Had an idea for Yveltal foe her milk tasting that she has eaten so much chocolate and never gotten tired of it that her milk is brown and also tastes liker dark chocolate and if anyone week was to taste it they would die. Thus death by chocolate or chocolate of death yet the MC is strong enough that he can enjoy it without worry.
Xerneas milk taste would change as the MC drinks it from different soups and drinks to fit with and ends with desert flavor since she has eaten so many diff types of food by then.
I would like to suggest that the reason Xerneas never got pregnant before the MC was since she intimidated most other Pokemon like Maple said Legends do at the start. She's probably how the scientists figured that out too.
That and she would be so rough and forceful that she makes any that get near hear want to just run away from the pain even though there is no chance of death or being permanently hurt only the MC is willing to go through being pounded.
Sorry, should have specified, meant in spite of the pre-existing breeding kink. Mostly just thought the bit about Maple figuring that part out from her would be funny.
😇 have a good Christmas and always love your family and what you think for that’s the best thing if you could think about I’m being honest I do use Google translate
☃️🎅🍪🥛 Be thankful what you have in life think about all the good times make people happy you make you happy 😊 about a good time and be thankful have a good Christmas
Over the countless days of the MC's adventure to breed every legendary it was a matter of time before his girls became friends with each other and make groups with each other. Now the friend group situation works this simple. I will give a brief description about the group. Who's in the group and how they interact with the MC. And Second some girls can be in more than one group.
The birds: members Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Cresselia, Tornadus, Fezandipiti, Ho-Oh, Yveltal
The birds group is one of the oldest groups on the boat. It was founded by Ho-Oh. The purpose of this group is just to simply help each other help them fix their feathers help each other fly when they get pregnant again just to fly around a bit and just kind of have a nice time together.
interactions with the MC. This group does not do a lot with the MC. He mostly just watches them fly around.
Team Emotional support: members Silvally, Ogerpon, Mewtwo, Yveltal, Genesect, Pecharunt
This group was founded by Mewtwo and its main purpose is to help the legendary with a horrible self image of themselves and have gone through tragic events. What they doing in this group is that they sit around for our each other talk about the day they had talk about themselves in a more positive white, and if one of them accidentally insults themselves, the others were refuted and say how good of a person they are. It's working, but it's going slower than a lot of people would probably like, but they're being more positive about themselves.
interactions with the MC. For his part, he just sit in on their conversations to listen to them. But he also shows them with compliments to try to help cheer them up.
The gremlins: members Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Chi-Yu, Terapagos, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Diancie, Meloetta, Hoopa, Marshadow, Melmetal, Pecharunt
The gremlins group, lovely names by the MC. Is one of the most active groups on the ship the group is mainly made out of the shortest legendary usually arranging 1'00" through 2,00". What does group does for most of the time is just have fun playing ball games playing more physical games like tag or hide and seek or playing pranks on the other girls and the MC they never truly malicious. They're just made to have some fun. The founder of this group is Mew.
interactions with the MC. He usually gets Pranked by them most of the time. But on a couple of occasions when he laid down to take a nap, he found himself covered in them when he woke up.
The machines: members Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regieleki, Regidrago, Miraidon, Genesect, Magearna, Melmetal
The machines is a group of legendary that just hang out with each other once in a while. Well hanging out is one word that most of the other girls will not use usually they just stand around each other and just do things. No one really knows what this group does on their free time.
interactions with the MC. He doesn't really know what they're doing either, but he does do something for them. Once in a week, he goes and cleans them, making them all bright and shiny.
Team hot: members Moltres, Entei, Heatran, Landorus, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu, Ho-Oh, Groudon, Reshiram, Zygarde, Solgaleo, Victini, Volcanion
this team formed around the same time as team cold did. This team is mostly made out of ground and fire type Pokémon with a exception of Solgaleo pick thank you represent the sun. The formation of these two teams were made by Groudon and Kyogre. To have more friendly competitions with each other to prove who superior.
interactions with the MC. He is actually the one that came up with the idea of these two groups after stopping one of their fights.
Team cold: members Articuno, Suicune, Regice, Tapu Fini, Glastrier, Chien-Pao, Lugia, Kyogre, Palkia, Kyurem, Manaphy, Keldeo, Volcanion
Team cold was formed around the same time as team hot. The members of the team are all water or ice type. Besides Lugia she's the guardian of the sea so they allowed her to be in here. Team cold, and team hot have constant challenges against one another. Whichever team wins will get bragging right until the next challenge begins usually on Monday. Volcanion will join the losing team for the next challenge to make it a higher possibility of them Winnie then she goes to help the other team.
interactions with the MC. He is the judge of these challenges to make sure there's no cheating involved.
The spaceies: members Palkia, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Eternatus, Jirachi, Deoxys
The group known as the spaceies are all the Pokémon that live or came from space. What this group does for most of the time it's just talking to each other, but no one can figure out what they're talking about because they're all talking in the Deoxys language. Palkia what was the one that started this group to make Deoxys feel more included on the ship because she didn't really have a lot of friends let's say.
interactions with the MC. He mostly tries to listen to the conversation trying to figure out what the hell they're saying he's able to figure out two words, though boobs and ass.
The mom: members Regigigas, Cobalion, Tapu Kokom, Enamorus, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Zygarde, Mew, Arceus, Zarude
The Mom group is mainly made out of the the legendary that take care of other legendary. They spend most of their days eating snacking and just having friendly chat with each other. Talk about how annoying it is just keeping a eye on some of them because I always find a way to get in fights. And all the times they talk about how much they love them how much they bring joy to them. Another thing they talk about is how adorable the MC is.
interactions with the MC. The MC for his part sometimes when they start talking hands up, sitting with them and just listening to them.
The Jim squad is mostly made out of all the electric and fighting types. This group's main purpose is true spread body positive and good health positive. Making sure all the girls stay healthy. And have positive ideas for their body. Also to help burn some of that baby fat some girls like it, but others wish to get back in shape. The second thing this group does is friendly challenges with its members. Who can run around the ship fastest who can lift the heaviest? But they are separated in three categories. Not pregnant. Pregnant. And heavily pregnant. The reason why they did this is just to make sure everyone has a fair shot.
interactions with the MC. The MC loves watching them work out and he also loves how positive they go to all the other girls.
The Gardners: members Virizion, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Wo-Chien, Ogerpon, Xerneas, Zygarde, Zacian, Calyrex, Celebi, Shaymin, Diancie, Magearna, Zarude
The gardeners are mostly made of the grass and fairy type legend berries. They are actually probably one of the most chill and friendliest groups on the boat. What they do is just walk around, tending to the plants and also helping any of the other bills if they're having they have pain somewhere they kind of like the doctors of the ship.
interactions with the MC. The MC helps take care of the plant with them. There's always nice just chilling and not doing anything extreme.
The edge Lords: members Glastrier, Spectrier, Giratina, Necrozma, Eternatus, Darkrai, Marshadow
The edge lords are made out of the legendary that just have a act to keep up that are either antisocial or they just don't ride well with the other girls oh they're just trying to be cool. No one really knows.
interactions with the MC. The MC likes messing with them a couple times just giving them compliments that make them a little irritated, but they do blush pretty hard
The massage parlor is mainly frequent by the dragon, legendary some of the other girls do give a massage a shot, but it doesn't have the same effect as it does on the dragons Rayquaza is the manager of this group making sure all the girls have equal rights to get a massage but mainly her she gets a lot of them.
interactions with the MC. The MC is the one that gives the massages to the girls.
I don't really need to say anything about this group do I like we all know what it does we all know what they do we all know the purpose of this group like I'm not gonna waste my time going over everything we know because this is one of the oldest groups in existence.
interactions with the MC. The MC likes watching that's all he really does with this group he put a hidden camera and a hidden microphone in there so he can watch them all secretively, but most of the time he just wants them straight up
ending thoughts I'm not expecting most of this to get in the game. I'm not expecting even half of this to get in the game, but the reason why I did this was too simply help chainsaw with character writing to see who would interact with who who would be more friendly with each other is too simply help chainsaw right his characters. But also I do want the The gremlin to be part of this game because it would be funny.
Had a little crazy idea for Xerneas that involves the fountain of youth. She had inadvertently created the legend with her "Fluids" after she masterbated in one spot after so long and not be able to do elsewhere due to Zygarde created the water that is pure life energy. So when the MC meets her and inflates her the water would go from clear to white for obviuse reasons. The fountain of youth then turns into the "Fountain of Fertility" where any female that bathes in the water ends up pregnant with a dozen kids. So when the MC revisits the region at the very end of the game he would see a lot more pregnant Pokémon and/or humans in that region where. Xerneas would love the idea that there would be more giant pregnant bellies in the world with that.
Each time Yveltal would try to pleasure herself she would kill her own mood to do it.
I think maybe that it'll be better if she can masturbate all she want but can't cum by herself. That would make Yveltal into someone who always crave to cum, in a perpetual heat and it would not be helped by Xerneas who would always tease her without touching her in any way but will make herself cum in front of Yveltal. They both love each others and even if she can't cum Yveltal love this teasings from Xerneas who's a real slut. Xerneas, who can cum when she want, would be submissive and sweet in her sexual encounters. She already got fucked by people who reached her but never got pregnant because they don't have the MC metamorph's cock. She would act all teasy and submissive. Yveltal, on the contrary, don't have many encounters, at least way less than Xerneas and is obsessed with the idea of getting fucked again and again. That make it so that she can't cum for years, years filled by Xerneas' teasings. The encouters she have are when people found her by accident while searching for Xerneas and she's a godess of death because she fuck them again and again and again until they can't take anymore, and so Yveltal would be dominant.
Had a idea for the food Yveltal like and it would be chocolate. She would like it since it can make a person feel a little happy and since she has been hated and feared she would take any kind of feeling of happiness she could get. Now that she is with the MC she now has access to ALOT more chocolate and any food with chocolate. Since it was said that as she gets more life energy she would get plumper, her eating ALOT of chocolate at a time can increase her weight with it. She would also think there is more of here for the MC to love and love it.
Her dream could be that she dreams she is Charon the ferrywoman of the river styx taking souls to the land of the dead.
For Xerneas food with her being chaotic her food would also be chaotic where it would be weird food combinations she would be craving to have combined like for example: pickles and peanut butter sandwich with wipe cream frosting.
Her dream could be something like the game "Goat Simulator" that is chaotic with things that make no sense but fits. When the MC goes to see the dream they find Darkrai in the room looking at Xeneas dream and taking notes on how to make dreams more chaotic from her.
It would be funny if since Yveltal is not as evil as Darkrai thought she would be surprised that she likes the chaotic side of Xerneas even though its a fairy type.
Yveltal would love the DARKEST of Dark Chocolate! I can see her in the dream wondering why her boat is sitting lower in the water than it used to, she's chubbing up in her dreams too.
Xerneas probably would want to experience as many things in life, that would likely mean mixing random food together. The dream fits too, she'd come up with the most bizarre nonsense ever, maybe like the Meet the Pyro video?
Written Cobalion and did some more work on that mega sized side scene, I'll be moving onto Terrakion next and then Virizion. I think I'll match the Swords to Rosa, she does fight against Team Plasma alongside Hugh so she might want to see some Legends that represent Justice!
Okay so I am curious about the Mythtic Gensect. As it is part Steel/Bug would it be farfetched to assume you will make it an Android like the Reggis from Honnen? I'm only guessing cause of both it's teaseer photot and my knowlage of Unova which isn't much as I haven't played B/W/B2/W2 before. Also as according to offical lore it is "made by men" like MewTwo so maybe a side scene on the boat, either as a DownTime event or right after you catch her, she and MewTwo can kind of have a "bonding" moment due to being both man made?
Without going into too much detail, Genesect WILL be very mechanical like the Regis, something I plan on mentioning in a scene. She'll also have some interactions with Mewtwo for that exact reason that they're both manmade
A fun idea could be for evolution legends/mythicals that they evolve after fucking them or they evolve between chapters (if you even do the evolution legends/mythicals) or they are all separate.
It was gonna be a thing where one of the Legends (a while back I suggested that it be Solgaleo) is from an alternate dimension. Not sure if that one was gonna start out evolved or not, or if we'd travel to that dimension.
One of them will evovle from Nebby (I'll make it a 50/50 which one you get) then will carry you to an alternate dimension to get the other one. That's also where the girl version of the MC will be met
A chance to knock up our own AU? Makes me have a crazy idea of our Pokegears being cross dimentonal and her not being a Legendary whore and more like a twin to the brother of a sister we didn't know we had and in the same chapter same sister sees us return and joins our harem. Maybe? I'm just spitballing cause idk how you feel on "selfcest" and "incest" so I will 100% understand if you don't do either
this is my first time doing an idea Gengar I hope it's good it was putting pranks on people because they never had a friend who is very lonely in when I saw the MC a good idea of prank but when it lost the battle It would actually think you asking my friend.he'll be happy it's having a family ☺️
you know I’ve always thought the legendary’s would eventually make like unique friend groups. I may make a rant about that. Like what these groups get into and why they formed or something.
Well, since everyone basically gave you enough ideas for the two of them, I guess I can do my rent now. But I do have an extra idea that I would like to give you. And it explains why the genies were so problematic and away.
Basically, the idea of it is when you do the genies downtime event the MC asked Tornadus and Thundurus why they were being such problems and why Landorus also so abrasive about things. After a moment of the three of them looking at each other Landorus explains it because of their sister they’re missing sister Enamorus. Before she went missing the four of them were quite kind to people on Pokémon, help making livable land, positive weather, and calm seas. and a Enamorus just helped people be happy. but after she went missing, and the three of them couldn’t find her they all just kind of broke down in one way or another.And they’re just trying to escape the fact that they no longer have their sister. Either by pranks or trying to be helpful to people or just beings Stoic about everything.
And this is when the MC realizes that he could have one of his time girls send him back in to the past to get Enamorus
I basically planned a scence just like that already, but as the intro to Enamorus's section, the other 3 Genies would ecplain how their Sister vanished over a century ago and they assume she's dead.
Dialga and Palkia work to send the MC back to Hisui so he can look for her. I might make Enamorus a 1 attempt Mon like the Mythicals, explaining that repeated Time Travel is too dangerous (obviously save scumming will still be a thing)
yeah, that makes sense. Any other Pokémon I could make a rant about. Thundurus and Landorus they were basically already done before I could do anything with them
Had an idea for Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus where a very long time ago the three were like siblings where they would fight each other but not with hate. All three had a crush on Enamorus and wanted to be with her. She had told them to show her their best to be with her BUT they thought that meant that the one who can beat the others can be with her so they fought more and more until they forgot about their crush on Enamorus and why they are even fighting each other so much in the first place. Enamorus still remembers how they mistook her words and when she joins would explain this to the MC. Might need all three of them to get to her.
I could also see Mewtwo getting along with Yveltal since both had felt they should not be loved and had been seen as a weapon so they both kinda understand each other in a way.
Also could Xerneas personality be a little unpredictable. My reason for this is since she represents life and real life is unpredictable at any time with good and bad happening. An example would be one day she would be cuddly and the next she wants to feel the MC under her ass pounding away on him without holding anything back even if it hurts it wont leave damage due to her ability. The one thing that would remain constant would be her absolute love for pregnancies and big belly's and milk heavy tits.
The idea I have is based on the natural disasters they represent (Tornadoes and Thunderstorms respectively)
Tornadus would be general havoc causer, maybe causing power outages around the region. And could be found plotting it's biggest outage yet in Nimbassa City (maybe find it hidden somwhere in the city)
Thunderus would be somewhat dim to the havoc it causes because they only see the rain as a net positive and even consider the lightning, not realizing how much damage it actually causes. You would probably find them heading to Opelucid City to help their little plants, not realizing how much destructive thunderstorms would ruin the city.
Nothing to update you on I'm afraid, I've got real world stuff to catch up on after my power was out all that time, so I haven't had any chance to write anything.
I'll get back on it next week, plus I've got some time off coming up so I can get more writing done then
I love how I just found out about the "Chainsaw check" I guess that's a short way of asking about the next update without filling the comment thread with the question
A little idea for Thundurus could be since its lightning can enrich soil and causes fires it could work that its trying to help farmers with a Slash & Burn approach but does not stick around for some reason. It also thinks the humans are thanking it for enriching the soil and burning the way for farming when they just fear it.
Well, since you’re back, chainsaw, got any rant ideas for me like type of Pokémon or a type of thing that you want to add, but you don’t have a idea for
Don't think it would make a full rant, but I need some ideas for how to make Tornadus and Thundurus different.
Landorus I've got sorted but I need to split those two apart a little, they both storm around the place causing chaos but I don't want to write them exactly the same
Ok so from what I can see from light research Landorus is the responsible one, the Rayquaza to their Groudon and Kyogre if you will. There is multiple ways to see this idea but the one I think is useful for what you want is their abilities, Tornadus and Thundurus both have prankster in their incarnate forms along with the hidden ability defiant.
So how about you make one a prankster and the other a tattletail (defiant), this causes them to fight which makes Landorus have to get involved. I can't say which one should be which but that is up to which one you think can do the best prank.
Sorry for the silence the past few day, the whole of the UK got hit by a major storm and I've had no elecrity OR internet for days! So I couldn't do any work on my games or check in here to respond to your comment, but I'm back now!
I wonder wich AI you use on your site ^^ I clicked on the link and tried to do a pokémon (after selecting the furry ones) and it didn't worked. I then selected the 3 pokémons ones (3D, 2D and painting) and on batchs of 30 a lot where humans. I selected then an other generator, concentrated on furry pics, selected the pokémons ones and it worked ! I even generated Jirachi like the pokémon is, no human-like, it had bigger pics etc ^^
Could there be a ship scene where each legend tries in their own way to wake the MC in the morning. The MC would go to bed naked only on the ship since every person there wears none and he has gotten so good at having sex that even asleep his body can move on its own ensuring none of his legends leaves unsatisfied even when he is asleep. Ex: Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf would be together and the MC wakes up feeling warm and sound of purring (since they look like cats kind of) and notices the blanket is on the floor but he is still warm. Looks down and sees the three covering his body with theirs who also fell asleep after feeling how warm he is.
Another Ex: Mewtwo where she tries to wake him up quietly and fails decides to lay with him in bed but while asleep opens his arms and pulls her into a lovers embrace in bed and holds onto him as well since she can feel safe in his arms and his love for her and lets him sleep since she does not want to ruin this feeling.
Ex: Mew could be that the MC wakes to her eyes peeking out from under the sheets on him and she has his dick in her straddling it to make it bigger.
Some possible potential ideas are some characters that could also be part dito from some episodes of the anime of pokemon like Angie and her licktung with her being able to change her tounge like the MC. Your rants are Legendary.
A potential girl character that could be like the MC while in the same dimension could be Angie who was raised at a day care center and trained a Licktung into a Lickilicky where she hide her in a cave. So it can go that the MC heard of a scarf monster and wanted to investigate if its a new legend or something. He finds both Angie and Lickilicky together and she does not want her parents to find out so she decides to make him orgasm to keep him quiet. When she sees his dick change into a pokemon she would show she also can change parts of her body but mostly her tounge and decides to have sex with him to reduce some stress. Lickilicky decides to join in on the fun with her massive tongue and both end up being inflated and ask him if he wanted to come back for more fun latter. The two would go to the cave for some tounge training which is them 69 each other.
The idea of the alternate dimension female MC sounds perfect for that part. Will the MC get to try his alternate dimension female self breast milk like the Ultra beasts milk?
You're one of those trainers that keeps turning around when I try to run past them, aren't you?
Well my Pokemon aren't meant for battling, so I guess were doing a check.
Been a little distracted this week, but made some good progress anyway, made a start on Cobalion, I need to get the Swords written before I can finish the mythical with Keldeo
Could one of the human girls that want to see the legend have a secret where she is part Dito like the MC but can control the size of her breasts and butt and other parts and she wanted to be made love to by that legends dick but its a girl legend so the MC would transform his dick to the one she wants and she would then reveal her secret.
Could when the MC has Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia he asks why the three birds were not near Lugia since she is there boss. They could say some asshole came and bombed their homes and had them fight each other to capture them. They remember a song was played to calm them down but currently all they need to calm down now is the MC dick in them. They left the region and were then found by the MC and brought together. I know this is from the second pokemon movie and not from the game but this would be a nice explanation as to why the three were in a different region than Lugia. Excellent game so far.
Got a plan for that first part already, during Chapter 7 the MC will have to go through an Ultra Wormhole, there will be an Alt Universe girl version of him who has those kind of powers, she's breeding all the MALE Legends in her universe.
Never really thought that the birds were that far from Lugia, Kanto and Johto are right next to each other, when you can fly it's probably no big deal to hop from one to the other.
OK, so the main idea of the side scenes is that you know the diglett meme of what they look like underground the Pacific one I'm talking about is them being a musclebound monster, but I think it would be funny if we went the completely opposite direction. And what I mean by that is simple give them the most impossible female body ever. Like a our glass figure to the extreme, the biggest ass and the biggest tits.
So when the MC was still in Kanto he didn't have much to do so. I decided to go see the site. And that's how he ended up in the front entrance to diglett cave. Really he was just here to see if this place even exist because to him it's just a cave that has way more diglett then other cases. But he decided to go in to see if there was really anything unique about this cave it wasn't. And the worst part of it is well he didn't say any diglett literally the only thing special about this cave. So when the MC was walking to the other side board, he's just started thinking about his girls. They're nice asses. They're round tits. They're shape their bodies you know all the things you would think about if you were bored. But thinking about such leftist curves gave him a stiffy. The MC stopped moving when he realized what he has in his pants right now. But it also allowed him to see a diglett sticking out of the ground, looking at him, pacifically at his crotch. As the MC was looking at the diglett the famous question came into his head of what a diglett body looks like. He started thinking about what they could look like he stopped, thinking where her arm came out of the ground. Followed by another arm as she pushes up and out of the ground. After a minute of struggling what the MC can confidently say awesome big ass tits. After another minute of struggling, the MC saw her massive ass. As the MC was kind of shocked at the diglett figure, she moved quite quickly and pulled his pants down, rubbing his dick the MC realizing what's gonna happen change his dick into something that can satisfy this girl. After a quick moment of the MC and her having some fun. As she's just laying down rubbing her belly, the MC decides that he should be leaving. That's until two more diglett came out of the ground and stopped him after a couple more minutes of him satisfying those two. The three of them just kind of seemed happy, rubbing their bellies. As the MC was pulling up his shots, he noticed that the three of them were getting quite close and then the three of them went into the ground together becoming a Dugtrio. As the Dugtrio let the MC realize of something he didn't take a picture of their bodies, and no one's gonna believe him.
My opinion, the AI should be easy enough to make a giggle like, brown skin, hairless, pinkish nose, big tits, big ass, small waist. Like it should not be that hard to make a diglett. And if you can't find anywhere to put them in the first chapter, you always can have this just be a Lolan diglett
You know, with a little clever image editing, I can probably stick the ACTUAL Diglett head onto the redonkulously curvy body! I'm saving this comment and I'm geting this idea written TOMORROW!
I'm sure I connect her to something. Maybe after finding Mewtwo, the MC wants to look in some other caves in case of a hidden Legendary
I couldn't resist making the images right away after reading this, couldn't quite the Dugtrio part to work unfortunatly but the Diglett went PERFECTLY!
Obviously she looks a little different since this is a Chainsaw original edit, but I think she turned out well!
On the Post Hoenn activities put "Kanto's Milk Tasting" instead "Mewtwo's Milk Tasting".I already told you about ambiguity:There is no sense that says 'Mewtwo' and you have all the Kanto girls.The same goes for the birthing scene of Hoenn girls text :when you describe that your children are running behind Maple in her house, put "Kanto" not "Mewtwo".After all you don't know if the MC (like me) obtained all Kanto Legendarys,ALL in the literal way(Sub,Legend and Mythic),which is my case (I have the Kanto birds, Mewtwo and Mew).Fix that buddy (I don't want to see just 'Mewtwo' and the other Kanto girl invisible when you refer to Kanto Harem,ok?),and take in consideration in Unova with Jhoto,Pikachu ,Kanto and upcomig Legendary girl's children in Maple house in future updates writing the last text in the birthing scenes,Unova counts(example in Unova update in the Hoenn birthing scene:"You see your Kanto and Jhoto children playing with your cheerful Pichus,and Maple laughing loudly with their misichiefs")
Oh,and I already see that you always put how all the birthing of the non Legendary happened,but I'm depressed and sad (for my feelings seeing the texts and playing as MC ) that you don't write the birthing scene in a general way(writing that you entry,not to attend the Mewtwo's/Ho-oh and Lugia's birthing labor but all your Kanto/Jhoto girls labor).It puts me sad that MC learns how happened the labor via Mapple call,and not by living himself.In a few words:Writing that MC attend all the girls birthing is a best scene that attend default girl(the Legendary).Just a comment but is your choice to makes changes in this matters.It's ok with the Maple update about Sub and Mythic's labor and the photos in the Pregnancy Checkup,but is not sufficient.Just commenting.
POV Description(Maple:Oh,and about your other girls,their birthings all suceeded in (text description):
MC (and random player) Default POV:Oh, it's good to see,I go to check up on them and my eggs. *says cheerly*
Firewolf as MC
Firewolf(Me): Oh...*sightly shocked and a little happy*It's nice Mapple.I go later,bye *hangs the PokeGear feeling terrible😩😔😭 about learn that losed his other girls labor*
Mewtwo(in Hoenn)/Ho-oh,Lugia(in Sinnoh)/other Legend in Unova updates and beyond releases:Master(or Darling,I don't like that of a lover calling me Master even if is a scenario of lover that is you slave),it's ok, don't blame for that,your girls will understand that you were attend me/us.*the girl(s) embraces and consoles me while together are caresing their eggs*
(Later in each Sub/Myth room,general scene)
Me:Hi, honey*greeting the girl(s) and caresing our eggs,looking sad,the girl(s) ask me why I am sad* Is just,hah...I losed your lays.I know you are not mad,but*I embrace her/them(in Latis case)*Sorry for no seeing that *starting to sob,and saying sorry embracing her/them😢😢😭😭*
The girl(s):No,no,Master(Darling),it's ok,don't cry.*feeling the depressed state and consoling him,with embrace and caresing together their eggs*.
I just write the scene to show how I really feel as MC about losing the non Legendary Pokémon laying (and the lack of the full experience for obvious and understandable reasons) (sorry if I write bad,I just know English (I speak Spanish,told in another comment and is all is hand writed without translator)
Oh and.....,.......when you will release the Unova(Teselia in Spanish) update?...one of my POV female look's Legendary in the real Pokémon games(along with Cresselia and Latias (this one obvoiusly),Mesprit and (yep) Suicune),Reshiram is featured in that region (and coincidentally in trailer pictures)
Okay, first off, you want me to make changes, you ask, POLITELY. The way you've written this, sounds like your making demands, I get that you said your English isn't great, I understand if you didn't mean it to sound like that, but that's how it comes a across.
But to give a couple of answers to what you've said.
It's MEWTWO's Milk Tasting because Mewtwo hosts it at the end of each Chapter.
The Subs and Mythicals don't get laying scenes because generating those images is tricky and takes a lot of time, so I'm keeping it to the Main Legends only.
I asked politely,and if i'm no polite in your POV,sorry.Yeah, those are demands,but it was no my intention to show my request like that. Its your game,don't feel pressured.I recommend that change to include the other girls if they were catched (is my case,I sayed earlier),and is more aestethic and parallel with "Jhoto Milk Tasting",you understand?
And about the birthing scene,I don't say a birthing scene or each type, just that make the text feel in a more general way like the MC is with all region(Kanto or Jhoto in these cases) girls in their childbirth is a more cute scene,but it's your game,buddy,I'm a bit mad but I like your game and I want to improve it.But it's too much with generating and writing,I understand you.Your game is 10/10,but with a bit of effort is much better,but for your reasons,you work calmly and I don't want to pressure a lot.The comment for the birthing scene was to show my feelings,they are no related directly to my request of name's change
So,asking polite...and with my reasons from the first text:Can you put "Kanto Milk Tasting",even if is Mewtwo the host of the event?Make that change when you end the first half or the full update of Unova,or when do you feel right ok?Sorry to burst like that if I hurt you.
Oh by the way,nice picture of the Loppuny,I want a scene with MC and a Loppuny,and make them breed 'like rabbits' literally(and of course,the MC will have tiny Buneary)(Finally with my bit of sand to your project) .I wish to take her with the Legendary girls,if Maple approves it.
Could there be a ship scene for Yveltal where she would ask Arceus WHY she was born/made this way of being the personification of death and power of it. The response can be to be the balance to Xerneas. Then Arceus would then say that she is getting the purest form of love from the MC since he knows he could die at any time being with her but still wants her to be happy and loves her not for her power but the person she is inside and that she deserves to be a mother and has a better respect for life since she understands life can end at anytime and cherishes it.
I might tweak this idea a little but I can work with it.
Instead of asking Arceus about why she was made the personification of Death, she's instead worried about not being able to do the job anymore now that she's starting to value life.
I don't speak English so I use the translator in case my words sound strange
I loved your story and in this last chapter you improved it even more. I'll wait for the next one to come out. I like the sub stories with the normal Pokemon.
If you haven't seen the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl anime, I recommend it. It's one of the best there is.
I could see for some paradox Pokémon Iron Leaves, Boulder, and Crown that the creator of Iron Valiant who wanted the perfect sexbot did not stop his work and instead made a group of like minded individuals who decided to have a coemption of who can make the best sexbot but it turned out the same way as the first with them overestimating themselves. Could it be that to get to each of them the MC would need to get the legendary first Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion since something funny can happen if they meet.
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Sorry I'm late but merry Christmas
And to you as well.
In my opinion until New Year’s happens, it’s still Christmas so happy Christmas to you
Had an idea for Yveltal foe her milk tasting that she has eaten so much chocolate and never gotten tired of it that her milk is brown and also tastes liker dark chocolate and if anyone week was to taste it they would die. Thus death by chocolate or chocolate of death yet the MC is strong enough that he can enjoy it without worry.
Xerneas milk taste would change as the MC drinks it from different soups and drinks to fit with and ends with desert flavor since she has eaten so many diff types of food by then.
I've tried making the milk different colors but the Ai won't play along.
I would like to suggest that the reason Xerneas never got pregnant before the MC was since she intimidated most other Pokemon like Maple said Legends do at the start. She's probably how the scientists figured that out too.
That and she would be so rough and forceful that she makes any that get near hear want to just run away from the pain even though there is no chance of death or being permanently hurt only the MC is willing to go through being pounded.
That's pretty much the reason for all of them.
What Gameswitch said is going to be part of it too
Sorry, should have specified, meant in spite of the pre-existing breeding kink. Mostly just thought the bit about Maple figuring that part out from her would be funny.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!
same to you, my friend
Merry Xmas ^^
😇 have a good Christmas and always love your family and what you think for that’s the best thing if you could think about I’m being honest I do use Google translate
☃️🎅🍪🥛 Be thankful what you have in life think about all the good times make people happy you make you happy 😊 about a good time and be thankful have a good Christmas
friend group rant
Over the countless days of the MC's adventure to breed every legendary it was a matter of time before his girls became friends with each other and make groups with each other. Now the friend group situation works this simple. I will give a brief description about the group. Who's in the group and how they interact with the MC. And Second some girls can be in more than one group.
The birds: members Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Cresselia, Tornadus, Fezandipiti, Ho-Oh, Yveltal
The birds group is one of the oldest groups on the boat. It was founded by Ho-Oh. The purpose of this group is just to simply help each other help them fix their feathers help each other fly when they get pregnant again just to fly around a bit and just kind of have a nice time together.
interactions with the MC. This group does not do a lot with the MC. He mostly just watches them fly around.
Team Emotional support: members Silvally, Ogerpon, Mewtwo, Yveltal, Genesect, Pecharunt
This group was founded by Mewtwo and its main purpose is to help the legendary with a horrible self image of themselves and have gone through tragic events. What they doing in this group is that they sit around for our each other talk about the day they had talk about themselves in a more positive white, and if one of them accidentally insults themselves, the others were refuted and say how good of a person they are. It's working, but it's going slower than a lot of people would probably like, but they're being more positive about themselves.
interactions with the MC. For his part, he just sit in on their conversations to listen to them. But he also shows them with compliments to try to help cheer them up.
The gremlins: members Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Chi-Yu, Terapagos, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Diancie, Meloetta, Hoopa, Marshadow, Melmetal, Pecharunt
The gremlins group, lovely names by the MC. Is one of the most active groups on the ship the group is mainly made out of the shortest legendary usually arranging 1'00" through 2,00". What does group does for most of the time is just have fun playing ball games playing more physical games like tag or hide and seek or playing pranks on the other girls and the MC they never truly malicious. They're just made to have some fun. The founder of this group is Mew.
interactions with the MC. He usually gets Pranked by them most of the time. But on a couple of occasions when he laid down to take a nap, he found himself covered in them when he woke up.
The machines: members Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regieleki, Regidrago, Miraidon, Genesect, Magearna, Melmetal
The machines is a group of legendary that just hang out with each other once in a while. Well hanging out is one word that most of the other girls will not use usually they just stand around each other and just do things. No one really knows what this group does on their free time.
interactions with the MC. He doesn't really know what they're doing either, but he does do something for them. Once in a week, he goes and cleans them, making them all bright and shiny.
Team hot: members Moltres, Entei, Heatran, Landorus, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu, Ho-Oh, Groudon, Reshiram, Zygarde, Solgaleo, Victini, Volcanion
this team formed around the same time as team cold did. This team is mostly made out of ground and fire type Pokémon with a exception of Solgaleo pick thank you represent the sun. The formation of these two teams were made by Groudon and Kyogre. To have more friendly competitions with each other to prove who superior.
interactions with the MC. He is actually the one that came up with the idea of these two groups after stopping one of their fights.
Team cold: members Articuno, Suicune, Regice, Tapu Fini, Glastrier, Chien-Pao, Lugia, Kyogre, Palkia, Kyurem, Manaphy, Keldeo, Volcanion
Team cold was formed around the same time as team hot. The members of the team are all water or ice type. Besides Lugia she's the guardian of the sea so they allowed her to be in here. Team cold, and team hot have constant challenges against one another. Whichever team wins will get bragging right until the next challenge begins usually on Monday. Volcanion will join the losing team for the next challenge to make it a higher possibility of them Winnie then she goes to help the other team.
interactions with the MC. He is the judge of these challenges to make sure there's no cheating involved.
The spaceies: members Palkia, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Eternatus, Jirachi, Deoxys
The group known as the spaceies are all the Pokémon that live or came from space. What this group does for most of the time it's just talking to each other, but no one can figure out what they're talking about because they're all talking in the Deoxys language. Palkia what was the one that started this group to make Deoxys feel more included on the ship because she didn't really have a lot of friends let's say.
interactions with the MC. He mostly tries to listen to the conversation trying to figure out what the hell they're saying he's able to figure out two words, though boobs and ass.
The mom: members Regigigas, Cobalion, Tapu Kokom, Enamorus, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Zygarde, Mew, Arceus, Zarude
The Mom group is mainly made out of the the legendary that take care of other legendary. They spend most of their days eating snacking and just having friendly chat with each other. Talk about how annoying it is just keeping a eye on some of them because I always find a way to get in fights. And all the times they talk about how much they love them how much they bring joy to them. Another thing they talk about is how adorable the MC is.
interactions with the MC. The MC for his part sometimes when they start talking hands up, sitting with them and just listening to them.
gym squad: members Zapdos, Raikou, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Thundurus, Tapu Kokom, Urshifu, Regieleki, Okidogi, Zekrom, Zamazenta, Koraidon, Miraidon, Keldeo, Marshadow, Zeraora
The Jim squad is mostly made out of all the electric and fighting types. This group's main purpose is true spread body positive and good health positive. Making sure all the girls stay healthy. And have positive ideas for their body. Also to help burn some of that baby fat some girls like it, but others wish to get back in shape. The second thing this group does is friendly challenges with its members. Who can run around the ship fastest who can lift the heaviest? But they are separated in three categories. Not pregnant. Pregnant. And heavily pregnant. The reason why they did this is just to make sure everyone has a fair shot.
interactions with the MC. The MC loves watching them work out and he also loves how positive they go to all the other girls.
The Gardners: members Virizion, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Wo-Chien, Ogerpon, Xerneas, Zygarde, Zacian, Calyrex, Celebi, Shaymin, Diancie, Magearna, Zarude
The gardeners are mostly made of the grass and fairy type legend berries. They are actually probably one of the most chill and friendliest groups on the boat. What they do is just walk around, tending to the plants and also helping any of the other bills if they're having they have pain somewhere they kind of like the doctors of the ship.
interactions with the MC. The MC helps take care of the plant with them. There's always nice just chilling and not doing anything extreme.
The edge Lords: members Glastrier, Spectrier, Giratina, Necrozma, Eternatus, Darkrai, Marshadow
The edge lords are made out of the legendary that just have a act to keep up that are either antisocial or they just don't ride well with the other girls oh they're just trying to be cool. No one really knows.
interactions with the MC. The MC likes messing with them a couple times just giving them compliments that make them a little irritated, but they do blush pretty hard
Massage group: members Latias, Latios, Regidrago, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Rayquaza, Zekrom, Kyurem, Zygarde, Necrozma, Eternatus, Koraidon, Miraidon
The massage parlor is mainly frequent by the dragon, legendary some of the other girls do give a massage a shot, but it doesn't have the same effect as it does on the dragons Rayquaza is the manager of this group making sure all the girls have equal rights to get a massage but mainly her she gets a lot of them.
interactions with the MC. The MC is the one that gives the massages to the girls.
AWC: members Latias, Latios, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Cresselia, Tapu Lele, Spectrier, Munkidori, Mewtwo, Lugia, Giratina, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Calyrex, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Victini, Meloetta, Hoopa, Marshadow, Pecharunt
I don't really need to say anything about this group do I like we all know what it does we all know what they do we all know the purpose of this group like I'm not gonna waste my time going over everything we know because this is one of the oldest groups in existence.
interactions with the MC. The MC likes watching that's all he really does with this group he put a hidden camera and a hidden microphone in there so he can watch them all secretively, but most of the time he just wants them straight up
ending thoughts I'm not expecting most of this to get in the game. I'm not expecting even half of this to get in the game, but the reason why I did this was too simply help chainsaw with character writing to see who would interact with who who would be more friendly with each other is too simply help chainsaw right his characters. But also I do want the The gremlin to be part of this game because it would be funny.
I might keep this idea for the epilogue chapters, the MC could see how his girls are getting along as he sails back home
I wonder if you give to Zekrom humongous boobs, to Reshiram humongous rear and made Kyurem fat :3
That's already the plan!
Fantastic !! <3
why not... YIPPEE *yippee is high-pitched* ???
Had a little crazy idea for Xerneas that involves the fountain of youth. She had inadvertently created the legend with her "Fluids" after she masterbated in one spot after so long and not be able to do elsewhere due to Zygarde created the water that is pure life energy. So when the MC meets her and inflates her the water would go from clear to white for obviuse reasons. The fountain of youth then turns into the "Fountain of Fertility" where any female that bathes in the water ends up pregnant with a dozen kids. So when the MC revisits the region at the very end of the game he would see a lot more pregnant Pokémon and/or humans in that region where. Xerneas would love the idea that there would be more giant pregnant bellies in the world with that.
Each time Yveltal would try to pleasure herself she would kill her own mood to do it.
I could probably make it so the fountain is where the MC finds Xerneus, there's got to be somewhere in Kalos I can fit it in.
I might put Yveltal in that one desert, it seems like the lifeless kind of place she'd hang out.
Xerneus being addicted to masturbating and Yveltal not being able to is a fun idea
I think maybe that it'll be better if she can masturbate all she want but can't cum by herself. That would make Yveltal into someone who always crave to cum, in a perpetual heat and it would not be helped by Xerneas who would always tease her without touching her in any way but will make herself cum in front of Yveltal. They both love each others and even if she can't cum Yveltal love this teasings from Xerneas who's a real slut. Xerneas, who can cum when she want, would be submissive and sweet in her sexual encounters. She already got fucked by people who reached her but never got pregnant because they don't have the MC metamorph's cock. She would act all teasy and submissive. Yveltal, on the contrary, don't have many encounters, at least way less than Xerneas and is obsessed with the idea of getting fucked again and again. That make it so that she can't cum for years, years filled by Xerneas' teasings. The encouters she have are when people found her by accident while searching for Xerneas and she's a godess of death because she fuck them again and again and again until they can't take anymore, and so Yveltal would be dominant.
What do you think of this ? ^^
hows progress with the UNOVA region? Is volcarona going to be included as a side quest it felt like they were planned to be a legendary or a mythic?
Unova is getting steadily closer to its first update being ready, still a lot to do though.
Volcorona will get a side scene, not a quest.
It's too cool a Mon to not give some love (and some loving) to
i cant wait to see how to get phione ngl
Hate to disappoint you, but there's not going to be any Phione.
I don't count it as a Legendary
thats fine its your game after all
Had a idea for the food Yveltal like and it would be chocolate. She would like it since it can make a person feel a little happy and since she has been hated and feared she would take any kind of feeling of happiness she could get. Now that she is with the MC she now has access to ALOT more chocolate and any food with chocolate. Since it was said that as she gets more life energy she would get plumper, her eating ALOT of chocolate at a time can increase her weight with it. She would also think there is more of here for the MC to love and love it.
Her dream could be that she dreams she is Charon the ferrywoman of the river styx taking souls to the land of the dead.
For Xerneas food with her being chaotic her food would also be chaotic where it would be weird food combinations she would be craving to have combined like for example: pickles and peanut butter sandwich with wipe cream frosting.
Her dream could be something like the game "Goat Simulator" that is chaotic with things that make no sense but fits. When the MC goes to see the dream they find Darkrai in the room looking at Xeneas dream and taking notes on how to make dreams more chaotic from her.
It would be funny if since Yveltal is not as evil as Darkrai thought she would be surprised that she likes the chaotic side of Xerneas even though its a fairy type.
Yveltal would love the DARKEST of Dark Chocolate!
I can see her in the dream wondering why her boat is sitting lower in the water than it used to, she's chubbing up in her dreams too.
Xerneas probably would want to experience as many things in life, that would likely mean mixing random food together.
The dream fits too, she'd come up with the most bizarre nonsense ever, maybe like the Meet the Pyro video?
Now that is a perfect kind chaotic for her dream.
And for Yeveltal not only would the boat be a little lower in the water but also less souls would fit in the boat due to her taking more room.
chainsaw check
Written Cobalion and did some more work on that mega sized side scene, I'll be moving onto Terrakion next and then Virizion.
I think I'll match the Swords to Rosa, she does fight against Team Plasma alongside Hugh so she might want to see some Legends that represent Justice!
good to hear
So Did you like my idea
It could work, but I probably won't use it. Like I said, chapter one is really getting full and I'm not a huge Gengar fan.
That's not an absolute no, I might come back to it later
Okay so I am curious about the Mythtic Gensect. As it is part Steel/Bug would it be farfetched to assume you will make it an Android like the Reggis from Honnen? I'm only guessing cause of both it's teaseer photot and my knowlage of Unova which isn't much as I haven't played B/W/B2/W2 before. Also as according to offical lore it is "made by men" like MewTwo so maybe a side scene on the boat, either as a DownTime event or right after you catch her, she and MewTwo can kind of have a "bonding" moment due to being both man made?
Without going into too much detail, Genesect WILL be very mechanical like the Regis, something I plan on mentioning in a scene.
She'll also have some interactions with Mewtwo for that exact reason that they're both manmade
A fun idea could be for evolution legends/mythicals that they evolve after fucking them or they evolve between chapters (if you even do the evolution legends/mythicals) or they are all separate.
That's already the plan!
Cosmoem (Nebby) Kubfu and TYPE: Null will all evolve during their breeding scene
That makes me wonder how to get Solgeleo and Lunala from Cosmoem since they are both a part of Alolas offical Legendaries along side Necromanza.
It was gonna be a thing where one of the Legends (a while back I suggested that it be Solgaleo) is from an alternate dimension. Not sure if that one was gonna start out evolved or not, or if we'd travel to that dimension.
One of them will evovle from Nebby (I'll make it a 50/50 which one you get) then will carry you to an alternate dimension to get the other one.
That's also where the girl version of the MC will be met
A chance to knock up our own AU? Makes me have a crazy idea of our Pokegears being cross dimentonal and her not being a Legendary whore and more like a twin to the brother of a sister we didn't know we had and in the same chapter same sister sees us return and joins our harem. Maybe? I'm just spitballing cause idk how you feel on "selfcest" and "incest" so I will 100% understand if you don't do either
Fun thought I had, would Eternatus ever help a size queen like Mew by dynamaxing both them and the MC to get fucked by something even more hyper?
The Shorty Mythicals getting Dynamaxed sounds hilarious!
this is my first time doing an idea Gengar I hope it's good it was putting pranks on people because they never had a friend who is very lonely in when I saw the MC a good idea of prank but when it lost the battle It would actually think you asking my friend.he'll be happy it's having a family ☺️
Do y'all have any ideas for Gengar 🤔
Nope, I don't have much space left in Chapter One anyway so I need to be picky with who gets the remaining side scenes.
Also I'm not much of a Gengar fan, Haunter is WAY cooler!
If you had an idea, I'd like to hear it anyway, just out of curiosity
you know I’ve always thought the legendary’s would eventually make like unique friend groups. I may make a rant about that. Like what these groups get into and why they formed or something.
I'm kind of writing that sort of thing in, figuring out who would like or dislike who is pretty fun
Well, since everyone basically gave you enough ideas for the two of them, I guess I can do my rent now. But I do have an extra idea that I would like to give you. And it explains why the genies were so problematic and away.
Basically, the idea of it is when you do the genies downtime event the MC asked Tornadus and Thundurus why they were being such problems and why Landorus also so abrasive about things. After a moment of the three of them looking at each other Landorus explains it because of their sister they’re missing sister Enamorus. Before she went missing the four of them were quite kind to people on Pokémon, help making livable land, positive weather, and calm seas. and a Enamorus just helped people be happy. but after she went missing, and the three of them couldn’t find her they all just kind of broke down in one way or another.And they’re just trying to escape the fact that they no longer have their sister. Either by pranks or trying to be helpful to people or just beings Stoic about everything.
And this is when the MC realizes that he could have one of his time girls send him back in to the past to get Enamorus
I basically planned a scence just like that already, but as the intro to Enamorus's section, the other 3 Genies would ecplain how their Sister vanished over a century ago and they assume she's dead.
Dialga and Palkia work to send the MC back to Hisui so he can look for her.
I might make Enamorus a 1 attempt Mon like the Mythicals, explaining that repeated Time Travel is too dangerous (obviously save scumming will still be a thing)
yeah, that makes sense. Any other Pokémon I could make a rant about. Thundurus and Landorus they were basically already done before I could do anything with them
Had an idea for Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus where a very long time ago the three were like siblings where they would fight each other but not with hate. All three had a crush on Enamorus and wanted to be with her. She had told them to show her their best to be with her BUT they thought that meant that the one who can beat the others can be with her so they fought more and more until they forgot about their crush on Enamorus and why they are even fighting each other so much in the first place. Enamorus still remembers how they mistook her words and when she joins would explain this to the MC. Might need all three of them to get to her.
I could also see Mewtwo getting along with Yveltal since both had felt they should not be loved and had been seen as a weapon so they both kinda understand each other in a way.
Also could Xerneas personality be a little unpredictable. My reason for this is since she represents life and real life is unpredictable at any time with good and bad happening. An example would be one day she would be cuddly and the next she wants to feel the MC under her ass pounding away on him without holding anything back even if it hurts it wont leave damage due to her ability. The one thing that would remain constant would be her absolute love for pregnancies and big belly's and milk heavy tits.
That would be a good idea for them, but I think I'll go with Toxicroak's idea below.
Mewtwo and Yveltal getting along sounds good, I can see Darkrai getting annoyed that Yveltal isn't as evil and scary as she hoped though!
Xerneus being chaotic makes sense too
So I heard you need some ideas for Tornadus and Thunderus?
I might have some ideas...
Yeah, something to make them stand out from each-other a little.
Also I need somewhere in Unova for them to be found
The idea I have is based on the natural disasters they represent (Tornadoes and Thunderstorms respectively)
Tornadus would be general havoc causer, maybe causing power outages around the region. And could be found plotting it's biggest outage yet in Nimbassa City (maybe find it hidden somwhere in the city)
Thunderus would be somewhat dim to the havoc it causes because they only see the rain as a net positive and even consider the lightning, not realizing how much damage it actually causes. You would probably find them heading to Opelucid City to help their little plants, not realizing how much destructive thunderstorms would ruin the city.
Tornadus: Chaotic (i.e Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre)
Thunderus: Dim (i.e Palkia, Manaphy,)
Yeah, I think this is it!
I'll have to mix it up a little (I'm already using Nimbasa for someone else) but I think this is the idea I needed!
This makes me very happy that my idea was able to help you out!
One more thing is I got the cities mixed up
I meant for Tornadus to be in Castelia City (pls tell me that city is free, it would work so well
Castelia is free, I can make that work
chainsaw check
By the way, I’m still doing the make ideas for Tornadus and Thundurus some smaller ideas for the other two genies
I may take a bit i’m also trying to finish a script.
Nothing to update you on I'm afraid, I've got real world stuff to catch up on after my power was out all that time, so I haven't had any chance to write anything.
I'll get back on it next week, plus I've got some time off coming up so I can get more writing done then
I love how I just found out about the "Chainsaw check" I guess that's a short way of asking about the next update without filling the comment thread with the question
A little idea for Thundurus could be since its lightning can enrich soil and causes fires it could work that its trying to help farmers with a Slash & Burn approach but does not stick around for some reason. It also thinks the humans are thanking it for enriching the soil and burning the way for farming when they just fear it.
That could fit the idea of one of them having the Defiant Ability.
She's so defiant she doesn't pay attention to the damage she's doing
Hey what game engine did you make this on?
this is using twine
Well, since you’re back, chainsaw, got any rant ideas for me like type of Pokémon or a type of thing that you want to add, but you don’t have a idea for
Don't think it would make a full rant, but I need some ideas for how to make Tornadus and Thundurus different.
Landorus I've got sorted but I need to split those two apart a little, they both storm around the place causing chaos but I don't want to write them exactly the same
got it, boss. I’ll find a way to make them feel different
Ok so from what I can see from light research Landorus is the responsible one, the Rayquaza to their Groudon and Kyogre if you will. There is multiple ways to see this idea but the one I think is useful for what you want is their abilities, Tornadus and Thundurus both have prankster in their incarnate forms along with the hidden ability defiant.
So how about you make one a prankster and the other a tattletail (defiant), this causes them to fight which makes Landorus have to get involved. I can't say which one should be which but that is up to which one you think can do the best prank.
Landorus being the sensible one is pretty much what I have planned, but I like this angle with the prankster and defiant abilities!
It would fit them being nuisances and causing problems
how much longer until the next part the suspense is killing me?! also glad that your back
It's gonna be a while, I've been working on a lot of side scene content so this one is taking longer to finish than normal.
As an estimate, I'd say don't expect anything until January
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the silence the past few day, the whole of the UK got hit by a major storm and I've had no elecrity OR internet for days!
So I couldn't do any work on my games or check in here to respond to your comment, but I'm back now!
Are you OK? Are you good?
Yeah, I'm fine. The only damage was to my power lines, just had to be bored for a few days until they were fixed
oh thank God, I was actually scared that something worse happened, but love to see you’re OK
Yeah, it was a pain but thankfully nothing serious
glad your back the storm was bad
We got it pretty bad where I live, I was lucky that it didn't do more damage really.
Oh ! Not big problems after the storm ended I hope >w<
Just the power going out for me... and for thousands of other people!
Good to hear your back!
I wonder wich AI you use on your site ^^ I clicked on the link and tried to do a pokémon (after selecting the furry ones) and it didn't worked. I then selected the 3 pokémons ones (3D, 2D and painting) and on batchs of 30 a lot where humans. I selected then an other generator, concentrated on furry pics, selected the pokémons ones and it worked ! I even generated Jirachi like the pokémon is, no human-like, it had bigger pics etc ^^
is that so 😈 good to know ^^
I use Drawn Furry like I said, the bigger pics are probably because you've got it set to Portrait mode, where I put it on Square.
I generated all my Jirachi stuff with the previous website, I need to see how the new one works for her
Oki ! ^^ And yes, on portrait, but I put it too on "magnify" :3
Magnify? Where's that setting? Or is it a prompt you used?
Could there be a ship scene where each legend tries in their own way to wake the MC in the morning. The MC would go to bed naked only on the ship since every person there wears none and he has gotten so good at having sex that even asleep his body can move on its own ensuring none of his legends leaves unsatisfied even when he is asleep. Ex: Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf would be together and the MC wakes up feeling warm and sound of purring (since they look like cats kind of) and notices the blanket is on the floor but he is still warm. Looks down and sees the three covering his body with theirs who also fell asleep after feeling how warm he is.
Another Ex: Mewtwo where she tries to wake him up quietly and fails decides to lay with him in bed but while asleep opens his arms and pulls her into a lovers embrace in bed and holds onto him as well since she can feel safe in his arms and his love for her and lets him sleep since she does not want to ruin this feeling.
Ex: Mew could be that the MC wakes to her eyes peeking out from under the sheets on him and she has his dick in her straddling it to make it bigger.
I like the idea
I could make that work, but I'll need to pick which Legends get involved, maye I'll do this for the more Human sized ones... I'll think about it
hey chainsaw, are you good? You haven’t been responding as frequently as you usually do.
Been caught in a 5 day long blackout after that storm hit the UK, haven't had any elecricity or internet until just now!
Hey chainsaw any updates of when chapter 5 comes out
Edit: just realized that there was a comment that already asked how much progress you've made
I give updates every week or so, usually when Zander asks
Yea I know to ask around every week or so but I am beaten to the punch (if beaten to the punch is the correct saying)
I need rant ideas
I don't have any ideas for any of your rants to give you at th moment but I'll let you know if I do
thanks any ideas from anyone else?
I have a little bit of idea, but it’s Pokémon Darmanitan-Galar-Zen
Some possible potential ideas are some characters that could also be part dito from some episodes of the anime of pokemon like Angie and her licktung with her being able to change her tounge like the MC. Your rants are Legendary.
ok thanks for the help I think of another, Pokémon Legendary
Sorry, that question has nothing at all to do with my game.
Even if you asked nicely, I still have to delete it.
A potential girl character that could be like the MC while in the same dimension could be Angie who was raised at a day care center and trained a Licktung into a Lickilicky where she hide her in a cave. So it can go that the MC heard of a scarf monster and wanted to investigate if its a new legend or something. He finds both Angie and Lickilicky together and she does not want her parents to find out so she decides to make him orgasm to keep him quiet. When she sees his dick change into a pokemon she would show she also can change parts of her body but mostly her tounge and decides to have sex with him to reduce some stress. Lickilicky decides to join in on the fun with her massive tongue and both end up being inflated and ask him if he wanted to come back for more fun latter. The two would go to the cave for some tounge training which is them 69 each other.
The idea of the alternate dimension female MC sounds perfect for that part. Will the MC get to try his alternate dimension female self breast milk like the Ultra beasts milk?
sounds interesting
One small problem with your plan, it's that I fucking HATE Lickilicky!
Also I have no idea who Angie is... is that an Anime only character?
I don't plan to have the MC be attracted to his Alt-Universe self, he'd find it too incesty for his tastes
Ha ha, you walked into my field of vision
Now you will either get into a Pokémon battle with me or give me a check
Bring it on I accept your Pokémon battle what time what day we battle?
I wasn’t looking at you. I was looking at chainsaw over there. give me a check.
You're one of those trainers that keeps turning around when I try to run past them, aren't you?
Well my Pokemon aren't meant for battling, so I guess were doing a check.
Been a little distracted this week, but made some good progress anyway, made a start on Cobalion, I need to get the Swords written before I can finish the mythical with Keldeo
sounds good
Could one of the human girls that want to see the legend have a secret where she is part Dito like the MC but can control the size of her breasts and butt and other parts and she wanted to be made love to by that legends dick but its a girl legend so the MC would transform his dick to the one she wants and she would then reveal her secret.
Could when the MC has Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia he asks why the three birds were not near Lugia since she is there boss. They could say some asshole came and bombed their homes and had them fight each other to capture them. They remember a song was played to calm them down but currently all they need to calm down now is the MC dick in them. They left the region and were then found by the MC and brought together. I know this is from the second pokemon movie and not from the game but this would be a nice explanation as to why the three were in a different region than Lugia. Excellent game so far.
Makes sense
Got a plan for that first part already, during Chapter 7 the MC will have to go through an Ultra Wormhole, there will be an Alt Universe girl version of him who has those kind of powers, she's breeding all the MALE Legends in her universe.
Never really thought that the birds were that far from Lugia, Kanto and Johto are right next to each other, when you can fly it's probably no big deal to hop from one to the other.
So if the MC of the alt universe is breeding the male versions, how long are the pregnancies?
Super fast, maybe about a Month? I might make her so she can be pregnant with multiple litters at once, all in different levels of progression.
She's not going to be a recurring character either way
that's fine, i was just trying to figure out how it would work.
diglett side scenes
OK, so the main idea of the side scenes is that you know the diglett meme of what they look like underground the Pacific one I'm talking about is them being a musclebound monster, but I think it would be funny if we went the completely opposite direction. And what I mean by that is simple give them the most impossible female body ever. Like a our glass figure to the extreme, the biggest ass and the biggest tits.
So when the MC was still in Kanto he didn't have much to do so. I decided to go see the site. And that's how he ended up in the front entrance to diglett cave. Really he was just here to see if this place even exist because to him it's just a cave that has way more diglett then other cases. But he decided to go in to see if there was really anything unique about this cave it wasn't. And the worst part of it is well he didn't say any diglett literally the only thing special about this cave. So when the MC was walking to the other side board, he's just started thinking about his girls. They're nice asses. They're round tits. They're shape their bodies you know all the things you would think about if you were bored. But thinking about such leftist curves gave him a stiffy. The MC stopped moving when he realized what he has in his pants right now. But it also allowed him to see a diglett sticking out of the ground, looking at him, pacifically at his crotch. As the MC was looking at the diglett the famous question came into his head of what a diglett body looks like. He started thinking about what they could look like he stopped, thinking where her arm came out of the ground. Followed by another arm as she pushes up and out of the ground. After a minute of struggling what the MC can confidently say awesome big ass tits. After another minute of struggling, the MC saw her massive ass. As the MC was kind of shocked at the diglett figure, she moved quite quickly and pulled his pants down, rubbing his dick the MC realizing what's gonna happen change his dick into something that can satisfy this girl. After a quick moment of the MC and her having some fun. As she's just laying down rubbing her belly, the MC decides that he should be leaving. That's until two more diglett came out of the ground and stopped him after a couple more minutes of him satisfying those two. The three of them just kind of seemed happy, rubbing their bellies. As the MC was pulling up his shots, he noticed that the three of them were getting quite close and then the three of them went into the ground together becoming a Dugtrio. As the Dugtrio let the MC realize of something he didn't take a picture of their bodies, and no one's gonna believe him.
My opinion, the AI should be easy enough to make a giggle like, brown skin, hairless, pinkish nose, big tits, big ass, small waist. Like it should not be that hard to make a diglett. And if you can't find anywhere to put them in the first chapter, you always can have this just be a Lolan diglett
Okay, THAT'S hilarious!
You know, with a little clever image editing, I can probably stick the ACTUAL Diglett head onto the redonkulously curvy body!
I'm saving this comment and I'm geting this idea written TOMORROW!
I'm sure I connect her to something. Maybe after finding Mewtwo, the MC wants to look in some other caves in case of a hidden Legendary
I know, right it’s so funny
I couldn't resist making the images right away after reading this, couldn't quite the Dugtrio part to work unfortunatly but the Diglett went PERFECTLY!
Obviously she looks a little different since this is a Chainsaw original edit, but I think she turned out well!
It looks good and if you don’t mind, I’m gonna laugh
On the Post Hoenn activities put "Kanto's Milk Tasting" instead "Mewtwo's Milk Tasting".I already told you about ambiguity:There is no sense that says 'Mewtwo' and you have all the Kanto girls.The same goes for the birthing scene of Hoenn girls text :when you describe that your children are running behind Maple in her house, put "Kanto" not "Mewtwo".After all you don't know if the MC (like me) obtained all Kanto Legendarys,ALL in the literal way(Sub,Legend and Mythic),which is my case (I have the Kanto birds, Mewtwo and Mew).Fix that buddy (I don't want to see just 'Mewtwo' and the other Kanto girl invisible when you refer to Kanto Harem,ok?),and take in consideration in Unova with Jhoto,Pikachu ,Kanto and upcomig Legendary girl's children in Maple house in future updates writing the last text in the birthing scenes,Unova counts(example in Unova update in the Hoenn birthing scene:"You see your Kanto and Jhoto children playing with your cheerful Pichus,and Maple laughing loudly with their misichiefs")
Oh,and I already see that you always put how all the birthing of the non Legendary happened,but I'm depressed and sad (for my feelings seeing the texts and playing as MC ) that you don't write the birthing scene in a general way(writing that you entry,not to attend the Mewtwo's/Ho-oh and Lugia's birthing labor but all your Kanto/Jhoto girls labor).It puts me sad that MC learns how happened the labor via Mapple call,and not by living himself.In a few words:Writing that MC attend all the girls birthing is a best scene that attend default girl(the Legendary).Just a comment but is your choice to makes changes in this matters.It's ok with the Maple update about Sub and Mythic's labor and the photos in the Pregnancy Checkup,but is not sufficient.Just commenting.
POV Description(Maple:Oh,and about your other girls,their birthings all suceeded in (text description):
MC (and random player) Default POV:Oh, it's good to see,I go to check up on them and my eggs. *says cheerly*
Firewolf as MC
Firewolf(Me): Oh...*sightly shocked and a little happy*It's nice Mapple.I go later,bye *hangs the PokeGear feeling terrible😩😔😭 about learn that losed his other girls labor*
Mewtwo(in Hoenn)/Ho-oh,Lugia(in Sinnoh)/other Legend in Unova updates and beyond releases:Master(or Darling,I don't like that of a lover calling me Master even if is a scenario of lover that is you slave),it's ok, don't blame for that,your girls will understand that you were attend me/us.*the girl(s) embraces and consoles me while together are caresing their eggs*
(Later in each Sub/Myth room,general scene)
Me:Hi, honey*greeting the girl(s) and caresing our eggs,looking sad,the girl(s) ask me why I am sad* Is just,hah...I losed your lays.I know you are not mad,but*I embrace her/them(in Latis case)*Sorry for no seeing that *starting to sob,and saying sorry embracing her/them😢😢😭😭*
The girl(s):No,no,Master(Darling),it's ok,don't cry.*feeling the depressed state and consoling him,with embrace and caresing together their eggs*.
I just write the scene to show how I really feel as MC about losing the non Legendary Pokémon laying (and the lack of the full experience for obvious and understandable reasons) (sorry if I write bad,I just know English (I speak Spanish,told in another comment and is all is hand writed without translator)
Oh and.....,.......when you will release the Unova(Teselia in Spanish) update?...one of my POV female look's Legendary in the real Pokémon games(along with Cresselia and Latias (this one obvoiusly),Mesprit and (yep) Suicune),Reshiram is featured in that region (and coincidentally in trailer pictures)
Okay, first off, you want me to make changes, you ask, POLITELY.
The way you've written this, sounds like your making demands, I get that you said your English isn't great, I understand if you didn't mean it to sound like that, but that's how it comes a across.
But to give a couple of answers to what you've said.
It's MEWTWO's Milk Tasting because Mewtwo hosts it at the end of each Chapter.
The Subs and Mythicals don't get laying scenes because generating those images is tricky and takes a lot of time, so I'm keeping it to the Main Legends only.
I asked politely,and if i'm no polite in your POV,sorry.Yeah, those are demands,but it was no my intention to show my request like that. Its your game,don't feel pressured.I recommend that change to include the other girls if they were catched (is my case,I sayed earlier),and is more aestethic and parallel with "Jhoto Milk Tasting",you understand?
And about the birthing scene,I don't say a birthing scene or each type, just that make the text feel in a more general way like the MC is with all region(Kanto or Jhoto in these cases) girls in their childbirth is a more cute scene,but it's your game,buddy,I'm a bit mad but I like your game and I want to improve it.But it's too much with generating and writing,I understand you.Your game is 10/10,but with a bit of effort is much better,but for your reasons,you work calmly and I don't want to pressure a lot.The comment for the birthing scene was to show my feelings,they are no related directly to my request of name's change
So,asking polite...and with my reasons from the first text:Can you put "Kanto Milk Tasting",even if is Mewtwo the host of the event?Make that change when you end the first half or the full update of Unova,or when do you feel right ok?Sorry to burst like that if I hurt you.
Oh by the way,nice picture of the Loppuny,I want a scene with MC and a Loppuny,and make them breed 'like rabbits' literally(and of course,the MC will have tiny Buneary)(Finally with my bit of sand to your project) .I wish to take her with the Legendary girls,if Maple approves it.
Could there be a ship scene for Yveltal where she would ask Arceus WHY she was born/made this way of being the personification of death and power of it. The response can be to be the balance to Xerneas. Then Arceus would then say that she is getting the purest form of love from the MC since he knows he could die at any time being with her but still wants her to be happy and loves her not for her power but the person she is inside and that she deserves to be a mother and has a better respect for life since she understands life can end at anytime and cherishes it.
I might tweak this idea a little but I can work with it.
Instead of asking Arceus about why she was made the personification of Death, she's instead worried about not being able to do the job anymore now that she's starting to value life.
I don't speak English so I use the translator in case my words sound strange
I loved your story and in this last chapter you improved it even more. I'll wait for the next one to come out. I like the sub stories with the normal Pokemon.
If you haven't seen the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl anime, I recommend it. It's one of the best there is.
it’s nice to see people around the world, giving this a chance and enjoying it
I think I stopped watching the Anime around when Diamond and Pearl started.
Still, glad you're enjoying my game, I'm guessing you use a translator to play it?
I speak Spanish but I know English
I have a side scene idea for a diglett
That will depend entirely on if I can get the AI to make a passable Diglett, but tell me anyway!
I could see for some paradox Pokémon Iron Leaves, Boulder, and Crown that the creator of Iron Valiant who wanted the perfect sexbot did not stop his work and instead made a group of like minded individuals who decided to have a coemption of who can make the best sexbot but it turned out the same way as the first with them overestimating themselves. Could it be that to get to each of them the MC would need to get the legendary first Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion since something funny can happen if they meet.
Not so sure about them all being made for that reason, but having them meet their Modern Day counterparts is a sure thing!
Then could Walking Wake, Gouging Fire & Raging Bolt meet their Modern counterpart as well