Have any parts for the next update turned out better than you thought they would.
Had an idea for Manaphy dream could be about a royal wedding. She would have seen it on a cartoon while on the ship since she was just born she would still like cartoons and saw it. In her dream she would be princess Manaphy and marrying the MC who would be the prince of the breeding kingdom. She would wear the ring on her head and the ring for the MC would be on his dick. The officiator would be a doll or sock puppet since she saw it on a cartoon.
A funny idea could be the MC asks Cresselia what he dreams of since remembering dreams is hard. She would say he dreams of exactly what is happening on the boat now just the boat is called the Love boat.
Hmm... I just finished Meloetta's exploration section, I'm quite happy with how that turned out, plus I think I did something pretty clever with Bianca!
Manaphy wanting to be a cartoon princess would work. I like the MCs dream being basically his regular life! I need to get around to adding more dreams, it's only the Main legends right now, perhaps if I don't generate images for the Subs it would make it a little less work? The Mythicals deserve images still.
Totally! they all deserve some kind of dreams even if there is no images for all of them. The sub legends having no images could work with some good description while the legends and mythic get images since they are more uniqe. Hope my past ideas helped with the dream parts.
Hello, its been a while but I have come with questions and a potential side scene idea for the upcoming gen.
1. I noticed the current pairing you are working on is Victini and Bianca which was different from my predictions. That's not an issue or anything do what you wish but I'm curious as to why you paired them together.
2. Somewhat in relation to the previous question, if Bianca is with Victini and my new assumption is that Reshiram and Zekrom are Hilda and Rosa, who is Iris paired with?
3. Looking at my predictions and the content you have already done, it seems my split was off. Is part 2 of Gen 5 only the main legends or the main legends + someone (or someone's) else?
That's the questions done so to my side-scene pitch.... we cuck Nate.
I just watched a video about the dropped item side quest and how if you were playing as Nate, the xtranciever connects to "Yancy" aka Nancy, a popular celebrity idol who keeps her life on the downlow around Nate with an alias. The quest progression is hinting that these interactions are dates and perhaps romantic.
The idea writes itself, either the MC finds the xtraciever and does the side-quest himself or Nancy mistakes the MC for Nate (we don't know what he looks like). Both scenarios would have a sex scene in a ferris wheel since that's the main date experience using a normal types penis (its her favourite) before ending in the MC leaving. I think the mistaking scenario is simpler, but also admittedly morally questionable, so choose whichever you like.
Also perhaps she could be included in the PokeGear, not in a message because shes using xtrancievers, but in your end gimmick. If you don't do the side scene, it just discusses a successful concert the idols held with a normal image of her, but if you do the side scene it goes "Famous Idol Nancy Has Been Seen Pregnant!!!: Who is the Father?!?" with images of her on stage with belly bump. I might be putting to much effort into that but I think this and the Undella idea from months back are gold.
I haven't got a plan for Juniper right now, I know you suggested Kyurem but I have other ideas for her. Maybe Juniper could go the same way as Erika, she'll bang you if you've already banged Hilda Rosa & Bianca, they all talk to her about their adventures and she can't resist after hearing so much about you.
1. I'm writing Bianca mostly around the part where her Dad shows up and tried to convince her to come home, in my story she's just starting out as a Trainer but lacks the confidence to leave home. The MC finds Victini and figures that she could make Bianca feel Victorious and give her the push she needs to break away from her parents and leave on her adventure!
2. Reshiram I'm matching to Hilda, the only real reason for this is that her name was "White" in the Japanese pre-release content, she is also an MC from Black and White so matching her to one of the main legends makes sense to me, Zekrom I had going to Iris because of the Dragon Typing. Kyurem is actually going to Anthea and Concordia, the two Plasma Members who looked after N when he was a child. I have no current plan for Rosa, but your suggestion of Keldeo seems good.
3. Part 1 will be Mythicals + Swords, Part 2 will be Main Legends + Genies I broke it up that way because the Swords need to go with Keldeo
Cucking Nate in the Ferris Wheel, I can work with that, I already had one Ferris Wheel scene planned, but I can make another one happen! The Undella scene was the return of Cynthia if I remember right, I'm doing that for sure!
I already ask him if a new game release he will release that game IF ZA came befor he unfinish with the game and IF ZA came out after he do the ending he just gotta leave it there
Had a possible idea for when Rainbow Rocket is used. If Giovanni is used, after beating him Mewtwo could have some revenge on him since he did order her to be made into a weapon with pain but she wont kill him since she has now embraced love and is ready to let go of the pain inflicted on her by his organization. Since she has been training with Lugia for a long time in anal she would always have a giant dildo in her ass to be ready when the MC wants her. So she would take the giant dildo out of her ass and shove it all the way up Giovanni's ass completely and leaving it in and just stays long enough make sure he is not dead before leaving to be with the MC. Giovanni has been going to multiple dimensions and wreaking havoc so instead of leaving almost scot free this can happen to break his spirit and allow Mewtwo closure on her past.
She can at least avenge the Mewtwo of the Rainbow Rocket universe, which will be a normal Mewtwo like the ones in the actual games, not a big tiddy waifu Mewtwo like the one in our MCs universe
That would also be a good reason for her to join the MC Once she realizes he's genuinely trying to help and that Legendary Pokemon are the MOST endangered, she'd want to help out.
100% agree with you on the NTR, it never appealed to me in the slightest! I can see the appeal of... I guess it would be Reverse NTR? Like when the main character steals other guys' girlfriends/wives/moms/whatever, but not when the main character is having their girls stolen.
I think that's my main one, piss/scat stuff I hate too. I guess as a minor nitpick, I don't like when a Milf character is like "You'd be interested in this OLD LADY" when she's like 31 with perfectly round boobs the size of her head and an ass to match!
Had a possible idea for Swalot could be tied to Meloetta where the super fans try to use it to imped the MC but he uses the surfboard to get over it. He would then meet her again and decide to fill her up. Another option for her would be to meet her on the ship. Since they can eat anything that there mouth can go around and is not picky on what it is it can be used in the ships garbage disposal system where she has kept that area spotless but there is now more trash than it can handle. Dont know if they are useful for Swalot.
If I do end up doing a Swalot scene, it'll be in chapter 3 since that's Hoenn
I've got a bit of an idea on how to make her work, I might tie her to Shelly and explain that the Aqua grunts were using the Swalot to eat garbage on the beach and clean it up, but now she's refusing to do more if she doesn't get a treat, Shelly calls the MC knowing exatly what kind of treat the Swalot might like!
Progress is going well on Victini and Bianca, I've been setting up a few more side scenes including one involving Deoxys and the new code she speaks in, it's easier to solve AND easier for me to write in!
I know for a fact that the basic paradox Pokémon are gonna have their own side chapter. But I don’t know what he’s gonna do the legendary paradox pokemon.
Had an idea for Beartic where its their hibernation time but she is still up. She did not find a mate during the breeding season so she is still in heat and is being kept from hibernating by it. She is extremely tired but even more in heat so she is looking for a male to end her heat and could find the MC on his way to a legend but at fist she seems overly aggressive but is really desperate to get some sleep. Once she gets inflated she would hug the MC like a toy and finally gets to sleep. In real life polar bears can give birth will hibernating so when she wakes up she will see a dozen Cubchoo. She would look chubby or fat since she ate a lot for her hibernation.
Had an idea that the MC could be kidnapped by fanatic Pokémon who worshiped the legends that joined the MC's harem. They were always to scarred to even approach the one they worshiped so they banded together to find them and know why they left. So the had the "brilliant idea" (sarcastic) to kidnap the MC to get them to come to them. So when the legends get there they tell them to have sex with him and get inflated as punishment. The player would have the choice to choose the follower of a legend to be with depending on the legends caught. Example: Lugia would have a Slowking (or Slowqueen) as a worshipper and afterword's Lugia tells her to spread the good word of the butt, Moltress would have Magmar, Articuno has Dewgong and Votress could have a Magniton. For Mewtwo it would be Meowth from team rocket that came up with this idea originally. This event would have no fight and can be used to put in pokemon that would look sexy inflated but have a hard time coming up with a story to fit in.
I would be VERY surprised if the AI had any idea what a Swalot is, if I can somehow make a version of it I guess I could do a scene, she'd probably give a blowjob to the MC while he keeps growing his cock bigger and bigger to see what her mouth can take.
The real question is what would I tie her scene to for it to unlock?
I think the AI can make one because it’s just a giant purple blob, most likely just have some black spots in there and boom you have a swalot
And how you could find her maybe in one of the cities there’s a challenge going on to see who can find a way to fill up swalot and the MC believing he can do it takes the challenge and it goes in a private area with the swalot and fill her up. And she probably is not gonna waste a single drop.
When I said about what to tie the scene to, I mean I try to make the Side Scenes unlocked when the MC has knocked up either a Legend or a Human, like how Charizard is unlocked after Daisy or Dialga unlocks Rampardos.
Mostly my notes for everything are actually fairly short, just a few sentences for each Mon/Scene so I can remember what I had planned later on, I'll write a bit more if the plan is a more complicated one though.
Like for Yveltal, the notes right now are basically "afraid of her powers and doesn't like being near anyone, gains weight due to life energy in MCs cum, enjoys being pregnant and fu ally has the chance to GIVE life instead of taking it"
Had a possible idea for Salazzle where she would meet the MC during his journey to get a legendary but when she tries to use charm and pheromones' on him it has no effect at all. The side scene would be her hunting him down since she has always been able to get the male she targets. Turns out the MC is immune to charm and sex pheromones' since he is always ready to have sex at the drop of his pants and loves/lust all female Pokémon already so can't charm what is already charmed to all. The MC remembers this when he sees perfume with her pheromones' being sold.
She could also not stop trying to get the MC since he is the first male not to be effected by her and she will not tolerate that at all since she considers herself queen of the Salazzle and having the only male in the world immune to the pheromone in her harem would be her crowning achievement. So she would pop up at the next region some how and its not until she sees the legends in his harem that she has no chance of getting him.
An little idea for Mama Zarude is that the Zarude respect the strong so the one at the top is the strongest and has a big dick. So when the MC beats Mama Zarude she still thinks he wont be able to satisfy her but when he takes his pants off and changes his dick to be really big dead silence and shock comes from the surrounding Zarude with mouths open and one even faints. Maple would have given the MC some ear plugs because once Mama Zarude has her first orgasim in a very long time since she could not find any male Zarude that can even come close to satisfying her. Once the MC inflates her the other Zarude no longer give off aggression to the MC but respect and aw at his manhood that he could be considered king of the jungle and make a path for him to exit out of their home.
There could be a side scene after where a powerful pokemon starts to go into their territory since Mama is gone so MC goes to take care of it the way he knows how.
I could see Mama getting along with Zygarde and Shaymin since they do help the environment one way or another.
That is what I mean that Mama would be purely female but other male Zarude would follow the strength and big dick as having tried to cort her to breed with them but they were always smaller than she wants.
I think for zarude she could challenge the MC as soon as she sees him and refuses to stop fighting after the MC win because zarude is said to be incredibly aggressive
They usually stay in groups so if the MC goes to them he would face many at once. There is Dada Zarude (or can be renamed Mama Zarude) who has a softer side but would still be aggressive to the MC and attack but be by herself. She did raise a human infant so she would definitely love to be breed and have kids. It can also work that the girl that wants to see Zarude be the infant grown up and wants to see her again and reward the MC.
Mama Zarude could end up going with the MC in the end, leaving her troop behind knowing that they'll be safe after Maple promises to have their territory kept secret.
Was the Human Girl an Anime only character or a Pokedex entry? I forget, but I probably won't be able to put her in either way
I can probably tie that in to the mechanics somehow, maybe Zarude keeps fighting even when her Energy reaches 0 and you have to get her to -50 before she gives up
A possible side scene when regieleki comes onto the ship the MC sees some rotom going somewhere and decides to follow. They lead to the ships engine which is also Regielecki so she can power the ship and her build up of power to an overload can be minimized. The rotom worship her as their goddess of electricity and want to be closer to her. This could be where the MC can have sex with one of the rotom that was chosen by regi. The rotom could take the form of a sexy household robot.
Been awhile since I've commented, but I just had a thought. Couldn't Victini charge Jirachi to have the energy she needs to make really big wishes? Unless Jirachi requires a different type of energy, such as cosmic energy.
Jirachi needs to be awake to do big wishes, that only happens when she's been asleep long enough, if Jirachi charged her up she'd just sleep run around the ship granting small wishes all over the place!
I do think that could be a funny scene though, they charge her to see if it would work and then they got a hyper Jirachi who's somehow still asleep doing random wishes and giving into intrusive thoughts.
She'd be granting her own wishes for everyone else, regardless of if they want them granted or not.
Like she'd wish that Lugia's ass would always be bouncing and then sprint off again, leaving Lugia complaining that she can hardly walk due to all that jiggle going on behind her.
I've got a good idea how to end the scene too, but that'll stay secret until it's written
Had an idea for both Regieleki and Regidrago. To even access them the MC would need all the other regi's since they would be both in Regigigas main or biggest workshop complex in disrepair and need them all to even open the door like for Regigigas but meet stairs that go up and down for the two. For Regieleki would be up stairs toward Regigigas quarters or living area and eventualy find her still pluged into a electric massage chair that she is powering. Pretty much regigigas created her to be a mobile power source to power her appliances so she does not need to create power sources all the time. Regieleki is over charged and need to be drained of the excess energy with the help of the other regis in the battle. The way she talks could be different since parts of her system would have short circuited to still talk like a machine but have some personality since she was left on for so long and it developed. The reason why she was left there and on ties into regidrago not having enough material to finish so regigigas left and forgot to come back for some reason.
For regidrago would be a little complex, would be down the stairs to the workshop forge and be just the head that is extremely large. Once the MC sees the head the regis come out and the idea is that since regigigas never finished her she unconsciously remembers to modify her so she would need to go to sleep and she would sleep forge modify her to be same size as other units and look like a dragon girl. So the three regis would then be busy trying to wake regigigas again while MC battle regidrago and wins. Once won drago would fly to gigas and punch once to wake up her then make love to MC. She was made to be the best alarm clock for gigas.
The dream of Regigigas could be in the center of a volcano forge or sun forge and she would be creating her master piece and greatest creation. Using all her strength knowledge and will to make the perfect bed that will give the best sleep ever and never need another bed. Once done she gets in it and sleep for the rest of eternity.
Okay, let me go over this and make sure I've got the idea.
Eleki and Drago are stored away in Gigas's main workshop which is hidden away in the Crown Tundra.
Eleki is hooked up to all the tech Gigas made as a power source and she needs to be powered down before the MC can breed her, maybe she was left on full power to keep everything running and goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE when everything is unplugged from her body.
Drago was meant to be part of a much bigger creation that was never finished, Gigas doesn't have the materials to finish the project but rebuilds Drago's head into a full body, Gigas then falls asleep as Drago activates, the battle lasts until Drago accidentally wakes Gigas up again, Gigas grabs Drago and changes her orders from ALARM CLOCK to LOVE MASTER.
The Ultra Beasts are unique enough that I think their scenes should actually be fairly easy to write, since they won't get caught I won't have to worry about continuity either.
It takes me at least 3 months to write an update, the last one came out only 1 month ago, it'll be another 2 months AT LEAST before the next one is ready
I had a set of ideas related to the Gen 8 Legends based on someone's old suggestion. It was something where you'd need help from Zacian and Zamazenta to beat Eternatus before having the MC Dynamax his dick to fuck her.
My idea is that it would be fun if you had to fight Eternatus before catching the wolves. This would match the order of events in Sword and Shield, and give Zacian and Zamazenta funny potential since they would see the insane sight of you fucking Eternatus before you get them in the harem.
From there, my specific idea is that one of the two wants to get the same Dynamaxed pleasure from the MC. It would be a reference to the post-game where they get hit with Galar Particles by Sordward and Shielbert. The difference would be that Zacian or Zamazenta would want it to happen to them. Just like in the originals they aren't able to Dynamax and the particles would just enrage them... possibly since they can't have colossal dick like the cannon dragon. Then it'd be a normal fight and breeding scene.
Slight tweak to your idea but I can still work it I think.
MC catches ONE of the dogs but Eternatus reveals herself before he can go get the other, the caught Dog and the uncaught one team up with the MC to help take down Eternatus, the uncaught one leaves before the breeding scene and doesn't see it happen.
When the MC goes to get the remaining dog, Sordward and Shieldbert are chasing after her like Eusine was chasing Suicune, thinking that owning her will legitimize their claim as being Galar royalty, they then of course use the particles, the Doggo doesn't Dyna and is enraged instead like you said!
Makes a certain kind of sense since Eternatus doesn't show up on its own in the games, and it makes things a bit more of a direct story than other parts of the game. Sounds like you have some ideas that that'd be fun to see.
I honestly imagine the only bigger size queen than mew is eternatus, and i think it would be cool if she did a thing similar to arceus and granted the Mc an Eternamax dick.
I feel being a size queen would be mandatory for Eternatus, even a Wailord dick would feel small to her! I do plan to have the MC be able to Dynamax his dick as long as she's nearby, I don't think she could give him a unique Eternamax dick though... (unless Arceus decides to lend a hand)
Well, this fish has finished Genesect and Lenora and has finally gotten started on Victini and Bianca.
He has also written up the favorite meals section, the Delibird poem, and started on another side scene that will be kept secret for the moment.
He's ALSO finally figured out what to do with alternate forms, the first will be Mega Mewtwo X and Y, they'll show up on the Ship after Chapter 3... in their "kind of redesigned because the AI doesn't know that Megas are" glory!
I had an idea for Calyrex is this could be when the MC gets kidnapped by all the remnants of the past criminal organizations like Team magma, Aqua, Plasma, and the rest to get the legends he has. Since Calyrex can see into the past, present and future when at full power she would see herself with him eventually so comes up with a plan to round up the remnants of the criminal groups by possessing some of them to come together with their best and WORST who have no morals that if they were to die no one would see that as wrong for what they have done. So Calyrex would not see that part of the future of her getting captured by the group because she gets distracted by her screams of pleasure the MC gives her when they meet. She is highly intelligent that she would solve a problem before it starts by taking care of them all at once especially before they can cause trouble while she is with the MC.
The MC would not be kidnapped till after Eternatus has been dealt with where the MC is going to the poke mart that has been able to reopen and does not have the legends with him to make extra room for things he will buy. He gets knocked out by some sleeping gas and wakes up in a underground base hears Calyrex via telepathy to come to her and free her. Travel can be to open the door by finding a dito that turns into his gear to pry it open, climb down an elevator shaft cables and eventually reach Calrex. The battle would be against all the members but his legends get to him and help him battle which would be a lot of members.
This might be too complicated for me to pull off, It's a great idea but I don't think I can fit it into my writing formula. My basic plan for Calyrex at the minute is that she'll send the MC off to find her Steeds (Glastrier and Spectrier) and will be holding Peony hostage until they're returned. (I might also make the horses into Futas and show Calyrex rides them in more ways that one)
Maybe hostage was the wrong word there, I don't mean it like she's got a gun to Peony's head and saying "Bring me my horses or the idiot dies!"
More that she thinks she needs to posses him like she did in the games so she can communicate with the MC and get him to help, the MC goes along with it since he needs to find the horses anyway
That sounds like her, plus it can be the way she gets to full strength is how full of cum she is or she is horny all the time and can concentrate on work when she has a horse size dick in her. She will still be attached to Glastrier and Spectrier but say she found a real stallion with the MC in her.
The best word to describe her possessing Peonys body would be a "willing vessel".
I’m doing it again to all the people in this community, which one of the girls is your favorite concerning that we got some new girls I want to see which ones are the most favorites to be for any reason the design their battle, the questions or the sex
I think as far as Sinnoh is concerned, I'm really happy how Regigigas turned out, it's such a nothing Legendary in the games but I had a lot of fun with her even so!
As for the update I'm working on, I'm looking forward to Meloetta, I've got some fun ideas ready for her!
That’s nice to hear because she is also my favorite legendary now I just really like her. She has always been my favorite legendary. Regigigas and you did her justice better than our own goddamn writers have.
It's hard to choose, but I really liked Cressalia. The use of dream logic and her ship scenes are funny, and I kind of liked how she was interested in the MC in advance.
Had an idea for the paradox Pokémon Iron Valiant as a paradox in a paradox. Iron Valiant attack's any she sees but she is scanning people to see if any can satisfy her. If she deems their dick cant satisfy her she attacks but she deems the MC dick as passible to try and satisfy her not knowing his special ability. After the sex and inflation she gets over satisfyed and says she was programed to stay away from people that over satisfys her and attack those that cant but stay with those that can just satisfy her. The person who created her built her to be his perfect sex bot who wont go with people with better sex skills but overestimated his dick so when he tried he failed and was attacked because of his programing. The paradox is since her way further decedent get sent back to start the loop all over again was the person who made her ever exist but its info that just keeps getting sent back to ensure it exists without anyone really creating it in first place.
Valiant is a sex doll that went nuts because the creator thought he had a bigger dick than he really did, sounds good to me!
I think all the Future Paradox's are going to be implied to somehow be their own descendents after being knocked up by the MC. Similarly, the Past Paradox's will likely be the ancestor of all/most of the modern day versions, like 90% of Donphan are descended from that one Great Tusk!
Sounds good and the MC would be considered part of the start of the Donphane, magnitone and Jigglypuff species and in some way be decedents of his but not really considered that.
I did get a request for that earlier, Chapter 6 will have a scene (maybe a few) of the Fossil Mons breaking out of a Jurassic Park style enclosure and the MC uses his skills to help get them back
Tyrantrum will be the main one for that since boning a T-Rex would be AWESOME, but some of the others might get a scene too
Had an idea for Gardevoir. She would have no emotional connection to anyone and have instead used rare candy to evolve but ended up being dependent on it since their strength of their psychic power depends on their emotions for others so she is fully evolved but extremely weak powers. She could shyly ask the MC what it feels like to be loved and he ends up having sex with her which is the very best feeling she has ever felt and tasted in her life and better than the candy. She goes from weak to ungodly strong psychic power from her very first orgasm plus her biggest. She senses she is going to be pregnant and will use her power to protect the children/gift he leaves her to remember him by. She can start making new rare candy that the MC sees in a shop that makes him remember her.
The reason why the rare candy is rare is because of her eating so much of it to make it hard to find and its really a placebo effect for the sugar in it makes her believe herself stronger when really its just the sugar rush effect that she seriously craves but finds the MC cum better and finally makes a emotional connection to others and she realizes the candy never did anything to her but some cavity's. Once she stops looking for the candy it just regular candy with ALOT of sugar not called rare candy anymore.
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hey chainsaw, I got a question. We all know you’re gonna add new side scenes to the previous chapters but how many new sight scenes to each chapter
For example, chapter 1 - new number of Side scenes
I don't think I have exact numbers since I sometimes just think of one and add it in with no real planning but..
I've got 2 for Chapter 1 and 2 more for Chapter 2 at least.
Plus a MAJOR one I'm setting up in Chapter 5!
There was that Swalot suggestion for Chapter 3 and I think I finally have an idea for Gardevoir thanks to another suggestion.
I will admit, all the stuff I'm setting up might make this update take longer than the others.
We’re all fine with this update take longer if it has so much Contant
Have any parts for the next update turned out better than you thought they would.
Had an idea for Manaphy dream could be about a royal wedding. She would have seen it on a cartoon while on the ship since she was just born she would still like cartoons and saw it. In her dream she would be princess Manaphy and marrying the MC who would be the prince of the breeding kingdom. She would wear the ring on her head and the ring for the MC would be on his dick. The officiator would be a doll or sock puppet since she saw it on a cartoon.
A funny idea could be the MC asks Cresselia what he dreams of since remembering dreams is hard. She would say he dreams of exactly what is happening on the boat now just the boat is called the Love boat.
Hmm... I just finished Meloetta's exploration section, I'm quite happy with how that turned out, plus I think I did something pretty clever with Bianca!
Manaphy wanting to be a cartoon princess would work.
I like the MCs dream being basically his regular life!
I need to get around to adding more dreams, it's only the Main legends right now, perhaps if I don't generate images for the Subs it would make it a little less work?
The Mythicals deserve images still.
Totally! they all deserve some kind of dreams even if there is no images for all of them. The sub legends having no images could work with some good description while the legends and mythic get images since they are more uniqe. Hope my past ideas helped with the dream parts.
A possible side scene could be all the metal legendaries like genesect, registeel and melmeral ect
Got something along those line planned already
Hello, its been a while but I have come with questions and a potential side scene idea for the upcoming gen.
1. I noticed the current pairing you are working on is Victini and Bianca which was different from my predictions. That's not an issue or anything do what you wish but I'm curious as to why you paired them together.
2. Somewhat in relation to the previous question, if Bianca is with Victini and my new assumption is that Reshiram and Zekrom are Hilda and Rosa, who is Iris paired with?
3. Looking at my predictions and the content you have already done, it seems my split was off. Is part 2 of Gen 5 only the main legends or the main legends + someone (or someone's) else?
That's the questions done so to my side-scene pitch.... we cuck Nate.
I just watched a video about the dropped item side quest and how if you were playing as Nate, the xtranciever connects to "Yancy" aka Nancy, a popular celebrity idol who keeps her life on the downlow around Nate with an alias. The quest progression is hinting that these interactions are dates and perhaps romantic.
The idea writes itself, either the MC finds the xtraciever and does the side-quest himself or Nancy mistakes the MC for Nate (we don't know what he looks like). Both scenarios would have a sex scene in a ferris wheel since that's the main date experience using a normal types penis (its her favourite) before ending in the MC leaving. I think the mistaking scenario is simpler, but also admittedly morally questionable, so choose whichever you like.
Also perhaps she could be included in the PokeGear, not in a message because shes using xtrancievers, but in your end gimmick. If you don't do the side scene, it just discusses a successful concert the idols held with a normal image of her, but if you do the side scene it goes "Famous Idol Nancy Has Been Seen Pregnant!!!: Who is the Father?!?" with images of her on stage with belly bump. I might be putting to much effort into that but I think this and the Undella idea from months back are gold.
Personaly my brain go with iris and kyurem
That makes sense but then you ask who's Juniper partnered with? Keldeo maybe but the why seems a little hard
Ethtier is Meloetta or Genesect
I haven't got a plan for Juniper right now, I know you suggested Kyurem but I have other ideas for her.
Maybe Juniper could go the same way as Erika, she'll bang you if you've already banged Hilda Rosa & Bianca, they all talk to her about their adventures and she can't resist after hearing so much about you.
Good to see another comment from you my man!
1. I'm writing Bianca mostly around the part where her Dad shows up and tried to convince her to come home, in my story she's just starting out as a Trainer but lacks the confidence to leave home.
The MC finds Victini and figures that she could make Bianca feel Victorious and give her the push she needs to break away from her parents and leave on her adventure!
2. Reshiram I'm matching to Hilda, the only real reason for this is that her name was "White" in the Japanese pre-release content, she is also an MC from Black and White so matching her to one of the main legends makes sense to me, Zekrom I had going to Iris because of the Dragon Typing.
Kyurem is actually going to Anthea and Concordia, the two Plasma Members who looked after N when he was a child.
I have no current plan for Rosa, but your suggestion of Keldeo seems good.
3. Part 1 will be Mythicals + Swords, Part 2 will be Main Legends + Genies
I broke it up that way because the Swords need to go with Keldeo
Cucking Nate in the Ferris Wheel, I can work with that, I already had one Ferris Wheel scene planned, but I can make another one happen!
The Undella scene was the return of Cynthia if I remember right, I'm doing that for sure!
when a game is finished our show 10 of my favorites :so what's the max health you can give to a Pokémon?
The max health probably won't go higher than Arceus having 100 (I'm buffing her a little in the next update.)
At least, that'll be the highest health in NORMAL battles, I might have a few tricks up my sleeve for some battles.
will you add new legendary’s from za if there are any or will you stop at scarlet and violet
I already ask him if a new game release he will release that game IF ZA came befor he unfinish with the game and IF ZA came out after he do the ending he just gotta leave it there
Assuming ZA drops before I'm done, I'll try and fit them in somewhere
Had a possible idea for when Rainbow Rocket is used. If Giovanni is used, after beating him Mewtwo could have some revenge on him since he did order her to be made into a weapon with pain but she wont kill him since she has now embraced love and is ready to let go of the pain inflicted on her by his organization. Since she has been training with Lugia for a long time in anal she would always have a giant dildo in her ass to be ready when the MC wants her. So she would take the giant dildo out of her ass and shove it all the way up Giovanni's ass completely and leaving it in and just stays long enough make sure he is not dead before leaving to be with the MC. Giovanni has been going to multiple dimensions and wreaking havoc so instead of leaving almost scot free this can happen to break his spirit and allow Mewtwo closure on her past.
Rainbow Rocket will be against Rule 63 versions of the Team Leaders.
But Mewtwo keeping a huge dildo to shove up Giovina's ass is pretty funny!
It would still probably give her some feeling of closure even if it's not the same Giovanni that led to her creation.
Exactly he is not the same one but is still a Giovanni that has done as much evil as any other one so it would lead to some closure for her.
She can at least avenge the Mewtwo of the Rainbow Rocket universe, which will be a normal Mewtwo like the ones in the actual games, not a big tiddy waifu Mewtwo like the one in our MCs universe
a possible scene for volcanion is that she is protective over the endangered Pokémon because in the movie volcanion protects Pokémon
That would also be a good reason for her to join the MC
Once she realizes he's genuinely trying to help and that Legendary Pokemon are the MOST endangered, she'd want to help out.
hey chainsaw, can I ask you a question what is a kink/fetish you just hate. Like for example I absolutely despise NTR.
100% agree with you on the NTR, it never appealed to me in the slightest!
I can see the appeal of... I guess it would be Reverse NTR?
Like when the main character steals other guys' girlfriends/wives/moms/whatever, but not when the main character is having their girls stolen.
I think that's my main one, piss/scat stuff I hate too.
I guess as a minor nitpick, I don't like when a Milf character is like "You'd be interested in this OLD LADY" when she's like 31 with perfectly round boobs the size of her head and an ass to match!
Had a possible idea for Swalot could be tied to Meloetta where the super fans try to use it to imped the MC but he uses the surfboard to get over it. He would then meet her again and decide to fill her up. Another option for her would be to meet her on the ship. Since they can eat anything that there mouth can go around and is not picky on what it is it can be used in the ships garbage disposal system where she has kept that area spotless but there is now more trash than it can handle. Dont know if they are useful for Swalot.
If I do end up doing a Swalot scene, it'll be in chapter 3 since that's Hoenn
I've got a bit of an idea on how to make her work, I might tie her to Shelly and explain that the Aqua grunts were using the Swalot to eat garbage on the beach and clean it up, but now she's refusing to do more if she doesn't get a treat, Shelly calls the MC knowing exatly what kind of treat the Swalot might like!
I am the first of the checketeer give me a check
Progress is going well on Victini and Bianca, I've been setting up a few more side scenes including one involving Deoxys and the new code she speaks in, it's easier to solve AND easier for me to write in!
do you have any plans for the paradox Pokémon like gouging fire and iron crown
I know for a fact that the basic paradox Pokémon are gonna have their own side chapter. But I don’t know what he’s gonna do the legendary paradox pokemon.
Same deal as with the other Paradoxes, side chapter!
Had an idea for Beartic where its their hibernation time but she is still up. She did not find a mate during the breeding season so she is still in heat and is being kept from hibernating by it. She is extremely tired but even more in heat so she is looking for a male to end her heat and could find the MC on his way to a legend but at fist she seems overly aggressive but is really desperate to get some sleep. Once she gets inflated she would hug the MC like a toy and finally gets to sleep. In real life polar bears can give birth will hibernating so when she wakes up she will see a dozen Cubchoo. She would look chubby or fat since she ate a lot for her hibernation.
I like, big chonky mama bear sounds like a fun time to me!
Shane shame shame on you
you cultprit
what happened?
He said that the AI image was disgusted
Shame on him
I agreed y'all that is so bad to say so is it possible to fight two Pokémon at the same time
how the hell did I not realize my name was in the game? It’s in the special things section of the first page. Wow.
It's a rare gift that!
thank you
Had an idea that the MC could be kidnapped by fanatic Pokémon who worshiped the legends that joined the MC's harem. They were always to scarred to even approach the one they worshiped so they banded together to find them and know why they left. So the had the "brilliant idea" (sarcastic) to kidnap the MC to get them to come to them. So when the legends get there they tell them to have sex with him and get inflated as punishment. The player would have the choice to choose the follower of a legend to be with depending on the legends caught. Example: Lugia would have a Slowking (or Slowqueen) as a worshipper and afterword's Lugia tells her to spread the good word of the butt, Moltress would have Magmar, Articuno has Dewgong and Votress could have a Magniton. For Mewtwo it would be Meowth from team rocket that came up with this idea originally. This event would have no fight and can be used to put in pokemon that would look sexy inflated but have a hard time coming up with a story to fit in.
I do have an MC kidnapping plan ready, but that's for Rainbow Rocket.
This is a fun idea, but I don't think I can use it I'm afraid
I would be VERY surprised if the AI had any idea what a Swalot is, if I can somehow make a version of it I guess I could do a scene, she'd probably give a blowjob to the MC while he keeps growing his cock bigger and bigger to see what her mouth can take.
The real question is what would I tie her scene to for it to unlock?
I think the AI can make one because it’s just a giant purple blob, most likely just have some black spots in there and boom you have a swalot
And how you could find her maybe in one of the cities there’s a challenge going on to see who can find a way to fill up swalot and the MC believing he can do it takes the challenge and it goes in a private area with the swalot and fill her up. And she probably is not gonna waste a single drop.
When I said about what to tie the scene to, I mean I try to make the Side Scenes unlocked when the MC has knocked up either a Legend or a Human, like how Charizard is unlocked after Daisy or Dialga unlocks Rampardos.
I just don't know what I'd tie a Swalot to
Well swalot was first introduced in Ruby. Maybe you unlock the scene when you get Groudon.
Could work I guess, I'll think on it
Hi, what AI did you use for the pictures?
it says in the frequently asked questions furry drawn model on perchance.org
Oh, shit it does. I'm blind, sorry
Would it be funny if the MC got more TM or equietment or some attack move like taclke or sulf like you can use it
I'd prefer to stick to the Moves/Items he has now, it makes things easier writing this game if I can stick to a formula.
hey chainsaw, quick question how exactly do you have your notes organized? Like do you have folders that say something. like ideas for Hoopa
And if you do, can you tell us what folders you have?
Long Ass Word Document
Mostly my notes for everything are actually fairly short, just a few sentences for each Mon/Scene so I can remember what I had planned later on, I'll write a bit more if the plan is a more complicated one though.
Like for Yveltal, the notes right now are basically "afraid of her powers and doesn't like being near anyone, gains weight due to life energy in MCs cum, enjoys being pregnant and fu ally has the chance to GIVE life instead of taking it"
Had a possible idea for Salazzle where she would meet the MC during his journey to get a legendary but when she tries to use charm and pheromones' on him it has no effect at all. The side scene would be her hunting him down since she has always been able to get the male she targets. Turns out the MC is immune to charm and sex pheromones' since he is always ready to have sex at the drop of his pants and loves/lust all female Pokémon already so can't charm what is already charmed to all. The MC remembers this when he sees perfume with her pheromones' being sold.
She could also not stop trying to get the MC since he is the first male not to be effected by her and she will not tolerate that at all since she considers herself queen of the Salazzle and having the only male in the world immune to the pheromone in her harem would be her crowning achievement. So she would pop up at the next region some how and its not until she sees the legends in his harem that she has no chance of getting him.
That Salazzle with be so confused about her powers not working!
An little idea for Mama Zarude is that the Zarude respect the strong so the one at the top is the strongest and has a big dick. So when the MC beats Mama Zarude she still thinks he wont be able to satisfy her but when he takes his pants off and changes his dick to be really big dead silence and shock comes from the surrounding Zarude with mouths open and one even faints. Maple would have given the MC some ear plugs because once Mama Zarude has her first orgasim in a very long time since she could not find any male Zarude that can even come close to satisfying her. Once the MC inflates her the other Zarude no longer give off aggression to the MC but respect and aw at his manhood that he could be considered king of the jungle and make a path for him to exit out of their home.
There could be a side scene after where a powerful pokemon starts to go into their territory since Mama is gone so MC goes to take care of it the way he knows how.
I could see Mama getting along with Zygarde and Shaymin since they do help the environment one way or another.
Zarude probably wouldn't be a Futa since the ones in game are genderless, I'm only futa-ing the ones that can be male or are always male.
The rest of this all sounds pretty good though!
That is what I mean that Mama would be purely female but other male Zarude would follow the strength and big dick as having tried to cort her to breed with them but they were always smaller than she wants.
Ah I getcha now! Yeah I can do this
I'm back :)
I think for zarude she could challenge the MC as soon as she sees him and refuses to stop fighting after the MC win because zarude is said to be incredibly aggressive
They usually stay in groups so if the MC goes to them he would face many at once. There is Dada Zarude (or can be renamed Mama Zarude) who has a softer side but would still be aggressive to the MC and attack but be by herself. She did raise a human infant so she would definitely love to be breed and have kids. It can also work that the girl that wants to see Zarude be the infant grown up and wants to see her again and reward the MC.
Mama Zarude could end up going with the MC in the end, leaving her troop behind knowing that they'll be safe after Maple promises to have their territory kept secret.
Was the Human Girl an Anime only character or a Pokedex entry?
I forget, but I probably won't be able to put her in either way
I can probably tie that in to the mechanics somehow, maybe Zarude keeps fighting even when her Energy reaches 0 and you have to get her to -50 before she gives up
A possible side scene when regieleki comes onto the ship the MC sees some rotom going somewhere and decides to follow. They lead to the ships engine which is also Regielecki so she can power the ship and her build up of power to an overload can be minimized. The rotom worship her as their goddess of electricity and want to be closer to her. This could be where the MC can have sex with one of the rotom that was chosen by regi. The rotom could take the form of a sexy household robot.
Maybe Regigigas could build a special body for the chosen Rotom to get fucked in?
She'd call it Regirotom!
Been awhile since I've commented, but I just had a thought. Couldn't Victini charge Jirachi to have the energy she needs to make really big wishes? Unless Jirachi requires a different type of energy, such as cosmic energy.
Jirachi needs to be awake to do big wishes, that only happens when she's been asleep long enough, if Jirachi charged her up she'd just sleep run around the ship granting small wishes all over the place!
I do think that could be a funny scene though, they charge her to see if it would work and then they got a hyper Jirachi who's somehow still asleep doing random wishes and giving into intrusive thoughts.
She'd be granting her own wishes for everyone else, regardless of if they want them granted or not.
Like she'd wish that Lugia's ass would always be bouncing and then sprint off again, leaving Lugia complaining that she can hardly walk due to all that jiggle going on behind her.
I've got a good idea how to end the scene too, but that'll stay secret until it's written
Had an idea for both Regieleki and Regidrago. To even access them the MC would need all the other regi's since they would be both in Regigigas main or biggest workshop complex in disrepair and need them all to even open the door like for Regigigas but meet stairs that go up and down for the two. For Regieleki would be up stairs toward Regigigas quarters or living area and eventualy find her still pluged into a electric massage chair that she is powering. Pretty much regigigas created her to be a mobile power source to power her appliances so she does not need to create power sources all the time. Regieleki is over charged and need to be drained of the excess energy with the help of the other regis in the battle. The way she talks could be different since parts of her system would have short circuited to still talk like a machine but have some personality since she was left on for so long and it developed. The reason why she was left there and on ties into regidrago not having enough material to finish so regigigas left and forgot to come back for some reason.
For regidrago would be a little complex, would be down the stairs to the workshop forge and be just the head that is extremely large. Once the MC sees the head the regis come out and the idea is that since regigigas never finished her she unconsciously remembers to modify her so she would need to go to sleep and she would sleep forge modify her to be same size as other units and look like a dragon girl. So the three regis would then be busy trying to wake regigigas again while MC battle regidrago and wins. Once won drago would fly to gigas and punch once to wake up her then make love to MC. She was made to be the best alarm clock for gigas.
The dream of Regigigas could be in the center of a volcano forge or sun forge and she would be creating her master piece and greatest creation. Using all her strength knowledge and will to make the perfect bed that will give the best sleep ever and never need another bed. Once done she gets in it and sleep for the rest of eternity.
Okay, let me go over this and make sure I've got the idea.
Eleki and Drago are stored away in Gigas's main workshop which is hidden away in the Crown Tundra.
Eleki is hooked up to all the tech Gigas made as a power source and she needs to be powered down before the MC can breed her, maybe she was left on full power to keep everything running and goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE when everything is unplugged from her body.
Drago was meant to be part of a much bigger creation that was never finished, Gigas doesn't have the materials to finish the project but rebuilds Drago's head into a full body, Gigas then falls asleep as Drago activates, the battle lasts until Drago accidentally wakes Gigas up again, Gigas grabs Drago and changes her orders from ALARM CLOCK to LOVE MASTER.
I think I can make that happen
Alola gotta be a pain in the ass because of the ultra beast side scene
The Ultra Beasts are unique enough that I think their scenes should actually be fairly easy to write, since they won't get caught I won't have to worry about continuity either.
how much longer until the next update im getting impatient?!?!
It takes me at least 3 months to write an update, the last one came out only 1 month ago, it'll be another 2 months AT LEAST before the next one is ready
dang... i got a long wait time then
looking forward to it
I had a set of ideas related to the Gen 8 Legends based on someone's old suggestion. It was something where you'd need help from Zacian and Zamazenta to beat Eternatus before having the MC Dynamax his dick to fuck her.
My idea is that it would be fun if you had to fight Eternatus before catching the wolves. This would match the order of events in Sword and Shield, and give Zacian and Zamazenta funny potential since they would see the insane sight of you fucking Eternatus before you get them in the harem.
From there, my specific idea is that one of the two wants to get the same Dynamaxed pleasure from the MC. It would be a reference to the post-game where they get hit with Galar Particles by Sordward and Shielbert. The difference would be that Zacian or Zamazenta would want it to happen to them. Just like in the originals they aren't able to Dynamax and the particles would just enrage them... possibly since they can't have colossal dick like the cannon dragon. Then it'd be a normal fight and breeding scene.
Slight tweak to your idea but I can still work it I think.
MC catches ONE of the dogs but Eternatus reveals herself before he can go get the other, the caught Dog and the uncaught one team up with the MC to help take down Eternatus, the uncaught one leaves before the breeding scene and doesn't see it happen.
When the MC goes to get the remaining dog, Sordward and Shieldbert are chasing after her like Eusine was chasing Suicune, thinking that owning her will legitimize their claim as being Galar royalty, they then of course use the particles, the Doggo doesn't Dyna and is enraged instead like you said!
Makes a certain kind of sense since Eternatus doesn't show up on its own in the games, and it makes things a bit more of a direct story than other parts of the game. Sounds like you have some ideas that that'd be fun to see.
I honestly imagine the only bigger size queen than mew is eternatus, and i think it would be cool if she did a thing similar to arceus and granted the Mc an Eternamax dick.
I feel being a size queen would be mandatory for Eternatus, even a Wailord dick would feel small to her!
I do plan to have the MC be able to Dynamax his dick as long as she's nearby, I don't think she could give him a unique Eternamax dick though...
(unless Arceus decides to lend a hand)
love the idea i want to see it happen XD
Everyone, please stand back. I’m about to go fishing
Oh, I caught something I’ll look. It’s a chainsaw Fish listen here a little buddy. I will only let you go if you give me a check.
Well, this fish has finished Genesect and Lenora and has finally gotten started on Victini and Bianca.
He has also written up the favorite meals section, the Delibird poem, and started on another side scene that will be kept secret for the moment.
He's ALSO finally figured out what to do with alternate forms, the first will be Mega Mewtwo X and Y, they'll show up on the Ship after Chapter 3... in their "kind of redesigned because the AI doesn't know that Megas are" glory!
There like only 2 for now but he will add more in future and the futa is heatran and latios just catch them both
I think there could be a side science with Deoxys and Eternatus since they are both from space
I can add Jirachi into that mix too, and Palkia!
I had an idea for Calyrex is this could be when the MC gets kidnapped by all the remnants of the past criminal organizations like Team magma, Aqua, Plasma, and the rest to get the legends he has. Since Calyrex can see into the past, present and future when at full power she would see herself with him eventually so comes up with a plan to round up the remnants of the criminal groups by possessing some of them to come together with their best and WORST who have no morals that if they were to die no one would see that as wrong for what they have done. So Calyrex would not see that part of the future of her getting captured by the group because she gets distracted by her screams of pleasure the MC gives her when they meet. She is highly intelligent that she would solve a problem before it starts by taking care of them all at once especially before they can cause trouble while she is with the MC.
The MC would not be kidnapped till after Eternatus has been dealt with where the MC is going to the poke mart that has been able to reopen and does not have the legends with him to make extra room for things he will buy. He gets knocked out by some sleeping gas and wakes up in a underground base hears Calyrex via telepathy to come to her and free her. Travel can be to open the door by finding a dito that turns into his gear to pry it open, climb down an elevator shaft cables and eventually reach Calrex. The battle would be against all the members but his legends get to him and help him battle which would be a lot of members.
This might be too complicated for me to pull off, It's a great idea but I don't think I can fit it into my writing formula.
My basic plan for Calyrex at the minute is that she'll send the MC off to find her Steeds (Glastrier and Spectrier) and will be holding Peony hostage until they're returned.
(I might also make the horses into Futas and show Calyrex rides them in more ways that one)
sounds reasonable. Thank you
I read that Calyrex had ruled as a merciful ruler so her holding a hostage seems odd to her backstory in Bulbapedia.
Maybe hostage was the wrong word there, I don't mean it like she's got a gun to Peony's head and saying "Bring me my horses or the idiot dies!"
More that she thinks she needs to posses him like she did in the games so she can communicate with the MC and get him to help, the MC goes along with it since he needs to find the horses anyway
That sounds like her, plus it can be the way she gets to full strength is how full of cum she is or she is horny all the time and can concentrate on work when she has a horse size dick in her. She will still be attached to Glastrier and Spectrier but say she found a real stallion with the MC in her.
The best word to describe her possessing Peonys body would be a "willing vessel".
I’m doing it again to all the people in this community, which one of the girls is your favorite concerning that we got some new girls I want to see which ones are the most favorites to be for any reason the design their battle, the questions or the sex
I think as far as Sinnoh is concerned, I'm really happy how Regigigas turned out, it's such a nothing Legendary in the games but I had a lot of fun with her even so!
As for the update I'm working on, I'm looking forward to Meloetta, I've got some fun ideas ready for her!
That’s nice to hear because she is also my favorite legendary now I just really like her. She has always been my favorite legendary. Regigigas and you did her justice better than our own goddamn writers have.
It's hard to choose, but I really liked Cressalia. The use of dream logic and her ship scenes are funny, and I kind of liked how she was interested in the MC in advance.
Had an idea for the paradox Pokémon Iron Valiant as a paradox in a paradox. Iron Valiant attack's any she sees but she is scanning people to see if any can satisfy her. If she deems their dick cant satisfy her she attacks but she deems the MC dick as passible to try and satisfy her not knowing his special ability. After the sex and inflation she gets over satisfyed and says she was programed to stay away from people that over satisfys her and attack those that cant but stay with those that can just satisfy her. The person who created her built her to be his perfect sex bot who wont go with people with better sex skills but overestimated his dick so when he tried he failed and was attacked because of his programing. The paradox is since her way further decedent get sent back to start the loop all over again was the person who made her ever exist but its info that just keeps getting sent back to ensure it exists without anyone really creating it in first place.
Valiant is a sex doll that went nuts because the creator thought he had a bigger dick than he really did, sounds good to me!
I think all the Future Paradox's are going to be implied to somehow be their own descendents after being knocked up by the MC.
Similarly, the Past Paradox's will likely be the ancestor of all/most of the modern day versions, like 90% of Donphan are descended from that one Great Tusk!
Sounds good and the MC would be considered part of the start of the Donphane, magnitone and Jigglypuff species and in some way be decedents of his but not really considered that.
I did want to ask if you have any plans on adding the fossils?
I did get a request for that earlier, Chapter 6 will have a scene (maybe a few) of the Fossil Mons breaking out of a Jurassic Park style enclosure and the MC uses his skills to help get them back
Tyrantrum will be the main one for that since boning a T-Rex would be AWESOME, but some of the others might get a scene too
True, personally I'm most excited for the scene with Aurorus since it always seemed liked the only feminine fossil Pokemon.
I'd say Lileep/Cradilly are a bit on the feminine side too, but I get what you mean
Had an idea for Gardevoir. She would have no emotional connection to anyone and have instead used rare candy to evolve but ended up being dependent on it since their strength of their psychic power depends on their emotions for others so she is fully evolved but extremely weak powers. She could shyly ask the MC what it feels like to be loved and he ends up having sex with her which is the very best feeling she has ever felt and tasted in her life and better than the candy. She goes from weak to ungodly strong psychic power from her very first orgasm plus her biggest. She senses she is going to be pregnant and will use her power to protect the children/gift he leaves her to remember him by. She can start making new rare candy that the MC sees in a shop that makes him remember her.
Drug addict Gardevoir might be a little too dark for me.
It's not a BAD idea, just not sure if I can work with it
The reason why the rare candy is rare is because of her eating so much of it to make it hard to find and its really a placebo effect for the sugar in it makes her believe herself stronger when really its just the sugar rush effect that she seriously craves but finds the MC cum better and finally makes a emotional connection to others and she realizes the candy never did anything to her but some cavity's. Once she stops looking for the candy it just regular candy with ALOT of sugar not called rare candy anymore.
Okay, so it's just regular candy she's stuffing herself with?
Maybe I'll tie this in to Wally somehow, since he had a Gardevoir.
Plus if she's a candy addict, I can make her CHUBBY!
is the unova update taking place in black and white or black 2 and white 2
(also are going to do b2w2 are you going add one of if not the only character in the entire franchisee you can go out on a date with)
Both, kind of, youll see in the second half of the update
Which character is the date one? If it's one of the ferris wheel ones, i kind of have a plan for the wheel already