I just realized something funny. If you make it to Gen 6 your going to run into the issue of there being too many potential human girls to pair with legendarys to the point that instead of needing to pair Pokémon together, you may need to do that with the humans lol.
Like you have the female player character, the rival, 4 gym leaders, 2 elite four members, the champion and 4 evil team admins* like sure you can cut the bug type gym leader but other cuts may be harder. I know this is nowhere near close enough to actually figure out rn but I find it funny.
*they are very similar design wise so if you wanted to represent team Flare you could very easily squish them together into an wacky fivesome possibly just a thought not me trying to lead a direction ;)
I don't think I planned that far ahead in my notes, maybe I'll tie the extra humans to optional mons from previous chapters or even to previous humans if I have to
You can probably do some of the Kalos humans like you did with Erika, like, for example, idk: have Olympia deem you worthy once you've finished Valerie, Korrina and Viola's side scenes, that would be something.
The pseudo-legendaries are set to be side scenes you get for being a completionist. Again this is an issue to be solved later because we are no where close to gen 6 .
That's been my assumption also but along with that perhaps grouping some of the human girls together could work like instead of having Serene and Shauna be separate humans just stick em together. They are canonical friends so they could be hanging out together when you bump into them. Or my very subtle hint that a fivesome with the Flare scientists would be appreciated wink ;) nudge.
But its also clear that cuts need to be made due to the lack of Legendaries like even in your own example that's 3 out of 6 Pokemon unless one of those 3 have their own special requirement. Again, issue to be solved later Gen 6 is not anywhere near being developed we still have Gen 5 after Sinnoh
Yeah, it feels to me that one goal for this game is to represent the regions and the games within said regions, so having representatives of the evil team seem like requirements in my brain. The fact the Scientist girls are all similarly designed with that visor immediately said to me "oh you can do a large group scene with them."
Also while typing this comment I went and checked to see if you missed a villain team girl and found Ariana... god damn she hot. Funnily enough Gen 4 is when they gave her a name.
2. I've almost done 3 of each, currently working on Shaymin and Gardenia.
3. Probably not until June, I'll be splitting chapter 4 into 2 parts, so I can get the next update out quicker instead of making you guys wait forever.
To be fair, these two next generations have a lot of mons even with the packaging of some together and removal of 1 in gen 4 that's still 11 scenes + humans + the ship stuff afterwards AND any of the side scenes that will be added into previous chapters.
And for gen 5, assuming there will be a repackaging of some kind it will be at minimum 11 or 13 if no repackaging occurs + all the other features in the chapter.
Needless to say these next chapters will have a lot of content so splitting it will get content out sooner, lets chainsaw take a break and not burnout and, allows for potential issues to be caught sooner rather then later such as image embed issues, typos and more.
if it makes you feel better gen 6 probably isn't going to be split lmao
This game's pretty solid, the only complaint I have is with the use of AI Art but hey, it's a F2P game without the usual microtransactions that come with it, I think the only reason why it's there is because you are probably not a good artist and you don't want to steal fanart so this is the closest thing we've got to visuals. Hey I'm not complaining, this game has potential even as a sexual parody of Pokemon.
I get what you mean, I don't like the idea of people making money on AI art since it is stealing from other artists, but my game is free so it doesn't seem like a problem to me.
The main reason I don't use fanart is because I might not be able to find images that fit what I want, but I can use the AI to make things like a Hyper-Pregnant Zapdos or a Cumflated Whitney.
I think you should use Yodayo or Civitai ai image generators, they are better at generating stuff, principally pokémons. The two of them use a point system, where you get a certain amount of points everyday to use on generating stuff. The problem is that if you are not familiar with how to use ai, it might need some time to learn.
They have already made most of the images its the first thing done for updates. Besides that, using generators that limit the amount of generations one could do feels like it would hinder the process of trial and error needed to create satisfactory images.
Also lil bit rude to imply he doesn't get how to use ai at this point like sure I have seen mistakes in some images like mewtwo's horns(?) becoming three and eyes being strange but clearly he's got enough understanding to make proper images. I mean he never promised ultra quality when we have his description being "I write low quality porn for my own amusement."
I don't know where you saw that "rude" angle on my comment, but, i just said that, because i know which tools he's using and the tools i'm recommending, you will need to learn some new things, and go more in depth on how to prompt and use the resources you have available on what i recommended, i'm recommend him stuff because i mess with AI a lot.
It's okay. If you have some free time, or something like it, it would be cool to mess with it, got some pretty good results using them. But anyways, I'm just recommending some stuff because i really like your game. Keep doing the amazing work you're doing with it!
I just noticed something that I think you may have caught and fixed already while working on side scenes in chapter one but just in case...
Mews text colour was updated from a hot pink to a more light pink that matches her skin colour and doesn't conflict with Mewtwos hot pink text.
However you missed some instances of her text mainly one line at the start of the Daisy Oak breed scene and when you get briefed before your attempt to capture her by Maple.
Follow up, you said that there will be a week in May were you can't work on the game. I don't need to know why but what week will you be away and would that also stop you from answering comments?
Also I'm curious if you have a rule on when a mon will be futa. The pattern established so far of having those with male gender ratio (partly or fully) be futa would be one I would follow personally because it actually will lead to plenty of futa scenarios just with that limitation, it wont distract from the primary kinks of the game and you wrote that futa's would be rare (tho gen 5 will test that lol) so you wouldn't want to overuse them.
I'll be pretty busy in the real world from about the 15th to the 20th But I should still be able to check in on the comments once a day
I don't have much of a plan going forward for who can be a futa, I'd prefer to keep it to Subs or Myths instead of the Main Legends, I might try and fit one in per chapter/generation The only plan I have for sure right now, other than Heatran, is Glacier and Spectrier, but that needs me to get as far as Gen 8
Ah the horses I see where you are going with that. I will point out the remaining legends with the male gender ratios (all myths are labeled genderless from what I can see)
Gen 5: The Forces of Nature (all three of them 100% male)
Gen 6: None lmao
Gen 7: None again lmao
Gen 8: Urishifu (And the pre evolution but that's a whole different question for a different time) (weird 87.5 male 12.5 female split)
Gen 9: The Loyal Three (100%) and Terapagos (50/50)
Of course this requires you to make it all the way to Gen 9.
I will say that even though I did warn about overdoing the futa, I'm not opposed to making the Forces of Nature all futa when the time comes to it not just because the gender ratio logic but if you were to go past gen 5, in gen 8 there is Enamorus, the fourth Force of Nature who is 100% female which could provide a fun writing angle. Don't feel forced to have to put a futa in each chaptor tho write what you feel.
2. What are some side scenes you have added? (Don't need to disclose all, gotta keep some surprises :) )
3. I gave the idea of moving one of the sub legends to the second part (The Lake Guardians specifically) to balance the content split between the two halves (6/5 compared to 7/4) was wondering what you thought of that.
3. I might leave Heatran until the second half, the Lake Guardians might be getting put together but there's still three of them, I'd rather get that extra work done sooner
3. Understandable it would be easier to just get them done And I can also see a reason as to why because Heatran is on the Battle Zone so you could have it be closed for some reason
Hello! First of all, love the work that you've done here. I just have one itty bitty issue on my end. The text color of dark blue (used for Latios, Suicune, and others) is kind of difficult for me to make out properly on a black background. Might just be a me issue, but I would appreciate it if the text for those characters were just a bit lighter so that I can properly read the text without highlighting it each time. Keep up the great work!
Someone asked this before, Chainsaws answer was basically the game isn't for money so if a site is going to use it, its not a real bother. (Edit: I just looked at the site and they technically credit Chainsaw lol but the comments seem to feel positive about the game... ones a little strange tho I won't repeat it here but if one were to check they can see what I mean. Also now I'm curious how many plays/visits the game has gotten on itch since porngameshub claims 87k visits. I've never really trusted the numbers on those sites even on the more credible ones like gamcore)
I forget exactly how, but there's a way you can look at a site's web code, and usually you can find random number generation code on such things. Most commonly on shopping sites that tell you how many people are 'looking' at an item to try and pressure you into buying it. The vast majority of the time, the number is just spat out by a random number generator.
i think this is a pretty cool game and can't wait for the next update. p.s. does anyone know when the next update will be or have a estimate of when it will be?
If you look at the FAQ it explains that it will be done when its done. Its hard to actually do an ETA when there are a lot of factors like what's going on with stuff outside of making the game or potentially an idea that has alot of complexity to it (Deoxys). The one real thing I can say because I'm not the creator is that hopefully the gap between the Hoenn update and the next update is shorter then the gap between Johto and Hoenn updates due to Sinnoh being split into 2 parts
i have a question , is arceus going to be harder to capture? something like 3 lives and a lot of different mechanics mixed? , like combat at one part a maze in the next and trivia at the third, and if you fail even one theres no way to capture arceus until the end where theres a second chance thats a little more easy, and that only appears if you have all pokemon?
(i know its more than 1 question but i wanna know if arceus being the god of pokemon is going to be harder)
Arceus is going to have a barrier for entry (collect all the mains) and the one chance as every Mythical does but I doubt there will be a second chance if you fail (Unless you use saves but who would do that :) ). Arceus does have a reginal human partner as well so I doubt it will be a Pokemon that simply comes back later in a different update. As for the actual content of the capture, I wouldn't know but your idea of it being a mix of most of the mechanics used so far feels fitting for scale and I'm going to assume was Chainsaws plan. Just know the next update is split and Arceus is being added in the second part.
I was planning to do a difficult quiz, but I like the idea of her having a quiz AND a battle, she is supposed to be GOD so it would make sense if it was harder to get her
But there won't be a second chance outside of save scumming
I LOVE the regi designs but they've shown SEVERAL times that they are sentient in the games they can refuse to obey your commands and regiges Pokedex entries say he created SENTIENT life and they are OBVIOUSLY sentient in the anime
... this is a porn game where you create a harem of legendary pokemon to breed, all of them listen and do what you ask because you are their master.
The regis also do stuff of their own volition in the game with the ship scene when the trios all jump into your bed. The regis show up and offer to get into the bed of the MC after asking but the MC didn't go "I need to go order the regis to get into my bed" they just showed up and asked.
I think you need more evidence that they are not sentient other then just saying they aren't.
Hey there, just gonna a couple of things about this stupid-ass game: One: Headcanons, mostly about this game's MC:
1. LPB's MC over here is kinda like Issei Hyoudou from High School DxD in terms of general character: both are escapist characters who are naughty-minded perverts with a heart of gold. Just that MC is more, subdued, about his perversions (or at least, doesn't flaunt it like something under his sleeve) compared to boob-lover McGee over there.
2. LPB's MC is also, pretty blunt, given that most of his encounters with Legendaries under Maple's request tend to begin with "hello, I am here to make children with you." from the fella.
3. MC's mom and Professor Maple go way back as friends from elementary who took different career paths but still kept in touch with each other. Probably the reason why a normal Pokemart employee is even called at Maple's lab (aside from the half-Ditto thing).
4. Despite Professor Maple's kinship with MC's mom, MC himself never really got to see Maple all that often, "she's probably busy with lab and science shit" he often said to himself, which is probably the reason why he never even heard of Maple's life outside of her scientific contributions, like having a husband.
5. His general attitude with the whole "gotta breed all dem Legends" thing is a mix of attempted professionalism (trying and failing to convince himself and others that he's just doing this under the request of his mom's friend to preserve legendaries), genuine excitement (seeking out his world's equivalent to Gods is excitement in on itself), and some of his own dirty thoughts into the mix (Lust is a sin, duh)
And two: A bit of support, can't wait for the Sinnoh update bro, given that I feel like it's gonna be a beefier content update compared to the Hoenn update.
Okay, lets see what kind of answers I can make up here!
1. MC is absolutely an unashamed pervert, but is self aware enough to realize when and where he should let that side of him show, people usually see him as being a fairly normal (if slightly eccentric) guy, that's before they get to know him anyway.
2. I don't know if I'd call the MC blunt, he can use tact when he has to, it's just that most parts of his adventure don't call for it, so he finds being straightforward easier.
3. Maple and the MC live in the same small town (think Pallet Town but slightly bigger), it's the sort of place where everyone knows everyone, so Maple and MC's Mom would probably know each-other, but they wouldn't be exceptionally close.
4. Maple is pretty reclusive when she's focused on her work, before the events of the game, MC only really knew her as "The hot scientist who lives nearby", it doesn't help that MC usually only pays attention to T&A so wouldn't have bothered learning about her home life.
5. MC like to act like a scientist and does genuinely believe in Maple's cause, but there's no hiding the fact that he's in this for the thrills, both in the adventure and in the bedroom, Maple considers him an Asset (and lover if you boned her), not a researcher.
The update is going fine, I think I'll go through with the plan to release it in two halves. Half of Sinnoh will actually be as much content as the game had on its initial release, plus that will cut down on the wait for you guys!
Sweet. I'm pretty curious and excited about what shit you're gonna bring to the table when it comes to the Sinnoh update (well, aside from just adding Sinnoh's legendaries and teasing Unova after the player's done with it) being a two-parter, but given the legends and myths located in that region alone (14 bro, 9 of which being legends and 5 being myths), I'd say it's fairly justified to make it a two-parter. Like, I'm curious about what Sinnoh Part 1 and 2 are gonna be about.
I will note chainsaw isn't planning to do Phione making it 13 but that fair because Phiones mythical status has been challenged by Gamefreak themselves (Edit: Also to avoid confusion the "except one" and "remaining myth" isn't about Phione, its Arceus)
This is when giving legendary Pokémon forms became a big thing with Gamefreak so might as well round all the form questions by asking bout Giritina's forms.
I assume that because the different forms are canonically meant to be one for the distortion world one for the real world she looks strange when attempting the capture her, then look more normal once taken to the real world. Thats an idea at least.
Are you actually gonna add every legendary and mythical Pokémon from every gen If so good luck with that and are you gonna do the same plan for regiggias with your current arceus plan
I don't know why but I keep remembering how giratina abducted people in the anime movie now I'm imagining it with giratina's wing/tentacles dragging him by the pants as he claws the ground.
oh Idea giratina is the last one the mc breeds before you meet arceus since you need the other legendaries everytime the mc is constantly getting the feeling of being watched every time he is by a mirror or water that is not rippling (since giratina needs a reflective surface to drag people to their world from the anime)
Arceus is a mythical so technically they are a one attempt non-required pokemon. Also Rayquaza so far has been the only legendary that has had a legendary barrier to entry. Perhaps Arceus could require the main legendarys to attempt but depends mainly on what Chainsaw wants. Also the anime isn't a main source Chainsaw uses often, I asked for a lil scene/dialogue with Rayquaza about Deoxys due to their connection in the anime but didn't end up happening ... I think I might not have tested it the right way. (This comment makes me sound like a nerd glasses emoji type of guy lol) (Edit: I just checked it was there :) if you want to see it you need to get Rayquaza before leaving to get Deoxys )
I checked and it looks like those were the only absolutilys I think I've found a way to spell check the whole thing but it's going to be time consuming... Either way, I always appreciate the reports!
on the note of side scenes I would like to see the pseudo legendary pokemon for each region like Dragonite being added to chapter 1 and Tyranitar in chapter 2 Salamence in 3 and so on.
A somewhat random thought, but I wonder now that side scenes are a thing and plenty of ideas have been pitched, do you have some sort of rule for how many side scenes you would add to previous chapters per update?
I think it would be nice to have some side scenes serve as like mini updates between the big chapter updates to perhaps tide some people over while waiting for the new region. Some people were becoming a lil impatient near the release of V3 so.
I don't have any aprticular limit to side scenes, I guess as long as there's less of them than there are Legendarys in the region then that's fine I'm mostly relegating them with the idea that only iconic (or commonly R34'd) Mons will get side scenes
I suppose I could try and do a mini update when Sinnoh is half done to help bridge the gap I'll have to block off the stuff I didn't do yet so nobody gets stuck in an empty page
Do you mean like adding the finished half of Sinnoh or adding in side scenes? Im not sure what you mean by needing to block off stuff. I kind of like how the regions drop as one big package but perhaps this is me just showing my lack of knowledge in developing a twine/html game
Adding the half finished Sinnoh, just adding in the side scenes wouldn't be much of an update since there'd only be a handful of them I'd have to lock off chapter 4 and remove a lot of images from the files to make sure none of the chapter 4 images are left in It would be easier to just do a half-update and close off the links to Legends/Humans that I haven't written yet It would give more content too since it would be 5 (maybe) Mons/Mans along with any side scenes I'll have written by then
Alright, I get that I did see some images in the download versions gallery clearly meant for future updates. Maybe you should poll other people on if they think this method for updates is better or not.
I know it's a few generations down the road for Pokémon, but could you maybe add a variant of either ash greninja or greninja yeah, its a starter Pokémon but from my knowledge it's a fan favorite. understandable if its not in the kalos region since it's not legendary
His other current project is vore related. He likes to have a side project to avoid burning out on this one. Who knows what comes after that game but another game like this is one I wouldn't mind, don't want to stick him to a single kink though he can make what he likes.
I've never gotten into Digimon so that's not happening
I've said elsewhere that I have a side project, it's still very early in development though as PokeBreeder is my priority, I do have a playable tech demo but I haven't released it yet.
It is a VORE game though, so if you're not into that then... well just don't play it
Funny Idea for Unova region. Volcarona was thought to be a legendary (or was meant to be one before being scrapped and made into an ancient insect species) MC goes into temple ruins finds it impregnates it and the professor reveals its not even a legend or a myth lol
You know that also applys to Arcanine, thats why the Pokedex labels it as the "Legendary Pokemon" and the anime put an inscription of Arcanine next to the legendary birbs (I think the writers got confused lol)
In this case i don't think it is considered incest but i can be wrong on this but manaphy is not considered in pokemon contactest to be related even if the person taking care of the egg is considered acting father.
The manaphy concern didn't have to do with incest, its the fact that in some peoples mind manaphy coming from an egg could give her the image of a kid, something that Chainsaw really wants to avoid
Not a review, just found your game on another website (porngameshub, though I can't send you the link cuz itchio doesn't want links they deem malicious/spammy, you can check it out for yourself)
Shelly wipes herself skin with her hands before licking them clean and swallowing, forcing your baby-batter back down her throat and into her stomach where it belongs....
Didn't really look closely before but this one stuck out
can the pokemon who gave birth become pregnant again and aren't there pokemon moves and items that can boost the user it be a fun idea to boost sperm and ovulation to make the legendaries even more pregnant
My second attempt at predicting the pairs minus the ones I know already. To be real the term "few" in response to last time is kind of shaking my confidence because there will be repeats but I got more reasoning this time.
Lake Guardians and Dawn: Dawn is from Sandgem Town or Twinleaf depending but both are very close to Lake Verity where Mesprit is. My MASSIVE assumption is that all of the Lake Guardians joined up at Lake Verity because Palkia and Dialga went to the other lakes and have been messing with space and time around them. This is so they can be separated because they are both from the Spear Pillar normally. TLDR, Dawn is no longer a yolo guess
Dialga/Palkia and Mars/Jupiter: If my mistake was being confident about which one goes which I will eliminate that confidence. They are both valid enough to go with either the only true deciding factor is what Chainsaw decided to do. This is what happens when you have two women characters on the same team unlike last time with two women on different teams, knowing what the specific pairing is for them is a coin flip.
Giratina and Maylene: I believe that location has trumped typing here because Giratina is in the Turnback Cave (nice name GameFreak) which is very close to Veilstone City where Maylene is.
Heatran and Bertha: Typing reasoning stands, Heatran is located in Stark Mountain, which Bertha also is associated with in the Dimond and Pearl remakes/remasters. This is also the Battle Zone so her being around isn't out of the ordinary.
Manaphy and Fantina: Seems like Fantina is the one getting leftover. I guess Giratinas ghost-type wouldn't be common knowledge to trainers anyway. Idk what your plan is but my assumption would be its similar to Phoebe in that they assume Manaphy is some sort of ghost. Also oops I called her elite 4 last time that's not true she's just so fabulous I mistook her as such. (More reasoning that I know is me overthinking is that she's from Hearthome City, a city Bulbapedia described as "Hearthome City is a child-friendly city; there are many families and young mothers living there" Manaphy, the mythical Pokémon with the unique breeding attribute, going to a city of family and mothers actually kind of works)
Arceus and Cynthia: This one is the same and looking back at the teaser image, Cynthia is at the Spear Pillar clearly and Arceus is literarily above it this pairing just seems right in my mind.
I will like one more attempt if any of these is incorrect before throwing in the towel but I think my logic is sound with these.
Because it seems that your getting back into the swing of things is it okay if you can confirm or deny some of the predictions I made earlier, my curiosity knows no bounds. Minimum ask is the Regigigas pairing since she's who your working on rn.
I will also like to posit my idea of have psudeo-legendarys as potential side events. There is 1 per region, perhaps its an event one gets for being a completionist.
Last time you made guesses, you seemed to put way more thought into it than I did Usually I just match Types or draw whatever vague connection I can make
It wasn't the images I had problems with for Deoxys, it was encoding her dialogue since I didn't have a website to do it for me at the time
The update is going well but I've only really just started on it so there's not much to talk about right now I picked Regigigas first for... some reason
That's going to depend on how you want him to appear, there aren't exactly going to be a lot of male characters in this so unless you want to see him as a femboy, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed
If you DO want to see femboy Roark, I'll see what I can do
← Return to game
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I just realized something funny. If you make it to Gen 6 your going to run into the issue of there being too many potential human girls to pair with legendarys to the point that instead of needing to pair Pokémon together, you may need to do that with the humans lol.
Like you have the female player character, the rival, 4 gym leaders, 2 elite four members, the champion and 4 evil team admins* like sure you can cut the bug type gym leader but other cuts may be harder. I know this is nowhere near close enough to actually figure out rn but I find it funny.
*they are very similar design wise so if you wanted to represent team Flare you could very easily squish them together into an wacky fivesome possibly just a thought not me trying to lead a direction ;)
Yeah Gen 6 is going to be... fun
I don't think I planned that far ahead in my notes, maybe I'll tie the extra humans to optional mons from previous chapters or even to previous humans if I have to
You can probably do some of the Kalos humans like you did with Erika, like, for example, idk: have Olympia deem you worthy once you've finished Valerie, Korrina and Viola's side scenes, that would be something.
Alternativly they could be tied to pseudo-legendaries
The pseudo-legendaries are set to be side scenes you get for being a completionist. Again this is an issue to be solved later because we are no where close to gen 6 .
That's been my assumption also but along with that perhaps grouping some of the human girls together could work like instead of having Serene and Shauna be separate humans just stick em together. They are canonical friends so they could be hanging out together when you bump into them. Or my very subtle hint that a fivesome with the Flare scientists would be appreciated wink ;) nudge.
But its also clear that cuts need to be made due to the lack of Legendaries like even in your own example that's 3 out of 6 Pokemon unless one of those 3 have their own special requirement. Again, issue to be solved later Gen 6 is not anywhere near being developed we still have Gen 5 after Sinnoh
I... actually forgot those scientist girls were a thing.
I already have a whole load of Humans for Gen 6 but now I want to try and add them in anyway!
Yeah, it feels to me that one goal for this game is to represent the regions and the games within said regions, so having representatives of the evil team seem like requirements in my brain. The fact the Scientist girls are all similarly designed with that visor immediately said to me "oh you can do a large group scene with them."
Also while typing this comment I went and checked to see if you missed a villain team girl and found Ariana... god damn she hot. Funnily enough Gen 4 is when they gave her a name.
It'll have to be something like that, I've got plenty of time to figure it out though
1. I'm from Brazil and a big fan of your game, it's Very good.
2. How many and which mons and girls in gen 4 have you already made?
3. When, more or less, do you think v.4 of the game Will come?
4. I'm really looking forward to the next region.
Sorry If there is any error
1. Thanks, glad you're enjoying it!
2. I've almost done 3 of each, currently working on Shaymin and Gardenia.
3. Probably not until June, I'll be splitting chapter 4 into 2 parts, so I can get the next update out quicker instead of making you guys wait forever.
4. Hope it'll be worth the wait!
Thank you, i was already dying tô know If It was longe before the next chapter arrived.
Honestly, I would prefer that you take more time but launch each part fully ^^ And it's always worth the wait :3
To be fair, these two next generations have a lot of mons even with the packaging of some together and removal of 1 in gen 4 that's still 11 scenes + humans + the ship stuff afterwards AND any of the side scenes that will be added into previous chapters.
And for gen 5, assuming there will be a repackaging of some kind it will be at minimum 11 or 13 if no repackaging occurs + all the other features in the chapter.
Needless to say these next chapters will have a lot of content so splitting it will get content out sooner, lets chainsaw take a break and not burnout and, allows for potential issues to be caught sooner rather then later such as image embed issues, typos and more.
if it makes you feel better gen 6 probably isn't going to be split lmao
This game's pretty solid, the only complaint I have is with the use of AI Art but hey, it's a F2P game without the usual microtransactions that come with it, I think the only reason why it's there is because you are probably not a good artist and you don't want to steal fanart so this is the closest thing we've got to visuals. Hey I'm not complaining, this game has potential even as a sexual parody of Pokemon.
I get what you mean, I don't like the idea of people making money on AI art since it is stealing from other artists, but my game is free so it doesn't seem like a problem to me.
The main reason I don't use fanart is because I might not be able to find images that fit what I want, but I can use the AI to make things like a Hyper-Pregnant Zapdos or a Cumflated Whitney.
I think you should use Yodayo or Civitai ai image generators, they are better at generating stuff, principally pokémons. The two of them use a point system, where you get a certain amount of points everyday to use on generating stuff. The problem is that if you are not familiar with how to use ai, it might need some time to learn.
If you ever use them, try the FurryRock model, it's the one that works really well with pokémons.
They have already made most of the images its the first thing done for updates. Besides that, using generators that limit the amount of generations one could do feels like it would hinder the process of trial and error needed to create satisfactory images.
Also lil bit rude to imply he doesn't get how to use ai at this point like sure I have seen mistakes in some images like mewtwo's horns(?) becoming three and eyes being strange but clearly he's got enough understanding to make proper images. I mean he never promised ultra quality when we have his description being "I write low quality porn for my own amusement."
I don't know where you saw that "rude" angle on my comment, but, i just said that, because i know which tools he's using and the tools i'm recommending, you will need to learn some new things, and go more in depth on how to prompt and use the resources you have available on what i recommended, i'm recommend him stuff because i mess with AI a lot.
I'll stick with what I've got for now, it's free, fast, unlimited, and FREE!
Even if the quality isn't always that great, I can just generate over and over until I get something good
It's okay. If you have some free time, or something like it, it would be cool to mess with it, got some pretty good results using them.
But anyways, I'm just recommending some stuff because i really like your game. Keep doing the amazing work you're doing with it!
I just noticed something that I think you may have caught and fixed already while working on side scenes in chapter one but just in case...
Mews text colour was updated from a hot pink to a more light pink that matches her skin colour and doesn't conflict with Mewtwos hot pink text.
However you missed some instances of her text mainly one line at the start of the Daisy Oak breed scene and when you get briefed before your attempt to capture her by Maple.
I hadn't caught those but now they're fixed!
Follow up, you said that there will be a week in May were you can't work on the game. I don't need to know why but what week will you be away and would that also stop you from answering comments?
Also I'm curious if you have a rule on when a mon will be futa. The pattern established so far of having those with male gender ratio (partly or fully) be futa would be one I would follow personally because it actually will lead to plenty of futa scenarios just with that limitation, it wont distract from the primary kinks of the game and you wrote that futa's would be rare (tho gen 5 will test that lol) so you wouldn't want to overuse them.
I'll be pretty busy in the real world from about the 15th to the 20th
But I should still be able to check in on the comments once a day
I don't have much of a plan going forward for who can be a futa, I'd prefer to keep it to Subs or Myths instead of the Main Legends, I might try and fit one in per chapter/generation
The only plan I have for sure right now, other than Heatran, is Glacier and Spectrier, but that needs me to get as far as Gen 8
Ah the horses I see where you are going with that. I will point out the remaining legends with the male gender ratios (all myths are labeled genderless from what I can see)
Gen 5: The Forces of Nature (all three of them 100% male)
Gen 6: None lmao
Gen 7: None again lmao
Gen 8: Urishifu (And the pre evolution but that's a whole different question for a different time) (weird 87.5 male 12.5 female split)
Gen 9: The Loyal Three (100%) and Terapagos (50/50)
Of course this requires you to make it all the way to Gen 9.
I will say that even though I did warn about overdoing the futa, I'm not opposed to making the Forces of Nature all futa when the time comes to it not just because the gender ratio logic but if you were to go past gen 5, in gen 8 there is Enamorus, the fourth Force of Nature who is 100% female which could provide a fun writing angle. Don't feel forced to have to put a futa in each chaptor tho write what you feel.
I'd say the ones you mentioned would make sense to go futa
Im sure I can come up with something for gens 6 and 7
3 Small questions:
1. Which mon/mons are you working on now?
2. What are some side scenes you have added? (Don't need to disclose all, gotta keep some surprises :) )
3. I gave the idea of moving one of the sub legends to the second part (The Lake Guardians specifically) to balance the content split between the two halves (6/5 compared to 7/4) was wondering what you thought of that.
1. Shaymin
2. I'll give you a hint "Did you know..."
3. I might leave Heatran until the second half, the Lake Guardians might be getting put together but there's still three of them, I'd rather get that extra work done sooner
1. Cool
2. I get it ;)
3. Understandable it would be easier to just get them done And I can also see a reason as to why because Heatran is on the Battle Zone so you could have it be closed for some reason
Hello! First of all, love the work that you've done here. I just have one itty bitty issue on my end. The text color of dark blue (used for Latios, Suicune, and others) is kind of difficult for me to make out properly on a black background. Might just be a me issue, but I would appreciate it if the text for those characters were just a bit lighter so that I can properly read the text without highlighting it each time. Keep up the great work!
I haven't seen any issues so it might be that your brightness is too low
There's only so many color options in Twine
(unless I start using those color code things, but why type FFC0CB when I can type PINK)
I've been trying to avoid the darker blues for that exact reason, I'll see if I can make them a little brighter but I won't promise anything.
I've had the issue to, I have to highlight the text to read it. It blends in too much with the dark background
How do you feel about your game being on porn games hub
Someone asked this before, Chainsaws answer was basically the game isn't for money so if a site is going to use it, its not a real bother. (Edit: I just looked at the site and they technically credit Chainsaw lol but the comments seem to feel positive about the game... ones a little strange tho I won't repeat it here but if one were to check they can see what I mean. Also now I'm curious how many plays/visits the game has gotten on itch since porngameshub claims 87k visits. I've never really trusted the numbers on those sites even on the more credible ones like gamcore)
I forget exactly how, but there's a way you can look at a site's web code, and usually you can find random number generation code on such things. Most commonly on shopping sites that tell you how many people are 'looking' at an item to try and pressure you into buying it. The vast majority of the time, the number is just spat out by a random number generator.
According to my analytics, PokeBreeder has had 193k visits here on Itch
PGH now says 98k, but I have no clue if that's accurate or not
Also I was more asking on how they felt on their game gaining popularity
I think i said this on the other comment about this
Seeing my work turning up in other places must mean it's good enough to be shared around, so I think it's pretty cool!
you have an eye for quality
I'm fine with my work being shared, kinda freaked out by the depression/suicide conversation going on in the comments over there...
Yeah that's certainly a real heavy topic to suddenly show up in comments. Hope things turn out positively.
i think this is a pretty cool game and can't wait for the next update. p.s. does anyone know when the next update will be or have a estimate of when it will be?
If you look at the FAQ it explains that it will be done when its done. Its hard to actually do an ETA when there are a lot of factors like what's going on with stuff outside of making the game or potentially an idea that has alot of complexity to it (Deoxys). The one real thing I can say because I'm not the creator is that hopefully the gap between the Hoenn update and the next update is shorter then the gap between Johto and Hoenn updates due to Sinnoh being split into 2 parts
I try not to give estimates in case I end up getting delayed, but I will say that the next update probably won't come out until June.
I there's going to be about a whole week in May where I won't be able to work on it at all
i have a question , is arceus going to be harder to capture? something like 3 lives and a lot of different mechanics mixed? , like combat at one part a maze in the next and trivia at the third, and if you fail even one theres no way to capture arceus until the end where theres a second chance thats a little more easy, and that only appears if you have all pokemon?
(i know its more than 1 question but i wanna know if arceus being the god of pokemon is going to be harder)
Arceus is going to have a barrier for entry (collect all the mains) and the one chance as every Mythical does but I doubt there will be a second chance if you fail (Unless you use saves but who would do that :) ). Arceus does have a reginal human partner as well so I doubt it will be a Pokemon that simply comes back later in a different update. As for the actual content of the capture, I wouldn't know but your idea of it being a mix of most of the mechanics used so far feels fitting for scale and I'm going to assume was Chainsaws plan. Just know the next update is split and Arceus is being added in the second part.
I was planning to do a difficult quiz, but I like the idea of her having a quiz AND a battle, she is supposed to be GOD so it would make sense if it was harder to get her
But there won't be a second chance outside of save scumming
it said updated 5 days ago was it a fix?
I think that was me adding the Forms question to the FAQs
I didn't realize that Itch would count that as an update
I LOVE the regi designs but they've shown SEVERAL times that they are sentient in the games they can refuse to obey your commands and regiges Pokedex entries say he created SENTIENT life and they are OBVIOUSLY sentient in the anime
... this is a porn game where you create a harem of legendary pokemon to breed, all of them listen and do what you ask because you are their master.
The regis also do stuff of their own volition in the game with the ship scene when the trios all jump into your bed. The regis show up and offer to get into the bed of the MC after asking but the MC didn't go "I need to go order the regis to get into my bed" they just showed up and asked.
I think you need more evidence that they are not sentient other then just saying they aren't.
I'm pretty sure the Regis don't have big ol' tiddies in the games/anime either
There's going to be differences in what's canon and what I write
It's unavoidable
Hey there, just gonna a couple of things about this stupid-ass game:
One: Headcanons, mostly about this game's MC:
1. LPB's MC over here is kinda like Issei Hyoudou from High School DxD in terms of general character: both are escapist characters who are naughty-minded perverts with a heart of gold. Just that MC is more, subdued, about his perversions (or at least, doesn't flaunt it like something under his sleeve) compared to boob-lover McGee over there.
2. LPB's MC is also, pretty blunt, given that most of his encounters with Legendaries under Maple's request tend to begin with "hello, I am here to make children with you." from the fella.
3. MC's mom and Professor Maple go way back as friends from elementary who took different career paths but still kept in touch with each other. Probably the reason why a normal Pokemart employee is even called at Maple's lab (aside from the half-Ditto thing).
4. Despite Professor Maple's kinship with MC's mom, MC himself never really got to see Maple all that often, "she's probably busy with lab and science shit" he often said to himself, which is probably the reason why he never even heard of Maple's life outside of her scientific contributions, like having a husband.
5. His general attitude with the whole "gotta breed all dem Legends" thing is a mix of attempted professionalism (trying and failing to convince himself and others that he's just doing this under the request of his mom's friend to preserve legendaries), genuine excitement (seeking out his world's equivalent to Gods is excitement in on itself), and some of his own dirty thoughts into the mix (Lust is a sin, duh)
And two: A bit of support, can't wait for the Sinnoh update bro, given that I feel like it's gonna be a beefier content update compared to the Hoenn update.
Okay, lets see what kind of answers I can make up here!
1. MC is absolutely an unashamed pervert, but is self aware enough to realize when and where he should let that side of him show, people usually see him as being a fairly normal (if slightly eccentric) guy, that's before they get to know him anyway.
2. I don't know if I'd call the MC blunt, he can use tact when he has to, it's just that most parts of his adventure don't call for it, so he finds being straightforward easier.
3. Maple and the MC live in the same small town (think Pallet Town but slightly bigger), it's the sort of place where everyone knows everyone, so Maple and MC's Mom would probably know each-other, but they wouldn't be exceptionally close.
4. Maple is pretty reclusive when she's focused on her work, before the events of the game, MC only really knew her as "The hot scientist who lives nearby", it doesn't help that MC usually only pays attention to T&A so wouldn't have bothered learning about her home life.
5. MC like to act like a scientist and does genuinely believe in Maple's cause, but there's no hiding the fact that he's in this for the thrills, both in the adventure and in the bedroom, Maple considers him an Asset (and lover if you boned her), not a researcher.
The update is going fine, I think I'll go through with the plan to release it in two halves.
Half of Sinnoh will actually be as much content as the game had on its initial release, plus that will cut down on the wait for you guys!
Sweet. I'm pretty curious and excited about what shit you're gonna bring to the table when it comes to the Sinnoh update (well, aside from just adding Sinnoh's legendaries and teasing Unova after the player's done with it) being a two-parter, but given the legends and myths located in that region alone (14 bro, 9 of which being legends and 5 being myths), I'd say it's fairly justified to make it a two-parter. Like, I'm curious about what Sinnoh Part 1 and 2 are gonna be about.
Part 1 is going to be the Sub Legends and Mythicals (except one)
Part 2 will be the Main Legends and the remaining Myth, along with the ship section afterwards
Both updates will include extra side scenes too
Do the lake guardians count as sub or main Legendary's? They do play central roles in the games main story unlike the sub legends we have seen so far.
Im going by what Serebii says (I think I made a joke about that early on in the game)
So they're counted as Subs, main Legends are mostly the ones on the game boxes
Also I'm putting the Lake Guardians together since they're so freaking identical that I don't see any point in separating them!
I will note chainsaw isn't planning to do Phione making it 13 but that fair because Phiones mythical status has been challenged by Gamefreak themselves (Edit: Also to avoid confusion the "except one" and "remaining myth" isn't about Phione, its Arceus)
Hey man loved all the new side scenes that you put in the early regions, great way of increasing replayabilty. Hows the next update btw?
Next update is steadily getting done, I've finished 2 Mons and their matching Humans, added a handful of side scenes too!
Possibly unintentional, but why does it have futa in the tags?
Nvm, now i know (still wish the mc could have female pronouns tho)
Yeah, it's only Latios right now but there will be others
Making the MC a Futa would require a major rework so... not happening I'm afraid
how are you gonna handle arceus' different plate forms
This is when giving legendary Pokémon forms became a big thing with Gamefreak so might as well round all the form questions by asking bout Giritina's forms.
I assume that because the different forms are canonically meant to be one for the distortion world one for the real world she looks strange when attempting the capture her, then look more normal once taken to the real world. Thats an idea at least.
They'll probably get used for side scenes, that's pretty much going to be my plan for all alternate forms
I added the Forms question to the FAQs now
are you making shaymin evolve to its sky form or have two Pokémon
Sky form will probably be a transformation that I'll use for a side scene, but she'll mostly stay in her regular form
Typo Report Breaking News
A fairly simple mistake but a hard one to notice
Rayquaza breed scene
"...you hadn't noticed because you were too busy trying not to fall of of her while keeping..."
Edit: Even more breaking news
coke on the brain eh
Kyogre Lugia ship scene
"Dignity?! I saw you drooling on the floor after Rayquaza kncoked you out!"
Thanks and... fixed!
Are you actually gonna add every legendary and mythical Pokémon from every gen If so good luck with that and are you gonna do the same plan for regiggias with your current arceus plan
I'm hoping to get them all if I can
Regigigas... will require something to unlock, it should be easy enough to figure out though.
I don't know why but I keep remembering how giratina abducted people in the anime movie now I'm imagining it with giratina's wing/tentacles dragging him by the pants as he claws the ground.
Palkia: The town goth has left the house.
Giratina: Bring me the country loving farm boy/
*Dialga dragging in a tied up mc*
I'm imaging that clip of Spongebob being dragged into the kitchen
No! I want to live!
Maybe I can work a scene like that in somewhere
oh Idea giratina is the last one the mc breeds before you meet arceus since you need the other legendaries everytime the mc is constantly getting the feeling of being watched every time he is by a mirror or water that is not rippling (since giratina needs a reflective surface to drag people to their world from the anime)
Arceus is a mythical so technically they are a one attempt non-required pokemon. Also Rayquaza so far has been the only legendary that has had a legendary barrier to entry. Perhaps Arceus could require the main legendarys to attempt but depends mainly on what Chainsaw wants. Also the anime isn't a main source Chainsaw uses often, I asked for a lil scene/dialogue with Rayquaza about Deoxys due to their connection in the anime but didn't end up happening ... I think I might not have tested it the right way. (This comment makes me sound like a nerd glasses emoji type of guy lol) (Edit: I just checked it was there :) if you want to see it you need to get Rayquaza before leaving to get Deoxys )
I actually meant to write a Rayquaza & Deoxys scene, but I forgot...
I'll get that done ready for the next update!
Actually my current plan is that you'd need Dialga, Palkia, AND Giritina before you can attempt Arceus.
I like the watching through reflections thing, and you gave me a better plan to set up Giritina's section!
any chance you add a scene where the mc is fucked in the ass by someone?
None, not really my thing
I like femboy butts, but that's as far as that kind of content will go
will you add missingno? just curious as i think it would be interesting to see how it goes
Already planning to put her in, I won't go into details but she will get in eventually
It has been about 2 weeks since you talked about starting work on chapter 4 I think that's fair enough to ask how the actual update is going so far?
Going a bit slowly, real life keeps getting in the way
But it's starting to speed up now
Well that's good to hear. I hope none of the real life stuff is anything too serious :)
Nah, nothing serious, but nothing I could ignore either
Funny idea I had if you're gonna try the half and half update. If you click on a non finished mon/human, the path is blocked by a Snorlax.
It could be for that or this is another side scene idea but Gen 1 has only 4-5 slots according to your rules so don't want to waste too many.
The Side Scene limit isn't set in stone, it's just a vague guideline for myself
I think I'll just close off the links for scenes I haven't written, but I like the idea of a Snorlax side scene!
A sleepy BBW blocks the path!
Tonight on Typo Report
Two typos for the price of one scene!?!
Phoebe breed scene:
You grin awkwardly as you lower Phoebe's feet to the floor, you warn her that she's absolutily pregnant and will absolutily
The fact this was repeated makes me worried you should check any other instance of absolutely
This has been the Typo Report
Thanks again!
I checked and it looks like those were the only absolutilys
I think I've found a way to spell check the whole thing but it's going to be time consuming...
Either way, I always appreciate the reports!
on the note of side scenes I would like to see the pseudo legendary pokemon for each region like Dragonite being added to chapter 1 and Tyranitar in chapter 2 Salamence in 3 and so on.
Already been requested and already being planned!
A somewhat random thought, but I wonder now that side scenes are a thing and plenty of ideas have been pitched, do you have some sort of rule for how many side scenes you would add to previous chapters per update?
I think it would be nice to have some side scenes serve as like mini updates between the big chapter updates to perhaps tide some people over while waiting for the new region. Some people were becoming a lil impatient near the release of V3 so.
I don't have any aprticular limit to side scenes, I guess as long as there's less of them than there are Legendarys in the region then that's fine
I'm mostly relegating them with the idea that only iconic (or commonly R34'd) Mons will get side scenes
I suppose I could try and do a mini update when Sinnoh is half done to help bridge the gap
I'll have to block off the stuff I didn't do yet so nobody gets stuck in an empty page
Do you mean like adding the finished half of Sinnoh or adding in side scenes? Im not sure what you mean by needing to block off stuff. I kind of like how the regions drop as one big package but perhaps this is me just showing my lack of knowledge in developing a twine/html game
Adding the half finished Sinnoh, just adding in the side scenes wouldn't be much of an update since there'd only be a handful of them
I'd have to lock off chapter 4 and remove a lot of images from the files to make sure none of the chapter 4 images are left in
It would be easier to just do a half-update and close off the links to Legends/Humans that I haven't written yet
It would give more content too since it would be 5 (maybe) Mons/Mans along with any side scenes I'll have written by then
Alright, I get that I did see some images in the download versions gallery clearly meant for future updates. Maybe you should poll other people on if they think this method for updates is better or not.
I know it's a few generations down the road for Pokémon, but could you maybe add a variant of either ash greninja or greninja yeah, its a starter Pokémon but from my knowledge it's a fan favorite. understandable if its not in the kalos region since it's not legendary
I can put Greninja in as a Side Scene, maybe I'll make reference to Ash Greninja somehow?
I also wonder what the next game will be about once this one is complete and any updates for future pokemon games.
If were sticking with the theme of parody pregnancy.
you could go digimon
His other current project is vore related. He likes to have a side project to avoid burning out on this one. Who knows what comes after that game but another game like this is one I wouldn't mind, don't want to stick him to a single kink though he can make what he likes.
I've never gotten into Digimon so that's not happening
I've said elsewhere that I have a side project, it's still very early in development though as PokeBreeder is my priority, I do have a playable tech demo but I haven't released it yet.
It is a VORE game though, so if you're not into that then... well just don't play it
Funny Idea for Unova region.
Volcarona was thought to be a legendary (or was meant to be one before being scrapped and made into an ancient insect species) MC goes into temple ruins finds it impregnates it and the professor reveals its not even a legend or a myth lol
Yes! I like it! Its going in!
You know that also applys to Arcanine, thats why the Pokedex labels it as the "Legendary Pokemon" and the anime put an inscription of Arcanine next to the legendary birbs (I think the writers got confused lol)
I think it was because arcanine was meant to be entei
Oh, that gives me an idea for an Arcanine side scene!
thanks man
Adding my two cents to this thread, though this one i don't expect to go anywhere.
I once had a Black and White guidebook that mistakenly marked freaking Delibird as a legendary
I... wha- how?! DELIBIRD!
As hilarious as that is, I don't think I can make that go anywhere
I remember that!
In this case i don't think it is considered incest but i can be wrong on this but manaphy is not considered in pokemon contactest to be related even if the person taking care of the egg is considered acting father.
The manaphy concern didn't have to do with incest, its the fact that in some peoples mind manaphy coming from an egg could give her the image of a kid, something that Chainsaw really wants to avoid
Not a review, just found your game on another website (porngameshub, though I can't send you the link cuz itchio doesn't want links they deem malicious/spammy, you can check it out for yourself)
Kinda funny ngl.
Ooh, I'm getting good enough for people to share my work without my permission!
I'm fine with that btw, I'm not charging for this so it doesn't bother me if it's being uploaded elsewhere
Uh Oh I'm being a typo guy again oooooo
Shelly Anal scene
Shelly wipes herself skin with her hands before licking them clean and swallowing, forcing your baby-batter back down her throat and into her stomach where it belongs....
Didn't really look closely before but this one stuck out
I love me some Typo Reports!
Will you do something about missingno that we see in the 3rd (?) region ?
I do plan to bring her back, but I won't say when
can the pokemon who gave birth become pregnant again and aren't there pokemon moves and items that can boost the user it be a fun idea to boost sperm and ovulation to make the legendaries even more pregnant
They will keep getting pregnant as the chapters progress, it'll happen automatically
I'll probably add a few scenes where the MC uses Items but it won't have any extra effect on the game
My second attempt at predicting the pairs minus the ones I know already. To be real the term "few" in response to last time is kind of shaking my confidence because there will be repeats but I got more reasoning this time.
Lake Guardians and Dawn: Dawn is from Sandgem Town or Twinleaf depending but both are very close to Lake Verity where Mesprit is. My MASSIVE assumption is that all of the Lake Guardians joined up at Lake Verity because Palkia and Dialga went to the other lakes and have been messing with space and time around them. This is so they can be separated because they are both from the Spear Pillar normally. TLDR, Dawn is no longer a yolo guess
Dialga/Palkia and Mars/Jupiter: If my mistake was being confident about which one goes which I will eliminate that confidence. They are both valid enough to go with either the only true deciding factor is what Chainsaw decided to do. This is what happens when you have two women characters on the same team unlike last time with two women on different teams, knowing what the specific pairing is for them is a coin flip.
Giratina and Maylene: I believe that location has trumped typing here because Giratina is in the Turnback Cave (nice name GameFreak) which is very close to Veilstone City where Maylene is.
Heatran and Bertha: Typing reasoning stands, Heatran is located in Stark Mountain, which Bertha also is associated with in the Dimond and Pearl remakes/remasters. This is also the Battle Zone so her being around isn't out of the ordinary.
Manaphy and Fantina: Seems like Fantina is the one getting leftover. I guess Giratinas ghost-type wouldn't be common knowledge to trainers anyway. Idk what your plan is but my assumption would be its similar to Phoebe in that they assume Manaphy is some sort of ghost. Also oops I called her elite 4 last time that's not true she's just so fabulous I mistook her as such. (More reasoning that I know is me overthinking is that she's from Hearthome City, a city Bulbapedia described as "Hearthome City is a child-friendly city; there are many families and young mothers living there" Manaphy, the mythical Pokémon with the unique breeding attribute, going to a city of family and mothers actually kind of works)
Arceus and Cynthia: This one is the same and looking back at the teaser image, Cynthia is at the Spear Pillar clearly and Arceus is literarily above it this pairing just seems right in my mind.
I will like one more attempt if any of these is incorrect before throwing in the towel but I think my logic is sound with these.
Lake Guardians and Dawn, yes, for that exact reason, they're all hanging around in the lake so she saw them and wants you to bring them to her.
Palkia and Dialga to Mars and Jupiter, yes, but I forgot which way round I put them...
You had Giritina right the first time, she's going to Fantina
Heatran and Bertha, yep
Manaphy is going to Maylene, neither of them had a good match but I've got about half of an idea ready to put them together
Arceus and Cynthia, YES!
"you got a few", I guess you were keeping it on the downlow because it looked like I got most lol.
Yeah, you did.
My attempts at subtlety need work!
I'm happy to see you continueing with this. I've enjoyed each chapter so far and I'm excited to see what you have coming next.
Glad you're enjoying yourself so far, hopefully Chapter 4 will be as good as you want it to be
Because it seems that your getting back into the swing of things is it okay if you can confirm or deny some of the predictions I made earlier, my curiosity knows no bounds. Minimum ask is the Regigigas pairing since she's who your working on rn.
I will also like to posit my idea of have psudeo-legendarys as potential side events. There is 1 per region, perhaps its an event one gets for being a completionist.
Regigigas is going with Candice since they're both in Snowpoint
Candice wants to know what's in the temple since nobody can open it
I can add the Pseudo's at some point
Man... I need to factor in locations more
Last time you made guesses, you seemed to put way more thought into it than I did
Usually I just match Types or draw whatever vague connection I can make
well if thats true I assume I got Shaymin right and Manaphy is Dawn
(You don't need to list all the pairings yet I'm treating this like a puzzle)
Shaymin is going with Gardenia, that's a pretty obvious one
Manaphy didn't have a clear match, so is ending up with someone I had left over, like Registeel going to Flannery
How is doing thext update? I mean are you having trouble like you had with deoxys?Or in the new region is easier to get the images?
It wasn't the images I had problems with for Deoxys, it was encoding her dialogue since I didn't have a website to do it for me at the time
The update is going well but I've only really just started on it so there's not much to talk about right now
I picked Regigigas first for... some reason
found a good starting image for re gigigas got some promising results from it when making it more female
Thanks but I've actually got all of her images already.
I don't use starting images anyway, I generate just from prompts
I am here to request a Roark appearance in the Sinnoh region, definitely not just cause I’m downbad for him
That's going to depend on how you want him to appear, there aren't exactly going to be a lot of male characters in this so unless you want to see him as a femboy, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed
If you DO want to see femboy Roark, I'll see what I can do
Ykw, I’ll take it!
Alrighty I'll see what I can do for you