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I’m about to do another one of my famous rants, but this time is side scene idea's for pseudo legendarys

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I could use some ideas for them, go right ahead!
I've got half an idea for Dragonite, but that's it so far

I'm back and I kind of have an idea for a kind of "rival" for Maples Pikachu. I know that eventually we will return to wherever you have Malpe's base in, and I'm sure her Pikachu would refuse to evolve so what if she got a female Eevee who becomes a rival for Pikachu when you get back, but you wind up in a three-some with the two needy horny Pokémon? Also, the Eevee would refuse to evolve just like the Pikachu. I'm kind of basing it off another person's comment about more Eevelution scenes, but it's 100% up to you Chainsaw. Also, what all did I miss?

Oh that's a good idea!

I do plan on writing Maple and her Chu back into the story at some point, I can work on and Eevee rival once that's been set up properly!

I still need to work on some more Eeveelution scenes too, I'll probably fit one in per chapter to spread them out a little

Awsome Chainsaw! Can't wait to see it!

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by the way, I just need to say that Giratina picture is goddamn perfect in multiple ways

Getting her redesign right was tricky, but I like how it turned out in the end!

Last update was 80 days ago /mytimezone/ and now i calling all pokebreeder player to about celebrate when the update came out

whenever he’s done

what happened? Not sure if it's a thing, but I feel like this is the second or third game where I am suddenly missing my savestates. I might have missed one or two updates at least.


the updates wiped the saves

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But at least this is a type of game that you can quickly get everything back

okay Thank you both I forgot about that.


Any time I update, it basically wipes the saves, I have no idea if there's a way to make it not do that, but the SKIP pages should help you get back on track

Just curious.  Have you or will add an interaction between Celebi and Dialga giving Celebi's time travel powers and Dialga being the god of time.

Ah i think i must do a family tree with the legendary

Yep, got one planned out for the very next update!

Cool.  Just thought given the similar spheres of influence you would of already thought of it but couldn't help myself but ask just in case.

He did the same with Lugia and Kyoger. Lugia being the Guardian of the Seas and Kyoger being the Goddess of the Seas. Low key saw him doing something similar with Celebi and Dialga once he got up to that point.

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I think Reshiram and Zekrom could say they made the truth or dare game since Reshiram represents truth zekrom is ideals so could be dares to get others to build the ideal world.


I think I can fit that into my plans for those two

I'm basically making it that Reshiram is a hardcore realist and Zekrom is a fanicful dreamer, Kyurem will be more of a Doomy Nihilist

sounds interessting

It is time to do the chainsaw check

Making wy way through Arceus and Cynthia still, but I'm also getting started on some of the ship scenes too, so it's going well!

so do you believe you’re gonna be able to put the new part out in the next week?

Probably not, there's still a lot of work to be done

I guess the last part is ship now


most likely and then after that, he’s gonna have to go through the parts and make sure there’s no bugs


Still finishing Arceus and Cynthia, but yep, it's the ship after that!

Then comes the bug testing, I was thinking about starting on a minigame or two but I might save those for Gen 6 where I won't have as much Legends to work with

Great idea👍

hey bro, is your PC fixed?

Yep, all better now! I can get back to writing, Cynthia is probably getting impatient by this point

good thinking you can’t edge a woman like her for too long

Since Diancie and Fezandipiti are all about beauty they would want to be covered in the MC cum since I had heard somewhere that it acts as revitalizer for skin and they would eventually want to take a cum bath. Diancie would ask the MC beauty questions and wont work with people who dont understand beauty perfectly and wont give a second chance.

Those two are going to have the pettiest arguments ever, I can probably tie Diancie's beauty obsession to the Contest Halls since moves there could be BEAUTY themed

I feel like diance would be so focused on beauty that she is a little stupid

I agree

You say that like anyone is my game has more that 2 braincells!

But yeah, she's going to be pretty damn vain


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Could Cresselia allow the MC to enter the dreams of the other legends or at least the main legends. Lugia could dream of founding a religion or shrine about anal and the MC would be the deliverer that showed the way to pleasurer paradise. Mewtwo dream of being a housewife in a naked apron.

Fuck, now I need it.


Oh I can do some funny stuff with an idea like that!

For the rock paper scissors sex idea could start with groudon and kyoger fighting but getting bored of either one winning due to raqueza so they somehow come up with this so she wont interfere and one can actually win or tie.

At the minute I'm thinking of using it as a way to get all the shorty mythical together, someone already suggested that it sounds like a game Mew would invent

Sounds even better.

How many dollar did you get after making this game dude?

he doesn’t get money out of this game. It’s a free game.

Well youtuber get money while having views on video which make money which his game also have around 800k visits should have make him some mlney

Youtubers get money through advertising and sponsorship, my game is completely free, it costs you guys nothing and it earns me nothing (other than the fun of making it)

And besides, I wouldn't feel right charging for something this reliant on AI art, it is kind of stealing after all

hey, chainsaw would it be too much of a stretch to say that the second part of the update is gonna be coming out in the next two weeks?

I dont know right now, im still having PC trouble and i just dont have it in me to sit down and write until its fully fixed

ok go head we will wait

Any plans for alternate forms? (Megas, Primals, Gigantamax, ect).


Theyll be added as side scenes at some point, probably during chapter 6 for the megastar since I need extra content for Kalos, and that is when megas where introduced anyway

what exactly are you gonna do for the galarian birds  because if you don’t have any ideas, I have idea for the personalities and a possible side scene you could get from capturing all three of them


No real plan for them yet, they'll basically be treated like cousins to the Kanto Birds and have the same personalities just WAY more extreme.
For example, K Moltres is a troll but G Moltres is a total asshole

It's still going to be a long time before I get to them though so I'd like to hear your ideas anyway

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Well, that’s basically my idea for them that their personalities are extreme versions of the originals but I do have a idea when you capture the three of them and you do their downtime event. It unlocks the new side scene.

The MC can’t exactly fall asleep, so he decides that he’s gonna walk around the area to try to tire  himself out as he’s walking. He sees a figure in the moonlight covered in shadows at first the shape looks like Lugia the MC gets closer to have a chat and maybe a fuck but when he gets closer, it’s head turns to him, and he sees the red piercing eyes before he could think he gets tackled down to the ground and his short ripped off as he realizes that this is shadowLugia they fuck them. The MC falls asleep when he wakes up he has his shorts back on, and he is outside. 

The main idea for this plan is simple I just like the idea that. shadowLugia is the boss of the galarian birds and also a lot of people have wanted her into the game and you haven’t really had any ideas how to put her so having her be in a side scene just makes sense.

As good as that idea is, I've already got a plan in place for Shadow Lugia I'm afraid

I'm not sure I'll be able to work it so she appears in both scenes, I've got plenty of time to figure it out though

No problem, big man


An idea for a mini game could be a rendition of Rock Paper Scissor but could be played as Oral, Anal, Pussie. Oral beat pussie, Anal beat oral, and pussie beats anal.

Should be easy enough to program something like that
Now how do I use it?

I guess you can do it with some of the legendarys to play with them while on the ship like

Everyone is bored and mew think of a game to make everyone entertaine and the winner got breed by the MC ig

I was looking for an idea to get all the shorty mythicals together, I think this might be it!

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Hello dude it time to check propgess of the update:D


Well it's funny you ask that, because I ALMOST just lost everything!

My PC glitched the fuck out and I had to factory reset it to get it fixed!
Luckily this happened the day AFTER I backed up all my work so I was able to get it all back again!
I lost maybe 1 or 2 pages of writing but it's all stuff I can redo pretty quickly.

Anyway, in terms of actual progress, Arceus has been bred and caught, so now it's onto Cynthia and Arceus's downtime scenes

Yikes that's always scary. 

A quote I heard that's relevant is the following:

If data doesn't exist in 3 different places at once it doesn't exist at all.

God bless your pc bro 🙏🙏🙏🙏

I almost had a heart attack

Oh, a little "body" idea about Yveltal. Like she consume life's essence of others, maybe that end up making her fat ? Obese, even :3


that makes sense in a weird way, but she would have to be skinny enough to fly and I don’t think just consuming life energy can actually make you gain weight


She won't necessarily have to be skinny, Lugia is a chonker even in the original games and she can get airborne!

What I said was not her being a blob, but an obese person :3

I feel like a certain fluid may contain a LOT of life energy!

She'll probably be slim for her first encounter and soon find that she's getting a bit more padding the longer she spends with the MC

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Ooooh, I love the idea ! ^^ Will she enjoy her gains ? :3

Possibly not at first but I think she'll warm up to the idea

It could be nice to have a boat even between Kalos and Alola where she start to think that her gains would make her less attractive toward the MC and so she speak with the fatties in the boat (Groudon for exemple, Kyurem f you made her fat etc) who cheer her up and make her proud of her gains :3

Im sure they all be supportive of her, i can definitely put this in

I was a little disappointed Tate didn't end up pregnant, but overall this seems very fun and well made.

M Preg isn't really my thing, since he's a side scene you wouldn't have seen anything even if he did somehow get knocked up.

But if you want it to happen as your head-canon then go right ahead

Ok makes sense.

Bout the bit with swift... it's actually possible

really how

I know it could miss in Red and Green thanks to a bug, but I'd love to hear how else it can miss!

in Gen 1 Swift could never miss, even with Fly/Dig active. Nowadays it misses on foes using Fly/Dig/Dive/Bounce/etc. 

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This is me thinking out loud here but wouldn't zoura n zourark be technic be almost legendary, cause their species are rarely seen? If so could we be able to get them as a special Pokemon to introduce us the region of unove by any chance? 

Personally i think when the MC just catch darkrai and went outside to buy some food then a zoroak n zoura appear to chasing the MC then.we playimg a runinng minigames if we win we get to breed them

But if we lose we just got stole food ig

I might be able to work a kind of mini game in for the Zoroark scene, I have been meaning to try and make a few!

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I do plan to have a zoroark scene in chapter 5, it will only be a side scene though

Zoroark was never a Legend, but they made it stupidly hard to get in Black and White for basically no reason

I agree with that I two have that game and still have issues with it 

At this rate i think a week and you done the sinnoh part2 update

I wouldn't be surprised if it took longer, still got a lot of work to do!

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