on the note of side scenes I would like to see the pseudo legendary pokemon for each region like Dragonite being added to chapter 1 and Tyranitar in chapter 2 Salamence in 3 and so on.
A somewhat random thought, but I wonder now that side scenes are a thing and plenty of ideas have been pitched, do you have some sort of rule for how many side scenes you would add to previous chapters per update?
I think it would be nice to have some side scenes serve as like mini updates between the big chapter updates to perhaps tide some people over while waiting for the new region. Some people were becoming a lil impatient near the release of V3 so.
I don't have any aprticular limit to side scenes, I guess as long as there's less of them than there are Legendarys in the region then that's fine I'm mostly relegating them with the idea that only iconic (or commonly R34'd) Mons will get side scenes
I suppose I could try and do a mini update when Sinnoh is half done to help bridge the gap I'll have to block off the stuff I didn't do yet so nobody gets stuck in an empty page
Do you mean like adding the finished half of Sinnoh or adding in side scenes? Im not sure what you mean by needing to block off stuff. I kind of like how the regions drop as one big package but perhaps this is me just showing my lack of knowledge in developing a twine/html game
Adding the half finished Sinnoh, just adding in the side scenes wouldn't be much of an update since there'd only be a handful of them I'd have to lock off chapter 4 and remove a lot of images from the files to make sure none of the chapter 4 images are left in It would be easier to just do a half-update and close off the links to Legends/Humans that I haven't written yet It would give more content too since it would be 5 (maybe) Mons/Mans along with any side scenes I'll have written by then
Alright, I get that I did see some images in the download versions gallery clearly meant for future updates. Maybe you should poll other people on if they think this method for updates is better or not.
I know it's a few generations down the road for Pokémon, but could you maybe add a variant of either ash greninja or greninja yeah, its a starter Pokémon but from my knowledge it's a fan favorite. understandable if its not in the kalos region since it's not legendary
His other current project is vore related. He likes to have a side project to avoid burning out on this one. Who knows what comes after that game but another game like this is one I wouldn't mind, don't want to stick him to a single kink though he can make what he likes.
I've never gotten into Digimon so that's not happening
I've said elsewhere that I have a side project, it's still very early in development though as PokeBreeder is my priority, I do have a playable tech demo but I haven't released it yet.
It is a VORE game though, so if you're not into that then... well just don't play it
Funny Idea for Unova region. Volcarona was thought to be a legendary (or was meant to be one before being scrapped and made into an ancient insect species) MC goes into temple ruins finds it impregnates it and the professor reveals its not even a legend or a myth lol
You know that also applys to Arcanine, thats why the Pokedex labels it as the "Legendary Pokemon" and the anime put an inscription of Arcanine next to the legendary birbs (I think the writers got confused lol)
In this case i don't think it is considered incest but i can be wrong on this but manaphy is not considered in pokemon contactest to be related even if the person taking care of the egg is considered acting father.
The manaphy concern didn't have to do with incest, its the fact that in some peoples mind manaphy coming from an egg could give her the image of a kid, something that Chainsaw really wants to avoid
Not a review, just found your game on another website (porngameshub, though I can't send you the link cuz itchio doesn't want links they deem malicious/spammy, you can check it out for yourself)
Shelly wipes herself skin with her hands before licking them clean and swallowing, forcing your baby-batter back down her throat and into her stomach where it belongs....
Didn't really look closely before but this one stuck out
can the pokemon who gave birth become pregnant again and aren't there pokemon moves and items that can boost the user it be a fun idea to boost sperm and ovulation to make the legendaries even more pregnant
My second attempt at predicting the pairs minus the ones I know already. To be real the term "few" in response to last time is kind of shaking my confidence because there will be repeats but I got more reasoning this time.
Lake Guardians and Dawn: Dawn is from Sandgem Town or Twinleaf depending but both are very close to Lake Verity where Mesprit is. My MASSIVE assumption is that all of the Lake Guardians joined up at Lake Verity because Palkia and Dialga went to the other lakes and have been messing with space and time around them. This is so they can be separated because they are both from the Spear Pillar normally. TLDR, Dawn is no longer a yolo guess
Dialga/Palkia and Mars/Jupiter: If my mistake was being confident about which one goes which I will eliminate that confidence. They are both valid enough to go with either the only true deciding factor is what Chainsaw decided to do. This is what happens when you have two women characters on the same team unlike last time with two women on different teams, knowing what the specific pairing is for them is a coin flip.
Giratina and Maylene: I believe that location has trumped typing here because Giratina is in the Turnback Cave (nice name GameFreak) which is very close to Veilstone City where Maylene is.
Heatran and Bertha: Typing reasoning stands, Heatran is located in Stark Mountain, which Bertha also is associated with in the Dimond and Pearl remakes/remasters. This is also the Battle Zone so her being around isn't out of the ordinary.
Manaphy and Fantina: Seems like Fantina is the one getting leftover. I guess Giratinas ghost-type wouldn't be common knowledge to trainers anyway. Idk what your plan is but my assumption would be its similar to Phoebe in that they assume Manaphy is some sort of ghost. Also oops I called her elite 4 last time that's not true she's just so fabulous I mistook her as such. (More reasoning that I know is me overthinking is that she's from Hearthome City, a city Bulbapedia described as "Hearthome City is a child-friendly city; there are many families and young mothers living there" Manaphy, the mythical Pokémon with the unique breeding attribute, going to a city of family and mothers actually kind of works)
Arceus and Cynthia: This one is the same and looking back at the teaser image, Cynthia is at the Spear Pillar clearly and Arceus is literarily above it this pairing just seems right in my mind.
I will like one more attempt if any of these is incorrect before throwing in the towel but I think my logic is sound with these.
Because it seems that your getting back into the swing of things is it okay if you can confirm or deny some of the predictions I made earlier, my curiosity knows no bounds. Minimum ask is the Regigigas pairing since she's who your working on rn.
I will also like to posit my idea of have psudeo-legendarys as potential side events. There is 1 per region, perhaps its an event one gets for being a completionist.
Last time you made guesses, you seemed to put way more thought into it than I did Usually I just match Types or draw whatever vague connection I can make
It wasn't the images I had problems with for Deoxys, it was encoding her dialogue since I didn't have a website to do it for me at the time
The update is going well but I've only really just started on it so there's not much to talk about right now I picked Regigigas first for... some reason
That's going to depend on how you want him to appear, there aren't exactly going to be a lot of male characters in this so unless you want to see him as a femboy, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed
If you DO want to see femboy Roark, I'll see what I can do
I have finished all the translations and put all the typos in the previous post. Luckily there wasn't that many in Deoxys dialogue but it was still worth doing because seeing what Deoxys was saying was rewarding.
I love the concept of this game, not enough games are like this.
Big question though, do you have plans to go through all the generations? I'd imagine that would take a very long time, especially when it comes to the aloha region.
Also, if you have an idea of a kink/fetish to introduce but aren't sure if people would like it, just make a poll, you'd be surprised what people are into.
Yeah, I'm hoping to get through all of them, if I can at least make it past Unova though, I'll be happy with my work.
Actually, I do have something planned for the next update than I'm not sure if it will be well recieved, at some point I'll make a post and ask what everyone thinks, that way I can change my plan if the idea isn't liked.
Also happy to know Meloetta is a possibility. If you do get to the kalos region, I believe hoopa will be really fun to work with. Portal gloryholes for the win.
Don't want to make you do like 100 quick fixes but I'm translating ALL Deoxys Dialogue (I'm a psycho) and found a typo just after finishing the last question.
Understandable, but also I will note the line "how about a space threesome with a Scientist and a Virus?/" wasn't a request but a line from Maple with a leftover /
So I know this is probably not for everyone but will there be more scenes with Liza brother or other characters like him and is there away for him to get pregnant as well
Up to dev if they want more femboy content though I doubt pregnancy would occur with them. Tate is feeling the effects of Liza being pregnant mind you so take that as a consolation prize.
I think I noticed this before but forgot to mention it but there is an HTML error when doing the Latios and Latias Quiz (first question, picking SP DEF)
did latios have to be a futa? would have been nice to have a toggle for that at the very least for those that aren't into it, also there is a spelling mistake on the first practice cypher, it says neet instead of meet, the 2 before the v in the second line should be a one if the line is ment to translate as ?my butt i fUll of cum" instead of "ftll of cum" also there are a few other spelling mistakes through the messages now that i'm hand translating them, will try and find each one so they can be fixed, like the j in the thrid line after the 1 should be an l if the word your trying to put there is like
Hmm... I thought I'd fixed all of Deoxys's dialogue already, maybe I missed the ones in the translation guide
I'd rather not go adding content toggles into my game, it's already a lot of work making it as it is, Latios isn't even the only futa I have planned, trying to write multiple versions of every scene involving those characters would be too much
Just because I know the reason Latios was a futa am I wrong in thinking Heatran will be a futa? (literal 50/50 gender split and the only legend to do so from what I see) (also if your doing more futa may be smart to add it to the tag list when opening the game just so people can know)
Would be cool to have like a pregnancy/harem check button at disposal, that way midtrhough the game you can just click, chose a captured pokemon and fuck it, you could also rebreed pokemons that have already given birth
They said that rebreeding will be done automatically between updates for those who have given birth so it will sort of be a rotation of pregnant, heavy and birth. Also technically most of your Pokémon are kept on the ship while you go into the region to capture more that's the loop, meaning that it wouldn't be possible to do that because your not on the ship. They could add some in universe work around like a tablet with a camera of some sort but they already have their work cut out for them when they get back to work on the next update.
The Legends get impregnated again without you having to do anything, I've been writing the scenes to imply that they're getting fucked all the time offscreen
I am planning at some point (maybe after chapter 5) to go back and just add more scenes to previous chapters, so that will sort of give you what you want
You may be taking a break but that doesn't mean one can't make predictions (again) time for a fat comment. (note: I assumed some pairing of Pokémon was going to occur so those assumptions were used otherwise there may have been a need for some more barrel scraping)
The Lake Guardians and Dawn: kind of process of elimination, Dawn was going to be a character 100% so link that to the empty slot
Dialga and Mars: Galactic Commander could be switched with Jupiter
Palkia and Jupiter: Galactic Commander could be switched with Mars
Giratinia and Fantina: Ghost trainer with the ghost legendary makes sense also an elite four member so seems necessary
Cresselia and Cheryl: In my mind, I imagine Cresselia to have big gentle mom energy like tucking you into bed and kissing you goodnight, especially as the counter to Darkrai and Cheryls design speaks to that greatly, also works for an upcoming prediction
Heatran and Bertha: Bertha is ground type and Heatran according to bulbapedia "represents the earths core" so matches energy
Regigigas and Bebe: Kinda out there however due to you making the regis a bunch of robots, you made Bebe, a computer technician, really fitting. Also wouldn't be too bad to see honestly because Bebe looks kinda hot in the TCG art example bulbapedia provides.
Manaphy/Phione and Candice: Ice type trainer and the sea guardians (oh god its a 4 way battle now lol) seems fitting, I imagine the reasoning being wanting to see if she could freeze the sea.
Darkrai and Marley: The goth looking character with the nightmare pokemon who is characterized as an edgy loner who is good deep down (sometimes) is very fitting to me. Also Marley and Cheryl are in the same group of specialized trainers so them sharing the Darkrai/Cresselia pair makes sense
Shaymin and Gardenia: Grass and grass simple as
Arceus and Cynthia: Originally this was Cynthia Giratinia but for the character that is possibly the most thirsted after and also a confirmed legendary nerd, she should get to meet god because to many people meeting her is also like meeting god fr fr.
Hopefully I got most of these right lmao don't wanna make a mega thread again. Or who knows I may have written the chapter inadvertently lmao.
I won't go into detail but you got a few of these right
Looking at my notes, I didn't have plans for who to match Darkrai and Cresellia with, so I think I'll go with your ideas and give them to Cheryl and Marley
The lake guardians ARE going together, they're so similar in my mind that I don't see the point in seperating them
Manaphy and Phione... I'm not even sure if I want to include Phione, my only plan for them is to mention that attempts to breed Manaphys have always ended in Phione hatching out, but the MC might be able to get her to lay actual Manaphy eggs
There is a guide already in the game, you get it if you either pass or fail her quiz.
But here's a short version
Basically the letters are just moved 1 2 3 or 4 places forward in the alphabet, just look for the numbers and change the letters after them, ignore anything higher than 4
When going after the lati siblings, in the river scene, if you pick the wings there's an error. I can go back and kee playing, but thought that I should say something.
Groudon, Kyogre, and Lugia were all fairly similar actually Their name, bbw, fat, huge boobs, belly Then fill in details like making the nipples blue for Lugi and Kyo
Rayquaza was a little tricker, using her name along with Green serpent, long neck, long tail, and then a few details seemed to work
Yeah, not every design is going to work, especially as I get further along and I run into less iconic Legends, but I'll try to get them as good as I can
Neat update, dang, the Hoenn update was pretty beefy in terms of content, can't wait for more tbh. Also, a pretty interesting thing you did with Rayquaza where if you don't have the red kaiju and the blue orca, Steven will show up just to gatekeep you, it's pretty funny, and the addition of a few more ladies to fuck (Blue's Charizard through Daisy, Whitney's Miltank through Whitney) and a bit of a spoiler alert, an additional femboy (Tate through Liza), that's neat!
Also, just to do a bit of trolling, I translated the Deoxys questions for the dudes too lazy/mindfucked to translate (still not gonna give them answers and I wasted a good amount of time for this): 1. First: how tall am I? 2. What about my weight? 3. What level do I learn Psychic? 4. What's my Pokedex number? (surprised that an alien that crashed down to Earth learned about a Pokedex) 5. What's the highest my base attack can be?
So, this was an interesting content update with the thing I find most neat is that you transformed the Regis to be like, fucking Transformers without the "I can turn into a car" part, that's also nice. Once, again, I had fun with this, and bracing myself for more (there are a few errors, like a couple of Deoxys translation oopsies and forgetting to color some text for one of the Regis and grammatical errors that make my inner Grammarly die inside, but they are minor and ignorable)
First thing, I've already fixed up Deoxys's dialogue thanks to the link that Timekeeper0 left down below, hopefully that should soothe your inner nerd Also, even she doesn't know how she knows her Dex number, she says as much!
Glad you liked what I did for the Regis, the AI wouldn't do anything with their names so I had to come up with something else, I figured that they're basically robots so why not just do that?
Also glad that the side scenes with Charizard and the others worked for you!
I would appreciate an option to auto translate Deoxys or something similar. I'm sure some people will find it quirky and amusing, but for me and likely a few others, it's mildly annoying to have to try to manually translate it.
Maybe I'll add that option in a later update, not being able to understand Deoxys is kind of the point, translating her dialogue is more of an easter egg as a reward for the effort
Games still very good but i saw plenty of errors in Deoxys language, and also good use of a Gronsfeld Cipher, and really hope Deoxys can be understood in the future, and best wishs for the future of the game
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on the note of side scenes I would like to see the pseudo legendary pokemon for each region like Dragonite being added to chapter 1 and Tyranitar in chapter 2 Salamence in 3 and so on.
Already been requested and already being planned!
A somewhat random thought, but I wonder now that side scenes are a thing and plenty of ideas have been pitched, do you have some sort of rule for how many side scenes you would add to previous chapters per update?
I think it would be nice to have some side scenes serve as like mini updates between the big chapter updates to perhaps tide some people over while waiting for the new region. Some people were becoming a lil impatient near the release of V3 so.
I don't have any aprticular limit to side scenes, I guess as long as there's less of them than there are Legendarys in the region then that's fine
I'm mostly relegating them with the idea that only iconic (or commonly R34'd) Mons will get side scenes
I suppose I could try and do a mini update when Sinnoh is half done to help bridge the gap
I'll have to block off the stuff I didn't do yet so nobody gets stuck in an empty page
Do you mean like adding the finished half of Sinnoh or adding in side scenes? Im not sure what you mean by needing to block off stuff. I kind of like how the regions drop as one big package but perhaps this is me just showing my lack of knowledge in developing a twine/html game
Adding the half finished Sinnoh, just adding in the side scenes wouldn't be much of an update since there'd only be a handful of them
I'd have to lock off chapter 4 and remove a lot of images from the files to make sure none of the chapter 4 images are left in
It would be easier to just do a half-update and close off the links to Legends/Humans that I haven't written yet
It would give more content too since it would be 5 (maybe) Mons/Mans along with any side scenes I'll have written by then
Alright, I get that I did see some images in the download versions gallery clearly meant for future updates. Maybe you should poll other people on if they think this method for updates is better or not.
I know it's a few generations down the road for Pokémon, but could you maybe add a variant of either ash greninja or greninja yeah, its a starter Pokémon but from my knowledge it's a fan favorite. understandable if its not in the kalos region since it's not legendary
I can put Greninja in as a Side Scene, maybe I'll make reference to Ash Greninja somehow?
I also wonder what the next game will be about once this one is complete and any updates for future pokemon games.
If were sticking with the theme of parody pregnancy.
you could go digimon
His other current project is vore related. He likes to have a side project to avoid burning out on this one. Who knows what comes after that game but another game like this is one I wouldn't mind, don't want to stick him to a single kink though he can make what he likes.
I've never gotten into Digimon so that's not happening
I've said elsewhere that I have a side project, it's still very early in development though as PokeBreeder is my priority, I do have a playable tech demo but I haven't released it yet.
It is a VORE game though, so if you're not into that then... well just don't play it
Funny Idea for Unova region.
Volcarona was thought to be a legendary (or was meant to be one before being scrapped and made into an ancient insect species) MC goes into temple ruins finds it impregnates it and the professor reveals its not even a legend or a myth lol
Yes! I like it! Its going in!
You know that also applys to Arcanine, thats why the Pokedex labels it as the "Legendary Pokemon" and the anime put an inscription of Arcanine next to the legendary birbs (I think the writers got confused lol)
I think it was because arcanine was meant to be entei
Oh, that gives me an idea for an Arcanine side scene!
thanks man
Adding my two cents to this thread, though this one i don't expect to go anywhere.
I once had a Black and White guidebook that mistakenly marked freaking Delibird as a legendary
I... wha- how?! DELIBIRD!
As hilarious as that is, I don't think I can make that go anywhere
I remember that!
In this case i don't think it is considered incest but i can be wrong on this but manaphy is not considered in pokemon contactest to be related even if the person taking care of the egg is considered acting father.
The manaphy concern didn't have to do with incest, its the fact that in some peoples mind manaphy coming from an egg could give her the image of a kid, something that Chainsaw really wants to avoid
Not a review, just found your game on another website (porngameshub, though I can't send you the link cuz itchio doesn't want links they deem malicious/spammy, you can check it out for yourself)
Kinda funny ngl.
Ooh, I'm getting good enough for people to share my work without my permission!
I'm fine with that btw, I'm not charging for this so it doesn't bother me if it's being uploaded elsewhere
Uh Oh I'm being a typo guy again oooooo
Shelly Anal scene
Shelly wipes herself skin with her hands before licking them clean and swallowing, forcing your baby-batter back down her throat and into her stomach where it belongs....
Didn't really look closely before but this one stuck out
I love me some Typo Reports!
Will you do something about missingno that we see in the 3rd (?) region ?
I do plan to bring her back, but I won't say when
can the pokemon who gave birth become pregnant again and aren't there pokemon moves and items that can boost the user it be a fun idea to boost sperm and ovulation to make the legendaries even more pregnant
They will keep getting pregnant as the chapters progress, it'll happen automatically
I'll probably add a few scenes where the MC uses Items but it won't have any extra effect on the game
My second attempt at predicting the pairs minus the ones I know already. To be real the term "few" in response to last time is kind of shaking my confidence because there will be repeats but I got more reasoning this time.
Lake Guardians and Dawn: Dawn is from Sandgem Town or Twinleaf depending but both are very close to Lake Verity where Mesprit is. My MASSIVE assumption is that all of the Lake Guardians joined up at Lake Verity because Palkia and Dialga went to the other lakes and have been messing with space and time around them. This is so they can be separated because they are both from the Spear Pillar normally. TLDR, Dawn is no longer a yolo guess
Dialga/Palkia and Mars/Jupiter: If my mistake was being confident about which one goes which I will eliminate that confidence. They are both valid enough to go with either the only true deciding factor is what Chainsaw decided to do. This is what happens when you have two women characters on the same team unlike last time with two women on different teams, knowing what the specific pairing is for them is a coin flip.
Giratina and Maylene: I believe that location has trumped typing here because Giratina is in the Turnback Cave (nice name GameFreak) which is very close to Veilstone City where Maylene is.
Heatran and Bertha: Typing reasoning stands, Heatran is located in Stark Mountain, which Bertha also is associated with in the Dimond and Pearl remakes/remasters. This is also the Battle Zone so her being around isn't out of the ordinary.
Manaphy and Fantina: Seems like Fantina is the one getting leftover. I guess Giratinas ghost-type wouldn't be common knowledge to trainers anyway. Idk what your plan is but my assumption would be its similar to Phoebe in that they assume Manaphy is some sort of ghost. Also oops I called her elite 4 last time that's not true she's just so fabulous I mistook her as such. (More reasoning that I know is me overthinking is that she's from Hearthome City, a city Bulbapedia described as "Hearthome City is a child-friendly city; there are many families and young mothers living there" Manaphy, the mythical Pokémon with the unique breeding attribute, going to a city of family and mothers actually kind of works)
Arceus and Cynthia: This one is the same and looking back at the teaser image, Cynthia is at the Spear Pillar clearly and Arceus is literarily above it this pairing just seems right in my mind.
I will like one more attempt if any of these is incorrect before throwing in the towel but I think my logic is sound with these.
Lake Guardians and Dawn, yes, for that exact reason, they're all hanging around in the lake so she saw them and wants you to bring them to her.
Palkia and Dialga to Mars and Jupiter, yes, but I forgot which way round I put them...
You had Giritina right the first time, she's going to Fantina
Heatran and Bertha, yep
Manaphy is going to Maylene, neither of them had a good match but I've got about half of an idea ready to put them together
Arceus and Cynthia, YES!
"you got a few", I guess you were keeping it on the downlow because it looked like I got most lol.
Yeah, you did.
My attempts at subtlety need work!
I'm happy to see you continueing with this. I've enjoyed each chapter so far and I'm excited to see what you have coming next.
Glad you're enjoying yourself so far, hopefully Chapter 4 will be as good as you want it to be
Because it seems that your getting back into the swing of things is it okay if you can confirm or deny some of the predictions I made earlier, my curiosity knows no bounds. Minimum ask is the Regigigas pairing since she's who your working on rn.
I will also like to posit my idea of have psudeo-legendarys as potential side events. There is 1 per region, perhaps its an event one gets for being a completionist.
Regigigas is going with Candice since they're both in Snowpoint
Candice wants to know what's in the temple since nobody can open it
I can add the Pseudo's at some point
Man... I need to factor in locations more
Last time you made guesses, you seemed to put way more thought into it than I did
Usually I just match Types or draw whatever vague connection I can make
well if thats true I assume I got Shaymin right and Manaphy is Dawn
(You don't need to list all the pairings yet I'm treating this like a puzzle)
Shaymin is going with Gardenia, that's a pretty obvious one
Manaphy didn't have a clear match, so is ending up with someone I had left over, like Registeel going to Flannery
How is doing thext update? I mean are you having trouble like you had with deoxys?Or in the new region is easier to get the images?
It wasn't the images I had problems with for Deoxys, it was encoding her dialogue since I didn't have a website to do it for me at the time
The update is going well but I've only really just started on it so there's not much to talk about right now
I picked Regigigas first for... some reason
found a good starting image for re gigigas got some promising results from it when making it more female
Thanks but I've actually got all of her images already.
I don't use starting images anyway, I generate just from prompts
I am here to request a Roark appearance in the Sinnoh region, definitely not just cause I’m downbad for him
That's going to depend on how you want him to appear, there aren't exactly going to be a lot of male characters in this so unless you want to see him as a femboy, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed
If you DO want to see femboy Roark, I'll see what I can do
Ykw, I’ll take it!
Alrighty I'll see what I can do for you
I have finished all the translations and put all the typos in the previous post. Luckily there wasn't that many in Deoxys dialogue but it was still worth doing because seeing what Deoxys was saying was rewarding.
Thanks for the Typo reports, I've got them fixed up now but I won't update yet, so they've just have to stay there until Sinnoh is ready
Cool, but just making sure if you checked it again because I did put in more
Yep, I got all the ones you pointed out
I love the concept of this game, not enough games are like this.
Big question though, do you have plans to go through all the generations? I'd imagine that would take a very long time, especially when it comes to the aloha region.
Also, if you have an idea of a kink/fetish to introduce but aren't sure if people would like it, just make a poll, you'd be surprised what people are into.
Yeah, I'm hoping to get through all of them, if I can at least make it past Unova though, I'll be happy with my work.
Actually, I do have something planned for the next update than I'm not sure if it will be well recieved, at some point I'll make a post and ask what everyone thinks, that way I can change my plan if the idea isn't liked.
Excited to hear what you got in mind.
Also happy to know Meloetta is a possibility. If you do get to the kalos region, I believe hoopa will be really fun to work with. Portal gloryholes for the win.
Why did I not think of that for Hoopa?
Oh yeah, because I always forget that thing exists, I'll be sure to put your idea to good use
Meloetta should be fun, a ballerina can get into all kinds of interesting positions
if you'd like, i can make of lists of ideas. I'm well acquainted with a bunch of kinky stuff.
I'm always open to suggestions or requests but I can't promise I'll use any of them
They might be good for some inspiration though!
can you even have sex with jessy before she gets caught?
No, Jessie was just meant as a cameo
but uh... wouldn't it make more content if you could?
also, i bet that most people would like to fuck jessie.
could you make it so that you could fuck her? (before and/or after caught is ok)
Don't want to make you do like 100 quick fixes but I'm translating ALL Deoxys Dialogue (I'm a psycho) and found a typo just after finishing the last question.
(2Ag34w! 1Nz b76uubd4o j7svq46i m7w 4vi4ppc 2u6vtqp8i!)
Yes! My attack forme is relly strong!
If I find more it will be edited in below and I will mention when im finished so you can fix all of them at once instead of over and over.
In the breeding scene:
(2G9ctvh2 ku uw41di b o8jd6f q8mb6ofu, 6J ofw52gt yc2pv 8vq n57g2c5xg!)
Eartf is such a nice planet, I never want to leave!
Also some normal typos
the soft sand of the beach, ker lips stay locked to yours
like a raging river, you plane your hand on hers
Her capture scene:
(3Brx3 1xb3qw ph5 5w2q1 1hp jo4 xliv4v1f?
4M8 9hsr'x5 xlmr9o q6c fyx8x am9pp 7jm15u.)
You want me to go in therre?
I don’t think my butt will fit.
Normal typo
how about a space threesome with a Scientist and a Virus?/
Deoxys Downtime (ass)
(4gy7q mrw9mh2g Ocu5vgt, K 6ecp4 1ublf1 j5u6 bmm!)
cum inside Master, I can take it all! (capitalize)
Flannery first fuck scene (this was a typo I saw before decided to put it here)
Flannery finishes dropping her jeans and lean0s against one of the Sauna benches
Regi Maintenance (Registeel) (I decided that if I find any particularly bad typos/mistakes anywhere to let you know here no longer just deoxys)
QUERY DETECTED - OVERHEAD LIFTING PROGRAM OBJECTIVE (this is a line by regirock but its not coloured)
I appreciate the diligence!
I won't update just to fix those, so they'll have to stay that way until Sinnoh (unless I get a report of something being seriously broken)
I might be able to find a way to get Deoxys and Maple together, but it won't be for a long time.
Understandable, but also I will note the line "how about a space threesome with a Scientist and a Virus?/" wasn't a request but a line from Maple with a leftover /
Oops, I forgot that I wrote that
Still, I should write it as a scene
So I know this is probably not for everyone but will there be more scenes with Liza brother or other characters like him and is there away for him to get pregnant as well
Up to dev if they want more femboy content though I doubt pregnancy would occur with them. Tate is feeling the effects of Liza being pregnant mind you so take that as a consolation prize.
I'm probably going to add more femboy scenes but they'll be one and done like Tate was, so they won't return afterwards I'm afraid
I think I noticed this before but forgot to mention it but there is an HTML error when doing the Latios and Latias Quiz (first question, picking SP DEF)
I see it, it just need one of these bad boys slapped in <
I think I'll fix that, maybe tweak a few other things, double check the Deoxys dialogue and then update the game again
did latios have to be a futa? would have been nice to have a toggle for that at the very least for those that aren't into it, also there is a spelling mistake on the first practice cypher, it says neet instead of meet, the 2 before the v in the second line should be a one if the line is ment to translate as ?my butt i fUll of cum" instead of "ftll of cum" also there are a few other spelling mistakes through the messages now that i'm hand translating them, will try and find each one so they can be fixed, like the j in the thrid line after the 1 should be an l if the word your trying to put there is like
Hmm... I thought I'd fixed all of Deoxys's dialogue already, maybe I missed the ones in the translation guide
I'd rather not go adding content toggles into my game, it's already a lot of work making it as it is, Latios isn't even the only futa I have planned, trying to write multiple versions of every scene involving those characters would be too much
Just because I know the reason Latios was a futa am I wrong in thinking Heatran will be a futa? (literal 50/50 gender split and the only legend to do so from what I see) (also if your doing more futa may be smart to add it to the tag list when opening the game just so people can know)
I hadn't considered Heatran for the Futas but actually it would make sense.
I'll add the tag too
i dont realy get this decipher thing with Deoxy. can someone help or sent the decoded texts?
Figured out Deoxys's cipher by slapping it into a Caesar cipher decoder and fiddling around
I got tired of having to fiddle, so I got ChatGPT to write some Python code to decode it since I'm too tired and horny to write the code myself.
def decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text):
decoded_text = ""
shift = 0
for char in ciphered_text:
if char.isdigit() and 1 <= int(char) <= 4:
shift = int(char)
elif char.isalpha():
case_offset = ord('a') if char.islower() else ord('A')
decoded_char = chr((ord(char) - case_offset - shift) % 26 + case_offset)
decoded_text += decoded_char
elif not char.isdigit():
# Remove digits greater than 4 from the output
decoded_text += char
return decoded_text
# Example usage:
ciphered_text = "3abc2 DEF 1ghi 4JKLmno 56789"
decoded_text = decode_ciphered_text(ciphered_text)
print("Ciphered text:", ciphered_text)
print("Decoded text:", decoded_text)
Would be cool to have like a pregnancy/harem check button at disposal, that way midtrhough the game you can just click, chose a captured pokemon and fuck it, you could also rebreed pokemons that have already given birth
They said that rebreeding will be done automatically between updates for those who have given birth so it will sort of be a rotation of pregnant, heavy and birth. Also technically most of your Pokémon are kept on the ship while you go into the region to capture more that's the loop, meaning that it wouldn't be possible to do that because your not on the ship. They could add some in universe work around like a tablet with a camera of some sort but they already have their work cut out for them when they get back to work on the next update.
The Legends get impregnated again without you having to do anything, I've been writing the scenes to imply that they're getting fucked all the time offscreen
I am planning at some point (maybe after chapter 5) to go back and just add more scenes to previous chapters, so that will sort of give you what you want
You may be taking a break but that doesn't mean one can't make predictions (again) time for a fat comment. (note: I assumed some pairing of Pokémon was going to occur so those assumptions were used otherwise there may have been a need for some more barrel scraping)
The Lake Guardians and Dawn: kind of process of elimination, Dawn was going to be a character 100% so link that to the empty slot
Dialga and Mars: Galactic Commander could be switched with Jupiter
Palkia and Jupiter: Galactic Commander could be switched with Mars
Giratinia and Fantina: Ghost trainer with the ghost legendary makes sense also an elite four member so seems necessary
Cresselia and Cheryl: In my mind, I imagine Cresselia to have big gentle mom energy like tucking you into bed and kissing you goodnight, especially as the counter to Darkrai and Cheryls design speaks to that greatly, also works for an upcoming prediction
Heatran and Bertha: Bertha is ground type and Heatran according to bulbapedia "represents the earths core" so matches energy
Regigigas and Bebe: Kinda out there however due to you making the regis a bunch of robots, you made Bebe, a computer technician, really fitting. Also wouldn't be too bad to see honestly because Bebe looks kinda hot in the TCG art example bulbapedia provides.
Manaphy/Phione and Candice: Ice type trainer and the sea guardians (oh god its a 4 way battle now lol) seems fitting, I imagine the reasoning being wanting to see if she could freeze the sea.
Darkrai and Marley: The goth looking character with the nightmare pokemon who is characterized as an edgy loner who is good deep down (sometimes) is very fitting to me. Also Marley and Cheryl are in the same group of specialized trainers so them sharing the Darkrai/Cresselia pair makes sense
Shaymin and Gardenia: Grass and grass simple as
Arceus and Cynthia: Originally this was Cynthia Giratinia but for the character that is possibly the most thirsted after and also a confirmed legendary nerd, she should get to meet god because to many people meeting her is also like meeting god fr fr.
Hopefully I got most of these right lmao don't wanna make a mega thread again. Or who knows I may have written the chapter inadvertently lmao.
I won't go into detail but you got a few of these right
Looking at my notes, I didn't have plans for who to match Darkrai and Cresellia with, so I think I'll go with your ideas and give them to Cheryl and Marley
Alrighty then but I do have one ask I would like to know.
was my grouping of the lake guardians and sea guardians correct or have you given yourself more work?
The lake guardians ARE going together, they're so similar in my mind that I don't see the point in seperating them
Manaphy and Phione... I'm not even sure if I want to include Phione, my only plan for them is to mention that attempts to breed Manaphys have always ended in Phione hatching out, but the MC might be able to get her to lay actual Manaphy eggs
Thats fair Gamefreak doesn't even treat Phione like a mythical anyway
Okay, I give up. May we know the cipher key that you used to scramble Deoxys’ dialogue?
There is a guide already in the game, you get it if you either pass or fail her quiz.
But here's a short version
Basically the letters are just moved 1 2 3 or 4 places forward in the alphabet, just look for the numbers and change the letters after them, ignore anything higher than 4
Are the mythicals in the game? Like Manaphy?
Manaphy isn't in yet but she will be in the Sinnoh update
There are already other mythical in the game though
When going after the lati siblings, in the river scene, if you pick the wings there's an error. I can go back and kee playing, but thought that I should say something.
Thanks for the bug report, I've already had that one pointed out and I'll be uploading the fixed version soon!
Is the Darkrai the girl in the sneak peak I know Cynthia and palkia there I don't know if that's Darkrai
Yeah that's Darkrai, you'll have to wait to find out why she's so big
do you remember any of the prompts you used for groudon, rayquaza, kyogre and lugia?
Groudon, Kyogre, and Lugia were all fairly similar actually
Their name, bbw, fat, huge boobs, belly
Then fill in details like making the nipples blue for Lugi and Kyo
Rayquaza was a little tricker, using her name along with Green serpent, long neck, long tail, and then a few details seemed to work
Not sure if I'm a fan of every new design but I would say it'ss till good, I'm probably just to stressed.
Yeah, not every design is going to work, especially as I get further along and I run into less iconic Legends, but I'll try to get them as good as I can
Neat update, dang, the Hoenn update was pretty beefy in terms of content, can't wait for more tbh. Also, a pretty interesting thing you did with Rayquaza where if you don't have the red kaiju and the blue orca, Steven will show up just to gatekeep you, it's pretty funny, and the addition of a few more ladies to fuck (Blue's Charizard through Daisy, Whitney's Miltank through Whitney) and a bit of a spoiler alert, an additional femboy (Tate through Liza), that's neat!
Also, just to do a bit of trolling, I translated the Deoxys questions for the dudes too lazy/mindfucked to translate (still not gonna give them answers and I wasted a good amount of time for this):
1. First: how tall am I?
2. What about my weight?
3. What level do I learn Psychic?
4. What's my Pokedex number? (surprised that an alien that crashed down to Earth learned about a Pokedex)
5. What's the highest my base attack can be?
So, this was an interesting content update with the thing I find most neat is that you transformed the Regis to be like, fucking Transformers without the "I can turn into a car" part, that's also nice. Once, again, I had fun with this, and bracing myself for more (there are a few errors, like a couple of Deoxys translation oopsies and forgetting to color some text for one of the Regis and grammatical errors that make my inner Grammarly die inside, but they are minor and ignorable)
Wow that's a long comment!
First thing, I've already fixed up Deoxys's dialogue thanks to the link that Timekeeper0 left down below, hopefully that should soothe your inner nerd
Also, even she doesn't know how she knows her Dex number, she says as much!
Glad you liked what I did for the Regis, the AI wouldn't do anything with their names so I had to come up with something else, I figured that they're basically robots so why not just do that?
Also glad that the side scenes with Charizard and the others worked for you!
What prompt did you yuse for latios
anime, latios, blue and white, futa, futanari, big butt, big boobs, big blue dick, big balls, grouchy
I think that's what I used, I'd add other things depending on what I was trying to generate
I would appreciate an option to auto translate Deoxys or something similar. I'm sure some people will find it quirky and amusing, but for me and likely a few others, it's mildly annoying to have to try to manually translate it.
Maybe I'll add that option in a later update, not being able to understand Deoxys is kind of the point, translating her dialogue is more of an easter egg as a reward for the effort
Brpd you have done it again already excited for what's next.
Godspeed you legend
Arceus-Speed I think you mean!
After my break I can start the long long process of making Sinnoh
Latias choosing wing the second time causes a bug or something, everything is just text then.
Huh... I thought I fixed that one already... Oh well, guess I'm fixing it again
Games still very good but i saw plenty of errors in Deoxys language, and also good use of a Gronsfeld Cipher, and really hope Deoxys can be understood in the future, and best wishs for the future of the game
Gron-What Now? I'm not surprised that there's a few errors in her dialogue, I tranlsated it all manually
Gronsfeld Cipher >https://www.boxentriq.com/code-breaking/gronsfeld-cipher< is basically what you use to make Deoxys language with a slight modification since it doesn't work the same way but similar
Wow, that's going to make writing her dialogue WAY easier!
super thumbs up, loved the content, loved the art, and double loved those lovely legendary's.
Thanks for the thumbs up!
nice game is sinnoh gona have regigigas and heatran?
every legendary and mythical so yes
They are indeed, I've got plans for Regigigas but not really sure what to do with Heatran just yet