I don't know much about what can be done to already made images from AI but if the image of the legend can be cut out and placed in another kind of image then two or more legends can be put into the same image just depends on which pose they are in and situation wanted like two kneeling and looking at player ready to give a double blowjob to MC. It wont be perfect but the idea is for an image at the very end of the game where chainsaw feels they are done with this even when more legends are added to the Pokémon franchise and this would have all the legends displayed with the biggest at the top in the back and smallest in front bottom with a "thanks for playing". It will be a long time till that happens but seeing all the legends together regardless if caught or not on display would show how big the MC's harem is at the end. This could allow recycling of some images that did not make the cut or previously used images in where a lot of detail is not needed.
By using the Plain Green Background tag, you can make a green screen for the image which is easy(ish) to remove, I've been making sure to note down the tags I use to make the images so making a few more will be easy, putting them together though, is a bit trickier.
I might be able to piece together something with the main legends, maybe as a bonus image for the end of the next update? I'll think about it, I can do it more if it's not too tricky
OK, I can get it why you don’t like the futa everyone has their different kinks. But there’s only like one in the game right now and there’s only gonna be another one in the next update so that makes two overall. And I think just having two of them specifically on legendarys you can just skip if you wanted I don’t think it’s a big enough deal to get rid of the futas in the game.
So quick thing I want to mention, I might be switching to a different AI site when generating the images, the pictures are slightly smaller and the site uses a different model, but it generates quickly and gives about 15 images at once so it's easier to pick a good one
so you might notice a difference when the update eventually comes
go ahead man if changing into a new AI art style makes it easier for you to make these updates. Go ahead. But that does lead to a question. Are you gonna change the original pictures to this new AI style? Like changing the pictures for Mewtwo encounter.
I'm FINALLY done with Heatran and have moved onto Palkia!
I have more of a plan with what I wanted to do with her and I don't think there's anything coming up to distract me, so I should be able to get her done quicker!
Take your time man. I think most of us would rather have the game look good after taking a while to complete it, rather than it look crappy with a rushed job
Heatran took longer than I hoped though, partly due to real life interrupting but also because I didn't have a fully developed plan for what to do with her
this is my idea I've been thinking about it Mewtwo the MC tried to he find two orbs on in the forest somewhere and he have options Mewtwonite X to Mewtwonite Y he gets to pick one. I think this is not a bad idea.
Question to chainsaw are you planning to at one point do Solgaleo or Lunala (possibly even necrozma) or some of the other ultra beasts as potential pokemon from the Aloha region (if you plan on doing the Aloha region)? I'm just curious, this isn't a request just wanted to know if you thought about it and or are planning on doing them in the future also don't feel the need to respond I really don't need one since I'm likely not going to think about this again until the next update lol
Chainsaws main plans right now is to do all the regions so yes, he will be doing Solgaleo or Lunala and necrozma but he’s planning to put the ultra beasts in their own separate chapter because there are plenty of them to be in their own chapter
The idea of victini attacking the MC is a good idea and she could have a personality of being #1 so she heard he was beating legends and wanted to stay at the top in a 1VS1 fight that cant be won if he waits for her to tire so he would need change tactics by using his moves to stimulate her heat. Ex: His swift move can have him slap her butt since she is psychic is effective until she wants to lose and have sex instead. She could gloat to the other legends of that region that she was caught first before them and have more kids than the other legends.
Her always wanting to be #1 makes sense, I can see that turning into her cheering everyone else for being #1 once she's been caught, just obsessing over victory of any kind whether it's hers or not!
Teasing and arousing her through the fight is a good plan, I think I've got enough ideas for her now, I can note them all down and be ready when I get to Chapter 5
that kind of sounds a lot like kyogre & groudon's atitude a little bit because they like to compete against each other to see who is better at behaving so the mc can fuck them. also it's the same with the beast trio's downtime event or any of the other pokemon group events.
I saw someone have an idea for Victini but I wanna give one I had based on one of the weird facts about Victini. I think Victini should jump the player on the way to the 5th chapter, still applying the mythical rule where if you don't capture her, you can't catch her again.
Victini for some reason is the first Pokémon of gen 5 pokedex wise which is a break from the normal format of having legends and mythical be the last Pokémon pokedex wise in a new generation so I think having her basically jump the theoretical line by attacking in the intro would be a smart reference to that.
(Edit: I do realize this can theoretically cut out liberty garden so perhaps make this not a capture event but just her appearing, she was in a lighthouse)
(Edit 2: Oh even better, you can make a battle you can't win, hint about Victinis boundless energy like the other user talked about, setting up for Victinis encounter proper at the liberty garden)
that’s not a bad idea but that’s more on chainsaws plate if he doesn’t now so my ideas when he does the next update after the update he’s working on right now he can add that to the next update
hey chainsaw, after you finish this game would you like to do a digimon version and the MC is a digi-destined with a fusion loader. It's also after you take your break between your works/updates are done.
with the Rathalos, and would it be the "ride on" show or the video game? Perhaps you could do a Legend of Spyro version where the MC is teleported to that universe?
I’ll be honest I didn’t think of monster Hunter but if you look at it, would make a great game you play as a hunter hunting down girls to add to your harem. That would be sick and a cool game.
It would be based mainly on the original games mixed with the mechanics from the Stories games
Since making that comment this morning, I actually ended up spending a few hours working on a combat demo just to see if I could do it, it's going... kind of well?
I might actually replace Hunger Run with a Monster Hunter game as my side project if I can get this demo working
An idea for the next gen Victini could be to have her want to lose to win and if she wins she loses long term. Since she can make an almost unlimited energy so tiring her out would not work in battle but since she is a fire type the MC could some how build up her sexual heat to a point where she would want to stop fighting thus lose and have sex and realize its better than having victory herself.
Another event that can happen is when the first children are ready to be sent to Maple the transportation vehicle that comes has an unexpected passenger that really wants to meet the MC again. It would be Pikachu that has been waiting for the MC and saw that Maple showed a picture to the piolet and thought they were going to him. So this would be a short scene that the MC has the option to have sex with Pikachu before sending her back to maple again with the other legendary Pokémon children.
Not sure if I can make the second idea work, I was just going to have the kids sent over to Maple via the PC like they would be in the games, but I can probably fit it in somewhere
Hey chainsaw I have a gut feeling that this'll take around a month or 2 which I got to say sucks because I feel like this gut feeling is 100% correct even though I want the update to be soon.
Good choice in my opinion that series of the Pokémon anime kind is disrespected a little, but it’s a great story and it does the The region better than the actual games they were based on
are you talking about the plates? You know the things that let arceus change their type most likely those are gonna be in their side scene changing their type corresponding to which part the MC wants to fuck
“scrap across the all islands/gen” what? And most likely arceus she already gonna have the plates because in there movie they had all of their plates already. And most likely them changing their type is not gonna be part of the main game or their main section. they’re probably just gonna be delegated to like the sightsee like they change the types depending on which part the MC wants to fuck. They changed to a psychic type when he wants to fuck their ass. They changed the water when they wanna fuck their pussy. They a fire type when they wanna fuck their throat. I’m pretty sure that’s how the plates are gonna be used.
Okay, I'm guessing you mean SPREAD across the islands/gens
Short answer, no... well, kind of I have a plan for the Plates, but it will only involve a few of them at a time, I might be able to get to them all if I spread it out a bit though
I'v been a pokemon fan pretty much my whole life and I've been writing my low quality smut for a few years now.
After I moved from Quest to Twine, I needed a new project since I couldn't just transfer my unfinished work over, I figured a Pokemon parody would be a good place to start since working with already existing characters can be easier than making up my own.
Of course, this project quickly turned into something bigger than I ever expected it too, but I'm still really enjoying working on it!
@Brpdchainsaw how far along are you on your current Pokémon/girl and how many do you have left to go? And what percentage is the next update done at this point.
I don't think the comments allow @'s so probably don't do that. Second, He said progress is slow right now so hes not that deep into the update. Also I know your not trying to be rude or anything but the idea of asking for a percentage is a little much. We're not a board of directors telling them that "We need Pokepussy to increase by 30% next quarter"
I'm still working on Heatran/Bertha and I've got as far as their repeatable scenes, they're the first set for this update so there's still a LONG way to go!
I have a idea for a side scene during the ultra beast part of the game. The MC goes into an alternate reality and he encounters of female version of himself? That can change her ass and tits.
Yeah sure I won’t post that many comments I mean who good idea is also also thinking about it. I forgot what I was when I was. was making this comment.
I'll get that done at some point, I just haven't figured out when Deoxys takes a LOT of work to get her scenes done so I need a good time to sit down and plan this out
hey chainsaw, quick question are you gonna do any more human girls like Erika in the future or was that a one and done thing if it was the first option. I have some ideas from some more girls like that. and if not, I will still think about some side new scenes for human girls.
Erika type girls will likely be back in gen 6 due to how few legendarys there are. Thats likely the only gen where the issue isn't trying to find which girls to use and how, but rather how to include the girls that define the gen.
if that is true, and I will wait for chainsaw to tell me it’s true. I’ll still be thinking about sightsee with more of the human girls because I know this game is about the Pokémon, but let’s be honest. This franchise has some banger girls on the human side.
Like Blahblahdo said, it's probably going to happen in Gen 6 since there's not many legends to work with, later games do have more girls to work with though, so I might be able to fit a few more in who request things other than Legends
Can Arcanine have a downtime event in Kanto by having the MC wonder through a forest and finds an Arcanine in heat? Can you also do Eevee and all eevee-lutions in the different regions/chapters?
I actually pitched an Arcanine side scene based on the fact they are called the legendary pokemon and put next to the legendary birds in the anime. Chainsaw might do it for next update but clearly got other things to focus on first.
I probably won't do ALL the Eeveelutions, but I can sprinkle them in throughout the game, I already did Vaporeon becasue of the copy-pasta, but I'll have to see about the others.
Arcanine is actually coming in the next update, the scenario is different to what you suggested but it has already been written! How about I give you a little preview with her first image?
I had an idea for the battle part of Guzzlord where the MC uses his moves to keep her from eating food around her thus she would not be able to replenish her energy and drain it instead. The travel part could be him collecting food together then somehow cooking it and blowing the smell around to lure her to him.
I'm still not entierely sure how I'm handling the Ultra Beasts, they'll be side content but I could add some little puzzles like that before the MC meets them, I'll see when I get there
Idea when the main charater reach unova/gen 5 when he catch reshiram , zekrom , kyurem would you make a original dragon for them or no
But idea for kyurem battle that when you catch reshiram and zekrom you allow to catch kyurem but she will have a phase 2 ethier you have to choose black kyurem or white kyurem to fight then when you beat black/white kyurem they split and you breed kyurem but you can still breed black/white kyurem by a events calls black or white to breed which one
Hey love the game but I do hope it is updated soon😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸
Hey chainsaw just wanna say your response has a little misspelling you said “Atricuno instead of Atricuno” when you probably want to say is”Atricuno instead of Articuno“
An idea for the largest legendaries would the give the MC a "MILK BATH". They could ask the MC to help them scrub around the parts they cant get to with their massive pregnant belly's and their milk would turn the water white while having some fun with him.
Once I've got a few more big girls I thik I can make this work, one of them probably wouldn't fill a bath (except maybe Eternatus), but a group of them could do it!
I am only pointing this out for you to work in your thread onwards anyway, but I did also find a few spelling errors spread throughout the visual novel; and if I were to make a safe bet, you might want to check Deoxys' fail state for any more as well (42's not working, even IN one of the example texts).
I would not remember to even give a vague pinpoint on where they are because I was binging through it as much as I wanted to see before the day yet comes where I would become busy again on other things while I have been reading too much, so sorry I cannot be much help from there.
I am just wondering what was the process that was done where you got Deoxys' texts to which some double numbers fails, if not two certain number combinations always failing to follow one of the instructions provided that I even marked all that did within the document.
I just thought you may eventually caught up to that admittedly out-of-place use of words. I apologize.
Okay, looking at the ones you marked, I think I see the confusion
So if Deoxys text has a 42 in it, like the one you marked here (4?)2Qw8t e12jk1m88es5f5o xjm9m2 dg u7vt48srk.
You'd ignore the 4 since the 2 immediatly overwrites it.
When I'm writing dialogue for Deoxys, I use a random number roller that I programmed to decide what numbers she uses and how long until the next number shows up So it'll pick 1-9 then 0-4, if the second roll is a 0 then that's how I get two numbers showing up in a row, sometimes it's two valid numbers, somtimes they're both ignored, it's all up to chance
Oh yeah, to answer your question about Deoxys using the word Forme instead of Form, I spelled it like that because it's her saying it and not because I'm British.
I actually am British, I didn't know that spelling Form with an E was a thing we're supposed to do, I should also add that the spellchecker I use when I'm writing is American, so I don't use the British spelling for a lot of things
I have an idea for a sightseeing with a different Pokémon. Pokémon I’m talking about is feraligatr in the main reason is because of the famous feraligatr back sprite. The MC could just be walking around a river near forest and he just stumbled upon a feraligatr in heat.
Also, it’s just a good idea for chapter 2 because my opinion it only has two sides scenes there enough but adding one more is never a bad thing
Question to the whole community which girl right now in the game is your favorite could be for any reason like you like their design in the game their personality, their fight or quiz or the sex scenes can be any reason.
For example, my favorite girl in this game is Regigigas I have many reasons like how her design was shown in this game I’ll be the first one to they’re OG design is a little tricky to make humanoid I guess but he did a great job with it. Also do like her personality. The fight you have with her is quite fun as well. And I can’t wait to see what else chainsaw will be able to do with her.
I've become kind of fond of Deoxys mainly because of the effort I put in to translate her text in order to understand it. It surprisingly cute when you actually read it and not to mention but because of how Deoxys works as a Pokémon, her inconsistent design due to the ai's limitations is actually explained.
A second place for me is Darkrai purely off of personal bias. The fight was a fun concept and her personality is a lot more feisty and bratty then the other legends, which makes her stick out.
I've got a few more things planned for Regigigas, who knows what else I'll come up with (or have suggested) by the time I get to writing them though!
My favorite is still Mewtwo, she was the first girl I wrote, so this whole game basically stemmed from her, hopefully my rewrite will make her a few more people's favorite too!
An idea for a future legendary could be when the MC just begins looking for the legendary they come to him wanting to be breed by him since the have been following and info on him and be a super fan of his so don't want to wait any longer. But either a group (criminal group?) kidnaps the legendary to breed then take over the world or by a group of super fans of the legendary want her for themselves and think they deserve her more than someone who does not know much about her. Two possible legendary that could be used is Enamorus or Meloetta. He would then have to find them then deal with who ever took them through battle.
Enamorus does respect and brings new life into the world so the MC getting legends pregnant would excite her to find someone to fulfill her wish of making her a mother instead of just bringing new life to others. The criminal gang could be used for her and the super fans for Meloetta.
Melloetta could have the personality of not wanting to be treated as an untouchable object being an idol and wants to go with the MC as soon as possible but super fans get in the way. Both legends don't do their best at resisting the capture since they don't want to show a bad side to the MC since they REALLY want him to love them but learn he will love them regardless of how they act and that makes them love him even more especially that they want to have massive pregnant belly's and be inflated by cum often and don't need to act like a perfect idol anymore.
Ok for Enamorus the idea that chainsaw on the others half for her is that she’s going to be in the past.
But this idea does kind of work for Meloetta about her being kidnapped by fans she is based on a pop singer, and history has shown that those fans can be a little rowdy at times let’s say. So this idea actually works for her quite well.
hey man just wanna say love ur game I think its pretty good and cant wait for the whole thing to be made also hows ur life going and hows the games update going for u
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I don't know much about what can be done to already made images from AI but if the image of the legend can be cut out and placed in another kind of image then two or more legends can be put into the same image just depends on which pose they are in and situation wanted like two kneeling and looking at player ready to give a double blowjob to MC. It wont be perfect but the idea is for an image at the very end of the game where chainsaw feels they are done with this even when more legends are added to the Pokémon franchise and this would have all the legends displayed with the biggest at the top in the back and smallest in front bottom with a "thanks for playing". It will be a long time till that happens but seeing all the legends together regardless if caught or not on display would show how big the MC's harem is at the end. This could allow recycling of some images that did not make the cut or previously used images in where a lot of detail is not needed.
I have kind of practiced with ideas like this
By using the Plain Green Background tag, you can make a green screen for the image which is easy(ish) to remove, I've been making sure to note down the tags I use to make the images so making a few more will be easy, putting them together though, is a bit trickier.
I might be able to piece together something with the main legends, maybe as a bonus image for the end of the next update?
I'll think about it, I can do it more if it's not too tricky
i’ll think about more ideas I’ll tell you about them later and I’ll try and make them better
I don’t know why I just got a funny idea for bittos. I just need time to collect my thoughts for this, but I am going to go on a rant soon.
Bittos? I'm guessing you meant Dittos!
Heh, typos strike again!
Atricuno says hi
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha but I am going to start the dittos ranch soon
OK, I can get it why you don’t like the futa everyone has their different kinks. But there’s only like one in the game right now and there’s only gonna be another one in the next update so that makes two overall. And I think just having two of them specifically on legendarys you can just skip if you wanted I don’t think it’s a big enough deal to get rid of the futas in the game.
There will be more as the game goes on, but it'll never be a huge amount
Regular girls will make up the majority of the game
So quick thing I want to mention, I might be switching to a different AI site when generating the images, the pictures are slightly smaller and the site uses a different model, but it generates quickly and gives about 15 images at once so it's easier to pick a good one
so you might notice a difference when the update eventually comes
go ahead man if changing into a new AI art style makes it easier for you to make these updates. Go ahead. But that does lead to a question. Are you gonna change the original pictures to this new AI style? Like changing the pictures for Mewtwo encounter.
I might fix up a few of the older pictures, but the vast majority will be left as they are.
Like there's an Articuno picture where she's got a random detached wing hovering over her shoulder
Weekly check up time how’s the progress my man on the game
I'm FINALLY done with Heatran and have moved onto Palkia!
I have more of a plan with what I wanted to do with her and I don't think there's anything coming up to distract me, so I should be able to get her done quicker!
Take your time man. I think most of us would rather have the game look good after taking a while to complete it, rather than it look crappy with a rushed job
Don't worry, I have no intention to rush this
Heatran took longer than I hoped though, partly due to real life interrupting but also because I didn't have a fully developed plan for what to do with her
Is my ideas for her sex scene ? in there because you did say you were gonna do it just wanna make sure.
You suggested fucking her with her own dick, right?
Because that's what I wrote
this is my idea I've been thinking about it Mewtwo the MC tried to he find two orbs on in the forest somewhere and he have options Mewtwonite X to Mewtwonite Y he gets to pick one. I think this is not a bad idea.
I will be doing scenes with the mega stones, but idont want to make it a choice like that and lock the player out of the other scene
my bad I didn’t really think that far. I’m still thinking about it for more ideas.
So chainsaw what are you thinking of adding to the next update besides what you already have planned
Do you mean the Sinnoh Pt2 update or the one after it?
I guess other than just keeping on doing what I'm doing, I would like to try adding a few minigames here and there if I can
like hide an seek or spot the difference
Kind of, it would be for side scenes only
The one I've got planned at the minute is a fishing minigame to try and hook a Magikarp, no prizes for guessing what the MC wants to do with it
Damn, you guessed it!
Question to chainsaw are you planning to at one point do Solgaleo or Lunala (possibly even necrozma) or some of the other ultra beasts as potential pokemon from the Aloha region (if you plan on doing the Aloha region)? I'm just curious, this isn't a request just wanted to know if you thought about it and or are planning on doing them in the future also don't feel the need to respond I really don't need one since I'm likely not going to think about this again until the next update lol
Chainsaws main plans right now is to do all the regions so yes, he will be doing Solgaleo or Lunala and necrozma but he’s planning to put the ultra beasts in their own separate chapter because there are plenty of them to be in their own chapter
Sol Luna and Necro are the main Legends for Gen 7, so they're going to be the mandatory catches for the Alola region.
The other Ultras will be a side chapter
Oh cool good to know
The idea of victini attacking the MC is a good idea and she could have a personality of being #1 so she heard he was beating legends and wanted to stay at the top in a 1VS1 fight that cant be won if he waits for her to tire so he would need change tactics by using his moves to stimulate her heat. Ex: His swift move can have him slap her butt since she is psychic is effective until she wants to lose and have sex instead. She could gloat to the other legends of that region that she was caught first before them and have more kids than the other legends.
Her always wanting to be #1 makes sense, I can see that turning into her cheering everyone else for being #1 once she's been caught, just obsessing over victory of any kind whether it's hers or not!
Teasing and arousing her through the fight is a good plan, I think I've got enough ideas for her now, I can note them all down and be ready when I get to Chapter 5
that kind of sounds a lot like kyogre & groudon's atitude a little bit because they like to compete against each other to see who is better at behaving so the mc can fuck them. also it's the same with the beast trio's downtime event or any of the other pokemon group events.
I saw someone have an idea for Victini but I wanna give one I had based on one of the weird facts about Victini. I think Victini should jump the player on the way to the 5th chapter, still applying the mythical rule where if you don't capture her, you can't catch her again.
Victini for some reason is the first Pokémon of gen 5 pokedex wise which is a break from the normal format of having legends and mythical be the last Pokémon pokedex wise in a new generation so I think having her basically jump the theoretical line by attacking in the intro would be a smart reference to that.
(Edit: I do realize this can theoretically cut out liberty garden so perhaps make this not a capture event but just her appearing, she was in a lighthouse)
(Edit 2: Oh even better, you can make a battle you can't win, hint about Victinis boundless energy like the other user talked about, setting up for Victinis encounter proper at the liberty garden)
that’s not a bad idea but that’s more on chainsaws plate if he doesn’t now so my ideas when he does the next update after the update he’s working on right now he can add that to the next update
Victini attacking the MC in an unwinnable fight?
Yeah I can make that happen
hey chainsaw, after you finish this game would you like to do a digimon version and the MC is a digi-destined with a fusion loader. It's also after you take your break between your works/updates are done.
Not a Digimon fan I'm afraid
but I do hope one day someone somewhere will make a Digimon version of this game
Are you a YU-GI-OH! fan?
Nope, Pokemon was my entire childhood
If I was going to work on something like this for a different series, it would probably be Monster Hunter
with the Rathalos, and would it be the "ride on" show or the video game? Perhaps you could do a Legend of Spyro version where the MC is teleported to that universe?
I’ll be honest I didn’t think of monster Hunter but if you look at it, would make a great game you play as a hunter hunting down girls to add to your harem. That would be sick and a cool game.
It would be based mainly on the original games mixed with the mechanics from the Stories games
Since making that comment this morning, I actually ended up spending a few hours working on a combat demo just to see if I could do it, it's going... kind of well?
I might actually replace Hunger Run with a Monster Hunter game as my side project if I can get this demo working
An idea for the next gen Victini could be to have her want to lose to win and if she wins she loses long term. Since she can make an almost unlimited energy so tiring her out would not work in battle but since she is a fire type the MC could some how build up her sexual heat to a point where she would want to stop fighting thus lose and have sex and realize its better than having victory herself.
Another event that can happen is when the first children are ready to be sent to Maple the transportation vehicle that comes has an unexpected passenger that really wants to meet the MC again. It would be Pikachu that has been waiting for the MC and saw that Maple showed a picture to the piolet and thought they were going to him. So this would be a short scene that the MC has the option to have sex with Pikachu before sending her back to maple again with the other legendary Pokémon children.
The Victini idea sounds like a good one!
Not sure if I can make the second idea work, I was just going to have the kids sent over to Maple via the PC like they would be in the games, but I can probably fit it in somewhere
you could have a drone delivering supplies witch she sneaks in to one of the supply crates
Yeah, I can work with that
Hey chainsaw I have a gut feeling that this'll take around a month or 2 which I got to say sucks because I feel like this gut feeling is 100% correct even though I want the update to be soon.
But I'm going to go watch some pokemon xyz in the meantime
Good choice in my opinion that series of the Pokémon anime kind is disrespected a little, but it’s a great story and it does the The region better than the actual games they were based on
frl thoe
Absolutely and I have pokemon x as a game cartridge and rom
And the pokemon x game isn't all that fun
But adding the ancestral x mod to the rom makes it fun
I imagine it will take longer than that I'm afraid, I've still got a lot of work to do!
Hey chainsaw, do you finish the rewrites of chapter 1 pacifically for Mewtwo?
Yeah I've done Mewtwo but that's as far as I've gone with the rewrites, I'll get to the others... eventually
If arceus other form will including in alter form or no ?
are you talking about the plates? You know the things that let arceus change their type most likely those are gonna be in their side scene changing their type corresponding to which part the MC wants to fuck
Yes like if the plates are going to scrap across the all islands/gen
“scrap across the all islands/gen” what? And most likely arceus she already gonna have the plates because in there movie they had all of their plates already. And most likely them changing their type is not gonna be part of the main game or their main section. they’re probably just gonna be delegated to like the sightsee like they change the types depending on which part the MC wants to fuck. They changed to a psychic type when he wants to fuck their ass. They changed the water when they wanna fuck their pussy. They a fire type when they wanna fuck their throat. I’m pretty sure that’s how the plates are gonna be used.
idk i just wondering about arceus plates form so i was like "why not put it across the game" or something like that
Okay, I'm guessing you mean SPREAD across the islands/gens
Short answer, no... well, kind of
I have a plan for the Plates, but it will only involve a few of them at a time, I might be able to get to them all if I spread it out a bit though
Oh alright
Brpdchainsaw is any progress to the creation trio and other legendary even the girls and events it's self too
he still working on Heatran it’s gonna take a bit just have patience
I'll be starting on Palkia next once I'm done with Heatran/Bertha
Actually there's a side scene I want to write before that, but I'm getting there
What inspired you to create this game?
I'v been a pokemon fan pretty much my whole life and I've been writing my low quality smut for a few years now.
After I moved from Quest to Twine, I needed a new project since I couldn't just transfer my unfinished work over, I figured a Pokemon parody would be a good place to start since working with already existing characters can be easier than making up my own.
Of course, this project quickly turned into something bigger than I ever expected it too, but I'm still really enjoying working on it!
@Brpdchainsaw how far along are you on your current Pokémon/girl and how many do you have left to go? And what percentage is the next update done at this point.
I don't think the comments allow @'s so probably don't do that. Second, He said progress is slow right now so hes not that deep into the update. Also I know your not trying to be rude or anything but the idea of asking for a percentage is a little much. We're not a board of directors telling them that "We need Pokepussy to increase by 30% next quarter"
Seriously like I (technically) asked him (while saying I loved the game, which I do) when will the update be finished 3 days ago
He is one dude and life is getting in his way to making the game. We can wait. The stuff he makes is quality so wait until he is done.
I think my period of busyness is over for now, so hopefully I can get on with some more writing!
I'm still working on Heatran/Bertha and I've got as far as their repeatable scenes, they're the first set for this update so there's still a LONG way to go!
I don't even want to guess at a percentage
I have a idea for a side scene during the ultra beast part of the game. The MC goes into an alternate reality and he encounters of female version of himself? That can change her ass and tits.
i’ll be the first one to say it I don’t know how you would work the visuals for this, but the novelty of it is so good
I pitched rule 63ing the major villains (Team Rainbow Rocket) but I don't think that would happen with the MC.
I think I can make it work, just as a gag though
(The R63 MC I mean, gender swap RR I need to think about)
Maybe as a gag but probably not as a whole scene, she'd have to be MEGA PREGNANT if she's breeding the Poke-Guys of her own world!
she could have a fast pregnancy and lay the eggs almost immediately after having sex
That could work, I will say now that there likely won't be a scene of MC X Fem MC, just in case anyone was hoping
ya just thot you could use a reason to have her not be a ball instead of a person
Yeah sure I won’t post that many comments I mean who good idea is also also thinking about it. I forgot what I was when I was. was making this comment.
Use the reply function under the comment to reply to something someone says.
Also just want to ask but you're ESL right?
is it good idea?
Is what a good idea?
I already responded to your question about Deoxys.
And can you not post a bunch of small comments all at once, it's hard to keep track of
I asked you for the
when The MC reach to kalos would you let like mewtwo and the weather trio and another legendary/myth pokemon mega evolution?
That'll fall under altername forms but yes, that is part of the plan!
Deoxys I want to see like the other forms you don’t have to I’m just curious
I'll get that done at some point, I just haven't figured out when
Deoxys takes a LOT of work to get her scenes done so I need a good time to sit down and plan this out
hey chainsaw, quick question are you gonna do any more human girls like Erika in the future or was that a one and done thing if it was the first option. I have some ideas from some more girls like that. and if not, I will still think about some side new scenes for human girls.
Erika type girls will likely be back in gen 6 due to how few legendarys there are. Thats likely the only gen where the issue isn't trying to find which girls to use and how, but rather how to include the girls that define the gen.
if that is true, and I will wait for chainsaw to tell me it’s true. I’ll still be thinking about sightsee with more of the human girls because I know this game is about the Pokémon, but let’s be honest. This franchise has some banger girls on the human side.
Like Blahblahdo said, it's probably going to happen in Gen 6 since there's not many legends to work with, later games do have more girls to work with though, so I might be able to fit a few more in who request things other than Legends
Can Arcanine have a downtime event in Kanto by having the MC wonder through a forest and finds an Arcanine in heat? Can you also do Eevee and all eevee-lutions in the different regions/chapters?
I actually pitched an Arcanine side scene based on the fact they are called the legendary pokemon and put next to the legendary birds in the anime. Chainsaw might do it for next update but clearly got other things to focus on first.
I honetly forgot it was you who suggested Arcanine, check the other comment I just made, it should make you happy!
I probably won't do ALL the Eeveelutions, but I can sprinkle them in throughout the game, I already did Vaporeon becasue of the copy-pasta, but I'll have to see about the others.
Arcanine is actually coming in the next update, the scenario is different to what you suggested but it has already been written!
How about I give you a little preview with her first image?
Yoooo thicc doggo abs girl. The AI actually did nail it here. (well not the background lol but that's to be expected honestly)
Yeah the background is pretty wonky, but that shot of Arcanine was too good to pass up!
I had an idea for the battle part of Guzzlord where the MC uses his moves to keep her from eating food around her thus she would not be able to replenish her energy and drain it instead. The travel part could be him collecting food together then somehow cooking it and blowing the smell around to lure her to him.
I'm still not entierely sure how I'm handling the Ultra Beasts, they'll be side content but I could add some little puzzles like that before the MC meets them, I'll see when I get there
Idea when the main charater reach unova/gen 5 when he catch reshiram , zekrom , kyurem would you make a original dragon for them or no
But idea for kyurem battle that when you catch reshiram and zekrom you allow to catch kyurem but she will have a phase 2 ethier you have to choose black kyurem or white kyurem to fight then when you beat black/white kyurem they split and you breed kyurem but you can still breed black/white kyurem by a events calls black or white to breed which one
Black/White Kyurem is basically getting the same deal all alternate forms get, Side Scenes!
Basically one of ether Zek/Reshi will temporarily fuse with Kyurem and sexiness will ensue
Alright just curious
Hey love the game but I do hope it is updated soon😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸
It's going to be a while I'm afraid, I only really just got started on the update and I haven't made a whole lot of progress yet
found something out when I was replaying the game the Articuno part of the game has a misspelling
It is “Atricuno was telling the truth“
I have slipped up SO many times saying Atricuno instead of Atricuno
I thought I'd fixed them all but... I'll get that one done too
Hey chainsaw just wanna say your response has a little misspelling you said “Atricuno instead of Atricuno” when you probably want to say is”Atricuno instead of Articuno“
You know, that kind of proves my point about how easy it is to make that particular mistake
An idea for the largest legendaries would the give the MC a "MILK BATH". They could ask the MC to help them scrub around the parts they cant get to with their massive pregnant belly's and their milk would turn the water white while having some fun with him.
Once I've got a few more big girls I thik I can make this work, one of them probably wouldn't fill a bath (except maybe Eternatus), but a group of them could do it!
Loving the visual novel as of V4.1 so far.
I am putting this for people translating Deoxese manually like I was because they may not have figured out the translator provided.
(fail state scenario not included):
this is nice. I always wondered what she was saying and I never really had time to translate her myself.
Not only did you translate, but you corrected my grammer too!
I'll get those bits fixed later
(By the way, thank you for your responses.)
I am only pointing this out for you to work in your thread onwards anyway, but I did also find a few spelling errors spread throughout the visual novel; and if I were to make a safe bet, you might want to check Deoxys' fail state for any more as well (42's not working, even IN one of the example texts).
I would not remember to even give a vague pinpoint on where they are because I was binging through it as much as I wanted to see before the day yet comes where I would become busy again on other things while I have been reading too much, so sorry I cannot be much help from there.
What exactly do you mean by "42's not working"?
I saw in your translation that you put question marks by a lot of the double numbers too
Yeah, that last part.
I am just wondering what was the process that was done where you got Deoxys' texts to which some double numbers fails, if not two certain number combinations always failing to follow one of the instructions provided that I even marked all that did within the document.
I just thought you may eventually caught up to that admittedly out-of-place use of words. I apologize.
Okay, looking at the ones you marked, I think I see the confusion
So if Deoxys text has a 42 in it, like the one you marked here
(4?)2Qw8t e12jk1m88es5f5o xjm9m2 dg u7vt48srk.
You'd ignore the 4 since the 2 immediatly overwrites it.
When I'm writing dialogue for Deoxys, I use a random number roller that I programmed to decide what numbers she uses and how long until the next number shows up
So it'll pick 1-9 then 0-4, if the second roll is a 0 then that's how I get two numbers showing up in a row, sometimes it's two valid numbers, somtimes they're both ignored, it's all up to chance
Oh yeah, to answer your question about Deoxys using the word Forme instead of Form, I spelled it like that because it's her saying it and not because I'm British.
I actually am British, I didn't know that spelling Form with an E was a thing we're supposed to do, I should also add that the spellchecker I use when I'm writing is American, so I don't use the British spelling for a lot of things
and I pray again on my phone and my computer
sorry I don’t talk that much. I’m kind of busy a little bit. I am thinking of a legendary, but I don’t know what one the well win the pick
I think my favorite is a free trial, but look like cats and I like cats
I have an idea for a sightseeing with a different Pokémon. Pokémon I’m talking about is feraligatr in the main reason is because of the famous feraligatr back sprite. The MC could just be walking around a river near forest and he just stumbled upon a feraligatr in heat.
Also, it’s just a good idea for chapter 2 because my opinion it only has two sides scenes there enough but adding one more is never a bad thing
I like it! I love it! It's going in!
Question to the whole community which girl right now in the game is your favorite could be for any reason like you like their design in the game their personality, their fight or quiz or the sex scenes can be any reason.
For example, my favorite girl in this game is Regigigas I have many reasons like how her design was shown in this game I’ll be the first one to they’re OG design is a little tricky to make humanoid I guess but he did a great job with it. Also do like her personality. The fight you have with her is quite fun as well. And I can’t wait to see what else chainsaw will be able to do with her.
I've become kind of fond of Deoxys mainly because of the effort I put in to translate her text in order to understand it. It surprisingly cute when you actually read it and not to mention but because of how Deoxys works as a Pokémon, her inconsistent design due to the ai's limitations is actually explained.
A second place for me is Darkrai purely off of personal bias. The fight was a fun concept and her personality is a lot more feisty and bratty then the other legends, which makes her stick out.
I've got a few more things planned for Regigigas, who knows what else I'll come up with (or have suggested) by the time I get to writing them though!
My favorite is still Mewtwo, she was the first girl I wrote, so this whole game basically stemmed from her, hopefully my rewrite will make her a few more people's favorite too!
Tate, not a girl but he is my favorite because his reasons for the sex fails for more then one reason
An idea for a future legendary could be when the MC just begins looking for the legendary they come to him wanting to be breed by him since the have been following and info on him and be a super fan of his so don't want to wait any longer. But either a group (criminal group?) kidnaps the legendary to breed then take over the world or by a group of super fans of the legendary want her for themselves and think they deserve her more than someone who does not know much about her. Two possible legendary that could be used is Enamorus or Meloetta. He would then have to find them then deal with who ever took them through battle.
Enamorus does respect and brings new life into the world so the MC getting legends pregnant would excite her to find someone to fulfill her wish of making her a mother instead of just bringing new life to others. The criminal gang could be used for her and the super fans for Meloetta.
Melloetta could have the personality of not wanting to be treated as an untouchable object being an idol and wants to go with the MC as soon as possible but super fans get in the way. Both legends don't do their best at resisting the capture since they don't want to show a bad side to the MC since they REALLY want him to love them but learn he will love them regardless of how they act and that makes them love him even more especially that they want to have massive pregnant belly's and be inflated by cum often and don't need to act like a perfect idol anymore.
Ok for Enamorus the idea that chainsaw on the others half for her is that she’s going to be in the past.
But this idea does kind of work for Meloetta about her being kidnapped by fans she is based on a pop singer, and history has shown that those fans can be a little rowdy at times let’s say. So this idea actually works for her quite well.
I needed a plan for Meloetta and I think this will work perfectly!
This is going right into my notes!
Like Zander said, there's already a plan for Enamorus, but I can see why you'd suggest this for her too.
hey man just wanna say love ur game I think its pretty good and cant wait for the whole thing to be made also hows ur life going and hows the games update going for u
Gladto hear you're enjoying my game
The update is going very slowly right now, real life is keeping me too busy to sit down and write
alrt sorry to hear that man