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Should i try to beat the old boss and new boss and everyone here can vote yes or no

Go for it!

The job is done



Monster Humper Story Rant

To begin this rant I should explain what's gonna be mainly it's just gonna be observations about the characters, the monsters the gameplay.

The Hunter: to begin this rant I have to talk about the main character. And my thoughts on him. And my thoughts are pretty simple. He's a pretty good character. Definitely not deep in anyway, but except for how deep he can get into girls. But he actually seems like a decent guy, a decent guy that fail to his perverted thoughts but a decent guy. he seems like the guy that such a pretty nice person if you got to know him, but you're not gonna get to know him because well he's a monster fucker. 

The Admiral: now it's time to talk about the big booty and big titties boss. She's a really funny character because she's so understandable. in her hatred of the Hunter because it makes sense like, what emotion would you have when some guy fucking your pet true hatred. Well, I also kind of feel like she has a little secret. She's kinda into it. But she doesn't know she's into it but she's kind of into it. That's why she send those pictures to the Hunter just for motivation just because she kinda wants to and most likely after they complete their mission. She may give him a personal view or her body let's say.

Hofield: no let's talk about the style of the show. Hofield is one of the best parts of this game from her dialogue to her weird random stories to her jokes to her body. She's one of the best things in this game. I feel like her inclusion just makes sense. In your other games pokebreeder the MC has conversations with the girls. But in this game well you can't exactly have conversations with the monsters so you need a second person to make the jokes. And Hofield is great for that. I also really want to know how long it takes you usually to do the cats speak thing.

The Monsters: the monsters are the main reason why a lot of people are gonna be in this game and for that they look good. The AI can make them all look the same, but you did the best that you could with what you could have. Only problem I have with the design. The Raptors are two Raptors in a way some of the art just make them look too much like actual straight up dinosaurs size for that nitpick. The designs are great. Also, the names are hilarious. 

The gameplay: the gameplay is quite simple. It's basically just rock paper scissors with extra things to do. But this is kind of like the big thing. A lot of the extra features during combat are kind of pointless away like the only things you really need is healing, and just to know which button to press. That's like my only nitpick is that the combat is a little too simple in a way. I don't know how hard it would be to make it so the Hunter will just be affected by a stat element like poison paralysis. But that is possible it can make a lot of fights a little more interesting in a way. I'm not saying the fights right now boring they can just kinda get singing me if you go through them again. But it's a good system. If it doesn't change well I'm not gonna be mad about it.

in the near future, I may do another rant talk about possible monsters that I would like to see in this game but now right now I'm tired


Alrighty! Let's see what ya ranted about!

The Hunter: The Hunter is very much like the Breeder, he's not really what anyone is here for, so there's not much point developing him as a character, that way the Player can project onto him a little too! I'd say the Hunter is a little bit of a jerk, but ultimately is a good person overall.

The Admiral: I wanted her to act as a counterpart to Professor Maple, where Maple fully believes in the Breeder and his ability to succeed in their mission (She did let him knock her up at the very start of the journey after all), the Admiral openly despises the Hunter and wants him to fail. I feel that over time, her hatred will develop into a sort of obsession, one she might not fully understand and will continue making excuses for.

Hofield: I needed someone to talk during this game and that someone turned out to be Hofield, since I don't have a large cast of characters to be weird and funny, she ended up taking on the whole job herself and has turned out to be... completely insane. Writing her dialogue is pretty easy, I've got a few standard puns like Meowster or adding Fur into things, but it's not hard looking out for places to add more.

The Monsters: I do try to keep the Monsters interesting, especially when I have to redesign them... which is most of the time, there's going to be a few that will need MAJOR overhauls later on, but that's why they get new names too, sure the Popo from Monster Hunter have giant tusks, but this is a BOOBO from Monster HUMPER and they have giant ANTLERS!

The Gameplay: I have a few plans in place to try and make the battles a bit more interesting.
1. Variable Damage - I'll try and set the damage done by the Hunter and the Monsters to have a little bit of randomness in it, so instead of doing a set 50 (for example) damage each time, it will be multiplied by something between 0.8 and 1.2, so it could be anywhere from 40 to 60 in the end.
2. Stun Status - If the Hunter fails or ties a Head-to-Head when the Monster (any Monster) is enraged, there will be a chance of getting the STUN status, which will basically be a weaker paralysis that disables one of the Hunters attacks at random, Hofield will have an item or a skill to cure it of course.
3. Random Attacks - Monsters right now ONLY use one attack type depending on their mood, I want to add in a chance for them to use their other attacks on occasion, first this will mean giving all three attack types to each Monster (Power, Speed, Tech) and making it so they pick one out of their current mood maybe 1/3 of the time.
Obviously I'll need to balance this out somehow, maybe upping the Hunter's HP to account for the extra mistakes the Player will make?

good to hear

What is the name of the song that plays during the sex scenes with the Asstontia?


There's four sex songs that play at random for ALL the Monsters.

Horny (Electroswing Version)- Pisk
Menage a trois - Parov Stelar Trio
Obsessed with you - Orion
Lazerlove - Royal Republic

Why with the AR  to do the same attack that was the only problem the rest and else is all good 

The AR? Not sure I understand your question here.

Why Was it able to do the same attack that's mine but it's better can you understand it now 

You mean you tied and the Monster did more damage to you?
They have higher attack, so they do more damage

(1 edit)

I think he tried to say that some monsters are unpredictable when they are in special attack

It's rank 4 and some rank 2 monsters

That's intentional, Special Attacks are either Healing or a Random Attack

Love the update, but I'm having a little trouble with the combat. Like, is the shield broken? I tried using it to build SP in the anjanath fight, but I was taking the same amount of damage.

The shield should make it so you only take 1x the Monster's attack, same as if you won the match-up

Tying with them makes it 2x and losing makes it 3x

My save got deleted. :(

We all gpt delete saved

That happens when I update I'm afraid, no way around it.

Did i hear a new boss?

A few new bosses and one new bonus boss!



Wow!! I must say that I did not expect this game to have a big update in its story since as a video game player I am more of its stories or campaigns and now I must say that putting the introduction was very good since the game itself is great for the dialogues and images in having a good story undoubtedly gives it the touch, the truth is you have a lot of talent for this apart from that you have your other masterpiece (the legendary pokemon breeder) that also my respects for such wonderful games and I look forward to your future updates or projects that you have in mind, you really are everything to your community and also take care of your health do not overexert yourself too much (I'm sorry but I'm not good at English so I hope it was not annoying).



I will admit, the story is never going to be anything huge or amazing, it'll mostly be the Admiral getting slightly less bitchy towards the Hunter.

But I'm glad you're enjoying my writing even so!

Yes, I understand what you mean, but I still really appreciate your work and effort, not only with this game but also with the other one. The truth is that you have a great talent as a writer (of course, even though you have said that they are one or two stupid things that come out of your head) but you turn them into wonderful works. I truly wish you the best for this end of the year and the beginning of the new year 😄👍✨


It’s time to go fuck some monsters

(1 edit)
One of my first comments to this game I talked about maybe making a rant for it. I think I can fully do it now.

At last!


The new update coming along


Coming along well, I need to finish  the second bonus boss and then its on to playtesting

good to hear

Should i try to beat the dragon again?


Alright let's this!!

I did it!


I hope she'll be be a good challenge in the upcoming update, after I've balanced a bunch of stuff

Nothing is like to op i was smart to think about what to use and what to not use and here a idea how about you make the dragon a first boss?

What do you mean by "make the dragon a first boss" exactly?

(1 edit)

Well like a first boss mean the easy boss and harder boss after it like your pokemon game when you get every pokemon you go to another island 

Sorry, I'm really not sure I understand what you mean here.

Hey chainsaw, how’s that new update coming along


It's going good, I think I might add one more Monster as a Rank 4 Bonus Boss to go with the Queen in Green fight then I should be ready to release the update!

It's not a TON of new content but I've been working on balancing the game mechanics a bit and I need some feedback.

We help 


I am the third of the checketeer give me a check


Added a few new monsters and done a pretty big overhaul of the SP system to try and balance the game a little more.
I might have an update ready for this in a week or two!


(1 edit) (+1)

Here is few tips to beat the big dragon

Just count her attacks and use hi potion to heal if you don't have enough point then use a normal potion and when you have enough point use the hi potion 


I'm hoping to try and balance the game a little more in the future so fights won't just be a matter of Potion spamming until you win


plesioth we need those hips


The Hip-Check will be her Special of course!

But programmed those hips so no matter what you try to do you will always get it


So only the shield or Hofield's skills will save you?

I can probably make that work


When you add Diablos into the gate, I think it would be a good idea if you make them a black Diablos because they are just a female in heat


I wasn't planning on addind subspecies (mostly to keep my workload down) but that could work.

Maybe she could turn black when you win the fight and the aphrodisiac kicks in

that could work

Alrighty! I'll remember to do that when I get to Diablos


Would you consider some male monsters? I am not gay but I do like diversity and you had Heateren and Latios in the other one and the diversity is nice. I refuse to believe this is a world of no males outside of the protagonist. It's unheard of.

Well not like that but latios and heatran are call futanari which they both have pussy and chicken but in this game the MC must revieve they species by breed the female and he didn't explain they no male that just my opion


I might add a few femboys here and there as random side scenes, but I won't be adding Futas or full on Men

(1 edit) (+4)

Femboys are a must

I beat the dragon!

Ayyy! Congrats!

I am shock that i actually did it and the game is great

Nice game and music

I tthink in the future you will have to give us the option to buy an upgrade the healing skill. 


Hofield's Cheery Cheer you mean?
I need to rework that skill so it's different to the potions, but there will be a better version of it at some point.

That's the one I couldn't remember the name.

when will the update be released

This hasn't even been out for a week and I only work on it during weekends, be patient

Deleted 149 days ago

I can see your point with the music, I'm just using songs I like at the minute so I might swap them out later for better fitting ones

Typos found(updated as I find more):

 Don't get heat-stroke over there Meowster.
I need to to be healthy to carry me home after I faint. 
-Apcerass pussy scene

It was supposed to be "I need YOU to be healthy..."
I'll get that fixed up, along with any others you find


Did you use Ai for the images? No offense I just noticed some inconsistencies with the art of the characters in different scenes. such as body properties and tail designs.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah he did it’s in the description 

The ai images can be really good depending on what ones comes up when generating them based on the options you choose, these are great.

I use AI art for all my projects, I enjoy writing a lot more than I enjoy drawing and I give my work away for free so using AI just made sense.
It will get a little inconsistant or messy at times since I use a free AI instead of a paid one

Deleted 153 days ago


shame, shame shame on you



Deleted 153 days ago

What AI do you use to generate the images?


The "Drawn Furry" option on

🤔 I’m kind of fuse how to work it can you help me please

(1 edit) (+1)

Choose the art style you want from the menu, type in some words to describe what you want, use simple words and separate them with commas.

Then click Generate

I think I understand 

(1 edit)

same one I use


demo is good keep up with the good work


Thank you! I'll do my best

Is the queen in green quest actually impossible?

(1 edit) (+1)

No, make sure you have the best armor you can, Hi-Potions, and use your sp for healing wisely

Yeah, getting the Alloy Armor, hi-potions and Cheery Cheer will be the best way to win against her, i also use shield when she has Special as her mood status, the hi-potions gives you 350 per use and the cheer gives 75 iirc, the normal potions can be used along with cheer if your close to 700 HP during the fight.


I did make sure she was beatable before uploading, everything will be rebalanced at some point though


are you going to add a skip feature to select monsters you have already fought like the beginning of the Pokémon game 

Maybe at some point, but the game is still pretty short right now, so i wont yet


I had a lot of fun I learn it a lot of stuff good job

I just had the scene with the mosslut, I believe I made more damage with technical even though she used power

Looks like I put the wrong icon, her basic attack is supposed to be SPEED not POWER, I'll get that fixed, probably won't update the game just for that though so it'll stay that way for a while


a very wonderful game <3 nice art

Wish I could take credit for the art, but it's all AI

Where quest 3 tho

I'm wondering that to maybe it's a typo

Nope, it's intentional


Not here, the final fight is a Rank 4 fight, it's supposed to be a bonus boss.
Rank 3 will get added at some point

I’m actually thinking of going on a rant about what makes this game good kinda like a review

You know I'll be looking forward to that!


looks very good 

I haven't even tried the demo, but I saw that cat and I see a bear(?), this is already gonna be fantastic.


Yep, that's a bear alright


Quick question is there any pregnancy chances? If so that could help bring back these animals from going extinct


yeah overhunting is a big issue especially the ratholos and its plate

That's pretty much what the game's about


damn, I can already tell this game is gonna be nice

It's here!

I know!

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