hey, I have an idea for Giratina we all know that Giratina depending on where it is they transform if they are in the distortion world or the overworld. She could look different when you first meet her, but after she changes form after you catch her. Maybe in the distortion world she could be thinner because she is in her origin forme. but in the overworld she would be more of a BBW because they would be in their altered forme
I think I or someone else pitched or asked about something similar. That line of questioning actually lead to the section "What are your plans for BLANK's other forms?" so while fun idea unless chainsaw is going to make an exemption... probably will make it some sort of side scene
I always forget which of Giratina's forms is which
Her being slimmer in her Origin form would make sense, and I did plan for her to be on the chubbier side in her Altered form (which I will be using as her default)
But as with most form changes, it will likely only happen in a side scene
Hey here is an idea about the Deyoxs translation guide: A downloadable version. Kinda like a pocket-translator so that if we have to interact with Deyoxs we can just open up the guide and read it at any given moment. Epically if your memory is like mine and you don't remember the formula.
Since etenatus did originally come from space she and Deoxys (if collected) could have a scene where talk as freinds and working together on the MC.
For the eternatus character a uniqe idea for her image is at first show her with a flat chest but tall. The MC would need to stimulate her enough for her breast to pop out at the end of battle or when the sword and shield energy's combine in her at end of battle and would be her week point like lugia is to anal since she was pyschic type and weak to surprise attacks. Since etenatus is a chaotic kind of type their weakness could be their breasts. Since she is from space and can change her form her breasts being hidden could work for her since she never had anyone be able to get close to her and give here stimulation and they could be told they are size that the MC could sleep on entirely since she is 66 FT tall and that's without being pregnant yet. Her color should have a purple tint to her since in sword it was red and in shield was blue so both together be purple. This idea is for gen 8 so there is a lot of time for better ideas to come out.
Eternatus being from space makes it sound like she's going to be rivals with Rayquaza as well as Zygarde, I can see ehr being friends with Deoxys, maybe she could even translate for her!
The MC using Eternatus as a giant bed is a pretty cute image... hell he could bone some of his other girls while laying on her tummy!
It did occur to me that I can use Dynamax to help the MC fuck her too!
I’ve just been thinking of cute little scenes that the girls have with the MC because I’m pretty sure their relationship isn’t just sex. You don’t need to add them. They just little cute things. If you want to hear more I can tell about the scenes.
You don't have to ask permission if you've got ideas you want to share, just don't go overboard and make it too complicated, otherwise I'll struggle to add them in!
And yes, the MC's relationship with his girls is more than just sex, I am planning more scenes of them just hanging out together
For the first part, I'm gonna put some girls together because there may be some differences but it's usually similar to each other.
The three Regi: the MC cleans them even though they don't get dirty on the ship often the MC likes to clean them frequently to make them shine, even though they don't emote he likes to think they enjoy it.
Latias, Latios, and Rayquaza: they like to fly around on top of the ship Rayquaza doesn't fly around the same time as the twins but it's the same between the three of them. They fly around at the top of the ship and the MC sits on top of the roof chatting with them and just watching them fly around.
Lugia, Kyogre: The MC spends time with them in the pool them do like being on the water so they stay around the pool when they have time, but both of them are in the pool at different times of day because they don't like each other and the MC doesn't want them to fight besides that he spend time with them. He's either in the pool or beside the pool just hanging out and chat with them.
Articuno, Zapdos: preening (straighten and clean its feathers with its beak) the MC helps them do that the two of then says it's feels like taking a haircut. The reason why these two are together is simple I couldn't think of anything for Zapdos
Next is the girls by themselves and what the MC does with them
Moltres: the MC rates her roasts and gives feedback And helps her come up with new ones
Mewtwo: the MC showers her with praise because she's the type of person if she gets three compliments, she gets flustered and it's very cute and she doesn't have the best self image of herself so the MC make sure to complement her often to try built that self image up
Mew: they play games or what she calls games like hide and seek catch the ball or her favorite where did your pants go where the MC has to find his pants because she head them somewhere he has already lost five pairs of shorts to this game and he refuses to lose anymore
Raikou: they go for runs around the ship the MC does his best to try to keep up with her, and even though she would never say this to him she slows down a little bit so he can catch up
Entei: they work out together. The MC has to stay in shape so he can go get more legendarys because he has to do a lot of work just to get to one of the new legendarys and Entei said she will be his personal coach and trainer
Suicune: they go for walks around the ship. They talk about all sorts of random stuff like clouds waves trees, and about how that guy just got smited in front of them. That is still a weird one
Ho-Oh: the MC listens to her stories because she has a lot of wondrous tales about all sort of things, like what she did in the early years of her life when she first help the three legendary beasts, all sort of things
Celebi: the MC questions her about history really because it's the only thing he can really understand about her because she's a little complicated to understand with the whole time thing but she does like answering his questions
Groudon: the MC take sunbaths with her because she is still just a massive lizard, so she likes taking sunbaths near the front of the ship because Rayquaza is in the middle of the ship most of the time and Kyogre is usually at the back of the ship when they're taking sunbaths together, they just chat casually about things and the MC does want to get a tan, but he can never get one curse his ditto DNA
Jirachi: they take naps together. The MC has quite a busy life dealing with all the other girls going out to get new legendarys having sex so a lot of times during the day he just takes naps usually with Jirachi in the same room or on the same couch or near each other or she sleeping on top of the MC she is a little heavy, but he's fine with it like having a weighted blanket
Deoxys: they stargazing together during one day when the MC was having troubles getting to sleep he decided to go for a walk around the ship then he found Deoxys sitting down, looking into the sky to the stars the MC sat beside her and they watch the stars and silence ever since that day they had been stargazing together for quite a while
I love these down time ideas!! If Chainsaw does use them, it surprisingly fits with each of them!! Also, as a build on maybe some "team up" game time like the MCs girls play volleyball or something against each other and they switch out each other's teams and the MC always referees the games, but the teamwork builds trust and faith among the other girl's especially ones like Groudon and Kyoger or Lugia and Kyoger
When you do more futas, i would like to know what prompts you do for them. Also, how many tries does it take until you are satisfied with the ones you are looking for?
So, I have a question that I didn't see in the FAQs: Can we pick up our last save after the update or do we have to restart the whole story over? Just to clarify I am not asking about an update as I can wait for one, I am asking what happens with our saves.
twine saves should transfer over between updated version, however past chapters are going to have side scenes added to them so for new updates its fair to just start from the beginning.
I'm not sure, I think they get lost on the browser version though
That's the main reason why I added the SKIP function, so you should at least be able to jump ahead to the new content if you don't feel like playing through again (of course, then you'd miss the new side scenes)
I think you may need to rephrase the question because other than the sinnoh update giving people... sinnoh, idk what else you are askin bout. Just know the update has been split into two parts just so you know.
do you know what kind of surprise me still that not more people are doing this idea that chainsaw has like using a AI generator to make characters from a series and then you breed them like I’m pretty sure that’s just a great idea for so many other series like Digimon, SCP, and Undertale.
I'd love it if my work could inspire people to start their own games, I would recommend starting with something smaller than PokeBreed though. I've been writing text adventures for a while, jumping straight into a project like this would just end in burn-out!
I actually tried out twine to test my own idea for some fun project (thanks for the inspo). Clearly there is a lot for me to learn and I can see how it can get somewhat complicated real quick. I can only imagine the amount of arrows going back and forth between screens on your end and clearly you need to program some indicators that "user has this mon" and I also don't know how to do that either.... so yeah not as easy as one may think.
If you're just starting out, try sticking to more of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" format. You know the ones! "You reach a fork in the road, you can go left or right." Left - "A giant bear eats your head, you died!" Right - "You find a treasure chest, it's full of gold!"
They're easy to keep track of thanks to being fairly linear and you don't need to worry about variables or If statements.
My earliest works were more like this, so I know it's a good way to get started
Anywho how has progress been? Have you made it to Cresselia yet? I hope generating her hasn't been to much trouble since she has those weird arms. Also do you think the project will be ready this month? I would be surprised if it needs to go into july.
Im going to make this comment with the goal of not trying to be mean, this is just my opinion based on the comments I have been reading . I preface this with the fact im happy there are other people in the comments of this game now who are providing their thoughts and ideas with alot of detail and thinking behind them, for a while it was kinda just me so its good to see others jumping in as well and clearly chainsaw sees no issue with this.
That being said im a lil worried a line I have been trying to stick behind has been crossed somewhat, that line being a backseat author/writer. I worry that as ideas expand, people own ideas for what this game could become more personal to them and it starts to become their own sort of fanfiction. I don't see anyone so far going like "uh ChaInSaw, you neEd tO WrIte ThiS mOn THis Way" which is good, but providing such large ideas may provide pressure (not on purpose mind you) for chainsaw to try to go through with that idea, an idea that chainsaw could change their mind on or end up not find a way to make work and cause frustration from such wasted effort.
I want chainsaw to write primarily what they want and even if I have a different idea, It is their story so I will relent to the perspective they want to try. There is the example of Manaphy where despite some apprehension at first, I came to see chainsaws idea and even before that I didn't try to push for some full rework because "uh the vibes are weird".
This is not me saying to stop giving ideas, this is mainly me letting a opinion in my head out so it can be out and maybe providing a degree of reflection on how ideas are being presented. Feel free to say I'm misunderstanding something because that's completely possible but I hope what I'm saying here is clear. This isn't a callout or meant to start a fight I don't wanna do that, just clear my mind.
You have a right to your opinion and the final say of what goes in is up to chainsaw. If they like the idea or not is them since its their game but new ideas can make it better.
Honestly, all these huge and detailed suggestions have been getting a bit much, everyone's been polite and understanding about it so far so I've just been letting it happen.
Actually I just posted an devlog that I've been meaning to write thanks to your comment, I do love all the ideas everyone's having but I don't want to risk disappointing everyone who's expecting so much out of my work.
I will admit I feel a little hypocritical because there was that big suggestion for a second Cynthia scene in Gen 5. But in that one I explained it technically and I tried to keep it in the scope of things I knew you were capable of doing with twine, like mentioning the changing text between karen and agatha depending on if you breed agatha. Its something I know you did so saw it as a potential thing to do in that scene pitch.
Zygarde would not go on the ship since she would see it as the territory of all the legendries and taking one step on it would have all the Pokémon gang up and most certainly beat her. She would see the MC as the source of the potential apocalypses but also could prevent a other apocalypses down the road so she would test him. The chase could start outside the ship at the harbor and go though shipping containers and cranes but it starts right outside the ship that the legends that could be on the ship to watch and be like a cheer squad since the other legends that could be caught always stay on the boat and his current legends would be released to protect the boat and populated areas without needing to mention what they do.
Another idea for the hatched Pokémon could be a image but they are in a chibi like baby form that would look adorable if it can be put in when they first hatch. Who does not love cute legendary babies looking adorable.
plus zygarde would be similar to Rayquaza for babysitting two legendaria's from fighting and now the MC has brought over an even bigger migraine that it will not allow. The persinality of zygarde does fit to what would be needed for a legendary to come out of the wild and be in a more potentially populated location This could show how much zygarde puts importance to the environment since it is the source of her power and would hold back. By having it in a Populated area she would not hold back if the threat is great enough. She could say when before she allows herself to be caught "I need to keep an eye on your situation so the apacalyps that your could make does not happen plus having some helpers/babies would reduce my workload for the future".
After the battle the town or city could hold a festival to thank the MC and the legendary pokemon that helped defend the city with a special festival (optional?) it would give the MC a (potion) to use that when the MC drinks it, it would allow him to have a massive orgy with his legends ALL AT ONCE. A description of the scene after the MC left the festival and retured to the temporary base (not the boat) could have "The air in the room was thick with lust and passion my every touch on their bodies would send waves of plessure to them as they quickly gave in to the lust in the atmosphere. One was riding my dick but the others could not wait their turn and did not care what part of me was in them as long as they had a part of me in them. One took my left hand, another my right in their dripping pussy. Yet another two took my left and right feet in to not be left out. That was not all another was under me rubbing her juices on my back while my face went to the biggest of the girls yet I could still breath fine. I was totally encapsulated everywhere in the flesh of love and I could feel my body reacting perfectly to each and every one of them like my dito genes had evolved even if temporary and I just had to sit back and enjoy the ride. Everyone could not tell when one began and ended but one thing was sure this would not stop till everyone was satisfied and the night was still young. (Morning) I woke up still in the same position, the center of all this, with each of their heads resting on my body with smiles and inflated bellies. Only one thought crossed my mind "I need to get the recipe for that potion"". This could then allow future parts on boat to have giant sex scene with many legends at once. Even if the player did not choose the festival a vilager could give a sample with the recipe to a worker on the boat that would then be sent to professor Maple to study and improve to still allow this choice in the future.
I did have an idea that could foreshadow one of the legendary of Gen 8 and would connect this to it well "A day of darkness is coming again and you may be able to prevent the destruction it will bring" I did read zygarde was at the first day of darkness so she saw the destruction there and could see the MC as a potential way to sLAY eternatus. I do have more ideas for this but don't want to go to far if this is to big or complex to be even included or see what Brpdchainsaw thinks first if they may be interested to hear more or not.
Okay, let me see if I've got this. Zygarde attacks the town the MC is staying in to try and get to him, thinking he's going to cause an apocalypse, she flees from the Ship due to all the Legends on board but the MC gives chase through the town before she can cause too much damage, the other Legends are busy keeping the town safe so the MC is alone for the fight. That does sound like an exciting plan if I can make it work!
Zygarde being similar to Rayquaza sounds like a good idea, they'd probably team up together and act like enforcers whenever the other girls get too rowdy, that's after she's been caught of course! Her warning the MC about Eternatus makes sense too, definitely potential for a rivalry there!
I don't think I'll use the festival/orgy scene though, it's not that it's a bad plan, it's just not what I really want to write, if I did though I'd have to leave out the images, generating enough to show a scene like that would get pretty tiresome.
I do have some idea for the eternatus that the MC has his "master sword" pierce the depths of eternatus while the shield would be the positive emotions the legends are directing to the MC that would make him immune to etenatus drain field which would need both Zacian (sword) and Zamazenta (shield) to activate the power to get close the the dragon and deal with her. I could see that both Zacian and Zamazenta have lost there reason to defend the region thus the MC need to rekindle their "passion" to fight once more. I can see the MC would go into hyperdrive or feel like he has mega evolved to grow his "master sword" big enough to be felt by a 66 foot tall dragon and she would fall on top of him crushing him with her massive breasts but he would be fine since his shield would still protect him to crawl out give her a kiss on her massive lips. Zygarde would then sense as long as eternatus is with the MC the apocalypse would not happen and the opposite could happen that instead of destruction the would could get stronger. Plus her room on the ship would have a lot of plants in it since its the source of her power so a indoor park would be suitable for her comfort to live in a boat traveling at sea if her room was to be visited in future. I may have more ideas after the next part of your game has been released.
Zacian and Zamazenta getting involved in the fight would be good, maybe they could knock her out of her eternamax form so the MC can take her on properly?
Her size is going to be fun to write around too! I'm not even sure if the Wailord cock will be big enough for her
One possibility if you want to hear is the MC could somehow temporarily mega evolve due to the other legendaria's somehow sending their energy to him and since they are the top power houses in the world something strange like a mega evolve would seem normal to happen. It would allow him to change the size of his sword/dick to be bigger than the one he is imitating by a large amount since that part of him he has the most practice changing while his three basic moves could be enhanced to be able to handle the raw power of etenatus when used correctly. IF mega evolve seems to much the MC could accidentaly find a spot on her like Lugia but different like having her breasts licked though I dont know how he would reach from down below. Also since etenatus did originally come from space she and Deoxys (if collected) could have a scene where enternatus understands what deoxys is saying could explain some of the things she has been saying to the player could just go back to that part of the game and have a somewhat better understanding or at least a scene of them working together on the MC.
Ya know what? I see Gensect, Volcanion, and Magearna being cyborg types like the Regis both due to their design and that Gensect is manmade like MewTwo and Sylvanny and Magenaras dex litterly calling it an "ancient droid" I don't have a reasoning for Volcanion other then the way it it looks
This is gonna be about the book and how big it is so let’s begin
I am assuming the doctor put most of her savings and money that she got doing her research into that boat and the master balls. Because of that I’m pretty sure the boat is massive in scale. Because let’s just say the MC just goes for the main legendary that is 27 girls in all, but the doctor did say if you wanted to get the other girls, the sub legendarys and mythicals they would fit so that would mean the ship would be able to fit 105 girls all together and that’s not counting ultra beast or paradox Pokémon.
Now let’s talk about rooms. We do know the MC has his own bedroom so that would imply that each one of the girls means they have their own rooms as well by themselves except for the ones that sleep together like Latias and Latios and the lake the guardians. Now let's think about what is in the room. Most likely each room has its own separate bathroom with a shower bathtub and a toilet and a sink. After that may be some closets drawers a mini fridge and a TV. This is all speculative of course but the one thing we do know that is in that room is a bed. Now we don't know how tall the MC is but to be safe as possible, he is probably around the normal height of a human male to be around 5.6ft but that does not narrow the selection of beds that he could have, but the legendary birds may help us. we don't know exactly how big they are in this universe so I'm gonna have to make a guess they most likely stand 6ft through 6.5ft. Moltres and zapdos are to either side of the MC but articuno had to lay on top of him to fit on the bed. Most likely making the MC's bed a queen size bed. And presuming the MC's room is most likely the same as every other room, in consider how many girls they are that means that one floor can not hold all of them most likely there are more floors field with bedrooms possibly 2 to 3. The next room we know about is the AWC teaching room it stated that Lugia repurpose this room for the class now we don't know exactly how Big It is, but if it's around the same size of a normal classroom that makes it quite a large room. but the big question is what floor this room is on and are there more and if there are then these rooms were made for other purposes but Lugia took one and repurposed it for her classroom. Most likely is on a different floor than the bedrooms. The other rooms we know about but don't have a lot of information on so I'm gonna make some guesses the kitchen where the MC gets his fresh milk from the girls and most likely that kitchen contains a freezer, probably a walk-in freezer and a walk-in pantry for all the non-frozen items. We also know that there is a medical bay where the girls laid their eggs and most likely is where all the other medical supplies like antidote, ice heal, burn heal, and others like those. Next, we also know that there is a hatchery where they keep all the eggs, and there is a nursery for when the eggs hatch, but I don't know how big the nursery is because chainsaw has said that the doctor looks after the baby legendarys. Besides any rooms I miss that is all the rooms we know of.
Now about possible other rooms we have not seen yet and other things on the ship we know that there is a room where you can steer the ship, even though the ship is pilot by Rotom every ship has one of those rooms. Then there's multiple things on the sun deck like a pool, a bar area, a a hangout space with couches beanbag tables where you could just hang out and vibe. There's probably also a workout gym to stay in shape possibly a sauna to relax. There's most likely a Halle pad just in case of emergencies, Plenty of lifeboats,
Storage closets. it also has a engine room and most likely a waste management room where they take care of waste and garbage in a Eagle friendly type of way probably. And many more rooms that I can't think of.
now about the scale of the ship, I believe the ship has to be at least to have at the minimum six floors, but most likely is way bigger than that the reason for six it's how ships work a standard cruise ship has eight floors. And I do believe this ship is smaller than a cruise ship so it would make sense for it to be two floors less? But this is as low as I can believe the ship could be is six floors because any less than that just doesn't make sense because the ship is made to have 105 girls living on it comfortably and the MC there is no way that a ship smaller than six floors could let them live comfortably on it. The biggest I can see the ship is eight floors because that's a standard size of a cruise ship. But I hesitate to pick this option because the doctors spent a lot of money on this. Yes but they did not spend all of the money they had. We know she had a family so she has to pay for their expensive too. She most likely needs to pay for all her science supplies besides that the master balls would have cost a lot of money to make, and the other things that the MC needed to help him breed the legendarys like his gear and his home base of operations for each chapter. There's no way that she could spend all the money on the ship. But I do believe seven floors is a reasonable amount. It's enough room for everyone on the ship. It's not too small and it's not too big.
There has never been a more shocking discourse on this game then the ship logistical discourse lmao. You probably right the ship might need an update in scale. Here is an idea then, because the first batch of baby legends have made their way to maple, she could perhaps secure more funding due to having proven results that the experiment is working and with that funding provide a new ship at the end of the chapter. If you have less then half of the legends maple says she just wanted to provide a comfortable space, more then half she will say the other one got crowded.
You guys are putting WAY more thought into this that I ever did!
If it was just up to me I'd say that the Ship is "as big as it needs to be" and leave it at that, but now you're getting me interested in giving it at least some kind of upgrade...
Maybe after Chapter 5 I can set up a scene where the MC gets sent a bigger boat
I agree totally and it could have a room with a lot of plants for zygarde since its her source of power so it could be a small indoor park for her room to live in.
A funny thing popped up in my mind is if while Chainsaw is working on this game, they drop Gen 10. That's not out of the realm of possibility this game is technically older then the dlc legends and mythical for gen 9. I guess question is if they do announce or release gen 10 during or after the development of this game, would we get a tenth chapter? I know that this game isn't meant to be developed forever like Chainsaw must return to the game and update it each new gen, but it feels that for the tenth gen, it may happen sooner than later.
I have wondered about Gen 10 if it does come out I hope it doesn't to be honest, not just because I don't want the extra work, but also because I want it to be a good game and I think they should leave it longer
That said, if it DOES come out while I'm still working on this, then I'll likely add the Legends into my game too
Hey chainsaw, just gonna ask this question because there are a lot of gens that has a lot of legendary and mythical like the one you’re working on now are you going to split them up as well because in my opinion, that would be a good idea.
Gen 5 is planned to be split, Gen 6 doesn't have enough to be split and I suspect 7, 8, 9 will be split however in which way will be interesting. The Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokémon (related to legendarys) are supposed to get there own mini chapter meaning you find and breed but no capture (at least for the ultra beasts maybe not a rule for the paradox) so we could see 7 and 9 be split into three updates with the third being that mini chapter but we will see.
I at least see Koridon and Midiron having to do with help from Celebi as they both appear in the same area in both games. Either that or be like the Lati sisters
The Paradoxes (except the Bikes) will be a side chapter too for basically the same reasons as the Ultras They don't really belong in the present day and they're common in their home Eras
I have a question. This question has been bugging me ever since I thought about it. What are you gonna do about? The genies pacifically the fourth one Enamorus. The other three are gonna be easy. You’re just gonna have to find them battle or quiz whatever you wanna do with them, but Enamorus it’s gonna be a little tricky, considering they only showed up in legend Arceus and that game is in the past and they haven’t been seen in recent history people may not even think that Enamorus even existed. I have a idea where you can get her but it’ll be a little complicated. And I know you having started work on the fifth General yet but it’s the next one so getting some early ideas may not be a bad idea.
I mean thing is this type of issue has already been addressed with other mons. Did you not notice that Jirachi had a location despite only being available via trade? This was a question asked before Hoenn and the solution was to take a location that was un-occupied and place her there.
Another example is actually in this upcoming update. Dialga and Palkia both appear at the sky pillar with Arceus above it while the lake trio have individual lakes. This is an issue because some legends are too clumped while others who don't need to separate are. Chainsaw's solution as I remember it being confirmed to me was to move the lake trio to Lake Verity which is close to Dawns home town thus drawing the pairing (Dawn is paired with the lake trio if you didn't know). Because they are all at Verity, the two other lakes become open so move Dialga and Palkia to those lakes, keep Arceus at the sky pillar bada bing bada boom you got the legends were they are narratively best placed.
So something like that can be done for Enamorus because there is a lot of fun narrative potential there. Have the other genies clearly indicate missing their dear sister and how she's ran away somewhere else after a fight or something. You could make it darker and have it be implied she's straight up extinct already BUT because you will have Dialga with you, you go back in time to the times of Legends Arceus and bring her to the future. I doubt it will be dark like that but you could have a compelling little narrative between the 4.... also a scene where they fill each of her holes that kinda writes itself.
Enamorus is going to be tricky, I think she counts as a Gen 8 Mon I've got her in my notes under Gen 5 but I really have no idea what to do with her...
That said, going back in time to pick her up from Hissui could be a fun idea, I guess I could bump her forward to Gen 5 so she's caught along with the other Genies...
Could it be that as the number of legendary Pokémon increase on the ship a part of the story could go that the MC has captured all the Legendries (not sub or mythical) but cant find the last one for the region. He then heads back to the boat and sees the legendary waiting on the boat for him and can be told "I am here to test you to see if you are worthy of bringing together the legends of this world" and if all legendries (sub and mythical included) are caught so far a slight change to text is "bringing together all the gods of this world". The journey part would be chasing after the legendary through the ship and once caught the battle would be outside as to not harm any of the children and eggs onboard.
Now I don't know about all the abilities of the legendries but this could involve Groudon or Mewtwo using power to lift up a bit of land near where the boat is docks at the harbor while Kyogre cools it of with her power to be able to stand on. The other legendaries would protect the boat and also act as a cheering group for the MC and could told they did the wave with their breast at the victory. Since this was done right near the docks of a busy port a lot of people would have seen the battle would begin to spread the reputation all around including to organizations that would have ulterior motives to capture the MC at a later region for their own plans. Once victory is at hand the MC could carry the legendary in a bridal carry into the ship so she could join the group.
I do not know if this could be put into the story but could be a good idea for a pivotal plot point/element if this can be used or brings new ideas to be used later.
Also I know this is not the usual style of getting a legendary so far but this could fit if it were a celestial legendary Pokémon they would notice a gathering of legends and investigate since they could be watching over the world. I was originally thinking Arceus would be the one used but I saw it a mythical not normal legendary so next one could be Eternatus but I do not know any info on that one just choose based on cool design picture of it. If none of this can be used I just wanted to get my idea out.
... yeah major x to doubt. This goes beyond the confines of what this game is because its goal is to try to highlight aspects of the Pokémon games and while chasing a legend seems like a fitting idea since roaming legends are a thing... its clearly a big departure from anything in the games.
You have been producing some fun ideas but your hitting the point were your reaching for stars that aren't even there. In a respectful way I think you should turn it down a few notches and factor in how the game has operated so far into your brainstorming. Like a detail mentioned in the intro to the game is how the legends are isolated from other Pokémon, including each other in some instances. With that cavate it would be next to impossible for a legend to already know what your mission is. To not complete dismiss your idea this sounds like a potential thing for Arceus, but Arceus already seems to be complicated enough from what little details we know and also this scenario kind of throws the human pairing concept out the window which is important.
TL:DR probably a bit too ambitious of an idea here
Addendum: I'll actually be nicer here and mention a somewhat similar concept has already been mentioned by Chainsaw for tackling the Ultra Beast and Paradox Pokémon with them essentially serving as sub chapters after you return to the ship. No capturing these mons but it does have the MC go to the ship only to return to the region to chase down this other specific groups of Pokémon.
It may be a bit ambitious but using the correct character at the correct time and place could add some excitement plus its up to Brpdchainsaw to decide if it goes in or not. But thank you for commenting it kept me from thinking to high and ambitiously. The holo deck was not my most ambitious idea. It was originally that the ships interior would eventually become the size of a super city with environments of all types including lava, deep sea, beaches and farmland to be self sustainable with the addition of non legendary Pokémon of different types working there to serve the legendries and the MC would be crowned the new Pokémon god but I had scrapped the idea since that was way to big and complicated to ever be put in so did the holo deck instead but you were right that it was to complex.
Having a Legend actually show up on the ship could be an interesting idea, but the question would be who to use? Roaming Legends would make sense but none of them really fit the idea...
I appreciate the suggestion but I'm not sure I can get it to work
The Legend can be ZYGARDE since the MC would first get Xerneas and Yveltal and try to get Zygarde to come out but Zygarde would sense all the legendary Pokémon on the ship being a bigger potential threat to the environment so would go there and wait for the MC to see if he is strong enough to keep the legendaria's under control and not start an apocalypses with all the powers clashing. The chase part can use its snake form that could be made to look like a lamia (snake girl) and the battle form can be a big gundum girl. This legendary would fit perfectly since would go to extreme lengths as the environments guardian and sees the collection of legendries as a potential threat that cant be ignored. Also since gen 6 only has six legendries but gen 7 has a whooping 27 this character could act as a gate keeper keeping the MC from "frolicking in the field of untouched flowers" by showing up on the ship completely blocking the MC from going any further. Plus would be appropriate since having potentially 27 more legindaries get on the boat would be definitely something Zygarde would think cause and apocalypses if the MC is not strong enough to satisfy ALL the girls. Since gen 6 is smaller this would put excitement into this generation and would be in line with Zygarde's character and also since she is a mandatory legendary being that would need to be caught anyway as the main story goes forward. The dialogue could still be used but changed to include "I see you have those two troublesome headaches but can you keep them under control" this is where my previous lines of testing the MC can then be put in. Please tell me what you think because I really think this can work well and being GEN 6 allows lots of time to fine tune this for the future instalment if this is chosen by Brpdchainsaw. I'm not completely sure where zygarde's dog form could be used maybe for the sex part? Plus zygarde power is just below Arceus and would be an epic battle since she would take the MC seriously like the whole planets is at stake and hold nothing back to the point she would try to kill him like each Pokémon has when they battle but will love him after.
Zygarde? I'm still not sure about getting a Legend to invade the ship but having her come after the MC for potentially causing an apocalypse could be fun!
Her alternate forms can certainly be used, although I said before that I'll be mainly keeping those for side-scenes.
And you are right, Gen 6 is going to be pretty empty, I do have one thing planned to pad it out a little but it's not much yet
Zygarde would not go on the ship since she would see it as the territory of all the legendries and taking one step on it would have all the Pokémon gang up and most certainly beat her. She would see the MC as the source of the potential apocalypses but also could prevent a other apocalypses down the road so she would test him. The chase could start outside the ship at the harbor and go though shipping containers and cranes but it starts right outside the ship that the legends that could be on the ship to watch and be like a cheer squad since the other legends that could be caught always stay on the boat and his current legends would be released to protect the boat and populated areas without needing to mention what they do.
Another idea for the hatched Pokémon could be a image but they are in a chibi like baby form that would look adorable if it can be put in when they first hatch.
plus zygarde would be similar to Rayquaza for babysitting two legendaria's from fighting and now the MC has brought over an even bigger migraine that it will not allow. The persinality of zygarde does fit to what would be needed for a legendary to come out of the wild and be in a more potentially populated location This could show how much zygarde puts importance to the environment since it is the source of her power and would hold back. By having it in a Populated area she would not hold back if the threat is great enough. After the battle the town or city could hold a festival to thank the MC with a special festival (optional).
I did have an idea that could foreshadow one of the legendary of Gen 8 and would connect this to it well "A day of darkness is coming again and you may be able to prevent the destruction it will bring" I did read zygarde was at the first day of darkness so she saw the destruction there. I do have more ideas for this but dont want to go to far if this is to big or complex to be even included or see what Brpdchainsaw thinks first if they may be interested to hear more or not.
Wow, it seems a lot when it's all written out like this! There's a few numbers I'd alter though, mostly because of how I choose to break up my workload and gauge my progress when I'm writing.
When I'm writing a battle or a quiz, I count a move or a question as a section, so the 1 right answer and the 2 wrongs ones, all combine as a single scene to me.
How's work on 4.1 coming? To clarify I am not asking for when it will be released as it is still too close to the last time it was ask, I'm asking how the work is coming along.
Do you know what I found out recently? That makes no sense to me Cresselia is a sub legendary that thought would make you think then Darkrai is a sub legendary too, but no their mythical.
That’s just weird because usually legendary duos are usually the same thing I thought both of them were sub legendary, but I guess not that’s weird.
Also, just a small minor because I haven’t seen you say their name Heatran is also in this gen I haven’t seen you mention their name so I don’t know if you already did them or you did it or you forgot. Because if you don’t have an idea for her, I have idea.
The mythical status had traditionally been for the Pokemon being tied to timed event releases. Darkrai was released in a event Cresselia was simply in the main game. It is quite effective because before the event release we got a taste of Darkrai and the nightmares they create before the proper confrontation. It's why Darkrai imo is one of the most memorable and best Pokémon period because they genuinely had build up for him and sold him in an interesting way.
As for Heatran, Chainsaw didn't forget. I'm the one who pitched splitting the update due to scale and I also pitched trying to rebalance the split. If they did the sub/mythical - Arceus then main legends + Arceus split they planned originally, one update would be a lot larger then the other and it would be getting 7/4 legendary events wise and a 9/4 split if we counted the legends involved. In the end, even though I original pitched swapping the lake trio, Heatran has been moved over to 4.2 for a more balanced content split which is perfectly fine imo especially when you realize Heatran is the most isolated of the subs/mythicals. Heatran has the human pairing planned out and is the Futa of this region (literal 50/50 gender split if you wanna know why) so plans are in place, though feel free to air it as it could help with planning Heatran out.
yeah, I didn’t know she was gonna be move. But I did know everything else about what she was. my idea for her is still pretty fun, it makes sense when he’s working on her and I’ll gonna bring it back up, but thank you for the information.
This may seem a bit big but does have some potential and having so many legendary in one place it would be strange if something weird like did not happen.
The holo room would seem like a stretch but some points of it could be useful for future plans.
When Regigigas arrives on the ship or maybe after she gives birth(?) she could have a lot of stored information about ancient advanced technology that with the other three Regi's to construct a "holo deck" to perform "more efficient data collection". This could allow the legendries to have roleplay parts. Lugia in sexy teacher outfit and can say "You have been a bad student and need to be punished, you will do as I say". Raikou can be in sexy exercise outfit. Articuno feels like a sexy ice queen outfit would fit on her and could say "Will you be able to melt the ice on my heart". Suicune in distressed royalty outfit. A leopard bikini for one of the Pokémon. They can do a striptease with the holo cloths? The holo deck could simulate different environments like zero gravity, floating in the air, underwater without drowning, and more since it is very flexible to the imagination and the pokemon could be interested in a kind of clothing after trying to use a computer for things the MC might like.
When Palkia joins she can modify the interior of the ship to be bigger since she controls space and would comment on it being to cramped for her liking but need "compensation" to do more.
An idea with the human relationship would be with Officer Jenny and Nurse Jenny to help start the next generation of nurses and police. The MC reputation would have already become known to them but still need the right legendary as usual.
The MC could give a massage to his Pokémon.
A question is how far do you plan to take the incest? Will it be just brother and sister or could it go to mother and daughter?
I'm not the creator of the game but I will air opinions and my own predictions.
1. The idea of roleplay scenarios is a fun one though there is a small issue with your premise. Now I want Chainsaw to correct me if I'm wrong but according to previous comments, Regigigas will actually not be a robot but rather the organic creator of the other regis. Nothing else about that has been spoiled since wanna keep some surprises but she wont have some secret stored data because she ain't a bot. However, she could just build the holodeck because she is seemingly a roboticist.
Addendum: Wait no actually the Regigigas premise doesn't work at all because she's a sub-legend and the rotating ship scenes are tied to main legends people are for certain going to have so you would need a connection to either Palkia, Dialga or Giratina.
2. The idea for Palkia expanding space on the ship seems like a fun ship scenario. This has kind of lead me to my own question/curiosity. It seems Chainsaw has gotten into the pattern of adding some new rotating gimmick to the ship every update. Kanto is the Pregnancy Check and PokeGear, Johto is the AWC and Hoenn added the milk tasting. Is that a pattern you plan to keep up with? I know the ship is, in comparison to some of the other work you need to do for updates, not the most challenging segment of the game to develop, but that patterns seems like it could get a little out of hand. Though the complaint that you may be putting in too much content is barely a complaint that matters here.
3. I would be down for Jenny and JOY side scenes though I don't think they can be actual humans who have legendary pairings. This leads to another question... we haven't had a human girl for a side scene so would a side scene with a girl outside the main pairings lead to a PokeGear image. Again perhaps a little much in terms of work but that doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps compromise that by having it be one image for side human girls instead of two. Oh also the Growlthe thing specifically, I mentioned a detail about Arcanine that Chainsaw said gave them a good idea for a side scene so Growlthe a bit redundant if Chainsaw makes that side scene.
4. Fun ship idea and simple enough to be rotating. Like once they heavy pregnant that seems fun and they probably would want it then anyways.
5. First, there has been no brother sister so far only sister sister (nerd face emoji). Second, idk what you mean about mother daughter or father daughter but in the two ways I can infer what you mean one is "If its a Mew & Mewtwo thing or like Arceus & Giratina then maybe" the other is "Ew gross fuck no to that, the MC said he doesn't like incest much so he would never do that." Third, I see a sister x sister x sister scenario in Gen 5 that may become sister x other sisters in gen 8 but outside that probably not alot. I'm not really begging for more incest especially since it can get gross real fast but I can stomach a little if it has some sense to it.
6. Just wanted to ask how progress was going on Darkrai.
I've mostly answered this stuff in the other comment, but I'll go through a few things here too.
1. You're right, Regigigas is organic and her being a Sub-Legend means she won't have anything specific based around her, I will be bringing her back later on for one specific thing in Chapter 7, but that's a secret!
2. Yep, I am going to keeping up the gimmick, a new one for each Chapter, thankfully the comment above gave me a good idea for what to do at the end of Chapter 4!
3. Jenny and Joy are staying as a MAYBE for now
4. Giving the girls a good rub down when they're at their biggest, that's going to be the new gimmick!
5. What you wrote is more or less my answer.
6. Finished the breed & capture scenes, just staring work on Marley, I'll write their repeatable sex scenes at the same time to avoid burn-out
I think the massage should be an idea from Ho-oh like she decides to do it to the other mons first after she gives birth and then you catch her and she encourages you to give it a try.
I don't think I'll use the Holodeck idea, it has potential but it might get to complicated to work in something like that.
Palkia will be using her space powers for... a few things, mostly I have a scence planned involving her, Kyogre, and Lugia. That's all I'll say for now.
If I reach a point where I don't have any Human characters to use, I might connect the Nurses or the Officers to them, mostly just so nothing gets left out.
Massages... I like, I can work with that!
The incest won't be going much further than the Latis, the Mews if you count that, and maybe a Scene with Manaphy meeting her Mom if I feel like it
I have be thinking about the eggs and how many there are and how it could affect the ecosystem of the Pokémon world.
And before people have the wrong idea of what I’m saying, I’m not saying that what he’s doing bad it’s just the implications of the girls getting pregnant again and having more eggs is the problem.
The reason why it’s having like six more of each legendary isn’t a big problem for the Pokémon world but let’s say they have six more and then another six since legendary the kids are gonna be strong that could cause some serious damage to the ecosystem.
I think I have two ideas how to solve this phone and keep having them get pregnant still or you could not do it. Your choice, man you’re the one making again. The two ideas may be a little long to explain how the two wood work.
I do plan on mentioning this later on once the kids start actually hatching out, specifically when Groudon and Kyogre's babies end up in Maple's care, she'll talk about how they're seriously messing with the weather and start wondering if they're doing the right thing with this whole breeding plan... They will then ignore this and keep going anyway
Anyway, my point is that I do have plans to talk about the issues of having multiple Legends where there should only be one
And they’re probably gonna have to tackle that problem head-on when they get Necrozma because you know they can consume the sun and most likely their children are gonna be able to do the same.
that is adorable and is it gonna be one hell of an expensive daycare.
I can just see the doctor quickly getting irritated with the babies and she’s like stop eating the the lightbulbs I’m running out of money to replace them.
Your asking this a little bit too close to the last time this was asked (Check FAQ for what I mean). So far my previous prediction stands as it being later half of June tho it seems great progress had been made with Darkrai so perhaps it will be a little bit sooner then that.
We will probably not get any solid type of answer from Chanisaw until they begin working on Cresselia, which is essentially the last stretch before a day or two of bug testing and the update dropping. Maybe give it 3-4 more days, then ask about how the update is progressing and if Chainsaw has gotten to Cresselia, feel free to ask about the potential release date.
I try not to give estimates in case I miss the date I said I'd be done by The 4.1 update is around 75% done though, I've got to finish Darkrai, then I'll add Cresselia, and both of their Humans After that I'll need to test what I've written before I can release it
Howdy there, just gonna drop a few more headcanons I have related to this game (at least related to the first three chapters): 1. Due to me going for a completionist run for this game (catching all the legends and doing the human girls + whatever bonus chicks are in it, like Charizard and Miltank), I've imagined MC to be a guy that despite his quirks, is a guy who knows what he's doing and gets shit done effectively. 2. How I imagine MC and Mew's relationship (when MC decides to catch her) within the game as similar to "lovers that like to poke fun at each other", like with MC poking fun at her childishness despite her being like millennia old, and Mew making fun of her master for being a blunt horndog, but still, it's all in good fun. 3. Groudon and Kyogre have that sibling-like relationship, or at least the part of the relationship where they fucking hate each other (as someone w/ siblings, relatable). Also, Rayquaza and MC are the babysitters who usually stop the two from killing each other. 4. Ho-oh and Lugia probably have mom talks about their respective trios, dk why, but it's funny to think about. 5. MC will probably develop an "I've seen too much shit, and nothing surprises me anymore" attitude at the end of the game regardless of how many legends the player catches n breeds (given the basic premise of the game, fair enough).
Anyways, onto something else, the Sinnoh update, or at least, Part 1 of it, just curious, how many legends have you finished?
1. MC's effectiveness is usually up for debate, he comes up with pretty bizarre plans at times but can generally get things done in the end through sheer determination. 2. MC actually respects Mew a lot for her childishness, for someone as old as her to still see the world with wonder and amazement is really impressive to MC, they also bond over their love for Mewtwo. 3. Yep, that's exactly what I was going for! 4. Ho-Oh tries to have mom-talks but Lugia doesn't actually pay much attention to the Kanto Birds, she's normally too busy with the AWC to focus on anything else, Ho-Oh is considering adopting the Birds. 5. MC will think he's ready for anything, especially after capturing some actual GODS like the Sinnoh or Kalos Legends! Eternatus will still take him by surprise.
I've done Regigigas, Manaphy, Shaymin, and the lake Trio (with their matching Humans) so far Currently working on Darkrai.
Just some small things, a comment on the thread below and a question
1. I find it funny how people are now trying to logistically understand the boat and how it could fit all of the legends and their sometimes extreme weight. Also like seeing people give ideas for boat scenes (can't miss out on them boat scenes) even though the boat is the update after the current one in progress.
2. Speaking of just wondering how progress is going. Again I assume you're on Darkrai now so how are AI renders looking? I remember the teaser image so did you render them far in advance? Also have you tried rendering Marley and if so how are those looking? Also how do you plan to write Marley is she also a secret jerk and they just have a jerk off :). (If one couldn't tell I like Darkrai)
1. It looks like you guys are putting more thought into my game than I am... again! Getting these suggestions in early gives me more time to plan things out (or to forget about them if my brain stops working)
2. Darkrai took some work but I'm happy with how I've got her looking, the teaser image was the only one until about 3 days ago when I made the rest. I'll start work on Marley once I've made a little more progress with Darkrai, Human characters only (usually) need 5 images so I can do that right before I start writing them. Marley in the games is very quiet, so I'll probably make her on the gloomy side, but Darkrai's antics will probably make her smile (on the inside anyway)
Also, did you intentionally use the phrase "Jerk Off"?
Would be awesome if there was a part were the pokemon on the boat have a competion where the MC sits in a chair but the girls try to get him the cum without touching him and it could even be single or group of two that entice him to cum. Will probably be ones after given birth and children sent to maple to allow them time to develop more deep feelings of love, lust, and gratitude for helping to change there lives. A line that could be used "Now master, sit back and enjoy the show".
I feel like a certain Telekinetic lab experiment might have an unfair advantage here, but I do like the idea!
If its just the ones who have given birth, maybe I'll put this after Gen 5, so there'll be plenty of girls to work with, I could repeat the scene every few chapters to bring in newer Mons too!
It can be if the Pokémon who are successful in getting the MC to cum get it on their body and react like a badge of completion and commenting on to show it off the the others to make them jealous. I also had an Idea of a plot point at the near end of journey where all areas have been visited and a organization kidnap's the MC but he is quickly rescued by all the Pokémon that have joined him thought the journey and they comment "No one will take away our master/hubby". It could also be the place where the legendary Pokémon form, Pokémon Uranium, could be put in even though that game is not listed as an official Pokémon game. It would be interesting to have Urayne in the story since its a man made Pokémon like Mew Two.
After the MC gets rescued professor Maple could be worried about the Pokémon on the boat so gets a bigger boat that can ensure their safety in their pregnant condition and comfort. This can allow a upgrade of the MC bed where it can expand as needed (could open night visits?), be made of super reinforced material and able to withstand a Richter scale of 9 "Rocking" on it. The part where almost all the Pokémon snuggled with the MC and almost broke the bed was fabulously done and I loved it. With the size of some of the girls a bigger boat will likely be needed in the future. Your work on this game so far is five stars.
well the boat could be made with some kind of technology that makes it be able to adapt to the pokemon's own convenience and weight. without it being indicated in the game of course.
They don't like to make estimates because anything could come up and slow progress so they don't want to give anyone a false idea.
Me being a rando however will make the guess that its likely sometime this month, probably in the second half. Assuming the lake trio are basically done that leaves 1 mythical (Darkrai) and 1 sub legends (Cresselia) and from previous comments and observation it should/could take a week to a week and half to do each so about 2 to 3 weeks for both.
Again that's my assumption I certainly don't have all the knowledge and it could be faster because it seems that Darkrai had been getting lots of planning which may make the process faster and smoother compared to needing to make three individual Pokémon for scenes like with the Lake Trio. Also Cresselia seems to be a fairly simple legend in comparison to the others so that could also go faster the expected.
tldr: estimates are hard but probably sometime later half this month
I believe they said they were aiming for a '.5' release sometime at the start of this month once they're halfway done with Sinnoh, but that may have changed
I know what their doing. 4.1 will be all mythicals and sub-legends (- heatran). 4.2 will be the rest of sinnoh. They don't put aims because they dont want people to go and ask "you said update now, where update?"
Thats right, gen 4 (gen 5 will be the same) has so many legends that I decided to split it in half, partly so I could get an update out without too much waiting, but also so I can playtest the parts I have done better, since I have less to do I can pay more attention to them
OK, so my idea is simple regigigas has the ability slow start. It takes five turns for her to well get her speed back so I thought it would make sense for her to be kind of sleepy and I think she wouldn’t have the energy to fight him so she quizzes him instead you get five answers correct about normal types and when you get her the MC after picking which member he wants thinks well since she’s so sleepy that he’s gonna have to do all the work but slow start ends and she has all her energy back and then you can do whatever sex you want.
I just felt like it would be fitting for regigigas to be kind of sleepy in the beginning because one of the common factor of regigigas is that there always slumbering somewhere and it takes them a bit to get going I just thought it would be a nice tip.
Just to get some confirmation, how done are you with all the other legend like which ones have you finished? Which ones happened to you?
Thats actually not too far off of what I wrote for her anyway
I did play up her Slow Start by making her be in a very deep sleep when you find her, I won't go into detail about what happens next though, don't want to spoil it!
I've finished Regigigas, Manaphy, and Shaymin so far, and I'm making very good progress on the Lake Trio
1: o Heard that you haver already finished the texte qnd are now looking for the images, right? How's It going?
2: it's more of an idea than a question, look why don't you make a Second group below the mythical "type tô find pokémon" like Eevee in fire red and leaf Green you only find one Eevee in the entire game and that's It you can evolve It once, If It evolves wrong there is no way back, another example that would fit into This group would be gardevoir, It os dificult tô find a ralts, It would fit into This category, i am not asked tô bem all off them, but some that até known for fandom. If you don't like It, that's okay, i understand, it's a really Crazy Idea, but it's your choice.
1. I get images and do the writing at the roughly the same time, both are going well so far.
2. You're basically describing the side scenes, but if you meant to have those pokemon capturable then that won't be happening, I'm keeping that for legends only
I did and I agree. Granded during one of my playthroughs I almost mistook Slither Wing for Iron Moth and use Flash instead of my Shield, but I caught it was a past Paradox Pokémon.
I am curious. I started out in Honnen when it was originally plain RSE. What made you want to make Kyoger and Groudon so THICC? I love it and all 100%, but you're the first person I came across to do them THICC so I'm curious on the inspiration behind it! I also have a second question as I have accsessed the Serbii page. Will you include Meltan or Melmetal or the Galar varrients of the birds?
Kyogre and Groudon have always been some of the bulkiest Legends in the series so it made sense to make them BBWs, Groudon especially since it was the heaviest Mon for a long time! I'll be doing the same with some of the later Legends too, that larger ones at least.
Melmetal will be going in for sure, I haven't made up my mind for the Galar Birds yet
If you do add them maybe make them have a riverary with the Kanto Birds like with Lugia and Kyoger? I mean it would be an interesting thing for Subs to have a weird fight or something.
If bulk factors in to whether a Legend is a BBW, is Regigigas a BBW? I would assume Regigigas would be more like muscle mass based off design. Wouldn't hurt to have muscle girl legends.
I doubt Regidrago will be a BBW but rather be a continuation of the Regi aesthetic chainsaw has established. Though we are discussing an update that is way in future so who knows.
With the amount of progress left for chainsaw and from what seems to be the average time it takes for them to work on a mon, Part 1 should be done likely second week of June. Third week if something comes up or my assumption of what is left is a lot larger in reality. As for part 2... well they haven't started work on it but its 4-5 mons, some that are more complex so sounds like September pushing October thats just me assuming tho.
K, so all of Sinnoh will be done by the end of the year at the latest if there are any complications that arise, but if not it will probably be end of September or the beginning of October.
If the legend has a gender ratio that includes male, it will likely be a futa. Heatran is currently planned out to be a futa, tho they may be in part 2 not part 1 I could be wrong tho.
They will likely be side scenes... but there is also 11 of them, 10 if you skip evolution. Alola already will have a lot going on in terms of legends and mythicals that doing 10-11 side scenes is kinda nuts.
Here is an interesting idea tho, say you finish Alola and breed Necrozma, Solgaleo and Lunala. It seems like its time for you to take the ship and leave but before you can leave you feel an unnatural tectonic movement and Maple mentions there are strange energy readings in Alola. The player is then given the choice to go back and search for the ultra beasts or to leave. Basically make them a optional sub-chapter and have that be the half/half update split. You probably can't make pairings for them because there may not be enough characters for that... but if chainsaw was insane like me they could do something fun with the whole alternate universe angle. Have them be slots for girls he's missed like Leaf, Kris and Arianna or pull some rule 63 type shiz for some characters. Team Rainbow Rocket (really GameFreak) has alternate versions of other villains so why not r63 Lysander into Lysandra or Maxie into Maxine lmao.
Ok rant done tl:dr, they probably wont be sub-legends in Alola
You got pretty close to my plan, the Ultra will be met just before leaving Alola I like the Rainbow Rocket idea to get some sexy villains onto the MCs dick!
By the way, there's going to be 5 Subs in Alola, the 4 Tapus and Type:Null/Silvally
They'll basically have a mini-chapter of their own, each one having it's own little side scene The MC won't capture them since they're supposed to be common in their home-dimensions, Maple also says that they don't belong in this world so saving them isn't part of the mission
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hey, I have an idea for Giratina we all know that Giratina depending on where it is they transform if they are in the distortion world or the overworld. She could look different when you first meet her, but after she changes form after you catch her. Maybe in the distortion world she could be thinner because she is in her origin forme. but in the overworld she would be more of a BBW because they would be in their altered forme
I think I or someone else pitched or asked about something similar. That line of questioning actually lead to the section "What are your plans for BLANK's other forms?" so while fun idea unless chainsaw is going to make an exemption... probably will make it some sort of side scene
I always forget which of Giratina's forms is which
Her being slimmer in her Origin form would make sense, and I did plan for her to be on the chubbier side in her Altered form (which I will be using as her default)
But as with most form changes, it will likely only happen in a side scene
good game! Thank you!
Thank YOU for the kind words!
Do you have a discord for this?
Nope, I post here and only here!
Hey here is an idea about the Deyoxs translation guide: A downloadable version. Kinda like a pocket-translator so that if we have to interact with Deyoxs we can just open up the guide and read it at any given moment. Epically if your memory is like mine and you don't remember the formula.
Just as a text document? Maybe, I'll think about it.
Exactly as a text document. Nothing super fancy or anything, but a text document with the formula for the code if the player unlocks her
It'll be easy enough to whip up a basic table with some instructions, I'll try and remember to post one along with the next update
An idea for eternatus:
Since etenatus did originally come from space she and Deoxys (if collected) could have a scene where talk as freinds and working together on the MC.
For the eternatus character a uniqe idea for her image is at first show her with a flat chest but tall. The MC would need to stimulate her enough for her breast to pop out at the end of battle or when the sword and shield energy's combine in her at end of battle and would be her week point like lugia is to anal since she was pyschic type and weak to surprise attacks. Since etenatus is a chaotic kind of type their weakness could be their breasts. Since she is from space and can change her form her breasts being hidden could work for her since she never had anyone be able to get close to her and give here stimulation and they could be told they are size that the MC could sleep on entirely since she is 66 FT tall and that's without being pregnant yet. Her color should have a purple tint to her since in sword it was red and in shield was blue so both together be purple. This idea is for gen 8 so there is a lot of time for better ideas to come out.
Eternatus being from space makes it sound like she's going to be rivals with Rayquaza as well as Zygarde, I can see ehr being friends with Deoxys, maybe she could even translate for her!
The MC using Eternatus as a giant bed is a pretty cute image... hell he could bone some of his other girls while laying on her tummy!
It did occur to me that I can use Dynamax to help the MC fuck her too!
Nice idea!
what prompt did you use for rayquaza?
anime, rayquaza, female, green serpent, long neck, long tail, slim, huge tits, green nipples
I’ve just been thinking of cute little scenes that the girls have with the MC because I’m pretty sure their relationship isn’t just sex. You don’t need to add them. They just little cute things. If you want to hear more I can tell about the scenes.
You don't have to ask permission if you've got ideas you want to share, just don't go overboard and make it too complicated, otherwise I'll struggle to add them in!
And yes, the MC's relationship with his girls is more than just sex, I am planning more scenes of them just hanging out together
For the first part, I'm gonna put some girls together because there may be some differences but it's usually similar to each other.
The three Regi: the MC cleans them even though they don't get dirty on the ship often the MC likes to clean them frequently to make them shine, even though they don't emote he likes to think they enjoy it.
Latias, Latios, and Rayquaza: they like to fly around on top of the ship Rayquaza doesn't fly around the same time as the twins but it's the same between the three of them. They fly around at the top of the ship and the MC sits on top of the roof chatting with them and just watching them fly around.
Lugia, Kyogre: The MC spends time with them in the pool them do like being on the water so they stay around the pool when they have time, but both of them are in the pool at different times of day because they don't like each other and the MC doesn't want them to fight besides that he spend time with them. He's either in the pool or beside the pool just hanging out and chat with them.
Articuno, Zapdos: preening (straighten and clean its feathers with its beak) the MC helps them do that the two of then says it's feels like taking a haircut. The reason why these two are together is simple I couldn't think of anything for Zapdos
Next is the girls by themselves and what the MC does with them
Moltres: the MC rates her roasts and gives feedback And helps her come up with new ones
Mewtwo: the MC showers her with praise because she's the type of person if she gets three compliments, she gets flustered and it's very cute and she doesn't have the best self image of herself so the MC make sure to complement her often to try built that self image up
Mew: they play games or what she calls games like hide and seek catch the ball or her favorite where did your pants go where the MC has to find his pants because she head them somewhere he has already lost five pairs of shorts to this game and he refuses to lose anymore
Raikou: they go for runs around the ship the MC does his best to try to keep up with her, and even though she would never say this to him she slows down a little bit so he can catch up
Entei: they work out together. The MC has to stay in shape so he can go get more legendarys because he has to do a lot of work just to get to one of the new legendarys and Entei said she will be his personal coach and trainer
Suicune: they go for walks around the ship. They talk about all sorts of random stuff like clouds waves trees, and about how that guy just got smited in front of them. That is still a weird one
Ho-Oh: the MC listens to her stories because she has a lot of wondrous tales about all sort of things, like what she did in the early years of her life when she first help the three legendary beasts, all sort of things
Celebi: the MC questions her about history really because it's the only thing he can really understand about her because she's a little complicated to understand with the whole time thing but she does like answering his questions
Groudon: the MC take sunbaths with her because she is still just a massive lizard, so she likes taking sunbaths near the front of the ship because Rayquaza is in the middle of the ship most of the time and Kyogre is usually at the back of the ship when they're taking sunbaths together, they just chat casually about things and the MC does want to get a tan, but he can never get one curse his ditto DNA
Jirachi: they take naps together. The MC has quite a busy life dealing with all the other girls going out to get new legendarys having sex so a lot of times during the day he just takes naps usually with Jirachi in the same room or on the same couch or near each other or she sleeping on top of the MC she is a little heavy, but he's fine with it like having a weighted blanket
Deoxys: they stargazing together during one day when the MC was having troubles getting to sleep he decided to go for a walk around the ship then he found Deoxys sitting down, looking into the sky to the stars the MC sat beside her and they watch the stars and silence ever since that day they had been stargazing together for quite a while
I love these down time ideas!! If Chainsaw does use them, it surprisingly fits with each of them!! Also, as a build on maybe some "team up" game time like the MCs girls play volleyball or something against each other and they switch out each other's teams and the MC always referees the games, but the teamwork builds trust and faith among the other girl's especially ones like Groudon and Kyoger or Lugia and Kyoger
These are all really fun ideas! I'll see if I can fit in some more scenes like this when I've got the time
What prompt and negative prompt did you use for latios?
Looks like I forgot to write those down but I think I remember them
Latios, blue and white, big tits, futa, futanari, blue cock, stern
It was something like that anyway, I don't think I used any negative prompts other than the default ones on Frosting.ai
When you do more futas, i would like to know what prompts you do for them. Also, how many tries does it take until you are satisfied with the ones you are looking for?
Normally just writing the Futa, Futanari tags along with something like Big Cock gets decent results
It takes a few attempts but the site I use is really quick so it doesn't take too long to get a good enough picture
So, I have a question that I didn't see in the FAQs: Can we pick up our last save after the update or do we have to restart the whole story over? Just to clarify I am not asking about an update as I can wait for one, I am asking what happens with our saves.
twine saves should transfer over between updated version, however past chapters are going to have side scenes added to them so for new updates its fair to just start from the beginning.
I'm not sure, I think they get lost on the browser version though
That's the main reason why I added the SKIP function, so you should at least be able to jump ahead to the new content if you don't feel like playing through again (of course, then you'd miss the new side scenes)
i wonder what will come out of the sinnoh update?
I think you may need to rephrase the question because other than the sinnoh update giving people... sinnoh, idk what else you are askin bout. Just know the update has been split into two parts just so you know.
do you know what kind of surprise me still that not more people are doing this idea that chainsaw has like using a AI generator to make characters from a series and then you breed them like I’m pretty sure that’s just a great idea for so many other series like Digimon, SCP, and Undertale.
That would be awesome.
I'd love it if my work could inspire people to start their own games, I would recommend starting with something smaller than PokeBreed though.
I've been writing text adventures for a while, jumping straight into a project like this would just end in burn-out!
I actually tried out twine to test my own idea for some fun project (thanks for the inspo). Clearly there is a lot for me to learn and I can see how it can get somewhat complicated real quick. I can only imagine the amount of arrows going back and forth between screens on your end and clearly you need to program some indicators that "user has this mon" and I also don't know how to do that either.... so yeah not as easy as one may think.
If you're just starting out, try sticking to more of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" format.
You know the ones!
"You reach a fork in the road, you can go left or right."
Left - "A giant bear eats your head, you died!"
Right - "You find a treasure chest, it's full of gold!"
They're easy to keep track of thanks to being fairly linear and you don't need to worry about variables or If statements.
My earliest works were more like this, so I know it's a good way to get started
actually, I do wanna ask this question because I’m curious what AI generator do you use to get the pictures?
its in the FAQ
Anywho how has progress been? Have you made it to Cresselia yet? I hope generating her hasn't been to much trouble since she has those weird arms. Also do you think the project will be ready this month? I would be surprised if it needs to go into july.
Still finishing Darkrai and Marley, I can probably start Cresellia tomorrow, the day after if not.
The update SHOULD be ready before July, there's not too much left to do
Im going to make this comment with the goal of not trying to be mean, this is just my opinion based on the comments I have been reading . I preface this with the fact im happy there are other people in the comments of this game now who are providing their thoughts and ideas with alot of detail and thinking behind them, for a while it was kinda just me so its good to see others jumping in as well and clearly chainsaw sees no issue with this.
That being said im a lil worried a line I have been trying to stick behind has been crossed somewhat, that line being a backseat author/writer. I worry that as ideas expand, people own ideas for what this game could become more personal to them and it starts to become their own sort of fanfiction. I don't see anyone so far going like "uh ChaInSaw, you neEd tO WrIte ThiS mOn THis Way" which is good, but providing such large ideas may provide pressure (not on purpose mind you) for chainsaw to try to go through with that idea, an idea that chainsaw could change their mind on or end up not find a way to make work and cause frustration from such wasted effort.
I want chainsaw to write primarily what they want and even if I have a different idea, It is their story so I will relent to the perspective they want to try. There is the example of Manaphy where despite some apprehension at first, I came to see chainsaws idea and even before that I didn't try to push for some full rework because "uh the vibes are weird".
This is not me saying to stop giving ideas, this is mainly me letting a opinion in my head out so it can be out and maybe providing a degree of reflection on how ideas are being presented. Feel free to say I'm misunderstanding something because that's completely possible but I hope what I'm saying here is clear. This isn't a callout or meant to start a fight I don't wanna do that, just clear my mind.
You have a right to your opinion and the final say of what goes in is up to chainsaw. If they like the idea or not is them since its their game but new ideas can make it better.
Honestly, all these huge and detailed suggestions have been getting a bit much, everyone's been polite and understanding about it so far so I've just been letting it happen.
Actually I just posted an devlog that I've been meaning to write thanks to your comment, I do love all the ideas everyone's having but I don't want to risk disappointing everyone who's expecting so much out of my work.
I will admit I feel a little hypocritical because there was that big suggestion for a second Cynthia scene in Gen 5. But in that one I explained it technically and I tried to keep it in the scope of things I knew you were capable of doing with twine, like mentioning the changing text between karen and agatha depending on if you breed agatha. Its something I know you did so saw it as a potential thing to do in that scene pitch.
Zygarde would not go on the ship since she would see it as the territory of all the legendries and taking one step on it would have all the Pokémon gang up and most certainly beat her. She would see the MC as the source of the potential apocalypses but also could prevent a other apocalypses down the road so she would test him. The chase could start outside the ship at the harbor and go though shipping containers and cranes but it starts right outside the ship that the legends that could be on the ship to watch and be like a cheer squad since the other legends that could be caught always stay on the boat and his current legends would be released to protect the boat and populated areas without needing to mention what they do.
Another idea for the hatched Pokémon could be a image but they are in a chibi like baby form that would look adorable if it can be put in when they first hatch. Who does not love cute legendary babies looking adorable.
plus zygarde would be similar to Rayquaza for babysitting two legendaria's from fighting and now the MC has brought over an even bigger migraine that it will not allow. The persinality of zygarde does fit to what would be needed for a legendary to come out of the wild and be in a more potentially populated location This could show how much zygarde puts importance to the environment since it is the source of her power and would hold back. By having it in a Populated area she would not hold back if the threat is great enough. She could say when before she allows herself to be caught "I need to keep an eye on your situation so the apacalyps that your could make does not happen plus having some helpers/babies would reduce my workload for the future".
After the battle the town or city could hold a festival to thank the MC and the legendary pokemon that helped defend the city with a special festival (optional?) it would give the MC a (potion) to use that when the MC drinks it, it would allow him to have a massive orgy with his legends ALL AT ONCE. A description of the scene after the MC left the festival and retured to the temporary base (not the boat) could have "The air in the room was thick with lust and passion my every touch on their bodies would send waves of plessure to them as they quickly gave in to the lust in the atmosphere. One was riding my dick but the others could not wait their turn and did not care what part of me was in them as long as they had a part of me in them. One took my left hand, another my right in their dripping pussy. Yet another two took my left and right feet in to not be left out. That was not all another was under me rubbing her juices on my back while my face went to the biggest of the girls yet I could still breath fine. I was totally encapsulated everywhere in the flesh of love and I could feel my body reacting perfectly to each and every one of them like my dito genes had evolved even if temporary and I just had to sit back and enjoy the ride. Everyone could not tell when one began and ended but one thing was sure this would not stop till everyone was satisfied and the night was still young. (Morning) I woke up still in the same position, the center of all this, with each of their heads resting on my body with smiles and inflated bellies. Only one thought crossed my mind "I need to get the recipe for that potion"". This could then allow future parts on boat to have giant sex scene with many legends at once. Even if the player did not choose the festival a vilager could give a sample with the recipe to a worker on the boat that would then be sent to professor Maple to study and improve to still allow this choice in the future.
I did have an idea that could foreshadow one of the legendary of Gen 8 and would connect this to it well "A day of darkness is coming again and you may be able to prevent the destruction it will bring" I did read zygarde was at the first day of darkness so she saw the destruction there and could see the MC as a potential way to sLAY eternatus. I do have more ideas for this but don't want to go to far if this is to big or complex to be even included or see what Brpdchainsaw thinks first if they may be interested to hear more or not.
Thank you for hearing my idea!
Okay, let me see if I've got this.
Zygarde attacks the town the MC is staying in to try and get to him, thinking he's going to cause an apocalypse, she flees from the Ship due to all the Legends on board but the MC gives chase through the town before she can cause too much damage, the other Legends are busy keeping the town safe so the MC is alone for the fight.
That does sound like an exciting plan if I can make it work!
Zygarde being similar to Rayquaza sounds like a good idea, they'd probably team up together and act like enforcers whenever the other girls get too rowdy, that's after she's been caught of course!
Her warning the MC about Eternatus makes sense too, definitely potential for a rivalry there!
I don't think I'll use the festival/orgy scene though, it's not that it's a bad plan, it's just not what I really want to write, if I did though I'd have to leave out the images, generating enough to show a scene like that would get pretty tiresome.
Thank you
I do have some idea for the eternatus that the MC has his "master sword" pierce the depths of eternatus while the shield would be the positive emotions the legends are directing to the MC that would make him immune to etenatus drain field which would need both Zacian (sword) and Zamazenta (shield) to activate the power to get close the the dragon and deal with her. I could see that both Zacian and Zamazenta have lost there reason to defend the region thus the MC need to rekindle their "passion" to fight once more. I can see the MC would go into hyperdrive or feel like he has mega evolved to grow his "master sword" big enough to be felt by a 66 foot tall dragon and she would fall on top of him crushing him with her massive breasts but he would be fine since his shield would still protect him to crawl out give her a kiss on her massive lips. Zygarde would then sense as long as eternatus is with the MC the apocalypse would not happen and the opposite could happen that instead of destruction the would could get stronger. Plus her room on the ship would have a lot of plants in it since its the source of her power so a indoor park would be suitable for her comfort to live in a boat traveling at sea if her room was to be visited in future. I may have more ideas after the next part of your game has been released.
Zacian and Zamazenta getting involved in the fight would be good, maybe they could knock her out of her eternamax form so the MC can take her on properly?
Her size is going to be fun to write around too!
I'm not even sure if the Wailord cock will be big enough for her
One possibility if you want to hear is the MC could somehow temporarily mega evolve due to the other legendaria's somehow sending their energy to him and since they are the top power houses in the world something strange like a mega evolve would seem normal to happen. It would allow him to change the size of his sword/dick to be bigger than the one he is imitating by a large amount since that part of him he has the most practice changing while his three basic moves could be enhanced to be able to handle the raw power of etenatus when used correctly. IF mega evolve seems to much the MC could accidentaly find a spot on her like Lugia but different like having her breasts licked though I dont know how he would reach from down below. Also since etenatus did originally come from space she and Deoxys (if collected) could have a scene where enternatus understands what deoxys is saying could explain some of the things she has been saying to the player could just go back to that part of the game and have a somewhat better understanding or at least a scene of them working together on the MC.
Ya know what? I see Gensect, Volcanion, and Magearna being cyborg types like the Regis both due to their design and that Gensect is manmade like MewTwo and Sylvanny and Magenaras dex litterly calling it an "ancient droid" I don't have a reasoning for Volcanion other then the way it it looks
Genesect and Magearna are 100% going to be robotic/cybernetic
Volcanion, I haven't thought about yet
Chainsaw and everyone may you allow me to go on a massive rant about something that I just thought of.
You don't need permission to rant unless whatever it is completely unrelated to the game then no you can't but if it is shoot.
Thank you I just wanna ask permission because the rant I’m gonna go on it kind of long but not right now because I’m having food
Rant away my friend!
This is gonna be about the book and how big it is so let’s begin
I am assuming the doctor put most of her savings and money that she got doing her research into that boat and the master balls. Because of that I’m pretty sure the boat is massive in scale. Because let’s just say the MC just goes for the main legendary that is 27 girls in all, but the doctor did say if you wanted to get the other girls, the sub legendarys and mythicals they would fit so that would mean the ship would be able to fit 105 girls all together and that’s not counting ultra beast or paradox Pokémon.
Now let’s talk about rooms. We do know the MC has his own bedroom so that would imply that each one of the girls means they have their own rooms as well by themselves except for the ones that sleep together like Latias and Latios and the lake the guardians. Now let's think about what is in the room. Most likely each room has its own separate bathroom with a shower bathtub and a toilet and a sink. After that may be some closets drawers a mini fridge and a TV. This is all speculative of course but the one thing we do know that is in that room is a bed. Now we don't know how tall the MC is but to be safe as possible, he is probably around the normal height of a human male to be around 5.6ft but that does not narrow the selection of beds that he could have, but the legendary birds may help us. we don't know exactly how big they are in this universe so I'm gonna have to make a guess they most likely stand 6ft through 6.5ft. Moltres and zapdos are to either side of the MC but articuno had to lay on top of him to fit on the bed. Most likely making the MC's bed a queen size bed. And presuming the MC's room is most likely the same as every other room, in consider how many girls they are that means that one floor can not hold all of them most likely there are more floors field with bedrooms possibly 2 to 3. The next room we know about is the AWC teaching room it stated that Lugia repurpose this room for the class now we don't know exactly how Big It is, but if it's around the same size of a normal classroom that makes it quite a large room. but the big question is what floor this room is on and are there more and if there are then these rooms were made for other purposes but Lugia took one and repurposed it for her classroom. Most likely is on a different floor than the bedrooms. The other rooms we know about but don't have a lot of information on so I'm gonna make some guesses the kitchen where the MC gets his fresh milk from the girls and most likely that kitchen contains a freezer, probably a walk-in freezer and a walk-in pantry for all the non-frozen items. We also know that there is a medical bay where the girls laid their eggs and most likely is where all the other medical supplies like antidote, ice heal, burn heal, and others like those. Next, we also know that there is a hatchery where they keep all the eggs, and there is a nursery for when the eggs hatch, but I don't know how big the nursery is because chainsaw has said that the doctor looks after the baby legendarys. Besides any rooms I miss that is all the rooms we know of.
Now about possible other rooms we have not seen yet and other things on the ship we know that there is a room where you can steer the ship, even though the ship is pilot by Rotom every ship has one of those rooms. Then there's multiple things on the sun deck like a pool, a bar area, a a hangout space with couches beanbag tables where you could just hang out and vibe. There's probably also a workout gym to stay in shape possibly a sauna to relax. There's most likely a Halle pad just in case of emergencies, Plenty of lifeboats,
Storage closets. it also has a engine room and most likely a waste management room where they take care of waste and garbage in a Eagle friendly type of way probably. And many more rooms that I can't think of.
now about the scale of the ship, I believe the ship has to be at least to have at the minimum six floors, but most likely is way bigger than that the reason for six it's how ships work a standard cruise ship has eight floors. And I do believe this ship is smaller than a cruise ship so it would make sense for it to be two floors less? But this is as low as I can believe the ship could be is six floors because any less than that just doesn't make sense because the ship is made to have 105 girls living on it comfortably and the MC there is no way that a ship smaller than six floors could let them live comfortably on it. The biggest I can see the ship is eight floors because that's a standard size of a cruise ship. But I hesitate to pick this option because the doctors spent a lot of money on this. Yes but they did not spend all of the money they had. We know she had a family so she has to pay for their expensive too. She most likely needs to pay for all her science supplies besides that the master balls would have cost a lot of money to make, and the other things that the MC needed to help him breed the legendarys like his gear and his home base of operations for each chapter. There's no way that she could spend all the money on the ship. But I do believe seven floors is a reasonable amount. It's enough room for everyone on the ship. It's not too small and it's not too big.
There has never been a more shocking discourse on this game then the ship logistical discourse lmao. You probably right the ship might need an update in scale. Here is an idea then, because the first batch of baby legends have made their way to maple, she could perhaps secure more funding due to having proven results that the experiment is working and with that funding provide a new ship at the end of the chapter. If you have less then half of the legends maple says she just wanted to provide a comfortable space, more then half she will say the other one got crowded.
You guys are putting WAY more thought into this that I ever did!
If it was just up to me I'd say that the Ship is "as big as it needs to be" and leave it at that, but now you're getting me interested in giving it at least some kind of upgrade...
Maybe after Chapter 5 I can set up a scene where the MC gets sent a bigger boat
I agree totally and it could have a room with a lot of plants for zygarde since its her source of power so it could be a small indoor park for her room to live in.
A funny thing popped up in my mind is if while Chainsaw is working on this game, they drop Gen 10. That's not out of the realm of possibility this game is technically older then the dlc legends and mythical for gen 9. I guess question is if they do announce or release gen 10 during or after the development of this game, would we get a tenth chapter? I know that this game isn't meant to be developed forever like Chainsaw must return to the game and update it each new gen, but it feels that for the tenth gen, it may happen sooner than later.
I have wondered about Gen 10 if it does come out
I hope it doesn't to be honest, not just because I don't want the extra work, but also because I want it to be a good game and I think they should leave it longer
That said, if it DOES come out while I'm still working on this, then I'll likely add the Legends into my game too
Hey chainsaw, just gonna ask this question because there are a lot of gens that has a lot of legendary and mythical like the one you’re working on now are you going to split them up as well because in my opinion, that would be a good idea.
Gen 5 is planned to be split, Gen 6 doesn't have enough to be split and I suspect 7, 8, 9 will be split however in which way will be interesting. The Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokémon (related to legendarys) are supposed to get there own mini chapter meaning you find and breed but no capture (at least for the ultra beasts maybe not a rule for the paradox) so we could see 7 and 9 be split into three updates with the third being that mini chapter but we will see.
I at least see Koridon and Midiron having to do with help from Celebi as they both appear in the same area in both games. Either that or be like the Lati sisters
The Bikes are already in the present thanks to the time machine, but I could see them asking Celebi to bring them things from their home Era.
I like them being related, Koriadon could be Miriadon's Great Great Great Great X1000 Great Grandma!
The Paradoxes (except the Bikes) will be a side chapter too for basically the same reasons as the Ultras
They don't really belong in the present day and they're common in their home Eras
I have a question. This question has been bugging me ever since I thought about it. What are you gonna do about? The genies pacifically the fourth one Enamorus. The other three are gonna be easy. You’re just gonna have to find them battle or quiz whatever you wanna do with them, but Enamorus it’s gonna be a little tricky, considering they only showed up in legend Arceus and that game is in the past and they haven’t been seen in recent history people may not even think that Enamorus even existed. I have a idea where you can get her but it’ll be a little complicated. And I know you having started work on the fifth General yet but it’s the next one so getting some early ideas may not be a bad idea.
I mean thing is this type of issue has already been addressed with other mons. Did you not notice that Jirachi had a location despite only being available via trade? This was a question asked before Hoenn and the solution was to take a location that was un-occupied and place her there.
Another example is actually in this upcoming update. Dialga and Palkia both appear at the sky pillar with Arceus above it while the lake trio have individual lakes. This is an issue because some legends are too clumped while others who don't need to separate are. Chainsaw's solution as I remember it being confirmed to me was to move the lake trio to Lake Verity which is close to Dawns home town thus drawing the pairing (Dawn is paired with the lake trio if you didn't know). Because they are all at Verity, the two other lakes become open so move Dialga and Palkia to those lakes, keep Arceus at the sky pillar bada bing bada boom you got the legends were they are narratively best placed.
So something like that can be done for Enamorus because there is a lot of fun narrative potential there. Have the other genies clearly indicate missing their dear sister and how she's ran away somewhere else after a fight or something. You could make it darker and have it be implied she's straight up extinct already BUT because you will have Dialga with you, you go back in time to the times of Legends Arceus and bring her to the future. I doubt it will be dark like that but you could have a compelling little narrative between the 4.... also a scene where they fill each of her holes that kinda writes itself.
Actually, that time travel part was the idea I had to get her
Enamorus is going to be tricky, I think she counts as a Gen 8 Mon
I've got her in my notes under Gen 5 but I really have no idea what to do with her...
That said, going back in time to pick her up from Hissui could be a fun idea, I guess I could bump her forward to Gen 5 so she's caught along with the other Genies...
I'll think about it
As a brainstorm, maybe she could be obtained after the other 3 where they could wonder what happened to her since they last saw her.
That's more or less what I was thinking
Could it be that as the number of legendary Pokémon increase on the ship a part of the story could go that the MC has captured all the Legendries (not sub or mythical) but cant find the last one for the region. He then heads back to the boat and sees the legendary waiting on the boat for him and can be told "I am here to test you to see if you are worthy of bringing together the legends of this world" and if all legendries (sub and mythical included) are caught so far a slight change to text is "bringing together all the gods of this world". The journey part would be chasing after the legendary through the ship and once caught the battle would be outside as to not harm any of the children and eggs onboard.
Now I don't know about all the abilities of the legendries but this could involve Groudon or Mewtwo using power to lift up a bit of land near where the boat is docks at the harbor while Kyogre cools it of with her power to be able to stand on. The other legendaries would protect the boat and also act as a cheering group for the MC and could told they did the wave with their breast at the victory. Since this was done right near the docks of a busy port a lot of people would have seen the battle would begin to spread the reputation all around including to organizations that would have ulterior motives to capture the MC at a later region for their own plans. Once victory is at hand the MC could carry the legendary in a bridal carry into the ship so she could join the group.
I do not know if this could be put into the story but could be a good idea for a pivotal plot point/element if this can be used or brings new ideas to be used later.
Also I know this is not the usual style of getting a legendary so far but this could fit if it were a celestial legendary Pokémon they would notice a gathering of legends and investigate since they could be watching over the world. I was originally thinking Arceus would be the one used but I saw it a mythical not normal legendary so next one could be Eternatus but I do not know any info on that one just choose based on cool design picture of it. If none of this can be used I just wanted to get my idea out.
... yeah major x to doubt. This goes beyond the confines of what this game is because its goal is to try to highlight aspects of the Pokémon games and while chasing a legend seems like a fitting idea since roaming legends are a thing... its clearly a big departure from anything in the games.
You have been producing some fun ideas but your hitting the point were your reaching for stars that aren't even there. In a respectful way I think you should turn it down a few notches and factor in how the game has operated so far into your brainstorming. Like a detail mentioned in the intro to the game is how the legends are isolated from other Pokémon, including each other in some instances. With that cavate it would be next to impossible for a legend to already know what your mission is. To not complete dismiss your idea this sounds like a potential thing for Arceus, but Arceus already seems to be complicated enough from what little details we know and also this scenario kind of throws the human pairing concept out the window which is important.
TL:DR probably a bit too ambitious of an idea here
Addendum: I'll actually be nicer here and mention a somewhat similar concept has already been mentioned by Chainsaw for tackling the Ultra Beast and Paradox Pokémon with them essentially serving as sub chapters after you return to the ship. No capturing these mons but it does have the MC go to the ship only to return to the region to chase down this other specific groups of Pokémon.
It may be a bit ambitious but using the correct character at the correct time and place could add some excitement plus its up to Brpdchainsaw to decide if it goes in or not. But thank you for commenting it kept me from thinking to high and ambitiously. The holo deck was not my most ambitious idea. It was originally that the ships interior would eventually become the size of a super city with environments of all types including lava, deep sea, beaches and farmland to be self sustainable with the addition of non legendary Pokémon of different types working there to serve the legendries and the MC would be crowned the new Pokémon god but I had scrapped the idea since that was way to big and complicated to ever be put in so did the holo deck instead but you were right that it was to complex.
Having a Legend actually show up on the ship could be an interesting idea, but the question would be who to use?
Roaming Legends would make sense but none of them really fit the idea...
I appreciate the suggestion but I'm not sure I can get it to work
The MC could be kidnapped with the ship by a shadow lugia
The Legend can be ZYGARDE since the MC would first get Xerneas and Yveltal and try to get Zygarde to come out but Zygarde would sense all the legendary Pokémon on the ship being a bigger potential threat to the environment so would go there and wait for the MC to see if he is strong enough to keep the legendaria's under control and not start an apocalypses with all the powers clashing. The chase part can use its snake form that could be made to look like a lamia (snake girl) and the battle form can be a big gundum girl. This legendary would fit perfectly since would go to extreme lengths as the environments guardian and sees the collection of legendries as a potential threat that cant be ignored. Also since gen 6 only has six legendries but gen 7 has a whooping 27 this character could act as a gate keeper keeping the MC from "frolicking in the field of untouched flowers" by showing up on the ship completely blocking the MC from going any further. Plus would be appropriate since having potentially 27 more legindaries get on the boat would be definitely something Zygarde would think cause and apocalypses if the MC is not strong enough to satisfy ALL the girls. Since gen 6 is smaller this would put excitement into this generation and would be in line with Zygarde's character and also since she is a mandatory legendary being that would need to be caught anyway as the main story goes forward. The dialogue could still be used but changed to include "I see you have those two troublesome headaches but can you keep them under control" this is where my previous lines of testing the MC can then be put in. Please tell me what you think because I really think this can work well and being GEN 6 allows lots of time to fine tune this for the future instalment if this is chosen by Brpdchainsaw. I'm not completely sure where zygarde's dog form could be used maybe for the sex part? Plus zygarde power is just below Arceus and would be an epic battle since she would take the MC seriously like the whole planets is at stake and hold nothing back to the point she would try to kill him like each Pokémon has when they battle but will love him after.
Zygarde? I'm still not sure about getting a Legend to invade the ship but having her come after the MC for potentially causing an apocalypse could be fun!
Her alternate forms can certainly be used, although I said before that I'll be mainly keeping those for side-scenes.
And you are right, Gen 6 is going to be pretty empty, I do have one thing planned to pad it out a little but it's not much yet
Zygarde would not go on the ship since she would see it as the territory of all the legendries and taking one step on it would have all the Pokémon gang up and most certainly beat her. She would see the MC as the source of the potential apocalypses but also could prevent a other apocalypses down the road so she would test him. The chase could start outside the ship at the harbor and go though shipping containers and cranes but it starts right outside the ship that the legends that could be on the ship to watch and be like a cheer squad since the other legends that could be caught always stay on the boat and his current legends would be released to protect the boat and populated areas without needing to mention what they do.
Another idea for the hatched Pokémon could be a image but they are in a chibi like baby form that would look adorable if it can be put in when they first hatch.
plus zygarde would be similar to Rayquaza for babysitting two legendaria's from fighting and now the MC has brought over an even bigger migraine that it will not allow. The persinality of zygarde does fit to what would be needed for a legendary to come out of the wild and be in a more potentially populated location This could show how much zygarde puts importance to the environment since it is the source of her power and would hold back. By having it in a Populated area she would not hold back if the threat is great enough. After the battle the town or city could hold a festival to thank the MC with a special festival (optional).
I did have an idea that could foreshadow one of the legendary of Gen 8 and would connect this to it well "A day of darkness is coming again and you may be able to prevent the destruction it will bring" I did read zygarde was at the first day of darkness so she saw the destruction there. I do have more ideas for this but dont want to go to far if this is to big or complex to be even included or see what Brpdchainsaw thinks first if they may be interested to hear more or not.
Thank you for hearing my idea!
I did this because I felt like it but this is me dissecting what needs to go into a normal legend/human pairing bare minimum.
Dissecting what is needed for a regular legendary/human pairing
Legendary (assuming 3 floors):
Intro to area
Floor 1 (5 options with unique results 2 passes 3 fails)
Floor 2 (5 options 2 passes 2 fails 1 reverse)
Floor 3 (5, 2p, 2f, 1r)
Encounter scene
Assuming Battle
4 moves (like in regular pokemon) each with 1p and 2f all unique
If Quiz
5 questions with three choices 1p and 2f all unique
Breed and defeat scenes
Capture scene
Unlockable repeatable scenes depending (2 if duo 3 if trio or solo)
Ship scenes (this is assuming they have just been captured)
Pregnancy Check
AWC if typing makes them weak to dark
Some inclusion in an unlockable side scene on the ship
Total Scenes/instances:
Battle and in duo (36-37)
Quiz and in duo (39-40)
Battle and in trio/solo (37-38)
Quiz and in trio/solo (40-41)
Breed scene
Three repeatable
Two PokeGear messages
Human Instances/scenes (7)
good God, you did a great job man, but this must have been a long work Period for you to figure out all the numbers
Wow, it seems a lot when it's all written out like this!
There's a few numbers I'd alter though, mostly because of how I choose to break up my workload and gauge my progress when I'm writing.
When I'm writing a battle or a quiz, I count a move or a question as a section, so the 1 right answer and the 2 wrongs ones, all combine as a single scene to me.
But that's just me nit-picking!
How i run the Game in Android?
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How's work on 4.1 coming? To clarify I am not asking for when it will be released as it is still too close to the last time it was ask, I'm asking how the work is coming along.
I think he’s almost done like if I had to give a percentage maybe like 80% done
Okay. Thx
Do you know what I found out recently? That makes no sense to me Cresselia is a sub legendary that thought would make you think then Darkrai is a sub legendary too, but no their mythical.
That’s just weird because usually legendary duos are usually the same thing I thought both of them were sub legendary, but I guess not that’s weird.
Also, just a small minor because I haven’t seen you say their name Heatran is also in this gen I haven’t seen you mention their name so I don’t know if you already did them or you did it or you forgot. Because if you don’t have an idea for her, I have idea.
The mythical status had traditionally been for the Pokemon being tied to timed event releases. Darkrai was released in a event Cresselia was simply in the main game. It is quite effective because before the event release we got a taste of Darkrai and the nightmares they create before the proper confrontation. It's why Darkrai imo is one of the most memorable and best Pokémon period because they genuinely had build up for him and sold him in an interesting way.
As for Heatran, Chainsaw didn't forget. I'm the one who pitched splitting the update due to scale and I also pitched trying to rebalance the split. If they did the sub/mythical - Arceus then main legends + Arceus split they planned originally, one update would be a lot larger then the other and it would be getting 7/4 legendary events wise and a 9/4 split if we counted the legends involved. In the end, even though I original pitched swapping the lake trio, Heatran has been moved over to 4.2 for a more balanced content split which is perfectly fine imo especially when you realize Heatran is the most isolated of the subs/mythicals. Heatran has the human pairing planned out and is the Futa of this region (literal 50/50 gender split if you wanna know why) so plans are in place, though feel free to air it as it could help with planning Heatran out.
yeah, I didn’t know she was gonna be move. But I did know everything else about what she was. my idea for her is still pretty fun, it makes sense when he’s working on her and I’ll gonna bring it back up, but thank you for the information.
This may seem a bit big but does have some potential and having so many legendary in one place it would be strange if something weird like did not happen.
The holo room would seem like a stretch but some points of it could be useful for future plans.
When Regigigas arrives on the ship or maybe after she gives birth(?) she could have a lot of stored information about ancient advanced technology that with the other three Regi's to construct a "holo deck" to perform "more efficient data collection". This could allow the legendries to have roleplay parts. Lugia in sexy teacher outfit and can say "You have been a bad student and need to be punished, you will do as I say". Raikou can be in sexy exercise outfit. Articuno feels like a sexy ice queen outfit would fit on her and could say "Will you be able to melt the ice on my heart". Suicune in distressed royalty outfit. A leopard bikini for one of the Pokémon. They can do a striptease with the holo cloths? The holo deck could simulate different environments like zero gravity, floating in the air, underwater without drowning, and more since it is very flexible to the imagination and the pokemon could be interested in a kind of clothing after trying to use a computer for things the MC might like.
When Palkia joins she can modify the interior of the ship to be bigger since she controls space and would comment on it being to cramped for her liking but need "compensation" to do more.
An idea with the human relationship would be with Officer Jenny and Nurse Jenny to help start the next generation of nurses and police. The MC reputation would have already become known to them but still need the right legendary as usual.
The MC could give a massage to his Pokémon.
A question is how far do you plan to take the incest? Will it be just brother and sister or could it go to mother and daughter?
I'm not the creator of the game but I will air opinions and my own predictions.
1. The idea of roleplay scenarios is a fun one though there is a small issue with your premise. Now I want Chainsaw to correct me if I'm wrong but according to previous comments, Regigigas will actually not be a robot but rather the organic creator of the other regis. Nothing else about that has been spoiled since wanna keep some surprises but she wont have some secret stored data because she ain't a bot. However, she could just build the holodeck because she is seemingly a roboticist.
Addendum: Wait no actually the Regigigas premise doesn't work at all because she's a sub-legend and the rotating ship scenes are tied to main legends people are for certain going to have so you would need a connection to either Palkia, Dialga or Giratina.
2. The idea for Palkia expanding space on the ship seems like a fun ship scenario. This has kind of lead me to my own question/curiosity. It seems Chainsaw has gotten into the pattern of adding some new rotating gimmick to the ship every update. Kanto is the Pregnancy Check and PokeGear, Johto is the AWC and Hoenn added the milk tasting. Is that a pattern you plan to keep up with? I know the ship is, in comparison to some of the other work you need to do for updates, not the most challenging segment of the game to develop, but that patterns seems like it could get a little out of hand. Though the complaint that you may be putting in too much content is barely a complaint that matters here.
3. I would be down for Jenny and JOY side scenes though I don't think they can be actual humans who have legendary pairings. This leads to another question... we haven't had a human girl for a side scene so would a side scene with a girl outside the main pairings lead to a PokeGear image. Again perhaps a little much in terms of work but that doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps compromise that by having it be one image for side human girls instead of two. Oh also the Growlthe thing specifically, I mentioned a detail about Arcanine that Chainsaw said gave them a good idea for a side scene so Growlthe a bit redundant if Chainsaw makes that side scene.
4. Fun ship idea and simple enough to be rotating. Like once they heavy pregnant that seems fun and they probably would want it then anyways.
5. First, there has been no brother sister so far only sister sister (nerd face emoji). Second, idk what you mean about mother daughter or father daughter but in the two ways I can infer what you mean one is "If its a Mew & Mewtwo thing or like Arceus & Giratina then maybe" the other is "Ew gross fuck no to that, the MC said he doesn't like incest much so he would never do that." Third, I see a sister x sister x sister scenario in Gen 5 that may become sister x other sisters in gen 8 but outside that probably not alot. I'm not really begging for more incest especially since it can get gross real fast but I can stomach a little if it has some sense to it.
6. Just wanted to ask how progress was going on Darkrai.
I've mostly answered this stuff in the other comment, but I'll go through a few things here too.
1. You're right, Regigigas is organic and her being a Sub-Legend means she won't have anything specific based around her, I will be bringing her back later on for one specific thing in Chapter 7, but that's a secret!
2. Yep, I am going to keeping up the gimmick, a new one for each Chapter, thankfully the comment above gave me a good idea for what to do at the end of Chapter 4!
3. Jenny and Joy are staying as a MAYBE for now
4. Giving the girls a good rub down when they're at their biggest, that's going to be the new gimmick!
5. What you wrote is more or less my answer.
6. Finished the breed & capture scenes, just staring work on Marley, I'll write their repeatable sex scenes at the same time to avoid burn-out
I think the massage should be an idea from Ho-oh like she decides to do it to the other mons first after she gives birth and then you catch her and she encourages you to give it a try.
I don't think I'll use the Holodeck idea, it has potential but it might get to complicated to work in something like that.
Palkia will be using her space powers for... a few things, mostly I have a scence planned involving her, Kyogre, and Lugia.
That's all I'll say for now.
If I reach a point where I don't have any Human characters to use, I might connect the Nurses or the Officers to them, mostly just so nothing gets left out.
Massages... I like, I can work with that!
The incest won't be going much further than the Latis, the Mews if you count that, and maybe a Scene with Manaphy meeting her Mom if I feel like it
I have be thinking about the eggs and how many there are and how it could affect the ecosystem of the Pokémon world.
And before people have the wrong idea of what I’m saying, I’m not saying that what he’s doing bad it’s just the implications of the girls getting pregnant again and having more eggs is the problem.
The reason why it’s having like six more of each legendary isn’t a big problem for the Pokémon world but let’s say they have six more and then another six since legendary the kids are gonna be strong that could cause some serious damage to the ecosystem.
I think I have two ideas how to solve this phone and keep having them get pregnant still or you could not do it. Your choice, man you’re the one making again. The two ideas may be a little long to explain how the two wood work.
I do plan on mentioning this later on once the kids start actually hatching out, specifically when Groudon and Kyogre's babies end up in Maple's care, she'll talk about how they're seriously messing with the weather and start wondering if they're doing the right thing with this whole breeding plan...
They will then ignore this and keep going anyway
Anyway, my point is that I do have plans to talk about the issues of having multiple Legends where there should only be one
And they’re probably gonna have to tackle that problem head-on when they get Necrozma because you know they can consume the sun and most likely their children are gonna be able to do the same.
I'm now picturing tiny Necrozmas trying to eat light-bulbs
that is adorable and is it gonna be one hell of an expensive daycare.
I can just see the doctor quickly getting irritated with the babies and she’s like stop eating the the lightbulbs I’m running out of money to replace them.
Whenabouts can we expect 4.1
Your asking this a little bit too close to the last time this was asked (Check FAQ for what I mean). So far my previous prediction stands as it being later half of June tho it seems great progress had been made with Darkrai so perhaps it will be a little bit sooner then that.
We will probably not get any solid type of answer from Chanisaw until they begin working on Cresselia, which is essentially the last stretch before a day or two of bug testing and the update dropping. Maybe give it 3-4 more days, then ask about how the update is progressing and if Chainsaw has gotten to Cresselia, feel free to ask about the potential release date.
I know, I went looking, but there was no specific answer given, just guess from myself and other people
I try not to give estimates in case I miss the date I said I'd be done by
The 4.1 update is around 75% done though, I've got to finish Darkrai, then I'll add Cresselia, and both of their Humans
After that I'll need to test what I've written before I can release it
Howdy there, just gonna drop a few more headcanons I have related to this game (at least related to the first three chapters):
1. Due to me going for a completionist run for this game (catching all the legends and doing the human girls + whatever bonus chicks are in it, like Charizard and Miltank), I've imagined MC to be a guy that despite his quirks, is a guy who knows what he's doing and gets shit done effectively.
2. How I imagine MC and Mew's relationship (when MC decides to catch her) within the game as similar to "lovers that like to poke fun at each other", like with MC poking fun at her childishness despite her being like millennia old, and Mew making fun of her master for being a blunt horndog, but still, it's all in good fun.
3. Groudon and Kyogre have that sibling-like relationship, or at least the part of the relationship where they fucking hate each other (as someone w/ siblings, relatable). Also, Rayquaza and MC are the babysitters who usually stop the two from killing each other.
4. Ho-oh and Lugia probably have mom talks about their respective trios, dk why, but it's funny to think about.
5. MC will probably develop an "I've seen too much shit, and nothing surprises me anymore" attitude at the end of the game regardless of how many legends the player catches n breeds (given the basic premise of the game, fair enough).
Anyways, onto something else, the Sinnoh update, or at least, Part 1 of it, just curious, how many legends have you finished?
Okay, let's answer these!
1. MC's effectiveness is usually up for debate, he comes up with pretty bizarre plans at times but can generally get things done in the end through sheer determination.
2. MC actually respects Mew a lot for her childishness, for someone as old as her to still see the world with wonder and amazement is really impressive to MC, they also bond over their love for Mewtwo.
3. Yep, that's exactly what I was going for!
4. Ho-Oh tries to have mom-talks but Lugia doesn't actually pay much attention to the Kanto Birds, she's normally too busy with the AWC to focus on anything else, Ho-Oh is considering adopting the Birds.
5. MC will think he's ready for anything, especially after capturing some actual GODS like the Sinnoh or Kalos Legends! Eternatus will still take him by surprise.
I've done Regigigas, Manaphy, Shaymin, and the lake Trio (with their matching Humans) so far
Currently working on Darkrai.
Just some small things, a comment on the thread below and a question
1. I find it funny how people are now trying to logistically understand the boat and how it could fit all of the legends and their sometimes extreme weight. Also like seeing people give ideas for boat scenes (can't miss out on them boat scenes) even though the boat is the update after the current one in progress.
2. Speaking of just wondering how progress is going. Again I assume you're on Darkrai now so how are AI renders looking? I remember the teaser image so did you render them far in advance? Also have you tried rendering Marley and if so how are those looking? Also how do you plan to write Marley is she also a secret jerk and they just have a jerk off :). (If one couldn't tell I like Darkrai)
1. It looks like you guys are putting more thought into my game than I am... again!
Getting these suggestions in early gives me more time to plan things out (or to forget about them if my brain stops working)
2. Darkrai took some work but I'm happy with how I've got her looking, the teaser image was the only one until about 3 days ago when I made the rest.
I'll start work on Marley once I've made a little more progress with Darkrai, Human characters only (usually) need 5 images so I can do that right before I start writing them.
Marley in the games is very quiet, so I'll probably make her on the gloomy side, but Darkrai's antics will probably make her smile (on the inside anyway)
Also, did you intentionally use the phrase "Jerk Off"?
Yes I was being a bit punny, hence the :)
Would be awesome if there was a part were the pokemon on the boat have a competion where the MC sits in a chair but the girls try to get him the cum without touching him and it could even be single or group of two that entice him to cum. Will probably be ones after given birth and children sent to maple to allow them time to develop more deep feelings of love, lust, and gratitude for helping to change there lives. A line that could be used "Now master, sit back and enjoy the show".
I feel like a certain Telekinetic lab experiment might have an unfair advantage here, but I do like the idea!
If its just the ones who have given birth, maybe I'll put this after Gen 5, so there'll be plenty of girls to work with, I could repeat the scene every few chapters to bring in newer Mons too!
It can be if the Pokémon who are successful in getting the MC to cum get it on their body and react like a badge of completion and commenting on to show it off the the others to make them jealous. I also had an Idea of a plot point at the near end of journey where all areas have been visited and a organization kidnap's the MC but he is quickly rescued by all the Pokémon that have joined him thought the journey and they comment "No one will take away our master/hubby". It could also be the place where the legendary Pokémon form, Pokémon Uranium, could be put in even though that game is not listed as an official Pokémon game. It would be interesting to have Urayne in the story since its a man made Pokémon like Mew Two.
This sounds like a good excuse to make more images of cum covered Legends, writing them being all prideful and victorious could he fun too.
I like the MC gets kidnapped plot, maybe it could be a way to get Rainbow Rocket into the story? I'll think about it.
I've never played Pokemon Uranium, so that's not happening I'm afraid
After the MC gets rescued professor Maple could be worried about the Pokémon on the boat so gets a bigger boat that can ensure their safety in their pregnant condition and comfort. This can allow a upgrade of the MC bed where it can expand as needed (could open night visits?), be made of super reinforced material and able to withstand a Richter scale of 9 "Rocking" on it. The part where almost all the Pokémon snuggled with the MC and almost broke the bed was fabulously done and I loved it. With the size of some of the girls a bigger boat will likely be needed in the future. Your work on this game so far is five stars.
I probably won't change the boat, but getting a reinforced bed sounds like a good idea.
A scene where the bigger girls all pile onto the MC to test the new bed, I think I can work with that!
well the boat could be made with some kind of technology that makes it be able to adapt to the pokemon's own convenience and weight. without it being indicated in the game of course.
Is there any estimated date for when the update will release?
They don't like to make estimates because anything could come up and slow progress so they don't want to give anyone a false idea.
Me being a rando however will make the guess that its likely sometime this month, probably in the second half. Assuming the lake trio are basically done that leaves 1 mythical (Darkrai) and 1 sub legends (Cresselia) and from previous comments and observation it should/could take a week to a week and half to do each so about 2 to 3 weeks for both.
Again that's my assumption I certainly don't have all the knowledge and it could be faster because it seems that Darkrai had been getting lots of planning which may make the process faster and smoother compared to needing to make three individual Pokémon for scenes like with the Lake Trio. Also Cresselia seems to be a fairly simple legend in comparison to the others so that could also go faster the expected.
tldr: estimates are hard but probably sometime later half this month
I believe they said they were aiming for a '.5' release sometime at the start of this month once they're halfway done with Sinnoh, but that may have changed
I know what their doing. 4.1 will be all mythicals and sub-legends (- heatran). 4.2 will be the rest of sinnoh. They don't put aims because they dont want people to go and ask "you said update now, where update?"
Thats right, gen 4 (gen 5 will be the same) has so many legends that I decided to split it in half, partly so I could get an update out without too much waiting, but also so I can playtest the parts I have done better, since I have less to do I can pay more attention to them
do you have any idea for Reggie Giggins? If you don’t, I have idea for her.
Reggie Giggins!
I've actually already written Regigigas, but I'd be interested in hearing your idea anyway. You never know, I might be able to put it to use somewhere
OK, so my idea is simple regigigas has the ability slow start. It takes five turns for her to well get her speed back so I thought it would make sense for her to be kind of sleepy and I think she wouldn’t have the energy to fight him so she quizzes him instead you get five answers correct about normal types and when you get her the MC after picking which member he wants thinks well since she’s so sleepy that he’s gonna have to do all the work but slow start ends and she has all her energy back and then you can do whatever sex you want.
I just felt like it would be fitting for regigigas to be kind of sleepy in the beginning because one of the common factor of regigigas is that there always slumbering somewhere and it takes them a bit to get going I just thought it would be a nice tip.
Just to get some confirmation, how done are you with all the other legend like which ones have you finished? Which ones happened to you?
Thats actually not too far off of what I wrote for her anyway
I did play up her Slow Start by making her be in a very deep sleep when you find her, I won't go into detail about what happens next though, don't want to spoil it!
I've finished Regigigas, Manaphy, and Shaymin so far, and I'm making very good progress on the Lake Trio
For Sinnoh, Will Arceus be a legendary like in Legends: Arceus, or a mythical like in DP?
Mythical, its like that for every game except L:A
1: o Heard that you haver already finished the texte qnd are now looking for the images, right? How's It going?
2: it's more of an idea than a question, look why don't you make a Second group below the mythical "type tô find pokémon" like Eevee in fire red and leaf Green you only find one Eevee in the entire game and that's It you can evolve It once, If It evolves wrong there is no way back, another example that would fit into This group would be gardevoir, It os dificult tô find a ralts, It would fit into This category, i am not asked tô bem all off them, but some that até known for fandom. If you don't like It, that's okay, i understand, it's a really Crazy Idea, but it's your choice.
Sorry if there área any typos.
1. I get images and do the writing at the roughly the same time, both are going well so far.
2. You're basically describing the side scenes, but if you meant to have those pokemon capturable then that won't be happening, I'm keeping that for legends only
I guess its worth asking if you got any of the pseudo-legendary side scenes set up? Feels similar to what Mikewolf is trying to say I think.
I haven't even thought about starting the pseudos yet
I'll likely do them all together, just not sure when
did anyone notice during celebi's battle that you are battling paradox pokemon? i think it was a clever way to integrate them into the game ;>}
I did and I agree. Granded during one of my playthroughs I almost mistook Slither Wing for Iron Moth and use Flash instead of my Shield, but I caught it was a past Paradox Pokémon.
Oh good, someone picked up on that!
I am curious. I started out in Honnen when it was originally plain RSE. What made you want to make Kyoger and Groudon so THICC? I love it and all 100%, but you're the first person I came across to do them THICC so I'm curious on the inspiration behind it! I also have a second question as I have accsessed the Serbii page. Will you include Meltan or Melmetal or the Galar varrients of the birds?
Kyogre and Groudon have always been some of the bulkiest Legends in the series so it made sense to make them BBWs, Groudon especially since it was the heaviest Mon for a long time!
I'll be doing the same with some of the later Legends too, that larger ones at least.
Melmetal will be going in for sure, I haven't made up my mind for the Galar Birds yet
If you do add them maybe make them have a riverary with the Kanto Birds like with Lugia and Kyoger? I mean it would be an interesting thing for Subs to have a weird fight or something.
That could work, it'll be a long time before I reach Gen 8 though so there's plenty of time to plan this out
If bulk factors in to whether a Legend is a BBW, is Regigigas a BBW? I would assume Regigigas would be more like muscle mass based off design. Wouldn't hurt to have muscle girl legends.
100% true. I can see RegiDrago being a BBW, but maybe the Galar Wolves could be muscle girls cause the sword and shield HAVE to be heavy
I doubt Regidrago will be a BBW but rather be a continuation of the Regi aesthetic chainsaw has established. Though we are discussing an update that is way in future so who knows.
Regidrago (and Regieleki) will both be robots like the current Regis, but maybe Drago can be a bit more... Heavy Metal?
Regigigas is indeed a BBW, I'm not super into muscle girls (well, not as much as chubby girls) but I'm sure I can fit some more in here and there
The Unova Genies will likely be on the buff side
do you have an estimated time frame of when Sinnoh will be done? (don't forget to include delays that may push the Sinnoh update back).
With the amount of progress left for chainsaw and from what seems to be the average time it takes for them to work on a mon, Part 1 should be done likely second week of June. Third week if something comes up or my assumption of what is left is a lot larger in reality. As for part 2... well they haven't started work on it but its 4-5 mons, some that are more complex so sounds like September pushing October thats just me assuming tho.
K, so all of Sinnoh will be done by the end of the year at the latest if there are any complications that arise, but if not it will probably be end of September or the beginning of October.
thats just a guesstimate its not certain
I'd rather not guess right now, progress is going nicely but that's all I can really say right now
k, just thought of letting me and the others who are curious know.
I'm just assuming you finished the lake trio so I'm curious... Darkrai or Cresselia next?
Lake Trio are done up to their breed and capture scene, I'm working in their downtime and Dawn's scenes right now
I think I will do Darkrai next, I've got some fun ideas for her!
Will you be making more scenes with futa content?. love the game btw keep it up 😀
If the legend has a gender ratio that includes male, it will likely be a futa. Heatran is currently planned out to be a futa, tho they may be in part 2 not part 1 I could be wrong tho.
Yes, there will be more!
when you get to the alola region will you include ultra beasts as sub-legendaries in the game
They will likely be side scenes... but there is also 11 of them, 10 if you skip evolution. Alola already will have a lot going on in terms of legends and mythicals that doing 10-11 side scenes is kinda nuts.
Here is an interesting idea tho, say you finish Alola and breed Necrozma, Solgaleo and Lunala. It seems like its time for you to take the ship and leave but before you can leave you feel an unnatural tectonic movement and Maple mentions there are strange energy readings in Alola. The player is then given the choice to go back and search for the ultra beasts or to leave. Basically make them a optional sub-chapter and have that be the half/half update split. You probably can't make pairings for them because there may not be enough characters for that... but if chainsaw was insane like me they could do something fun with the whole alternate universe angle. Have them be slots for girls he's missed like Leaf, Kris and Arianna or pull some rule 63 type shiz for some characters. Team Rainbow Rocket (really GameFreak) has alternate versions of other villains so why not r63 Lysander into Lysandra or Maxie into Maxine lmao.
Ok rant done tl:dr, they probably wont be sub-legends in Alola
You got pretty close to my plan, the Ultra will be met just before leaving Alola
I like the Rainbow Rocket idea to get some sexy villains onto the MCs dick!
By the way, there's going to be 5 Subs in Alola, the 4 Tapus and Type:Null/Silvally
oh oops I typed that last sentence wrong lmao fixed it
The Ultra-Beasts, I have a plan for
They'll basically have a mini-chapter of their own, each one having it's own little side scene
The MC won't capture them since they're supposed to be common in their home-dimensions, Maple also says that they don't belong in this world so saving them isn't part of the mission
Necrozma will be caught though as it's classed as a Legendary on the Serebii page
The page I'm using for anyone interested
I'll be using a similar idea for Paradox Pokemon too