrong, you can go back and pick the right answer.
I like the game I'll get five stars but trying to read the office for I think I'm getting a lot out some help I think I'm just going to figure it out but thanks for the help but still the game I'll still give it 5 stars I love the game
what? I barely understood what that meant but I’m gonna guess that you like the game but you’re a little confused about something and you’re asking for help am I right?
I appreciate the 5 stars but what do you mean "read the office"?
When do u think u will most likely get the next update done by so i can set alarm for that day bc this is a fantastic game all in all in my opinion
he’s taking a little break from this game to work on his side project and he also doesn’t like giving out dates because he doesn’t like giving people false Hope if anything goes wrong.
It's gonna be a LOOOOONG while before that's ready!
alrty then time to buckle down on my other games while I wait hopefully this game keeps getting better and better
hey chainsaw, just a question. What time zone do you live in because I would like to ask questions and give you ideas around the time you’re on.
Even if I tell you my time zone, my schedule is pretty erratic so it won't help get your questions answered I'm afraid
That’s fine don’t worry about it. I can wait.
For the poison type legends when they get to the milk tasting part their milk could have said to taste like alcohol since when you go to a bar and could be asked "pick your poison" so the legend could say "Want a glass, bottle or drink directly from the TAP". Also since poison types are highly resistant to poison they could drink as much alcohol and really never get drunk fast enough to affect them and same is said for their children so it would be fine on them to drink it. Could even be said to bottle it and let it age to a higher quality if the ship was to have a mini bar for fun. There is a wine called "Milk Wine"
You could even have it that fire types are weak to water so when they get covered in the MC cum could be a critical hit to them and heighten there orgasm.
Poison type milk being alcoholic sounds pretty funny! Shame I won't be able to use the idea until Eternatus...
I think I can write something round cum being a Water Type attack!
You forgot the loyal three and Pecharunt are also poison types, even though it doesn’t matter because it’s gonna take even longer to get to them just kinda wanted to say
Yeah I didn't forget them, but it'll still be gen 8 before any Poison Legends show up.
Well... there's Ultra Beasts but I've already said they're being used as side content
Mesprit is misspelled. I don't know if it's just in the sex scene, but you have it spelled as Mespirit when it's spelled "Mesprit," there is only one "i."
You know, this whole time I though it was MeSPIRIT!
I'd better go change that!
I struggled with Mesprit's name for the longest time as well, so it's understandable. Keep up the great work I love this a lot!
Just wanted to share because your motivated me to try this :)
I haven't actually used Javascript at all, I think it's mostly to make your game look different, instead of being the usual white text black background.
Still, glad to see I've inspired a new writer!
Oh, and this is what PokeBreeder looks like behind the scenes, I can't fit it all on my screen and it's not even close to being done yet!
Jesus fucking Christ
I've seen worse, opening up some of the huge sandbox style games is like looking at some forbidden arcane dark magic
happy Fourth of July to everyone and if you haven’t celebrated it yet or you don’t celebrate it will have a great day
I'm not American but I still hope everyone enjoyed their day!
I was reading the Darkrai scene (Sweet Nightmares. Anal path) when something occurred to me. If type combos affect the experience, for lore sake, does that mean using a dark type "Transformation" affect it as well because of how "stab moves" work in the Pokémon games?
Also, I love your work.
Would a Dark Type dick get STAB when used for Anal?
I don't see why it wouldn't, if I'm going to write that in, I'll have to check through previous scenes and see where I've used dark type dicks before, but that is a good point!
Glad you're liking my work too!
will you be putting zoarua and zoarark in this or no because I feel like they could be a great side quest
For a side scene? Sure, Zoroark can go in!
I had a idea for a questions part of a legendary as long as there is one that could shape shift or create illusions. The MC would be asked to identify a Pokémon they change into or conjure up but they could not use their eyes or hearing but feel, smell, and maybe taste to get clues of which pokemon from the options available is correct. If it seems good enough then the legendary could have the MC not use there hands to feel but their face to feel, taste, smell if it seem like that could work. Some of the hints could be hot temp, icy, furry, scaly, heavy etcetera. The legendary could have a little bit of a S&M personality where each time the MC gets it wrong she kicks him in the balls (ouch) thus a decrease in health but if correct then he becomes the master. This just reminds me of the "Who's That Pokemon" that would appear in the early cartoon seasons as it was going to commercials. If no legendries meet this well just wanted to put this idea out before I forget it.
Off the top of my head... I don't think there's any Legends I could use this with, I'm not saying no, but I'll need to check and see before I can say yes
It is a good idea though!
Thank for considering it! It could work if a legend could control other pokemon or looks like royalty ,you know, is used to being in control of others and having things done for them. Closest one that looks like royalty or at least a beauty queen is Pheromosa. She is a fight type so her getting other pokemon to do her bidding is plausible and she almost looks like she wears a crown on her head for the royalty vibe.
it could be a good idea for hoopa, where he opens a portal with his rings and it summons a pokemon that you try to guess based off of context clues
That could work, I think I can use that!
Important question to the entire community. Ass or Tits? If you want to prove you’re a man of culture say the correct answer.
Booty, all day every day!
I am solely saddened from all your answers. The correct answer is. Both
I didnt know that was an option!
Also, I probablydon't need to say this, but bellies!
I can agree with the bellies because let’s be honest we all kind of like them to be a little plump. And I never said you couldn’t pick both. It wasn’t in the rules that you couldn’t
I completely agree Big belly's are best.
Both, Gotta love both at same time.
is there gonna be enamourous and if so will it be in sinnoh, unova or will there be time travel
Actually, we had a conversation about enamourous about 20 days ago I brought this up about how chainsaw could work enamourous into the game the idea that we came up with that I don’t know if chainsaw is going with. But you have to capture the three original genies then you have to do their downtime scene and at the end of that they will mention that they had a sister that went missing a long time ago then the MC will have Dialga sent him back in time to collect her and bring her to the present. Well, that’s just the idea that we had. We don’t know what chainsaw was gonna exactly do with this, but he agrees that time travel is probably the best way to deal with enamourous and if you can’t tell with the three original genies since they are involved enamourous will be in unova.
Quick question during the Manaphy part of the chapter you had the team aqua people attack the MC are you gonna do the same thing with team magma and Heatran because let's be honest Heatran is the closest thing you can get to another Groudon. So I can see them totally trying to capture her to use her make volcanoes erupt to try to increase the land mass and when the MC gets there Heatran she asked the MC and Groudon that came out of her ball for help and if they help her, she will do anything like fucking. But if you don't do the whole team magma thing, I do have a idea of the breeding scene between her and the MC if you wanna hear it.
You're not actually that far off of what I've got planned, I won't go into detail but Magma WILL be there and Groudon WILL be helping!
I'd still like to hear your idea though, it might spark some inspiration even if I can't use it!
so we all know that heatran it’s gonna be a futa so darling, the breeding thing with her in the MC at the MC trying to pick a member to use she asked for a request because she had dreams about something. She asked the MC to turn his dick into heatran dick put it in simple words the MC would be breeding her with her own dick and she always kind of want to be Bread or fucked with her own dick
With a little tweaking, I can make this work.
I can make it fit the personality I have planned for Heatran, so this is going in!
When you get to the Gen 7 that has about 27 legendries will that be broken into two parts. It being part A: MC collects say 15 and no more in area so go back to boat and sail to other side of region, part B then collect the rest if the story allows since seeing so many to catch at the same time would seem to be alot for a single boat stop.
Will there be a part put in about Jasmines Ampharos being breed in the lighthouse?
Excellent work with the other legendries being part of the battle for manaphy and regigigas. I really likes those!
Gen 7 won't be THAT big since the Ultra Beasts are getting their own side section.
I think I can add in something for Ampharos, I'll think about it.
I want to add more fights/scenes like this where the previously caught legends can hop in and help out
who are you currently working on and on how long do you have until it's finished before moving onto the next character?
Currently working on their side project, not the main game.
k just update us on the progress when you can
Im not the creator of the game lmao, I recommend reading other comments because the answer may have already been provided to someone asking a similar question
I'm taking a break like I do after every update, but I'll probably start with Heatran when I get back into it, no clue how long it will take, that depends on several different things
Okay idk how to tag exactly on here, I don't think you can, but shout out to all my fellow players out there who help those of us who need it when Chainsaw is busy or can't get to all the comments right away! Every one of you are awesome and super cool for helping!
I really do have one of the best communities!
my only suggestion is change the regis, making them all just look like regular robots removes their coolness
The AI just couldn't make anything good when I tried to get them to look like themselves, considering the lore behind the Regis, they're basically robots anyway so I decided to go all in
Dude, are you going tô update your game on porngames?
So this may be news to you but porngameshub uploaded the game themselves without asking chainsaw. Chainsaw doesn't care because this a fully free passion project but the onus for updating the game is on the site not chainsaw.
Yeah that's not me, no idea who put it there but I'm fine with it being shared around
great job on mew two wearing a kemono. and the new beach scene. very well written.
I'm hoping to keep adding scenes like that where the legends hang out at various spots in the regions, I might put them in the Nimbasa Dance Hall for the Unova update!
There's actually another scene like that for Sinnoh already in the game, it's just not accessible yet and won't be until 4.2, but I wrote the whole thing g because I liked the idea
I can't wait for 4.2! That will be an interesting update. Also, if I'm counting right, we now have five birds. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-Oh and now Cressila. Also, I love the Cat Girl idea for the Lake Trio and am glad to see them all go in one ball. Darkrai was definitely a fun time. Maybe take some of her idea for Eternias when you reach Gen 8? Regigigas being more human than her creations make sense and yet again another BBW. From your teaser photos for the update, I'm thinking we can at least expect Palkia to be a BBW. Idk about Dialga and Giritina. Also, I've ran into both male and female Heatrans in Plantium so I can see her being a BBW Futa if you haven't done her yet. Where abouts are you on 4.2 by chance? No one has asked yet so :P
Ok so some things I can say
Heatran is planned to be a futa, BBW is pending tho seems to be chainsaws proclivity's and the already round design can speak towards that
Giritina seems to be leaning BBW with the other forme being thinner. I feel that Dialga and Arceus would not be BBW because they are generally more slender in design, especially Arceus.
After each update chainsaw takes a week or two break to work on their other side project (the vore runner one you see on their page) to avoid burnout so basically all chainsaw has rn is ideas for 4.2 and that's about it. idk how long the next update will take but hopefully less then last time due to there technically being less mons to work on rn. That is to be seen tho
Thx for the info. I'm not into vore/unbirth, but I'm glad they are working on their other project as well. It's a good way to avoid burn out on this project. I can't wait to see the other legendries because they should be interesting.
I think that's it for birds for a while, one of the Gen 5 genies has a bird form, Yveltal is more of a dragon, so yeah, no more birds for now.
The Lake Trio are all basically Diet-Mew, so making them cats made sense, I do wonder what they get up to in that ball together *wink-wink*
I'll definitely be trying to capture the nightmare vibes for Eternatus, especially when she goes into Enternamax form.
Regigigas was always going to be bulky and yes, Palkia will be too, Giritina I'm thinking chubby and bottom heavy but not exactly fat, Dialga will likely be slimmer still, Heatran is exactly what you guessed!
4.2 is exactly as far as 4.1 is... technically, there is a scene in 4.1 that can't be accessed yet, so that could be considered part of 4.2...
But I won't be working on PokeBreeder for a couple of weeks, so that's as far as it goes for the moment
Just dropped a quick stealth update to fix a few minor issues, I won't bother making a Dev Log post about it, but it is there!
First I’d like to comment on the fact that the lake trio sort of look like cat girls, and second this update was a whole lot of fun and I loved what you did with darkrai
yeah, chainsaw said previously the trio were hard to generate properly, the software they use is free and the trio aren't the most famous legends so problems were likely to come up
The AI just wouldn't cooperate with those three, but I think I managed to make decent enough versions of them
Glad you liked Darkrai too, I've been sitting on that idea for a while!
after a full day of work at and s trip to the auto shop to get a new car battery I come home open my laptop and I cheek this page only to see that one of my favorite text based gamed has had an update. it is a good day (p.s) it's also the start to a weekend ... yay
Sounds like a good way to start your weekend!
Read the message above all that, this update is being split in half. I even told them to add that message for people like you who aren't in the comments all the time (not trying to be mean saying that).
Right above what you screenshotted
Just got through the update, twas a fun time with the new side scenes and new mons and pairings. Also was nice for you to add that thank you message I'm touched. And I will live up to that thank you message by pointing out the few mistakes I found from my light playthrough (it wasn't super thorough so may go back to find more)
Chapter 1: some of Mews text is the wrong kind of pink when you first open up her area (I think I pointed this out before but seems to have been missed, minor issue overall tho)
Chapter 2: HTML error when clicking 40 on Suicune's quiz question 1 (It still works but an error popping up will likely spook some people so I would count that as major)
Chapter 3: error with jirachi text color span (repeatable anal scene if memory serves me right and pretty obvious so would count as major)
span style="color:moccasin">Definitely asleep... not awake at all...
Just keep fucking my sleepy ass.</span>
Chapter 4: Intro has span error that leads to white text being blue (maple) (probably counts as major fix it is the intro to the new chapter)
Typo in Darkrai breed scene: Darkrai's laughter is cut off oas your dicks grow inside her (minor because its a typo thats still obvious in what it meant)
Anyway, enjoy the work on your side project (I assume thats what your doing now)
Thise should be easy enough to fix, I'll do a stealth update tomorrow, mostly for the Suicune one and the Sinnoh intro one
I will be working on my side project for a couple of weeks now, helps me not to burn out on PokeBreeded
Gardenia is the best girl!
Do you intend to translate the game into other languages? It would be cool if the game had Brazilian Portuguese or Spanish
I doubt that will happen, its one person with all that text to translate it to other languages would be ALOT of work. Not to mention because google translate or ChatGPT is not the best way to translate languages, they would need someone who knows both to get a proper translation and this isn't exactly a game with a budget, its passion project made from mainly free tools (They could be paying for the ai but to be real I saw the prices for the improved versions of, that shit is way to much imo.)
I only speak English I'm afraid, so if the game is getting translated that's up to a dedicated fan with too much free time
it’s been a few days since the last check up, so how close are you to finishing the first part?
I've got one more section to write and then it's on to playtesting!
I could see Eternatus later being in a non hostile freindship with rayquaza and zygarde. Reason: eternatus can absorb energy which would make them initialy hate her but they could find out that her ability can help lessen there burden of mitigating the fight between kyogre/ groudon and xerneas/yveltal. Her ability would be able to dreasticaly reduce the effects of the battles to the surounding area thus there is less mess to clean up.
If zygarde does showdown in the town near the boat to get the MC this could be good to do officer Jenny since the MC would have protected the town and quelling the disruption thus she could be thankful for reducing the amount of paperwork when the legendries protected the surroundings if no other girl is available.
Could there be an option where the pokemon who are heavely pregnant get cravings EX: Moltres hot-pot, articuno ice cream.
So I’m here that you’re basically done with the first part of the chapter 4 so it’s gonna be done and I’m gonna be able to play it soon but question a lot of your comments have said that you have added new content to the previous chapters. Is that true or not?
I know your probably waiting for chainsaws own words but yes. Side scenes have been added to previous chapters just like with the last update. So that scene with Charizard in chapter 1 or Miltank in chapter 2, there is going to be more of those. You're free to pitch your own ideas for those as well side scenes are the thing I personally enjoy suggesting the most.
Thank you for telling me
How many futas are you planning on having in the game?
I don't have an exact number, but it's not going to be a huge amount
Hows progress going? Hope Cresselia ain't causing any problems. Whats the plan with her anyway? I remember the whole motherly caretaker angle that I thought would make her work well with Cheryl so curious if you took it that way or a different direction.
I've got both Cresselia AND Cheryl done as far as their repeatable scenes, so they're nearly done which means that the update is nearly done!
I didn't make Cresselia particularly motherly in the end, she mostly tries to give everyone good dreams instead, she's also a bit of a lighthearted troll when she feels like it, but not an outright jerk like Darkrai
You know what I kind of like that. Having the duo be opposites for the most part but also a little bit of crossover personality wise, like a ying yang thing.
so does that mean that the update might be released this week or at least this coming weekend?
They don't like giving out exacts but expect it sooner then later because all that's left for now is to do bug testing
I finally finished the cute scenes of the future legendarys and here they are. These cute scenes are gonna be a little bit more simple because we don't know their personality yet. I'm also not adding any of the alternate forms of the legendarys because we don't know how chainsaw our gonna do them like the Galarian birds, and all the paradox Form or if he has, I just forgot.
Uxie: the MC and her like doing puzzles together to stimulate the brain and it's quite calming for her, but the NC doesn't understand most of the puzzles there quite complicated you see
Mesprit: she likes watching cheesy love stories with the MC because she does like love stories, but she also likes making fun of them with the MC
Azelf: she likes playing competitive games with the MC games like sandbag toss and the MC has lost most of their games
Heatran: The MC likes laying on her after his missions he always has some muscle cramps because of how much he has been working getting more legendarys. Heatran Helps with that with her producing a comfort amount of heat laying on her just feels like laying on a heat pad and it doesn't hurt that she's quite soft
Regigigas: she likes making art with the MC. She's quite talented in many type of art forms like painting, drawing, and sculpting so her and the MC like sitting down, drawing painting stuff sometime portraits of the other girls or about the scenery. She picked up this hobby after making the Regis
Cresselia: she likes telling the MC about dreams that she has seen about some of the weirdest, cutest and downright bizarre dreams she has witness, but the weirdest one she has ever seen was this one where a man's dream was just to become a bidoof
Phione And Manaphy: playing in the water with the MC when the other two are not in the pool, she likes being in the pool with AMC just splashing around and just having a jolly old time
Darkrai: she likes tailing the MC about nightmares that she has seen about some of the scariest horrific or intense nightmare but there was this one nightmare that still confuses her it was about a man that was being hunted down by a band of bidoof
Shaymin: the MC helps her take care of the plants on the ship. There's a few flowerpots and window gardens with some plants and flowers and she has asked MC to buy some more flowerpots to get some more flowers and greenery on the ship she has been taking care of the plants with the MC help. Cute little fact the MC has found her sleeping in a flower pot before.
Dialga: she goes on time adventures with the MC with her time powers and being the god of time she likes taking the MC to different time periods Either into the future or past seeing monuments build from the ground up or seeing what the future holds A lot of time it flies over MC's head, but he enjoys it because he spending time with her
Palkia: the MC likes watching her use her powers because they're quite a thing to see as she bends clouds mountains. The sky itself. It's hard to describe without seeing it yourself. You know. ( Palkia it's so hard to think of anything I spent hours doing this one)
Giratina: she and the MC spy on people using the Distortion World because in that world, you can look through reflective objects, like water and mirrors and other things they like spying on the other girls seeing what they're doing
Arceus: she doats on the MC a lot because she is mega gilf but she does really care about the MC. Make sure he's eating well. Make sure he gets enough sleep and rest. The MC is kind of amazed by her because you know he's getting doating on by the true God of the Pokémon world, but he doesn't mind
Cobalion: she likes going around the ship making sure everyone safe Everything is good that there's no dangers the MC goes on these little walks around the ship as well talking to her making sure she's doing well that she's getting rest that she's not overworking herself
Terrakion: the MC and her like doing contest of strength, even though the MC has a snowball en chance of winning, but the real reason why he likes being in these contest is just to see her glisten with her sweat on her body he finds it kind of hot
Virizion: she has nice calming chats with the MC. She talks about the adventures of the swords of Justice about their great deeds of defending the Pokémon and all their great adventures.
Tornadus: she helps the MC go hang light on the ship she command the wins to carry him gently up and around, and when he wants to get down command wins to slowly bring him down
Thundurus: she helps the MC deals with some more of the rowdy, water types she also makes the seas quite calm so they don't need to worry about storms or massive waves
Landorus: she helps the MC keep his abilities sharpen because if his abilities is an up to snuff, he could get seriously injured she helps make sure he's prepared
Enamorus: the MC teachers are about technology that she is confused about because she came from the past. She doesn't understand everything that is new around her, but she's getting a hold of it.
Victini: she plays a lot of games with the MC card games, board games, video games, and all sorts of games but she has one every single game they've played a part of, but the MC is too stubborn to admit defeat so he keeps challenging her again and again
Keldeo: the MC gives her praise since she can undermine her accomplishments and be a little self-destructive in a way but the MC make sure she realize how great she's doing and what she has done is great as well
Meloetta: the MC likes listening to her songs and he gives praise and suggestions about her songs and on a few occasions they even dance together where as she sings one of her songs
Genesect: the MC calms her down and make her feel safe because sometimes but it's quite rare. She can forget that she is the machine now that she's no longer made of flesh, and it does make her going in something like a panic attack but not quite the NC helps calm her down and ground her to reality. She's getting better though so in the future, she may not have this problem.
Reshiram: the MC and her have long and deep conversations about what they know mostly it's the MC listening to her Talk about things that she knows a lot about.
Zekrom: she and the MC have very introspective, talks about peoples ideals, and how they work and what they can accomplish if they truly work on it
Kyurem: the MC interact with her when she's alone she likes being alone from the other girls but the MC mixers to interact with her when she's by yourself quite frequently just to make sure she's just OK
Diancie: she likes being showered with compliments by the MC. She is the type of girl that basically adore being complimented because of how pretty she and the MC and the other girls has to admit, she is gorgeous
Hoopa: the MC and her go around traveling kind of mostly they go to stores buying food for the ship and games, movies, art supplies and other things they need but they also do go and see around the continents the great structures and landmarks But she enjoys the time they spent together anywhere they go
Volcanion: her and the MC like being in the steam room together she likes it because it just what she naturally custom too and the MC likes it simply because the steam makes her body quite glossy
Xerneas: the MC and her tend to the other girls to make sure they're in good health they do monthly check ups on the girls to see how they're pregnancies and how they're doing healthwise, but let's be honest the MC, is the nurse in these checkups (fun fact about Xerneas it's believe that their mute)
Yveltal: the MC tales her about what the world looks like because she is blind She doesn't move around the ship when she does she she moves quite slowly to make sure she doesn't bump into anything when this happens the MC helps her go where she wants to go
Zygarde: she constantly stays in the area round the MC because even though she knows he's not gonna try anything. She still is a little wary about about him the MC for his part has seen her once twice fallen him he believes that she's deeply deeply in love with him
Type: Null And Silvally: she's quite a self-conscious person She doesn't fully like how she looks, but the MC helps serve through that giving her compliments complimenting her body making her feel positive about herself (TBH I have some more ideas for Silvally)
Tapu Koko: she is quite energetic and moves around the ship quite frequently, making sure every thing is safe fine and everything's doing good She does ask the MC lot of questions about things outside of her region
Tapu Lele: she and the MC make sure the eggs are good even though the eggs are in safe containment, making sure they're they're probably warm their cared for and then nothing can get to them both of them. Make sure that they're fine.
Tapu Bulu: the both of them just kind of sit around and chill, not really speaking, not really looking at each other just sitting and Vibin, but some of the girls swear they have a psychic connection because it's like they have full conversations the two of them, but they don't They are just on the same wavelength
Tapu Fini: she likes going into the pool around night time when the MC learned about the he, decided to spend some time with her once in a while he doesn't stay in the pool for long or even around for a while but she does enjoy his company
Magearna: the MC does maintenance on her, making sure she works that she's functioning correctly that there's no parts out of sink He also cleans her quite frequently She does enjoy him, checking her out as she says
Marshadow: the MC make sure she doesn't get into any fights with the other girls she's quite rowdy and temperamental, but the MC can easily calm her down and make her passive
Zeraora: she has a race that she does on the ship. It's to start at the back of the ship run towards the front, then run down to the bottom floor run to the top floor again she's been getting faster even though she's getting more pregnant the MC times her
Meltan and Melmetal: The MC like cuddling them since how malleable she is and how she most likely is quite cool to the touch It's hard not to hug her because she feels so comfortable
Solgaleo: she likes being in the sun playing around with the MC playing volleyball and sandbag fro another summer like games
Lunala: she likes being at the end of the day when the moons up having nice long chats with the MC about this
Necrozma: she usually wakes up around the beginning of noon and then she falls back asleep by the end of noon at that doesn't leave a lot of time for the MC to interact with her but the times they do interact they enjoy each other's company
Urshifu: the MC likes watching her train. He appreciates how hard she works to continuing to master her skills. Also, she looks extremely hot when she sweats.
Regieleki: she help by charging the ship, making sure that Shit has enough electricity to keep running but the MC does make her take multiple breaks through the day making sure she doesn't burn herself out
Regidrago: she doesn't do much just what the MC tells her to do but one thing the MC likes doing is shining a light on her she made a draconic crystals when you shine light on her, makes her quite shiny
Picture and Spectrier: The MC doesn't fully know how to interact with these to, but he tries to get them involved to try to make the more sociable to the other girls. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but he can tell that both of them are happy that tries.
Zarude: I believe that she acts like a mom to a lot of the other legendary, specially the smaller and younger ones and the eggs, of course, and when they hatched the MC finds it quite adorable her whole motherly vibe (my reasoning for this one is because they were the adopted parent of a child in their movie)
Zacian: Unlike her sister, she's quite calm and Tank she has nice walks chats and read books with the MC and he likes them because it's quite calming
Zamazenta: unlike her sister, she's quite hotheaded she has quite an energetic games, training and sparring with the MC and he likes it because it the blood pumping a little
Eternatus: the MC finds it quite hard to pin down her personality sometimes she's the nicest thing to ever exist and other she can make death threats like it's nothing. She never follows up on them, but she does save them. But he can agree on one thing when she gets massive quite fun bouncing around sleeping on her even having sex with some of the other girls on her she doesn't mind any of it actually she finds it kind of hot.
Calyrex: she likes telling the MC about her ancient kingdom about the people about the rules the good times and the bad the MC is quite interest in that after catching two girls neck and manipulate time he started appreciating ancient history
Wo-Chien: VMC likes, listening to the mischievous and downright malicious thing she did in the past normal people would hate her for what she did in the past, but the MC is open minded so he's fine with it as long as she doesn't do it again
Chien-Pao: to all the other girls she is quite icy She doesn't talk to them except for her group She doesn't interact with them in our opinions Most of the girls say she's quite unpleasant to be around but with the MC she's quite warm nice, friendly, and cuddly it night, and Dey with her.
Ting-Lu: she doesn't talk much and the MC knows that so when they have their conversations, it's quite short and brief, but she likes that she likes when people leave her alone and doesn't try to make her talk to anyone
Chi-Yu: she doesn't interact with a lot of the girls she act with some of them, but not all of them time she interacts for a group is the other legendary of ruin but she does love spending the time with the MC for his part, he doesn't try to force them to interact, with the other girls. He just hangs out with them when they want to and make them a little bit more kind and sociable if they want to talk to any of the other girls, that's what they want to do. He's not gonna force it.
Okidogi: she likes having strength base games with the MC like tug-of-war catch the ball or frisbee
Munkidori: they like doing mine puzzles together like words scramble, memorizing games and find the word
Fezandipiti: she likes to dress up and make herself look pretty and the MC rate her dress and make up on her his usual rating is is 7 through 10 but if you ask the MC her rating without any of the dresses or makeup it's a 10
Ogerpon: she's usually a very shy and timid girl, but she's extremely protective of the MC the reason for that is because of our last human companion when she wasn't with him to protect him, he died so she doesn't want that to happen to the MC he knows about the story and trying to have for that pain
Pecharunt: she is deeply sad about what she has done too Ogerpon and that her friends died because for her even though they're back now, it still hurts so usually she stays in her room by yourself being kind of depressed, but the MC helps her through it making sure she feels good about herself that what she did wasn't her fault that she Didn't know those masks were owned by someone it's slowly helping her and she is quite appreciated of it
Koraidon: the MC thought she was from the past, but when he realized that she was from a alternate, timeline where Pokémon evolved differently that raises more questions than answers, but he does ask her about what her dimension was like about the Pokémon that looks different the people of her world she enjoys telling him
Miraidon: the MC asked her if she was in the same boat as Koraidon and when she said, yes, he started of asking about her world about the differences of the Pokémon there and the people if you ask the MC her world is a little more dark with the idea of that these robots replace natural Pokémon because they die out hasn't said that, but by how she talks about it, he is guessing that's what is happening
Terapagos: everyone agrees the other girls and the MC that she is strictly beautiful with crystals the different elements. She is magnificent and she loves getting all that positive energy from everyone
Dang these are some good ideas! I can't use all of them since a few clash with plans I've already got, but there's going to be plenty of these ending up in my game!
That reminds me, I need to start actually copying these comments and storing them somewhere so I don't forget them
Thank you I worked quite hard on these. A lot of them are just tricky because I didn’t want to reuse the scenes so that’s why it took so long
A great thing you can use to copy down the ideas that you like is this it’s how I wrote down all these cute scenes. It’s quite good.
So, about the upcoming update: Are you planning on releasing two separate ones? I'm only asking because I have seen a lot of comments mention you doing so, but I haven't seen an official confirmation from you.
Im sure i confirmed if somewhere but yes, the update is coming in two halves, one should be out soon, the other... eventually
Okay so an idea that is super far in the future, especially since it's Gen 9, but as Koraidon and Miraidon spawn in the same spot in Area Zero what if you made them best friends and did a test thing like with the Latis being sisters. They always hang out and have lesbian sex a lot, but both have always wanted a cock and you have the MC give them a Dragon dick like with the Latis, but instead of Salamance maybe Baxcalubir as a point out to it being the Gen 9 Dragon or maybe a Cyclizar as it is their decedent/ancestor. Also, another reason for them being best friends/yuri fuck couple is because Koraidon is a past form of Cyclizar and Miraidon a future version so they could kind of have a best friend bond over their current day decadents/ancestors. Also maybe make them go into the same ball as they can't stand to be without each other. Oh, but as Koridon is a fierce warrior type you would have to fight her if you got her questions of Midiron wrong, but if you get them all right you fuck them both without a fight. Also, their downtime before the ship takes off could be them having the MC choose the "Better Paradox Lizard" like how the birds asked him who had the better tits and the Mews the cuter Mew
I don't have much of a plan for the Bikes yet, they're so far away after all
I probably won't put them together since they're Box Legends and I'd rather keep those separate, though I think I can use some of your plans here for AFTER they've been caught, we'll see
Like my "Best Paradox Lizard" downtime? Cause they are both Paradox forms of Cyclizar and also maybe my idea of them bonding over it and becoming besties?
Yeah that would probably work, maybe they'd be arguing about if past or future is better and try to get the MC to settle it for them, they'd use their bodies as examples of what makes their time periods so good to try and tempt him into picking the "right" answer
You know what fuck it I’m gonna do cute scenes for the rest of the legendarys but not right now I’m going to bed
Don't rush yourself, it'll be a while before I can add any of your ideas, but I am interested in seeing what else you can come up with!
How close are you to be done chainsa
About halfway done with Cresselia
After that I need to write Cheryl, spend a day or two playtesting, then the update will be ready!