It's not a bug, ever since Sinnoh the chapters have been divided into two halves. Main Legends get put in the second half because writing them means being able to get on the boat for next chapter.
I just realized that Meloetta is the first legend so far to wear clothes (her black dress) so when she gets on the boat she will be the only legend so far to not be naked at all times.
It would be funny if Meloetta asks the MC to take her clothes shopping and lets him help her choose the new clothes but they end up making a big mess in the changing room for obvious reasons. I know this is likely not to go in but I just wanted to put this out since it would be funny.
Not sure if you already have it figured out but I might have an idea for gen 6. You have too many girls when compared to legendaries so why not make some of them dual packages (AKA getting Xerneus means you unlock a threesome with Serena and Shauna or Zygarde unlocks the Team Flare Mf's)
Had a possible idea if chainsaw feels that they wont be able to work on this and have to end the game sooner that the MC has a possibility of still getting all the legends in the series. It would be that as the MC is going back to Maples lab to finish the journey he get intercepted by the rest of the legends for some reason. This would only happen if the MC has collected ALL the legends so far including subs and mythical and met with all the women so far as well.
An example would be just after completing Gen 6 and the MC is going back. Gen 7 would have been the place to meet Team Rainbow so instead they intercept his boat to get his legends if he so far has all other legends from Gen 1-6. So Team Rainbow would have captured all the legends of Gen 7,8 and 9 since they would know there locations from other dimensions. They would have a mind control machine to control the legends and the MC would need to destroy it to free them. On his last attack on the machine it somehow sends his charm ability effect to the legends before being destroyed. This would not force the legends to like him but the legends have already heard about him a lot and looked forward to meeting him to judge if the want to join him but got beaten by team rainbow and brought along to him and are now free so they join him.
If Chainsaw is able to keep working on the game and does not use this then that would be excellent.
hey chainsaw, I think I may have a way for you to keep doing updates even with this life-changing problem The simple answer is to do smaller updates with longer breaks right now you’re doing a three week break. In my opinion that should be maybe the standard and maybe the next couple updates should be smaller maybe three main mon the girls that go with them and like two side scene and that’s it like for the next update you could just do the genies and leave the three dragons for the next update after that.
To condense this the point I’m trying to make is that you should start doing smaller updates with less work involved so you can have way more time to deal with this problem and get used to it and either that this problem somehow gets fixed even though it’s probably not all you get way more used to it then you can go back to the original update plan.
You could not do this is your choice and this is your problem, but I feel like this will ease the burden a little and I think everyone will be fine with it.
This is more or less what I was thinking, I want to get the dragons done next since I like the idea I had for them and want to get it finished.
I really do want to get chapter 5 done, it was where I always said I wanted to get to and if I had to stop working on my game, I could at least be proud of what I managed to create
good to hear, but don’t be ashamed if you have to do smaller updates if you wanna keep working on this game like I think everyone will understand if you just do like two mon and like two humans are no sightings. Everyone would understand we would prefer everyone would be fine with waiting for those smaller updates and longer breaks
And you’re also still on your break so just think about it
How many PokeDicks has the MC used on his adventure? Been planning on tallying this for a while but waited until Chapter 5 was out to make sure my count was accurate.
Rules set for uses: The scenes only count as 1 use per dick without counting revisits or multiple girls at once unless a different dick is used, Multi-cocks will be tracked as only 1 use (e.g. Tangrowth), The cock needs to be shown/named to count (We know the MC fucks more than what is shown but those won’t count since we don’t see what is used).
Sweet Arceus I hope I got this accurate.
The List (lowest to highest)
Human: 1 (Yep, it was used... kinda)
Charizard: 1
Arbok: 1
Poliwrath: 1
Slowbro: 1
Rhydon: 1
Typhlosion: 1
Feraligatr: 1
Girafarig: 1
Blaziken: 1
Lairon: 1
Sharpenis Sharpedo: 1
Altaria: 1
Seviper: 1
Dusclops: 1
Tropius: 1
Hippowdon: 1
Magmortar: 1
Gallade: 1
Heatran: 1
Serperior: 1
Stoutland: 1
Gigalith: 1
Eelektross: 1
Beartic: 1
Druddigon: 1
Golurk: 1
Bouffalant: 1
Iron Hands: 1
Iron Thorns: 1
Iron Valiant: 1
Arcanine: 2
Ponyta: 2
Onix: 2
Exeggutor: 2
Kingdra: 2
Tyranitar: 2
Slaking: 2
Aggron: 2
Camerupt: 2
Walrein: 2
Mamoswine: 2
Samurott: 2
Musharna: 2
Nidoking: 3
Lapras: 3
Dragonite: 3
Torterra: 3
Arceus: 3
Scolipede: 3
Milo-Dick Milotic: 4
Machamp: 4
Rampardos: 4
Garchomp: 4
Steelix: 5
Metagross: 5
Dusknoir: 5
Tauros: 6
Wailord: 6
Salamence: 6
Tangrowth: 6
Mudsdale: 8.5 (Raikou’s win scene is weird)
Gyarados: 12
Rapidash: 14 (The most used of them all)
Total amount of cocks used is 164.5 (20.97% of those being the Top 3).
The amount of different cocks we’ve seen is 63 out of 1025 pokemon (30 out of the 63 only being used once).
So we all know that the MC has a lot of kids over all the different chapters so I decided to see how many he exactly had but before we get into the numbers, I need to explain the things I'm gonna be counting. First of all all the legendary, including sub and mythical will all be in one category. I'm also counting every human he is impregnated. And the third final category it's gonna be all the regular Pokémon he has. Now we need to figure out how many kids he could have an each pregnancy. The amount of children gives someone is between 10 to 15. The only Pokémon we know for a fact of how many kids they had is Pikachu having 12. When you take those two numbers the average would be 13. But that's not what I'm gonna just be using. I like numbers so for each chapter, I will be giving you the lease maximum and average for the kids. I also should just say if any of the girls get pregnant again then they will be counted again. Also, I'm not counting famboys unless somehow the MC impregnate them.
Chapter 1
legendary: Articuno, Zapdos, Moitres, Mewtwo, New: minimum number: 50 average number: 65 maximum number: 75
Girls: Maple, Agatha, Daisy Oak, Lorelei, Misty, Sabrina, Erika: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105
Pokémon: Pikachu, Arcanine, Charizard, Snorlax, Lapras, Diglett, Vaporeon, Dragonite: minimum number: 82 average number: 103 maximum number: 117
Overall, minimum number: 202 average number: 259 maximum number: 297
So when I was doing this, I decided to look up some things just make it more intriguing so it's not just numbers. I found out the world record of the most babies bone at once was nine so even on the low spectrum of the MC's kids he beat the record. So that's something to say.
Chapter 2
legendary: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90
Girls: Clair, Janine, Jasmine, Karen, Lyra, Whitney: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90
Pokémon: Feraligatr, Miltank, Qwilfish, Poliwhirl, Seaqueen, Magikarp: minimum number: 60 average 78 number: maximum number: 90
Overall minimum number: 180 average number: 234 maximum number: 270
With these numbers, it's hard to believe that the girls in the MC's hometown found condoms strong enough to stop his baby batter either they were using body bags as condoms or they made a Eldridge deal with the unknown king to get those condoms because no natural condom can stop that much cream
Chapter 3
legendary: Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150
Girls: Shelly, Flannery, Glacia, Liza, Courtney, May, Pheobe, Roxanne, Winona, Maple: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150
Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0
Overall minimum number: 200 average number: 260 maximum number: 300
Valentina vassilyev is the world record holder for the most children breath in her lifetime clocking around 69 nice. And the fact that the MC has so many more kids than this world record holder is impressive. And like the MC can get up to that number in like five fucks.
Pokémon: Red Gyarados, Rampardos, Delibird: minimum number: 30 average number: 39 maximum number: 75
Overall minimum number: 320 average number: 416 maximum number: 510
Act the usual amount of a child support money is $430 dollars so even in chapter one the MC would probably have to sell all of his hogans and his entire body to science to even pay a month worth of child lucky are the girls like him.
Chapter 5
legendary: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesent: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105
Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0
Overall minimum number: 190 average number: 224 maximum number: 285
Jonathan Jacob Meijer is the world record holder for the man that has the most kids in the world clocking around 1000 kids that's Ludacris but the MC is the evolved form of this man.
now we know the exact numbers of every chapter of his kids now what I need to do is just put them all together to see the true scale of how many babies he has and the worst thing of this, he will have more kids and I mean a lot more, but let's figure out the ones he has now
total minimum number: 1092 total average number: 1393 total maximum number: 1663
That's a lot of numbers and a lot of cool facts about makin' babies!
Just one small correction to make though, the MC only knocks up the Magikarp when he's fishing, so the Qwilfish, Poliwhirl, Seaqueen, (and Seadra who you missed) wouldn't add to the total.
Oh, right, I forgot about that honestly I just forgot about that. Maybe I just wanted to finish this so yeah it does bring down the total, but it’s not that big of a deal.
I just realize something so we all know that blue picks the starter that strong against red starter, right and blue had Charizard so that means red has a Venusaur that means he picked Bulbasaur in the beginning.
1) Are you going to give us the Deyoxs translation for before we fight her like you said as some of us, like me, love to redo the whole story
2) I love the fight tuturial with Pikachu, but as every attack includes versions of what Maple gives us as word examples maybe you can make the words that should be obvious in the attacks either bold or italic in the attacks. But like in just the first two or three regions.
i need help solved the puzzles to get to the legendaries I’ve found all the gen 1 and 2 one except mew and Celebi I haven’t got any ones from gen 3 onward I also can’t figure out what move to use to avoid the legendaries moves
The opening of the game explains how battling works. If you can't figure out how to reach a Pokemon, just save scum until you figure out what the answers are
I. Know how to battle I just couldn’t figure out which moves to use to avoid their attacks also I got to the battles on the first to gen legendaries and completed them but it’s just the puzzles on the ones after I got to latios and latia and deoxys couldn’t solve the latios quiz and the deoxys translation thing keep going in circles on the puzzles like the kyogre and regi ones for example And couldn’t figure out the rest Like the gen 3 and 4 for ones are harder to me for some reason also the Celebi and mew one they both left
Had a weird glitch with Genesect where she was unbeatable. Her energy dropped down to ten, but then it stayed there no matter what I did or how many times I picked the right option
Her energy only goes down when she fires her cannon, it could be you just had bad RNG and she never fired it. I tested the battle again and it worked just fine for me
Will there be more dreams of the legends besides the main legends.
Also I don't know how far the game will get but just wanted to put an idea down just in case. This involves connecting Urshifu to Marshadow and maybe making Urshifu a requirement to even be able to get Marshadow. Marshadow has been learning many martial arts over her long existence and does know about Urshifu's styles so when the MC gets to her and tells her about sex fu she does not believe him until Urshifu comes out that Marshadow gives the MC a chance to show her the power of sex fu.
hey chainsaw I know you just finished updating the game to fix some bugs but I just realized you also forgot to update deoxys' lines for the AWC Meeting scene on the ship when leaving hoenn.
hey chainsaw, just questioning here. You’re still gonna do your two week break right? You usually do that when you release a new update to chill out and not to burn out. And if you are this time can be you trying to figure out how to live with this problem. Because the way you speak of it, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
@Brpdchainsaw hey, you forgot to update this so that we can translate it properly when on the part where you fuck deoxys after you catch her. 2Ocu31u3hu! 1J'n cp9s8fe, d6pnf g5vd5l 7nf7 bms9fb8ez!
edit: the entire part where you fuck deoxys, deoxys's lines don't translate properly because you forgot to update it.
btw it is 9:32 as of now where I'm at and because of my mild insomnia (I fucking hate my insomnia since because of it I have a fucked up sleep schedule, I'm gonna go o bed in about half an hour to an hour) so have a good evening chainsaw
hey man don’t sweat it we understand. You make this game for free for us to enjoy. Not sure what happened but I wish you the best in luck with whatever happens. Stay strong and try to best to enjoy yourself
1: Just after Victini pushes the piano down the stairs and choose Climbing gear she says "It's bad enough that you avoided you attack" the second you can be "My".
2: during the fight with Victini and she says "but it will be like an oven for you!" and choosing protect it says "the flames are back enough" the back can be "far enough".
3: Just after putting Victini in her ball for first time it says "You put pack Victini's ball away" can be "You put away Victini's ball and leave".
4: After the questions of Virizion and just as she is surprised by the MC dick it says "your long sleek shaft starts thin and but ends up nice and thick" the word and can be taken out to say "starts thin but ends up".
5: On same page as previous just below when she says "Most of all, you feel like love!" it says "used such a cheesy line, f anything you" the f can be "if".
6: During the Keldeo travel part where it says "You approach the weapon" and choose machete it says "When weapon collapses as soon as" it can be "When the weapon collapses".
7: During Meloetta question #1 she says "I'm no nervous" can be "I'm not nervous".
8: On question #2 of Meloetta she says "You got one right, I'm know you can get another" can say "I know you can get another".
9: for the last question of Meloetta just before the crazy guy goes BOOOOOM! he says "My must my heart's desires" can be "Why must my hearts desires"
10: During the first down time event with the swords of justice and picking Cobalion Just below when Conalion says " Terrakion, I didn't realize how soft your ass is" Terrakion says "Don't that that Cobi" it can say "Don't say that Cobi".
I'll get those fixed up, I won't update unless there's another bug report though After the report of me not translating some of Deoxys' stuff, I'll update to fix the typos
I'm guessing you mean like during a break from school or college? Unfortunately I'm a bit older than that, the changes in my life won't go away just because the seasons change
Chainsaw just let me say this once take as much time as you need to focus on your real life matters even if an update takes an entire year to come out then we’ll be happy. If I update doesn’t happen for whole year then we’ll be fine just focusing yourself. All of us will be fine and if you need to take hiatus to deal with this real life problem, then go ahead we’ll still be here when you get back.
I agree and I hope this issue get resolved and I don't care how long it takes to get resolved, just don't let this game die out. It still has a long way to go and we are all waiting and hoping for it to stay.
I did notice the lake trio had a question with a birthday in January and just wondered if its Chainsaws birthday if it is I know its a little late BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
I was only planning on going as far as Gen 9 when I started this, basically I was going to keep going until I was either done or something stopped me. That said, I need to make an announcement...
My save I downloaded isn't working with this new update 710 moves gone, but I'm sure that can be fixed, or I could marathon this game back to where I was.
Hey its been awhile i havent had time busy with life stuff but i have a question a couple assumptions and some suggestions mainly around gens 6 and 7
1 i guess ill start with gen six ive got an assumption and a question for it so im assuming chainsaw youre way of figuring out what to put in what categories (ex: legends sublegends) is based on box legends with a few exceptions mainly gen one cuz it dont make sence to need to catch three legends at the very beginning and god cuz well god so my question is will zygarde be a sub legend since it hasnt gotten its box art yet (dont know if it will with the up coming legends za game i think everyone hopes so)or will it be a main legend cuz its part of the balance trio with xerneas and yveltal
2 now i guess ill move over to the question and suggestions for gen 7 main question is how are u going to do the tapus will they be subs or mythics honestly i feel like they should be subs since u have melmetal for the mythic slot but idk now the suggestion when entering gen 7 prof maple tells u she thinks theres three legends to catch but shes not sure since she cant find any info on one (necrozma) and on the region screen where u have the side events and stuff one of the places is just three question marks and when u click or tap on it, it says u see these wormholes around but have no way to get to it and when u talk to the leader of the aether foundation (i forgor her name) she gives u a hint to getting access to necrozma via either solgelao or lunala once uve got either or both the place thats question marks turns into ultra space and now u have access to necrozma upon clicking or taping after uve caught either lunala or solgelao or both if uve got only one which ever one u got will say master are u sure ur ready my sister is very strong and she may not like sumone entering here domain and awaking her from her slumber if u have both then theyll go back and forth and intead of one of them saying my sister theyll say our sister in unison. now ik this may be a little more difficult to code but I honestly think it's a rlly good idea since in the games u only rlly hear bits and peices of necrozma/the blinding one and u don't get access to the wormhole till after u get either solgelao or lunala (based on ur game either sun or moon). also I'm assuming ur taking a break to wait for za to come out just to see if zygarde get it's box art like we're all hoping it will
I've been using the Legends page on Serebii to decide what counts as a Sub/Legend/Myth. So Zygarde would count as a Legend since that's what it is on Serebii.
Tapus would be Subs.
As for the rest of your comment, I really can't say anything right now, the future of PokeBreeder is a little uncertain right now and I don't want to go making a bunch of plans for chapters I might never get to.
The update was nice and I see what the Mega-Side scene was that took you alot of time to work on. Two things though, one is a typo I don't think people have pointed out yet and a question.
1. a. In the intro to Unova one of Maples lines is "From what i've found, there are 6 Sub Legendarys, 3 Legendarys, and 4 Mythicals in Sinnoh" which clearly you meant Unova.
1. b. I just remembered that when battling Arceus, one of the attacks paragraph spacing was off (After looking at the game in twine its move 8)
2. How many possible scene are there in the fishing minigame? I got 3 but I won't start hunting for them until I know the total scenes to find.
Edit: Surprise 3rd question but now that part one is done, does that mean your going to be working on monster humper or is it just going to be a short break "(after a small patch)
1: Is at very start of chapter with the very first sentence at the end where it says "Maple was right, this place is going to be like a tropical!" the end can use more since it seems to end abruptly and could have "tropical vacation" maybe.
2: After Requaza battle she says "Phew... that pretty heavy" the that can become "that's pretty heavy".
Also found a possible bug maybe its on the ship for the kitchen food scene where the text for Zapdos and Celebi is the same in going to chapter 3 and 4 word for word while the other legends text have changed in some way hers has not. Not sure if that is intentional or not.
← Return to game
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soul chainsaw since this is the final day of your three week long break how are you feeling?
I think I'll be able to start writing again soon, only a little bit a day, but it will at least be something
that’s a good attitude one step at a time
I hope things get better
Chainsaw... My game in the chapter five arent working correctly because i cant acess some pokémons, can you Tell me How to make This work?
It's not a bug, ever since Sinnoh the chapters have been divided into two halves. Main Legends get put in the second half because writing them means being able to get on the boat for next chapter.
How are you doing Chainsaw?
Still sorting out a lot of messes thanks to the changes in my life.
I managed to do a little bit of writing though
I know the MC is enjoying Valentine's Day.
happy Valentine’s Day
I just realized that Meloetta is the first legend so far to wear clothes (her black dress) so when she gets on the boat she will be the only legend so far to not be naked at all times.
It would be funny if Meloetta asks the MC to take her clothes shopping and lets him help her choose the new clothes but they end up making a big mess in the changing room for obvious reasons. I know this is likely not to go in but I just wanted to put this out since it would be funny.
Not sure if you already have it figured out but I might have an idea for gen 6. You have too many girls when compared to legendaries so why not make some of them dual packages (AKA getting Xerneus means you unlock a threesome with Serena and Shauna or Zygarde unlocks the Team Flare Mf's)
Just a suggestion
I'm not thinking about anything in future chapters right now.
I just want to get Chapter 5 done
Fair, gen 5 probably has the most legendaries in Pokemon so it makes sense it is taking a while.
Had a possible idea if chainsaw feels that they wont be able to work on this and have to end the game sooner that the MC has a possibility of still getting all the legends in the series. It would be that as the MC is going back to Maples lab to finish the journey he get intercepted by the rest of the legends for some reason. This would only happen if the MC has collected ALL the legends so far including subs and mythical and met with all the women so far as well.
An example would be just after completing Gen 6 and the MC is going back. Gen 7 would have been the place to meet Team Rainbow so instead they intercept his boat to get his legends if he so far has all other legends from Gen 1-6. So Team Rainbow would have captured all the legends of Gen 7,8 and 9 since they would know there locations from other dimensions. They would have a mind control machine to control the legends and the MC would need to destroy it to free them. On his last attack on the machine it somehow sends his charm ability effect to the legends before being destroyed. This would not force the legends to like him but the legends have already heard about him a lot and looked forward to meeting him to judge if the want to join him but got beaten by team rainbow and brought along to him and are now free so they join him.
If Chainsaw is able to keep working on the game and does not use this then that would be excellent.
It’s a decent idea, but knowing who chainsaw is I don’t think he would go for this
Honestly, if I reach the point where I just can't keep going, the game will likely just... end.
I'd leave a message explaining things of course
hey chainsaw, I think I may have a way for you to keep doing updates even with this life-changing problem The simple answer is to do smaller updates with longer breaks right now you’re doing a three week break. In my opinion that should be maybe the standard and maybe the next couple updates should be smaller maybe three main mon the girls that go with them and like two side scene and that’s it like for the next update you could just do the genies and leave the three dragons for the next update after that.
To condense this the point I’m trying to make is that you should start doing smaller updates with less work involved so you can have way more time to deal with this problem and get used to it and either that this problem somehow gets fixed even though it’s probably not all you get way more used to it then you can go back to the original update plan.
You could not do this is your choice and this is your problem, but I feel like this will ease the burden a little and I think everyone will be fine with it.
This is more or less what I was thinking, I want to get the dragons done next since I like the idea I had for them and want to get it finished.
I really do want to get chapter 5 done, it was where I always said I wanted to get to and if I had to stop working on my game, I could at least be proud of what I managed to create
good to hear, but don’t be ashamed if you have to do smaller updates if you wanna keep working on this game like I think everyone will understand if you just do like two mon and like two humans are no sightings. Everyone would understand we would prefer everyone would be fine with waiting for those smaller updates and longer breaks
And you’re also still on your break so just think about it
How many PokeDicks has the MC used on his adventure? Been planning on tallying this for a while but waited until Chapter 5 was out to make sure my count was accurate.
Rules set for uses: The scenes only count as 1 use per dick without counting revisits or multiple girls at once unless a different dick is used, Multi-cocks will be tracked as only 1 use (e.g. Tangrowth), The cock needs to be shown/named to count (We know the MC fucks more than what is shown but those won’t count since we don’t see what is used).
Sweet Arceus I hope I got this accurate.The List (lowest to highest)
SharpenisSharpedo: 1Milo-DickMilotic: 4Total amount of cocks used is 164.5 (20.97% of those being the Top 3).
The amount of different cocks we’ve seen is 63 out of 1025 pokemon (30 out of the 63 only being used once).
is there a way to download older versions id like to be able to if it’s not too much trouble
Unless someone somewhere has them saved, I don't think so.
I don't hang on to the older versions myself
damn that sucks I like to compare games to their older versions when they are more updated
Mc children counter
So we all know that the MC has a lot of kids over all the different chapters so I decided to see how many he exactly had but before we get into the numbers, I need to explain the things I'm gonna be counting. First of all all the legendary, including sub and mythical will all be in one category. I'm also counting every human he is impregnated. And the third final category it's gonna be all the regular Pokémon he has. Now we need to figure out how many kids he could have an each pregnancy. The amount of children gives someone is between 10 to 15. The only Pokémon we know for a fact of how many kids they had is Pikachu having 12. When you take those two numbers the average would be 13. But that's not what I'm gonna just be using. I like numbers so for each chapter, I will be giving you the lease maximum and average for the kids. I also should just say if any of the girls get pregnant again then they will be counted again. Also, I'm not counting famboys unless somehow the MC impregnate them.
Chapter 1
legendary: Articuno, Zapdos, Moitres, Mewtwo, New: minimum number: 50 average number: 65 maximum number: 75
Girls: Maple, Agatha, Daisy Oak, Lorelei, Misty, Sabrina, Erika: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105
Pokémon: Pikachu, Arcanine, Charizard, Snorlax, Lapras, Diglett, Vaporeon, Dragonite: minimum number: 82 average number: 103 maximum number: 117
Overall, minimum number: 202 average number: 259 maximum number: 297
So when I was doing this, I decided to look up some things just make it more intriguing so it's not just numbers. I found out the world record of the most babies bone at once was nine so even on the low spectrum of the MC's kids he beat the record. So that's something to say.
Chapter 2
legendary: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90
Girls: Clair, Janine, Jasmine, Karen, Lyra, Whitney: minimum number: 60 average number: 78 maximum number: 90
Pokémon: Feraligatr, Miltank, Qwilfish, Poliwhirl, Seaqueen, Magikarp: minimum number: 60 average 78 number: maximum number: 90
Overall minimum number: 180 average number: 234 maximum number: 270
With these numbers, it's hard to believe that the girls in the MC's hometown found condoms strong enough to stop his baby batter either they were using body bags as condoms or they made a Eldridge deal with the unknown king to get those condoms because no natural condom can stop that much cream
Chapter 3
legendary: Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150
Girls: Shelly, Flannery, Glacia, Liza, Courtney, May, Pheobe, Roxanne, Winona, Maple: minimum number: 100 average number: 130 maximum number: 150
Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0
Overall minimum number: 200 average number: 260 maximum number: 300
Valentina vassilyev is the world record holder for the most children breath in her lifetime clocking around 69 nice. And the fact that the MC has so many more kids than this world record holder is impressive. And like the MC can get up to that number in like five fucks.
Chapter 4
legendary: Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf, Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew: minimum number: 180 average number: 234 maximum number: 270
Girls: Bertha, Candice, Cheryl, Cynthia, Dawn, Fantina, Jupiter, Mars, Gardenia, Marley, Maylene: minimum number: 110 average number: 143 maximum number: 165
Pokémon: Red Gyarados, Rampardos, Delibird: minimum number: 30 average number: 39 maximum number: 75
Overall minimum number: 320 average number: 416 maximum number: 510
Act the usual amount of a child support money is $430 dollars so even in chapter one the MC would probably have to sell all of his hogans and his entire body to science to even pay a month worth of child lucky are the girls like him.
Chapter 5
legendary: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesent: minimum number: 70 average number: 91 maximum number: 105
Girls: Bianca, Lenora, Rosa, Roxie, Shauntal, Erika, Misty, Sabrina, Clair, Janine, Jasmine, Whitney: minimum number: 120 average number: 133 maximum number: 180
Pokémon: minimum number: 0 average number: 0 maximum number: 0
Overall minimum number: 190 average number: 224 maximum number: 285
Jonathan Jacob Meijer is the world record holder for the man that has the most kids in the world clocking around 1000 kids that's Ludacris but the MC is the evolved form of this man.
now we know the exact numbers of every chapter of his kids now what I need to do is just put them all together to see the true scale of how many babies he has and the worst thing of this, he will have more kids and I mean a lot more, but let's figure out the ones he has now
total minimum number: 1092 total average number: 1393 total maximum number: 1663
That's a lot of numbers and a lot of cool facts about makin' babies!
Just one small correction to make though, the MC only knocks up the Magikarp when he's fishing, so the Qwilfish, Poliwhirl, Seaqueen, (and Seadra who you missed) wouldn't add to the total.
Oh, right, I forgot about that honestly I just forgot about that. Maybe I just wanted to finish this so yeah it does bring down the total, but it’s not that big of a deal.
Don't forget about the gym leaders the MC meets again and gets pregnant again in the tournament.
wouldnt the secret fish count :)
I just realize something so we all know that blue picks the starter that strong against red starter, right and blue had Charizard so that means red has a Venusaur that means he picked Bulbasaur in the beginning.
Bulbasaur was the best choice in Gen 1, so it's no surprise Red picked it
I think it's funny how save scumming is a tactic that's basically necessary in order to get the mythicals.
That's some classic game design right there, I'm talking Old School!
hey man just wanted to know how you are doing lately and wanted to make sure you were alright
Still working through the changes in my life.
I might need to extend my break before I continue work on chapter 5
Go ahead, my dude take as long as you need
No worries here chief you gotta do what you gotta do
but hope things get better for you man best of luck
I hope everything goes smoothly and nothing gets worse.
Something i just notice now after the update. The ship of the MC/player isn't just a small wooden ship.
From that i found out its ship is more likely a cruise ship made out of wood, or like a modern version of Wyoming (the largest wooden ship ever made).
I always viewed it as a modern cruise liner type ship, but the AI reads ship and makes it a wooden one every time
I like to think that it's just adorned to make it look like it's wooden
Okay so I have a question and an idea:
1) Are you going to give us the Deyoxs translation for before we fight her like you said as some of us, like me, love to redo the whole story
2) I love the fight tuturial with Pikachu, but as every attack includes versions of what Maple gives us as word examples maybe you can make the words that should be obvious in the attacks either bold or italic in the attacks. But like in just the first two or three regions.
1) I don't remember saying I was going to give the translation guide before meeting Deoxys, that was never my plan in any case.
2) I don't think my clues are that hard to figure out, as long as the player reads carefully that is.
Most clues are pretty easy when you pay attention. I think the hardest ones to figure out are for Arceus, and that suits her well.
i need help solved the puzzles to get to the legendaries I’ve found all the gen 1 and 2 one except mew and Celebi I haven’t got any ones from gen 3 onward I also can’t figure out what move to use to avoid the legendaries moves
Someone didn't read the tutorial
what tutorial I looked the posts above couldn’t find nothing called tutorial what is it called are where is it
The opening of the game explains how battling works.
If you can't figure out how to reach a Pokemon, just save scum until you figure out what the answers are
I. Know how to battle I just couldn’t figure out which moves to use to avoid their attacks also I got to the battles on the first to gen legendaries and completed them but it’s just the puzzles on the ones after I got to latios and latia and deoxys couldn’t solve the latios quiz and the deoxys translation thing keep going in circles on the puzzles like the kyogre and regi ones for example And couldn’t figure out the rest Like the gen 3 and 4 for ones are harder to me for some reason also the Celebi and mew one they both left
please me nice I don’t need no unnecessary rudeness in the comments
Another day, another update fixing Deoxys' dialogue. 5.1.3 now
What's weird is when you updating the game in the past my data was saved but now it's not it's kind of interesting 🤔
Huh... I thought it always erased the saves, weird.
Had a weird glitch with Genesect where she was unbeatable. Her energy dropped down to ten, but then it stayed there no matter what I did or how many times I picked the right option
Her energy only goes down when she fires her cannon, it could be you just had bad RNG and she never fired it.
I tested the battle again and it worked just fine for me
quick question due to the tournament with some of the previous human lovers will we get messages from them since we just saw them
speak of the tournament where is Cynthia since she is also in the tournament
No, that would overcomplicate the messages page.
Cynthia wasn't there because she's getting her own side scene in Unova anyway
are you talking about house in Undella Town that makes veteran players have ptsd when they walk in
............ maybe
you monster
LMAO (I'm on pc so I don't have emoji's so this is the best I can do for a laughing emoji because this is funny)
Will there be more dreams of the legends besides the main legends.
Also I don't know how far the game will get but just wanted to put an idea down just in case. This involves connecting Urshifu to Marshadow and maybe making Urshifu a requirement to even be able to get Marshadow. Marshadow has been learning many martial arts over her long existence and does know about Urshifu's styles so when the MC gets to her and tells her about sex fu she does not believe him until Urshifu comes out that Marshadow gives the MC a chance to show her the power of sex fu.
I don't really want to comment on anything that far ahead right now, again I have no idea if I'll be able to keep working on my game for that long.
So, not sure if this is a mobile thing, but the links to the legendary's just, don't appear, it's just text. Not sure if you're aware or not ^^"
Managed to get the subs and myths tho, that's nice at least lol. Wish you luck! 🙏
Those are unfinished. Completely normal.
Ah that is fair
Do you have a discord?
No, this is the only place I post
Fixed up some typos, now on 5.1.2
hey chainsaw I know you just finished updating the game to fix some bugs but I just realized you also forgot to update deoxys' lines for the AWC Meeting scene on the ship when leaving hoenn.
hey chainsaw, just questioning here. You’re still gonna do your two week break right? You usually do that when you release a new update to chill out and not to burn out. And if you are this time can be you trying to figure out how to live with this problem. Because the way you speak of it, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Yeah, I'm on my break right now, it's just as well since I can use this time to get used to the changes that my life is going through.
good to no
@Brpdchainsaw hey, you forgot to update this so that we can translate it properly when on the part where you fuck deoxys after you catch her. 2Ocu31u3hu! 1J'n cp9s8fe, d6pnf g5vd5l 7nf7 bms9fb8ez!
edit: the entire part where you fuck deoxys, deoxys's lines don't translate properly because you forgot to update it.
btw it is 9:32 as of now where I'm at and because of my mild insomnia (I fucking hate my insomnia since because of it I have a fucked up sleep schedule, I'm gonna go o bed in about half an hour to an hour) so have a good evening chainsaw
I could have sworn I'd changed those, I'll get them fixed up
hey man don’t sweat it we understand. You make this game for free for us to enjoy. Not sure what happened but I wish you the best in luck with whatever happens. Stay strong and try to best to enjoy yourself
Found some typos in the newest chapter.
1: Just after Victini pushes the piano down the stairs and choose Climbing gear she says "It's bad enough that you avoided you attack" the second you can be "My".
2: during the fight with Victini and she says "but it will be like an oven for you!" and choosing protect it says "the flames are back enough" the back can be "far enough".
3: Just after putting Victini in her ball for first time it says "You put pack Victini's ball away" can be "You put away Victini's ball and leave".
4: After the questions of Virizion and just as she is surprised by the MC dick it says "your long sleek shaft starts thin and but ends up nice and thick" the word and can be taken out to say "starts thin but ends up".
5: On same page as previous just below when she says "Most of all, you feel like love!" it says "used such a cheesy line, f anything you" the f can be "if".
6: During the Keldeo travel part where it says "You approach the weapon" and choose machete it says "When weapon collapses as soon as" it can be "When the weapon collapses".
7: During Meloetta question #1 she says "I'm no nervous" can be "I'm not nervous".
8: On question #2 of Meloetta she says "You got one right, I'm know you can get another" can say "I know you can get another".
9: for the last question of Meloetta just before the crazy guy goes BOOOOOM! he says "My must my heart's desires" can be "Why must my hearts desires"
10: During the first down time event with the swords of justice and picking Cobalion Just below when Conalion says " Terrakion, I didn't realize how soft your ass is" Terrakion says "Don't that that Cobi" it can say "Don't say that Cobi".
I'll get those fixed up,
I won't update unless there's another bug report thoughAfter the report of me not translating some of Deoxys' stuff, I'll update to fix the typos
Just updated to 5.1.1
Hopefully that fixed up the bug you guys reported
if i may make a suggestion..... you could work on the games during summer and winter it might be the best course of action in my opinion...
I'm guessing you mean like during a break from school or college?
Unfortunately I'm a bit older than that, the changes in my life won't go away just because the seasons change
Chainsaw just let me say this once take as much time as you need to focus on your real life matters even if an update takes an entire year to come out then we’ll be happy. If I update doesn’t happen for whole year then we’ll be fine just focusing yourself. All of us will be fine and if you need to take hiatus to deal with this real life problem, then go ahead we’ll still be here when you get back.
I agree! We can wait. Fan for LIFE!
I don't think a Hiatus is going to help, but I appreciate that you guys are all being so understanding
I agree and I hope this issue get resolved and I don't care how long it takes to get resolved, just don't let this game die out. It still has a long way to go and we are all waiting and hoping for it to stay.
I did notice the lake trio had a question with a birthday in January and just wondered if its Chainsaws birthday if it is I know its a little late BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Nah, I think the January Birthday is the head of the Pokemon Company or something like that.
It's not my birthday I'm afraid!
Thank you for letting us know. Hopefully you can continue this but if not thank you for making such a great game so far!
Also When going to region 5 the kitchen side scene does not have Regigigas in it even though I got her.
I really want to keep going if I can, I just don't know how things are going to turn out right now.
Made a typo on the Regigigas check, will fix it.
Anyone reading this, please read the Devlog I just published.
Here's a link to it IMPORTANT - The future of PokeBreeder
How long do you plan to update this game? Is there gonna be a concrete stopping point or will you just update as the generations keep coming?
I was only planning on going as far as Gen 9 when I started this, basically I was going to keep going until I was either done or something stopped me.
That said, I need to make an announcement...
My save I downloaded isn't working with this new update 710 moves gone, but I'm sure that can be fixed, or I could marathon this game back to where I was.
Saves always vanish when I update the game, it's part of Twine I'm afraid, nothing I can do about it
That sucks, but I do enjoy your game, I guess... hope you have a good day/night or something.
Hey its been awhile i havent had time busy with life stuff but i have a question a couple assumptions and some suggestions mainly around gens 6 and 7
1 i guess ill start with gen six ive got an assumption and a question for it so im assuming chainsaw youre way of figuring out what to put in what categories (ex: legends sublegends) is based on box legends with a few exceptions mainly gen one cuz it dont make sence to need to catch three legends at the very beginning and god cuz well god so my question is will zygarde be a sub legend since it hasnt gotten its box art yet (dont know if it will with the up coming legends za game i think everyone hopes so)or will it be a main legend cuz its part of the balance trio with xerneas and yveltal
2 now i guess ill move over to the question and suggestions for gen 7 main question is how are u going to do the tapus will they be subs or mythics honestly i feel like they should be subs since u have melmetal for the mythic slot but idk now the suggestion when entering gen 7 prof maple tells u she thinks theres three legends to catch but shes not sure since she cant find any info on one (necrozma) and on the region screen where u have the side events and stuff one of the places is just three question marks and when u click or tap on it, it says u see these wormholes around but have no way to get to it and when u talk to the leader of the aether foundation (i forgor her name) she gives u a hint to getting access to necrozma via either solgelao or lunala once uve got either or both the place thats question marks turns into ultra space and now u have access to necrozma upon clicking or taping after uve caught either lunala or solgelao or both if uve got only one which ever one u got will say master are u sure ur ready my sister is very strong and she may not like sumone entering here domain and awaking her from her slumber if u have both then theyll go back and forth and intead of one of them saying my sister theyll say our sister in unison. now ik this may be a little more difficult to code but I honestly think it's a rlly good idea since in the games u only rlly hear bits and peices of necrozma/the blinding one and u don't get access to the wormhole till after u get either solgelao or lunala (based on ur game either sun or moon). also I'm assuming ur taking a break to wait for za to come out just to see if zygarde get it's box art like we're all hoping it will
I've been using the Legends page on Serebii to decide what counts as a Sub/Legend/Myth.
So Zygarde would count as a Legend since that's what it is on Serebii.
Tapus would be Subs.
As for the rest of your comment, I really can't say anything right now, the future of PokeBreeder is a little uncertain right now and I don't want to go making a bunch of plans for chapters I might never get to.
IMPORTANT - The future of PokeBreeder
The update was nice and I see what the Mega-Side scene was that took you alot of time to work on. Two things though, one is a typo I don't think people have pointed out yet and a question.
1. a. In the intro to Unova one of Maples lines is "From what i've found, there are 6 Sub Legendarys, 3 Legendarys, and 4 Mythicals in Sinnoh" which clearly you meant Unova.
1. b. I just remembered that when battling Arceus, one of the attacks paragraph spacing was off (After looking at the game in twine its move 8)
2. How many possible scene are there in the fishing minigame? I got 3 but I won't start hunting for them until I know the total scenes to find.
Edit: Surprise 3rd question but now that part one is done, does that mean your going to be working on monster humper or is it just going to be a short break "(after a small patch)
1a. Doh! I'll fix that up.
1b. I'll take a look through the fight code and see what got spaced wrong.
2. 6 total scenes, 4 random fish, 1 magikarp, 1 secret if you land the line perfectly.
3. I'm hoping to get started on Monster Humper again, real life is kind of getting in the way though
For region 3 only found two typos.
1: Is at very start of chapter with the very first sentence at the end where it says "Maple was right, this place is going to be like a tropical!" the end can use more since it seems to end abruptly and could have "tropical vacation" maybe.
2: After Requaza battle she says "Phew... that pretty heavy" the that can become "that's pretty heavy".
Also found a possible bug maybe its on the ship for the kitchen food scene where the text for Zapdos and Celebi is the same in going to chapter 3 and 4 word for word while the other legends text have changed in some way hers has not. Not sure if that is intentional or not.
Ill get those fixed up.
I probably just missed the food scenes when I was writing them, it's easy enough to make new ones, so I'll get those done too